Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Don't do it President Obama!!

Don't do what Foxnoise and rightwingers are demanding! DON'T even think about giving Bush credit for the end of combat in Iraq! First, let me agree with the experts, the war is not over, not for the 50,000 who are still in Iraq for God knows how long. But today on Fox Gretchen Carlson was seething, she practically jumped Robert Gibbs demanding an answer to her question whether President Obama would give Bush credit for the surge that brought the "wars end"! This is what that disgrace of a president, Bush, deserves credit for....

- Total deaths: Between 110,663 and 119,380
- Coalition deaths: 4,712
- U.S. deaths: 4,394
- U.S. wounded: 31,768
- U.S. deaths as a percentage of coalition deaths: 93.25 percent
- Iraqi Security Force deaths: At least 9,451
- Total coalition and ISF deaths: At least 14,163
- Iraqi civilian deaths: Between 96,037 and 104,7542
- Non-Iraqi contractor deaths: At least 463
- Internally displaced persons: 2.6 million
- Refugees: 1.9 million

And don't forget the cost, a staggering almost 1trillion dollars for these hideous wars.  What that money could have done for our own country.... our country is in desperate condition, yet these wars continue. It's obscene...
  Tonight President Obama will remind the country the true threat to our national security lies in Afghanistan.
But just 38 percent of people support the war in Afghanistan, according to a new Associated Press poll, and only 19 percent think things will get better in the next year. On Iraq, unsurprisingly, Obama finds more support in pulling troops home: 68 percent approve of his ending the formal combat mission.

If you can stomach the Fox and Friends moron, here's Carlson and Gibbs. I don't know why in the world democrats go near FOX!!

President Obama says, "It's time to turn the page".


Annette said...

Ok, first this damn video just starts playing and you can't shut it off...lol

Second.. the POTUS did well.. he mentioned the shrubs name but I don't believe he gave him credit.. just acknowledged that he supported the troops.. which to me is questionable.

So, all in all, he did what he had to do and that was it.. I am glad he didn't go so far as to say shrub needed credit for anything else.

Sue said...

a comment from Huffington Post...

As a nation we have become at peace with war. We need to get completely out of Iraq (closing all bases and funding no contractors), as well as completely withdrawing from Afghanistan. We are the only Country in the World that is paranoid about events happening 8000 miles away from its borders.


Leslie Parsley said...

Maybe there's a reason for the blackout? ; )

OT but a heads up:

Here are 2 comments I left on my own blog:

1)Wow! I sure like these new comment options on Blogger. You can go to your dashboard, click on "Comments." You get ALL comments on your blog with the latest first. Best of all, after you click on the comment(s) of choice) you can select "SPAM." (or "Delete" or "Remove Content.") heh, heh, heh, heh, heh.

2 - from Blogger) Blogger now filters comments that are likely spam comments to a Spam Inbox, much like the spam folder in your email. When someone leaves a comment on your blog, it will be reviewed against our spam detector, and comments that are identified as possible spam will be sent to your blog’s Spam Inbox, found at Comments | Spam. heh, heh, heh, heh, heh.

The mindless wonder had just paid a visit. She's history and I don't even have to moderate.

Tao Dao Man said...

Obama quote
"It's well known that he and I disagreed about the war from its outset," Obama said. "Yet no one could doubt President Bush's support for our troops, or his love of country and commitment to our security."


JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Well if you can't say anything mice then don't say anything at all. I have nothing to say about George W. Bush.

Silverfiddle said...

According to the CBO, the Iraq war cost less than the stimulus. At least we got a functioning economy out of the Iraq war money...

Unknown said...

Oh yeah, turtle head and old man get off my lawn, commander cuckoo bananas should have been given credit for PO being able to give his speech tonight. WTF, in what world does that make any sense? Oh, wait, if it hadn't been for commander cuckoo bananas we wouldn't be in there so PO would not have been able to give the speech, to give ccb credit. Had to adjust my tin foil hat for it to make any kind of sense. Teh stoopid it hurts me.

Unknown said...

That jjj person is me for some reason. Jess

magpie said...


"The surge" is usually talked about purely in quantitative terms. i.e. Bush sent more troops and this was a successful strategy. This theme is particularly beloved of the US Right for all the obvious reasons.

There's more to it than that though. It's what they did and how they did it. A comprehensive revision of strategy.

This revised counterinsurgency doctrine had a lot do with a man called David Kilcullen. You may have heard of him, but I'll assume you haven't because, as it happens, he's Australian. He now works for your State Department.

This Wikipedia article summarizes it: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Kilcullen

Note in particular the sections titled "Twenty-Eight Articles" and "Controversies".

I think you may find them useful.

Hugh Jee From Jersey said...

"According to the CBO, the Iraq war cost less than the stimulus. At least we got a functioning economy out of the Iraq war money..."

Yep, and over 4,000 dead Americans and tens of thousands of wounded vets and personnel, many of whom will require additional medical care for the rest of their lives....at government (read "taxpayer") expense.

If POTUS gave Bush credit for the surge or not....so what? Dubya & Company created the mess with their bogus allegations. It's like a kid who played with matches setting fire to his house, and getting a garden hose to help put out the flames.

The Prez handled the situation well...he did what Eisenhower did in Korea, he said "ENOUGH" and got out when there was a window to do so.

Sue said...

Only a rightie would look at the money end of the cost of these hideous wars. Pitiful SF.

Jess did you sign up for a google account and it went a little wonky on ya!? LOL!

Sue said...

Thanks Magpie I'll look at that today.

I hope 2011 brings about a complete end to the wars. It's so past the time! Bush doesn't deserve the time of day if you ask me. The effects from this war will last a lifetime for most Americans and Iraqis. It's a disgrace on America that will never go away. There is NOT one thing Bush did in all the years of his presidency that I consider positive.

Unknown said...

@Sue, :) yeah, I found myself unable to leave witty comments for some reason, just using my name as I had been.

Sue said...

Jess that's because I changed my settings when I was getting all those hateful troll comments. But I switched again so you should be fine. but its good to have a google account anyway incase you want to start your own blog! :-)

Jolly Roger said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jolly Roger said...

mr. lisa said, whilst dropping tabs of windowpane,

According to the CBO, the Iraq war cost less than the stimulus. At least we got a functioning economy out of the Iraq war money...

Man..... you're headed right for the straitjacket and a slot at Happy Hills (if your beloved monkey hasn't made the economy so bad that they just can't afford to put you away.)

Why don't you try your cute little (and utterly false) line on a group of Gold Star mothers sometime? That was probably as contemptible and callous a thing as I've read in quite awhile.

You never fail to outscum yourself. Ah, but those dead American kids are "them," so does it really matter?

TOM said...

The righties last night were berating Obama for not thanking GB for his actions.

What actions? Invading a country that did not need it? Putting us 13 trillion in debt? Making the World mad at us? Tanking our economy and putting millions out of work, and many out of their homes? Then leaving it all for the new President to fix?

He should have been impeached. He should have been investigated and prosecuted for his crimes.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Maybe I'm missing something here but wasn't Bush against the surge before he was forced to support it?

It remember it being McCain's deal.

I thank neither of them. All it did was prolong our presence.

There never was any definition of victory for Iraq. As long as we have a troop presence there, like Korea, we don't have to accept defeat. I say we just declare victory and leave.

Sue said...

JR it is amazing the righties talk about money and really ignore the real cost of these wars, dead people. They really are coldhearted...

exactly Tom, the war criminals should be behind bars and nothing less!

I like that idea facilitator,(is that what we're calling you now?)I doubt it will happen tho because something else is going on and it has to do with money and oil.

Silverfiddle said...

Jolly: I was over there. I have seen war up close and what it does, so save the sanctimonious bullshit for someone else.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

So, Silverfiddle claims that war is a better stimulus, and then, when it's pointed out that people DIED in Iraq, he thinks his comments are beyond criticism because he was "over there"?? Why don't you save YOUR bullshit for a neocon who would appreciate it Silverfiddle?

As for Obama's speech... "A war to disarm a state became a fight against an insurgency"????! Did Obama forget that they didn't have any WMDs? I think he gave bush far to much credit. bush deserves no kudos for a "successful surge" because the surge actually failed.

It is NOT time to turn the page. It is time for investigations and war crime trials.

Silverfiddle said...

Of course my comments are not "beyond criticism."

People like Jolly screamed for 7 years that our troops are human rights abusers, torturers and murderers, and then they invoke sympathy for Gold Star Mothers.

Sue said...

SF you really should admit SOME troops have been accused of, and were proven guilty of some pretty gruesome things, not to mention contractors being paid huge sums and acting like murdering fools. Sorry, sad, but true...

Silverfiddle said...

You missed my point Sue. A person can't call the troops torturers and baby killers then invoke blue star moms.