Friday, August 13, 2010

Rand Paul wants you to shut up!

I missed this Rand Paul story back in June, so thanks to Hillbilly Report from Leslies bloglist I GOOGLED and found some interesting words coming from teabagger, libertarian, wingnut Rand Paul!

He wants you, middle class and poor Americans looking for work, to stop whining and take a job, any job, even one with a lower wage then your before job that is now gone, possibly to Mexico! BTW, did you  hear about the new Mexico General Motors plant?? Why are Mexicans coming here for work when our corporations are taking OUR work to them???  You got some 'splaining to do Mr. President!

Remember when Bush was president and people had to work 2 and 3 jobs because there was so much wage stagnation and jobs going overseas?? Rand Paul is continuing that Bush legacy, he wants you to get off your ass and help the economy by working for poverty wages. Does he call for CEO's to take pay cuts? Does he call for the top1% to help the economy by paying their fair share in taxes? The teachers unions in my state have agreed to wage freezes, thanks to Chris Christie and his HUGE education budget cuts. Now complain a little more about unions righties!

Rand Paul, his answer to the sluggish economy and our growing demand for unemployment INSURANCE to put food in the mouths of babes...

 "It's time for America's unemployed to face facts and stop holding out for jobs similar to the ones they've lost.
As bad as it sounds, ultimately we do have to sometimes accept a wage that's less than we had at our previous job in order to get back to work and allow the economy to get started again," he said. "Nobody likes that, but it may be one of the tough love things that has to happen."

Can't ya just hear that southern drawl of his, saying these words!? Here he is righties, your guy Rand!!


Anonymous said...

Well it's about time the teachers unions had to sacrifice like the res of the people who had to take "pay cuts" and/or a lay off.
Why should anyone take a low paying job when they can have no job .
look at that people were able to find 2 jobs when Bush was president and now people can't find any job.
Remember Nancy and Harry were at the helm for 4 years.

Jerry Critter said...

Of course he wants everyone else to take a pay cut. As I recall, he wasn't so happy about Medicare reimbursement cuts.

Just another republican Hypocrite. After all, doctors need to make a living wage. To hell with everyone else!

Leslie Parsley said...

Oh my, Anon showing her royal ignorant ass again. The average pay for K-12 teachers is under $45K a year.

You can search by location.

Leslie Parsley said...

Also, teachers do work second jobs during the school year and the summers. They need to make money to cover teaching materials and classroom supplies.

Sue said...

lisa-anon I put the teachers line in there just for you! We all know the GOP hates teachers and public schools, so if the teachers were not unionized they would probably be making minimum wage and working 2 and 3 jobs. As for Bush years and people working 2 and 3 jobs is because all they could find were minimum wage jobs. Stop blaming Harry and Nancy for Bushes policies and disasters, he vetoed every thing that came before him that he did not want.

Sue said...

the living wage is for doctors, CEO's, bankers, Senators, etc. etc. Jerry the righties CRY and whine if middle America makes a buck, that is NOT allowed!

Sue said...

Leslie that's right, teachers get the shaft and they have the responsibility of our nations children in their hands. The GOP hates public schools. Google what has happened in all the years of republican rule to our educational system. It is shameful.

Leslie Parsley said...

Well that rules out Lisa being a teacher - thank the Lord and spare the ammunition!

Happy To Be/ Gl♥ria said...

Oh Sue I was doing my Happy dance seeing you come by...Girl I have really missed you and Amelia how is that sweet thing doing...I bet she has gotten so big now...send me a new pic of her will you??
I pray all is well in your world my Dear friend..Take care and THANKS again you just made my day many memories of RMS ha ha!! Love ya Sis...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

Silverfiddle said...

If we didn't have the ongoing human rights abuse known as illegal immigrants working for slave wages, the working class could actually demand a living wage from employers.

Back in the day they would call illegal immigrants scabs...

Sue said...

that argument doesn't hold up SF. Illegal immigrants take a very small segment of the jobs market.

Silverfiddle said...

I wouldn't call 5-10 million workers a small segment.

And you condone greedy business owners exploiting these people?

Leslie Parsley said...

SF: You need to complain to McCain and all his AZ business buds who are the ones who hire the illegals. In fact, McCain said, in effect, that while the illegals should be rounded up the employers should not be punished.
It is people like McCain who have kept this system going for generations.

Silverfiddle said...

tnlib: You get no argument from me.

Mac has it ass-backwards. We should be jailing unscrupulous businesses who are too damned greedy to pay Americans a living wage and instead turn to slave labor.

In this respect, Obama is doing something right that Bush was doing wrong. He is going after business owners and leaving the illegal immigrants to self-deport, as it should be.

If we were frog marching managers off to jail, corporations would not be hiring illegal immigrants.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

The ground just got real cold. I think hell might have froze over. I agree with Silverfiddle.

Damn. We were having fun with the sheep analogies.

Silverfiddle said...

Something all of you should realize about me by now is that I am about first principles, not personalities.

Base your argument on a single personality or party and eventually you will hit a logical cul-de-sac, because human beings and our institutions are full of inconsistencies.

Further, politics runs on bullshit and hypocrisy, so pointing out the obvious becomes tiresome.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Truth101 said... The ground just got real cold. I think hell might have froze over. I agree with Silverfiddle.

As do I. There is no need for militarizing the border, reinterpreting the 14th amendment, internment camps, or Arizona's unconstitutional racial profiling law -- if employers verify that someone is a US citizen before hiring them.

If they are caught breaking the law, the employer is fined, goes to jail, (and if they keep breaking the law) has their business license revoked.

We need to get serious with these corporate law breakers. for example, fines clearly aren't having the desired effect with BP... they should be kicked out of the US. If you refuse to follow our laws then you can't do business here.

As for the people that are already here... I don't believe in punishing the victim. Because of our refusal to go after illegal employers -- the US government has implicitly condoned so-called "illegal" immigration. You can't offer someone living in poverty a job, tell them they are breaking the law if they accept it -- but it's a law that isn't really enforced -- and then be surprised when they accept the job.

What would you do in their situation? All the Right-wingers would let their families starve on principle? "Clearly they do not enforce the law, but still, it is the law"!

For those people we need to provide a path to citizenship.

Anonymous said...

we need to stop letting them abuse the 14th amendment too.

Les Carpenter said...

@ Sue... you said:

"Pamela Geller, what a hideous piece of crap her blog is...She and the other rightwing wackos can cry all they want about the mosque, they are just more proof of the bigoted, hateful, morons they are!"

And then the progressive collectivists wonder why conservatives and Libertarians show such disdain for the liberals.

Talk about about name calling. It is becoming soooo common place to view this kind of name calling in the blogoshere. Even some of the conservative bloggers are guilty of it (even I have made the occasional mistake), but the lib writers are by far more prone to personal attacks.

To refer to a persons perceived ideology... progressive, conservative, marxist, fascist, collectivist, Lenninist,left wing,right wing, etc.,etc.,etc., is certainly fair game.

But, peice of crap, bigoted, a-hole,and a whole slew of other juicy adjectives really serves little too no no useful purpose.

Guess I am becoming a more pastel shade of right wing independent conservativism with an exteme Libertarian almost anarchistic (sp.)leanings.

Thanks for the space Sue. Always a pleasure to visit your site!

Les Carpenter said...

Sue - My comment was meant to go on a following post obviously.

Sorry, must me getting tired!