From Linda, her rightwing talking points and utter absurdity has my heart rate up and my blood pressure at the boiling point!!
The Failure of Obamanomics
Time to Admit Obamanomics Has Failed
Washington Examiner
August 8, 2010
"Chairwoman of the White House Council of Economic Advisers Christina Romer is retiring during one of the worst economic downturns our country has experienced. (Gerald Herbert/AP file)
It's no coincidence that Christina Romer, chairwoman of the White House Council of Economic Advisers, announced her retirement the day before Friday's brutal unemployment report. With 131,000 more jobs lost in July, and downward revisions of 97,000 for the previous two months, it's easy to see why she would start looking for the exits.
Romer is best known for drafting the February 2009 report "The Job Impact of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan," which the White House used as an ammunition belt in the fight to gain passage of its $862 billion economic stimulus bill (the actual cost of which exceeds $1 trillion when interest is included). Romer predicted that following passage of the stimulus bill, unemployment would plateau below 8 percent last fall and by this month register at 7 percent. That's not close enough for government work, as unemployment stands at 9.5 percent today. It would be higher except that hundreds of thousands of frustrated job seekers have given up looking for new jobs and dropped out of the labor force.
Predictably, the stimulus bill has proven to be an extraordinary waste of borrowed money that has failed to create jobs, generate economic growth or do much of anything other than line the pockets of White House political allies. That and give $308 million in subsidies to BP before the Gulf oil spill disaster, and subsidize a study on what happens when monkeys snort coke.
I left some out, it was making me ill....
here's more...the part that made me comment...
Add Obama's determination to raise everybody's taxes by allowing the Bush cuts from 2001 and 2003 to expire Jan. 1, 2011, and it's easy see to why banks, businesses and consumers are hoarding trillions of dollars that could otherwise spur economic growth. And we haven't even addressed the destructive effect on economic growth of Obama's nationalization of major portions of the economy, including the banks, health care and the auto industry."
My comment on her blog....This is rightwing bull cr*P!!! the tax cuts will be rolled back to where they were in Clintons presidency, was the economy in collapse back then?? CRAPOLA, is what this is! (I'm not allowed to cuss on her blog, but she's allowed to lie)
You can't blame Obama for the depth of the recession, and you can't come crawling out from under a recession of this magnitude in 18 months! Its gonna be 10 years before Bush and rethugs policies quit damaging our economy. The trillions of dollars being hoarded are so the thieves hoarding it can invest, NOT spur economic growth. Its all about greed and who can make the most money. The rightwing is pure evil and greed. Every single policy plan they have is geared towards the rich getting richer and it has nothing to do with growing the middle class and our country prospering!!
Good fuckin holy crap, I get so sick of these idiots and their fuckin attitudes about our president and liberals. WHAT are their plans?? WHAT would they be doing different to spur job growth and grow our economy?? WHAT are their plans if they should be so lucky to get back some power?? I hope they do get some of the power so the country can get a taste of their KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ECONOMICS!!!!
As the US retreats, Europe rises
Of all the consequences of Trump's shambolic presidency, among the most
shameful is the backstabbing of Ukraine. For the first month there was
some doubt...
3 hours ago
You're not pissed off enough yet Sue. That's in jest of course.
The other side doesn't need a plan when no one asks them for one time after time and if and when they ever spit some dumb ass crap out slice it of at the neck bone because anything spit out will be some super stupid shit that is easily discredited.
Why can't our side put the light weight gloves on a few times before the main event in November?
I'm going on the road with Ed Schultz! Nah, my heart wouldn't hold up! LOL
Sue, you should put this on her blog and let them try to deny it... Mark Zandi is a republican economist... Here is what he says:
However, one tidbit in the report that has received little notice is that by acting, Congress actually reduced our potential deficit problem. Given the policy steps taken, Blinder and Zandi estimate that by the end of the 2010 fiscal year, the federal budget deficit will be $1.4 trillion and it will fall to $1.15 trillion in fiscal year 2011 and $900 billion in fiscal year 2012.
Here is the link to the report:
As I noted in my post, this is the thing everyone is ignoring. The Democrats actually helped the deficit by implementing the Recovery Act.
Also the chart which shows how the deficit was made.. which shows the majority of it was done by Bush and Co.
thanks Annette, I'll do that right now! (I have a headache and I never get headaches....)
I'm waiting for everyone's favorite right wing fool to come back so I can give her another mental spanking with my rod of Truth.
But Obama's program has failed by Romer's own standards (unemployment would never fall below8%, and it would be getting better by now).
It is now Obama's economy. He's failed. Deal with it.
Where the economy stood in November 2008 was what she based her stats on... Romer that is.. Since it continued to worsen until February the stats were off... this has been noted many times... You are just spouting right wing talking points.. The right loves to throw the 8% figure around without sighting the facts surrounding it. Learn something and gain some knowledge, don't just spout talking points.
These republican fools refuse to open their eyes to the thirty years of supply side, middle class destroying policies embraced by their republican masters. Pull your heads out of the ghost of Reagan's ass for a moment and realize that it will take President Obama more than two years to fix thirty years of republican bullshit voodoo economics. Of course these deluded right wing fools have convinced themselves by now that the ass their heads are stuck in doesn't stink so trying to get them to admit anything true is virtually impossible.
Shitheads. All of them.
Sweet Sue, I have learned to just ignore the IGNORANCE!!!! It makes me laugh... they are afraid of what they do not know!!! (THE TRUTH) The truth is crystal clear! We both know what this is all about!
Patience. Just keep writing the truth.
wait it was all fixed under Clinton,remember ?
Remember how there were no poor people,no unemployment,no one dying from lack of healthcare.
You know just like there is none of that now. We wouldn't want to focus on that anymore now would we. It might hurt the agenda.
He has to destroy the economy first adn cause further economic hardships on people in order to "remake" it they way they want and have control.
It's more fun to focus on the idocy of morons like you Lisa. Clinton's years gave us a break. Bush came in and took reagamoronic tax cuts to new and even more deficit growing, middle class America busting levels.
Is there something in your water that makes you this stupid Lisa? I mean, look sweetie. If your ignorance is genetic there are government programs that could help you. I support them 100%.
Also note Sue, Obama's plan is not to let all the Bush tax cuts expire, only the tax cuts on the top 2%, those earning over 250000 per year.
It is the right wing that wants to raise taxes. They want to take unspent stimulus money to pay for unemployment, etc. Most of the unspent stimulus money is tax cuts for the poor and middle class that have not been taken yet, but are scheduled to be.
"He has to destroy the economy first and cause further economic hardships on people in order to "remake" it they way they want and have control".
You know...maybe she's right.
Barack Obama is inept; a real tyrant would have already caused enough mayhem to bring the country to it's knees already....Nero, Stalin, that German dude with the funny mustache.They really knew how to shake things up, and scapegoat significant portions of the population as the cause of the misery.
Nope....they just don't make dictators like they used to.
It's been a year and a half, and nobody has bashed down my door to take my gun away....yet.
Everyone knew a drop in employment was coming, so I think this is pretty disingenuous for the Right-wingers to attack Obama on this...
Bloomberg News says... The Census Bureau said it let go about 143,000 of the people conducting the decennial population count from mid-June to mid-July. It still had about 200,000 temporary workers on staff as of July 17, indicating additional cuts to come that will keep distorting the payroll figures for months.
For that reason, economists say private payrolls will be a better gauge of the state of the labor market for much of 2010.
Private payrolls that exclude government agencies rose by 71,000... (8/6/2010)
We should be admitting Reaganomics has failed! It is because of Reagonomics that we are in this mess. 30 years of Reaganomics and less than 2 years of "Obamanomics" is supposed to fix it?? BTW Obamanomics, which is actually Keynesian economics, has a proven track record of success.
Of Keynesian economics, Robert Reich says (from his blog)... Never before had an economic theory been so dramatically tested. Even granted the special circumstances of war mobilization, it seemed to work exactly as Keynes predicted. The grand experiment even won over many Republicans. America's Employment Act of 1946 ... codified the new wisdom, making it "the continuing policy and responsibility of the Federal Government promote maximum employment, production, and purchasing power".
I won't say anything about Lisa because Truth rebutted her comments pretty well... and the last time I did my comment mysteriously disappeared.
w, I didn't delete your comment to be mean, I actually don't remember doing it. I know I deleted all of her comments because of repeated stupidity. I hope you don't think I was being rude to you! You knowI love having your comments here!
I just thought... I didn't delete your comment, I deleted the one she had up that you wanted to reply to, is that what you mean?
The Failure of Obamanomics.....blah blah blah
This is kind of like noticing that sick people spend a lot of time at the doctor, and deciding that doctors make people sick.
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