It's August and my blogs one year anniversary! YAY!
It's been a great year, lots of ranting and raving, lots of arguing, lots of laughs and even some tears.
I started out with a home and family type of blog a few years ago but when I tried talking politics my friends got very quiet and didn't want to stick their toes in the water. I soon found out who my true friends were and decided to leave that blog and those rightwing housewives behind!
I don't know how it happened actually but I started out visiting only wingnut blogs. It started with a guy named Pappy from Texas. He was nice enough to me, he allowed me to comment and voice my opinion on his Obama bashing posts. One day I commented on the hideous cruel remarks from Alan Keyes towards Obama and Pappy said he agreed with Keyes! What a revelation I had that day. That might have been the day I decided I needed to get away from the dark side of blogland and find my people! I think Mat/Papamoka may have been one of my first liberal friends here. He likes to call himself my "brotha from anotha motha", LOL! You won't believe this but lisa was one of his visitors before she started bugging me! So from Mat came Michael Boh, and Nancy, Grandpa Eddie, BJ, and the list goes on. Liberals are the nicest bunch of bloggers you will ever meet and it's been a huge pleasure getting to know all of you and making lasting friendships.
I'm not a writer(as you can tell!) but BJ told me to write like I'm sitting at the kitchen table talking to a friend. So here I am a year later still talking and you are actually listening, some of you even compliment me! LOL! I love everyone of you and am honored you read and follow my humble little blog!
When I read my archives it's unbelievable the amount of news that came out of this one short year. From Ted Kennedys death, the endless posts about the Public Option, will we get it or will we not.....and also the endless posts on the antics of the rightwing wacko nutjobs, will they say something insane or will they not, Yes! they never disappoint...... to the stories about war, and homelessness, joblessness, and oil gusher disasters.
I've had an amazing fun year, the next 6 with President Obama in the White House will be just as amazing with news stories that will get you fired up further strengthening your liberal philosophies.
So, march on my fellow liberal bloggers, don't allow the righties to silence your voices. Never give up the fight! I'll be here blogging, spreading truth, disputing the rightwing lies and distortions! AND if you want to put aside political talk sometime, visit me at my new blog.....
We're listening to you Mr. President and company, I hope you are listening to us!
Thanks guys!!
As the US retreats, Europe rises
Of all the consequences of Trump's shambolic presidency, among the most
shameful is the backstabbing of Ukraine. For the first month there was
some doubt...
3 hours ago
Happy Blog Birthday, Sue! Since it's impossible to spank a blog, you'll have to fill in. ;-)
Congratulations on a fine year. I've been around almost since the beginning, and I've enjoyed watching you grow.
May your good work here continue well into the future.
Congratulations !
Keep telling the truth about the Republicans. I hope I'm around to read it all.
You write fine.
Advise, just write it the way think it ans would speak to another person face to face.
thank you kindly TC! You've been an inspiration and I appreciate your support!
TOM! So glad to see you! Hope you are well, please stay with me, I need you to fight the good fight. Your comments are ALWAYS welcome and I surely appreciate you too!
Congrats Sue, you are an important voice here in Blog Land and I hope you never stop. I value your comments and your posts.
As for the righties... eventually they always show their true colors. They resort to personal attacks when they can't win a policy argument as we have all seen.
As I said yesterday... they put up straw men, because they have nothing to say about the truth of what is going on.
Congratulations Sue! You do write like you're talking across a kitchen table, and that is your strength.
Sue- Congrats on your one year anniversary! Your writing keeps getting better....and more provocative... with each entry, and it's always fun to see what's gotten you steamed on a given day.
One thing you never seem to suffer from it writer's block!
Keep on sluggin'!
OMG you guys are great!
Thanks Annette, you've been a great friend! I don't plan on leaving any time soon, so you stand with me and fight the good fight too!
DA aaaamn SF! That is nice of you to say. I do appreciate your comments, it's what keeps the conversation going! There isn't much we agree on but it's always spirited when you come by!
Hugh, my Joisey buddy, thanks for your friendship! I think I've shown some restraint lately don't you?? Not as many F-bombs like a year ago! LOL. I do get fired up and it usually happens after I watch Ed Schultz LOL! Glad I found you Hugh, thanks for being there!
Congratulations. You have been an inspiration to me in so many ways and you have taught me so much about this crazy world of blogging.
Maybe instead of writing like you're talking at the kitchen table, you might do it like you're at the bar. Anyway, you don't have to worry about it because you write "right." And nobody, but nobody has your spirit. Keep it up because we all benefit.
Oh, one thought. You could always write like you're talking to Lisa!
thanks Leslie, you have been the inspiration I needed many times! Speaking of lisa, sometimes she reminds me of myself a year or 2 ago when I would be the one trolling the wingnut blogs! Maybe its my payback LOL!
I thought some of my posts did sound like I was in a bar.....:-)))
Happy blogday Sue. A toast to you:
thanks Bob! It took me just a few seconds before I saw the glass, that's great!
Congratulations, Sue! One thing I know you’ve learned: you just throw a little pebble into the pond, then sit back and watch the ripples grow! You have met a need here, and you should be proud of it. Friends, BJ
thanks so much BJ, you have been with me since the first day!
And an impressive year it has been. Talk about rattling cages and the like and never backed down once that I know of. We don't have to because the truth is on our side.
Congratulations Sue!!
thanks OF! you've been a loyal follower and great friend!
Actually I did lose sleep over my Mormon posts and almost quit, even silverfish made me cry when he called me a bigot and never apologized... I'm still waiting SF!
Thanks Onefly!
Sue Sue... that was beautiful!
PS Politics will let you know who your friends are and quick!
I just blew out a one-year candle for you! Love ya Sue!!! Good job taking over my crabby bitch stint for 7 months!
BTW - You have been here forever, it's just that our smiling faces and cheerful personalities have made it feel more like a year.
thanks Donna! It's been much easier over here to see the realness in people, there is no hiding behind the "sweeties", ya know what I mean?? LMAO!
I'm so happy you're back and visiting again, now we have to work on Charles!
Thanks for that Nancy! Ask everyone, I could be a bitch at times but mostly to just one person who shall be unnamed. Glad you're back, I hope you stick with us we need all the liberals we can get!
Bob you're a doll! Look at your smile it's just adorable. I hope you know Amelia loves you to bits and has even called you tee tee when she was too small to say your real name!
I love ya too big guy, thanks for being here!
Well let me add my congratulations to all the other comments.
Keep on blogging and fighting the good fight.
We need to stick together and support each other.
Now onward to that second year!!
Congratulations on the blogiversary. The first year is the toughest, I think -- finding your voice and finding an audience. You accomplished both very quickly.
Congrats Sue! Many more successful years are waiting for you I am sure.
Congratulations Sue,seriously.
You are definitely passionate about what you write about your boyfriend and just so you know when I am passionate about my comments why is that considered trolling?
Anyway keep up the good fight and don't worry nobody is going to steal your Social Security check,they'll just do it via Medicare.
49 followers and 193 posts in 2010 alone! And you've only been here a year? Congratulations indeed. You've got me beat on both counts, and I've been blogging since 2006. 2 more posts to go and I'll reach 50 ... that's for the entire existence of my blog.
Lisa, your picture is utterly ridiculous! Are you not aware that GWB holds the record for most days spent on vacation? 879 days, or 30 percent of 8 years he held office?!
An average working Joe would have been fired less than a year in. Perhaps, however, we are lucky that he spent that much time not doing his job... think of how much more he could have screwed up the country if he had tried harder.
Thanks Shaw, It's been my pleasure having you here and your comments mean alot, THANKS!!
Infidel it's because of bloggers like you that I question myself weekly why I am here amongst all you highly intelligent qualified political speakers! I so appreciate your friendship and your great comments, Thanks Infidel!
Thanks RN, I appreciate all my rightie commentors, you all have been polite debaters and for that I say thanks for being a reader of my blog!
lisa thanks, we ALL here know what a pain in the ass you are but if I wasn't so sweet you wouldn't keep coming back right??
Help me out people, TROLL means you have no blog but still go from blog to blog bugging everyone?? GET YOUR OWN BLOG LISA!
NOW, this is my anniversary post and my friends are visiting me, so no more stupid comments about politics please!
w-dervish I'm glad I met you, you are a great writer and add alot to my comments section. I really appreciate you following me and I wish all of us here could do more to help you get more traffic to your blog. You have to visit and follow every blog out there that interests you, I believe that's where it starts. And comment alot where ever you go too. I find if I'm too busy to go around and comment then my comments here slow up. Thanks for the kind words my friend!
Lisa is one weird egg, to be certain. She stopped by my blog, posted a comment, and then deleted it. She apparently does this quite often? I have the comment since it was emailed to me.
BTW, Lisa does have her own blog, located here. No posts, but it does exist... although I'm not sure how long it has been there. (Did she just create it now in a response to your comment?)
Also, according to Wikipedia, a troll (n Internet slang) "is someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking other users into a desired emotional response, or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion".
Most of Lisa's comments do seem to be on-topic, so (IMO) her comments (unless off-topic) don't qualify as trolling.
The picture (Lisa posted the link to) of Michelle Obama as a queen pointing to a globe indicating where she would like to vacation next (which I'm assuming you delted)... that (I think) does qualify as a troll.
If she wanted to comment on the First Lady's trip to Spain she should have done so on her own blog, or on another blog where that was the topic of discussion.
I give em honesty all night long. You give it to us all year Sue.
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