Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Ed and I... We are fired UP again!!

The state-aid bill passed, the vote was 247-161. JUST 2 Republicans voted for the bill. This bill, which was touted by Americas governors, will prevent around 161,000 teachers and 158,000 public works employees from being laid off.

Listen to Ed and you'll understand why I am fired up, why he causes my blood pressure to go through the roof. That's not a criticism, I love Ed, we think alike!!

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Barney Frank talked today about the rethugs obstructionism....

"I hate to have to say this," he said, "I think it's very clear: [Republicans] don't want to see things get better. That's why they're obstructing the small business loan bill which by every calculation they should have been for... If you looked at the numbers last week -- private sector jobs went up. Not by as much as they should have, but they went up. The job loss was because of the kind of public sector job layoffs that this bill would have avoided if it had passed a month ago. So that's the other point is that there's frustration, that [Republicans] are kind of benefiting politically from their economic obstruction."

The jobs bill is paid for by closing a loophole that allows U.S. companies to get a tax break for moving jobs offshore. Unions are particularly pleased about this provision.

"Not only did these Republicans vote against saving jobs in America," said AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka in a statement, "they voted to keep encouraging corporations to outsource jobs during this recession."

It's clear, Republicans hate middle America, they hate public schools, they hate union workers, they hate progress, they hate progressives because we stand for progress...


One Fly said...

Why can't the dims almost every one of talk like Ed. The whole truth is on our side and these in Nov races should be no brainers for our side but they're not. There should be a dozen one after another bitch slapping the piece of shit Boner.

But they don't.

Hugh Jee From Jersey said...

Sue- do you want to hear the best? Chris Christie, our governor, called the bill "ill advised".

And then he said he'll apply for the $670 million, which is New Jersey's share.


Maybe 3,900 jobs can be saved....but that's less than 40% of those getting pink slipped here.

Lisa said...
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Lisa said...

why don't they spend the money to save the jobs of the people who's tax dollars pay those public employees. You know the ones who average 60,000 per year to pay those public employess who average 125,00 per year and free benfits.
And you wonder why people are upset with this?

So Christie is saying screw the Unions because the democrats are saying screw everyone but.
What a Uniter.

Leslie Parsley said...

Lisa - you are such an ignorant bitch. Why don't you go soak in a cesspool? You're also a chicken shit because you wait till you know Sue is off the computer for the night. Like the rest of us want to hear your rude, stupid nonsense? You must have grown up with trash because you have the manners of a fishmonger's wife.

Lisa said...
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Lisa said...

How the hell do I know what Sue is doing Leslie?
Sorry but I was still working. I work late sometimes,you know to pay for those unions.
But as alwasy I always appreciate your responses to my comments which are true by the way.
I know it's easier to call me names and call out my comments as irrelevant.
And I'm the trashy one?
"Go soak in a cesspool"
That was actually funny I may have to use that one..

Silverfiddle said...

You know what else could have saved these teachers' jobs?

Taking a freaking pay cut like so many other Americans have!

The Me First Bill. Our tax dollars at work.

Lisa said...
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Lisa said...
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Leslie Parsley said...

Lisa - you know when Sue's shut down asshole because you always post late at night. You mean you really might go soak in a cesspool? What a blessing! Maybe it'll cleanse your soul.

Jerry Critter said...

So, Silverfiddle, your solution is for workers to take a pay cut? How does that help the economy?

Jolly Roger said...

Mr. and Mrs. (lisa) silverfiddle sure have their talking points down.

Maybe someday there will be some way that they can use them in the comments and actually make some sense. I doubt it, but I've seen a lot of things happen in my lifetime.

Sue said...

one fly I would love to see the dems get fired up. We've seen tiny bits of it but we do need more. Can you picture Boner as speaker? LMFAO!! There's a true dimwit!

Hugh I read so much about what Christie is doing with cuts going to teachers jobs while the top rich bitches get tax breaks. Its the same ole same ole and the people fall for it every time. I'm sick to death of hearing from the cons how fabulous our buffoon is. It was Beck and Ingraham's turn the other day heaping praises on Christie and even saying he should run for president...LMAO!!

My paper said yesterday Christie might not apply for the aid, but if he didn't the state would still get it.

Can you imagine, the wingnuts are praising a buffoon gov. for having the (big fat sweaty balls) to lay off teachers, cops, firemen, yet let his fatcat pals in N. Jersey live in the lap of luxury! Yup he's GREAT!!!

Sue said...

lisa believe it or not I do have a problem with SOME unions, BUT these unions are the glue that holds our communities together, so what does the buffoon gov do?? He lays off workers that are for the safety and well being of the state in order to afford his tax cuts for the rich. Typical rethuggery.

Sue said...

Teachers, those who teach along with babysit your kids every day, take pay cuts?? They make average pay, in our area 45 to 55,000 yearly. How about those Wall St Bankers taking a pay cut??

My beef with those unions is the free or almost free health benefits, NOT the salary. They should pay for their HC just like the rest of us. My sister woks for the county and I tell her this all the time, I try real hard to embarrass her!!

Sue said...

she works, not woks...

Leslie Parsley said...

Your sister "works," Lisa "woks."

Truth could probably speak to this better than I can but I don't believe HC is literally "free" in union shops. It comes out of their pay one way or another. The "free" costs them in salary or other benefits.

Lisa said...

Sue taxing the rich isn't going to create some magical pot of money for public employees.
If we had more people working that would be a bigger pot of money to take from.
Poor teachers I had an uncle ,2 aunts and 2 sets of friends who have teachers for parents.
My one aunt and live in PA and never missed a NYC Broadway show or their European vacations and their Jersey Shore Home.

My one friends parents own 3 homes in WA Fl and Va so they can stay wherever their SUV takes them and my other friends parents own a apt complex and a Small yacht docked on Long Island and her yearly Christmas gift from them is $10,000.
An they get free health care and pensions.
Also my other aunt until she passed stayed in a 6,000 a month assisted living place because she had Alzheimer's.
That is the profession they chose and for their 55,000 they get alot of vacation time so technically they make double that.
Under the healthcare system you are willing to slash doctors income. It doesn't seem the politicians value them as much as they do the teachers.
Maybe because they value the Bar Association more.

Leslie Parsley said...

I'm sorry if I offended anyone in my comments to Lisa the Loon but I decided awhile back that if she insists on coming here, or if I run into her elsewhere, dropping her nonsense over and over, she deserves what she gets from me and others. I don't know what's worse - her stupidity or her trashy manners.

If she wants to spread her ignorance, she should activate that fake blog she has. Then she wouldn't have time to be a pain in the ass around the liberal blogosphere.

Anonymous said...

Sue, I was soooo happy to hear about the passing of that bill!!!! :)

Donna M

TOM said...

Why don't legislators take a lower wage? Why ask already medium paid people who do great work for society take a wage cut?
Taxing the rich can't solve the problem, but it will help balance the books. They got an unfair advantage during the Bush administration.
I also think like Ed - I also get mad at Obama for his lack of aggressiveness. He should be hitting Republicans harder, especially with all the nonsense they have been spewing. He should hit the Democrats harder and get their majority to pass stronger legislation.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

How big a pay cut have you taken Silverfiddle?

Unions don't get anything free. Any benefits they get for their members are bargained for in good faith. As the law says you right wing, anti American Worker morons.

If you have a problem with a union benefit blame the lousy management negotiators.

And I'll tell you two clowns this. The best compensated public employees are the republican ones. They're the pros at screwing over the system. That blind and deluded fools like Lisa and Silverfiddle conveniently not take note of this only shows them for the partisan suckass schills they are.

I got deleted by Shaw once for going off on a righty that made ignorant, American Worker hating statements. The asshole deserved it. SF and Lisa deserve it even more. Lisa because she's stupid and hates America. Silverfish because he's not stupid. He just hates American Workers. He hates Catholics also because the Catholic Church supports unions. Do you hate all Christians Silverfish?

Lisa said...
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Lisa said...

Leslie lighten up and watch something cute:


JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Are you even mentally capable of an honest thought Lisa?

It was Bush who destroyed the economy through deregulation, a justice department that didn't think justice was important and deficit exploding tax cuts for the wealthiest.

If shit were brains you would be a genius. Unfortunately that only makes you a shithead.

Lisa said...
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Lisa said...

right truth and Obama wants to destroy the economy with too much regulation and government take overs. I see how well that worked for The Soviet Union.

Here Truth being you call yourself Truth . Oh and thanks for your name calling. I see it runs through liberal blood to attack but you only diminish yourself when you curse and name call.
Don't forget your ear plugs and your blindfold before watching:


TOM said...


I don't believe any President intends to ruin the economy.

So ask yourself - Why is it Republican Presidents, who have built the multi-trillion dollar national debt?

It's their failed economic policies.

Or did they intend to build a 13 trillion dollar debt through their economic policies?

Trickle down economics is a proven failure.

The rich don't spend their tax cuts on supplying new jobs for America. They invest it, to make more money.

Corporations don't use their tax cuts to hire new people. They buy technology so they can lay people off and make bigger profits.

How you can support Republican economic policies after they have nearly bankrupted America, is beyond me. I'm guessing Truth is right.

Lisa said...

I don't support any of them because to me it's all about them.

Sue said...

I love these points Tom...

Trickle down economics is a proven failure.

The rich don't spend their tax cuts on supplying new jobs for America. They invest it, to make more money.

Corporations don't use their tax cuts to hire new people. They buy technology so they can lay people off and make bigger profits.

It's the truth, and our economy right now is Proof of it! The rich are sitting on billions right now just ready to invest, NOT HIRE!!

Thanks all, Leslie nobody is mad, they can see by all the author deletions what a moron lisa is. These are her deletes, not mine. I find it a waste of time to answer to her comments, it just encourages her to think we want to hear her arguments.

Sue said...

lisa taxing the rich gives the government revenue to reduce the deficit. We all know tax cuts to the rich does not spur job growth, well maybe overseas, not on our soil. What they did yesterday closing the loophole was a start, we'll see if it went far enough to show results.

As for your wealthy teacher relatives, so what? Good for them! As for summer vacation, teachers must have extra taken from their salary each month in order to have money to live on during the summer or they find other work for those 2 to 3 months.

Jerry Critter said...

You are so right, Sue.

To create jobs, you have to create demand. To create demand, you have to put money into the hands of people who spend it. The people who spend it the most are the people who need to spend it for necessities of life.

The wealthy can already afford the necessities of life.

The purpose of business is to make money, not jobs. Jobs cost them money. Giving them more money helps them accomplish their purpose, but does little to create jobs.

Hugh Jee From Jersey said...

"right truth and Obama wants to destroy the economy with too much regulation and government take overs."

I understand now; Barack Obama wanted to become President so he could take credit for destroying the American economy and get trashed on Fox News every night.

As Mr. Schultz would say...."Peanuts!" (That's Charles not Ed...thought I was gonna say "Psycho Talk", didn't ya?).

As for overpaid teachers. My father, age 83, taught high school for thirty years. From the time I was a little kid he worked at least two jobs to make ends meet, and my Mom worked as well....and I'm not even talking about the summer jobs. My brother and I were farmed out to my grandparents in the summer to make ends meet.

More often than not Dad had three jobs during the school year; I hardly saw him growing up. The kids he taught probably saw him more than I did.

He was a union guy, and eventually became state president of the American Federation of Teachers. Educators today don't have to work three jobs because of the sacrifices my Dad and his generation of unionists made back in the day.

So when I see thoughtless words from thoughtless commentators about the cushy lifestyles teachers have, I do take it personally.

Because today I live with an 83 year old man who has trouble walking and remembering things....but he's a better person, and more of a patriot, than the shallow critics who attack his former profession. You don't have a clue.

Sorry for rambling....but this has been bugging me since late last night.

Infidel753 said...

The jobs bill is paid for by closing a loophole that allows U.S. companies to get a tax break for moving jobs offshore.

You mean they finally did something about that??

I'd love to see how the right-wingers can manage to justify opposing that provision.

As for all the people bitching about unions, if you don't like the fact that you're getting a worse deal than union members get, form a union yourself. Millions of workers managed that, a century ago. It's a big part of how the middle class came into existence in the first place.

Leslie Parsley said...

The average teacher salary is less thasn $45,000 a year - hardly enough to live high on the hog with.

Believe it or not, librarians with an MLS don't do much better. What this tells me is that you have to be pretty dedicated to go into either of these professions. Lisa, what do you do for a living?


You can search by location as well.

Sue said...

I am so tired of them, I just can't think straight when I read their lies and CRAP!! Thanks Jerry, Hugh, Leslie, Tom, Truth, JR, OF, Donna, and Infidel, you didn't know about the loophole?? I haven't had time to read the websites today but tonights talk shows might have some reactions from the wingnuts. I hope this loophole actually does something we can SEE in the coming year!

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

While Bush was destroying our economy and environment blind sheep like you were cheering him on Lisa. You and your ilk don't deserve civility.

I called you a shithead and I'm glad. You should be praising me the way you praised Bush for refusing to be sorry for anything.

Lisa said...

Just because I don't cheer Obama on it doesn't mean I was cheering Bush on. I was merely defend him against the vile attacks for the leftists.
Bush's policies doesn't make Obama's policies right.
Pushing an agenda and being serious about legislating are 2 different things.

Lisa said...

I'm in sales and I volunteer once a month for Iraq vets and once a month I cook a meal for poor people through my friends big evil Bible thumping church.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

You can run from Bush but you can't hide Lisa. You are nothing but a pawn in the right wing cabal. Hell bent on destroying the lives of Working Americans.

Just remember it was people like you, those who blindly support the republicans and tea baggers, that made your cooking a meal for the poor necessary.

Knowing you as I do now though, you most likely think you're doing them a great favor because if they had the jobs that were sent to China they wouldn't be enjoying your rolls and special baked beans.

Sue said...

please don't call her baked beans 'special'.....