"Lose your ego, find your compassion."
Feisal Abdul Rauf is the force behind the building of Cordoba House, the now-controversial Islamic cultural facility in Manhattan. Fear mongering conservative politicians have called him "a radical Muslim," a "militant Islamist" and simply - the "enemy." His Cordoba House project has been framed as a conduit for Hamas to funnel money to domestic terrorist operations.
For those who actually know or have worked with the imam, the descriptions are frighteningly unhinged from reality. The Feisal Abdul Rauf they know spent the past decade fighting against the very same cultural divisiveness and religious-based paranoia that currently surrounds him.
"Imam Feisal has participated at the Aspen Institute in Muslim-Christian-Jewish working groups looking at ways to promote greater religious tolerance," says Walter Isaacson, head of The Aspen Institute. "He has consistently denounced radical Islam and terrorism and promoted a moderate and tolerant Islam. Some of this work was done under the auspices of his own group, the Cordoba Initiative... This is why I find it a shame that his good work is being undermined by this inflamed dispute. He is the type of leader we should be celebrating in America - not undermining." You can finish reading here.
Park51's main movers, Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf and his wife Daisy Khan, are actually the kind of Muslim leaders right-wing commentators fantasize about: modernists and moderates who openly condemn the death cult of al-Qaeda and its adherents — ironically, just the kind of "peaceful Muslims" whom Sarah Palin, in her now infamous tweet, asked to "refudiate" the mosque. Rauf is a Sufi, which is Islam's most mystical and accommodating denomination. (See the very best #Shakespalin tweets.)
from AOL news...
WASHINGTON (Aug. 17) -- The political battle over plans to build an Islamic center two blocks from ground zero is reaching biblical proportions as Republicans pummel President Barack Obama and Democrats for being insensitive to victims of 9/11.
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich on Monday compared the center -- which many prominent Jewish officials support -- to Nazis trying to protest outside a Holocaust museum. Republican campaign staffers send out e-mails placing Obama on the same page as the leader of Hamas. And GOP candidates in places far away from lower Manhattan quickly launched TV ads declaring, "Mr. President, ground zero is the wrong place for a mosque."
and what would GW Bush say...
A spokesman for the former president told AOL News that Bush would have no comment on the matter.
But days after the 9/11 attacks, Bush had much to say about the need for religious tolerance even after Islamic extremists carried out the worst foreign attack in history on U.S. soil.
"The face of terror is not the true faith of Islam," Bush said at the Islamic Center of Washington in a speech that set the tenor for when he later sent U.S. troops to fight on Muslim soil in Afghanistan and later Iraq. "That's not what Islam is all about. Islam is peace. These terrorists don't represent peace. They represent evil and war."
He went on to say millions of American Muslims "need to be treated with respect. In our anger and emotion, our fellow Americans must treat each other with respect."
All across America peaceful American Muslims are trying to live their lives, but fanatics are terrorizing them in the name of Christianity. It's embarrassing for our country to be labeled as bigots. The right wing fanatics just had to have something to drive a wedge into the the presidents agenda. Yes this argument is rightwing driven and it's turning hateful to the point of scary. Who would you rather have for your neighbor, a rightwing NUT or an American Muslim??
What if those planes flying into the twin towers were piloted by Germans, or Russians, or Frenchmen? Would the wackos be acting the same way towards those Americans whose ancestors immigrated here generations ago? I kinda doubt it. This fight is with Islam, I believe it's religion based not terror based. Christians claim Muslims hate Christians and Jews therefore they are the enemy whether or not they are peaceful....
Lose your ego, find your compassion
You are correct Sue, last night Chris Hayes showed on Rachel's show how this whole mess started. It was interesting to say the least. As KO pointed out, our MSM has dropped the ball once again.
Instead of finding the basis for all these outrageous claims about the center, not a Mosque, but a prayer room in a Community Center, they are feeding the fears. By continually referring to it as a Mosque alone makes them wrong.
Once again, it seems we are letting the right drive the fear factor towards an election. We all know what happened when we allowed that in the past. 2 wars and a ruined economy. So, yeah, keep fear baiting and let the right drive the message.
They have no ideas so they are going with fear once again, and we have to stand strong against it.
That's how they win elections, FEAR. That's how Bush won 2 terms. Damn the voters are so DUMB...
That's how Obama won by bashing Bush oh and the media of course and his staged speeches to make the people get all tingly feeling up their legs. Hell even Larry King's son said he wished he were black.
I am sure Abdul Rauf loves America as much as Rashid Khalidi,Bill Ayers and Rev Wright.
When I was kid in North Chicago Muhammed Ali and Joe Frazier were heroes. Shaft was a bad mother f%cker. We all wanted to be black and cool like them.
Why do you hate black people Lisa?
Who is Feisal Abdul Rauf?
He is a freaken ass-hole creep just like his King of the Hill. Barack Obama.
I really wish someone from the media (preferably CNN,CBS, or ABC- Fox and NBC/MSNBC would be seen as having dogs in the fight) would simply place a phone call to George W. Bush and ask for his reaction to the "controversy".
BTW...there are Republican voices out there speaking for moderation and less hysteria- Joe Scarborough, Michael Gerson, Grover Norquist, Chris Christie (no fan of his, but I'll give him credit for speaking out against politicizing the issue)- but they aren't being heard by the majority
I'd bet the mortgage that Dubya would probably say something very much in line as President Obama. Say what you will about his presidency and foreign policy, but he did show effort to reach out to American Muslims after 9/11, and point out to all that Muslims died in the WTC on 9/11, and our fight was with terrorists, not generic Muslims.
This story has more lives than Freddy Krueger.
Hate is an ugly thing, especially when it is factless bullshit like spewed from the fingers of Lisa and Adam Clay in these comments.
I wish Bush would come forward too. His party wants this to stay in the media so I guess we won't be hearing from him. Yes there are some prominent republicans speaking in defence of Muslim Americans, and they are also saying this hysteria from the right is causing great harm to their party, YAY!! See them for who they are!!!
Led by Pam Geller, then Gingrich and Palin! Good going guys, show us your true colors!
I see you didn't take the time to educate yourself on who Rauf is, Adam Clay. Adam Clay as in Adam and Eve and the rib and the apple, and man made from clay??. I understand you want to get your info from Fucks Noize instead.
Isn't it hilarious that Muslim names scare the shit outta the big bad God-fearing Christians?? Barack Hussein Obama....BOOOOOOBOOOOOOBOOOOO!!! Are ya scared?? LOLOLOL!
Barack Hussein Obama, our American President....Aaaah he is a super great American, we're so blessed by God to have him.
Great Post! Well said!
Republicans fear mongering again.
Much appreciated Tom!
The rightwing has taken fearmongering to new heights. It's humiliating and disgraceful. What are countries around the globe saying about us I wonder. Remember when Michelle Obama said she has never been prouder of her country?? Well I have never be more humiliated and embarrassed to call myself an American as I am today....
you want Bush to come out and say something? How about Hillary?
What would you say to a person who lost someone on 9/11 and was against this. Suck it up and get over it you racist bigot?
people have a legitimate right to be against this mosque or "cultural" center as they want to call it now. Just like it went from the Cordoba Initiative to Park 51.
Just because you don't care about what people feel about it gives you no right to get on your high horse and call people names. This is going to be the "new" democrat party's downfall. The whole lot of them and the wicked witch of the west speaker. What an out of touch arrogant snot nose she is.
So according to Lisa, if you hate Muslims you're a good American.
I thought there was no way you could get any stupider than on the last thread Lisa. I apologise for underestimating you. Or should I use Quaylespeak and say "misunderestimated" you.
There's no need to feel humiliated because there's a segment of closed minded, backward thinking, moronic Lisa's running around Sue. There's a million sperm fighting to be the one that fertilizes the egg. Odds dictate that every now and then a stupid one will make it through. Then it develops and grows up to be a republican.
LOL Truth, so true, oh so true...
lisa, sorry, the people have NO legitimate reason to be against the community center. If the rightwing hysteria lying machine didn't complain and cause this to be issue NUMBER ONE in America most of us wouldn't know a thing about it. The whole thing is just stirred up controversy so righties can get to November with NO message and people won't even notice!
This is my LAST post on this subject....I hope
BTW, Nancy Pelosi is a hard worker and an awesome Democratic LEADER! Too bad your party has NONE....
"What would you say to a person who lost someone on 9/11 and was against this."
I have read several statements from people who lost loved ones on 9/11 - one the mother of a pregnant daughter. I wish I had kept the sources but I didn't realize that even you could be this stupid. Should have known.
"Suck it up and get over it you racist bigot?"
Are you calling Sue a racist?
"people have a legitimate right to be against this mosque"
And people have a right to be for it.
No I'm calling anyone a racist. What are trying to say Leslie. You are sending mixed messages.
It will stay in the media as long as the left keep siding with Hammas and against the American people in every issue. The Democratic Party has become heartless like the Progressives that have taken them over.
Love your enemy.
Sue - This is one of your best posts ever. You can always tell when a liberal article is particulary good. It threatens the wing-nuts and makes them certifiably insane.
Chris!! What ever do you mean?? The liberals on this blog are for freedom of religion, freedom! It's the right who have a problem with other religions in THEIR country. See, it's the right who can't fathom Muslims sharing the same air as they breathe let alone the same neighborhood where 3,000 people of ALL faiths died on 9/11. Not just Christians. How can you say with a straight face progressives are heartless?? Is it not the rightwing mantra to wave the constitution and cry about civil liberties?? So now you want to put HEARTFELT feelings before the right to religious freedom?
That is hilarious!
BTW, do you have heartfelt feelings for blacks when some in your party want to allow states to discriminate against them?
Thanks Leslie! lisa has really gone off the deep end today, riled up like I have never seen before! lol
You know what's ironic about this post? You proclaim yourself a "liberal" yet you defend totalitarian Islam. You're no liberal, Sue, you're a right-wing reactionary.
Let’s be clear about what this Mosque is and is not about.
This has nothing to do with rights, the First Amendment, tolerance, or any of that.
Rather, this is a direct in-your-face-screw-you to the “great satan.” It is a strong statement that they are stronger than us, that their religion is stronger. That we are a bunch of idiot weaklings who can be pushed around. That Islam can build on (virtually on, damn close enough) to the rubble of the great satan to show it’s superiority.
It is therefore no mistake that it is called “Cordoba House” after the great mosque in Cordoba Spain build on the top of a church after the Muslims conquered that country.
Behind this no doubt is the Muslim Brotherhood (you’re familiar with them, right?) and their mentality. They are conducting a “civilizational jihad” (their term from the 1991 document “An Explanatory Memorandum on the General Strategic Goal for the Group in North America”) against us.
Make no mistake – this is not about a mosque. This is about the “grand jihad,” which is the attempt to reestablish the caliphate and institute the sharia.
This is about Imam Rauf's wanting to show the world not all Islamics are kooks.
It's about freedom of religion. Even ones we don't practice or agree with. There are many Christian sects you and I would think are wacky.
Just a century ago the Catholic Church was brutally anti semetic. It taught that anyone who wasn't Catholic was going to hell.
This has been made into a bogeyman scenario by political hit men on the right Tom. It's despicable.
Oh Tom you are SOOOO WRONG! You sound like a Fucks Noize commentator...
This community center is just that, a community center which will open it's doors to ALL Americans, every color, every religion, no bigotry, just plain and simply a community center! Get your head out of that rightwing sci-fi movie, it's so lame!! Email Bush and get his opinion, remember him?
You rightwing nuts are the ones scaring the crap out of civilized America, NOT Muslims!
Does the Bible or the Koran hold more truth?
Are Xtians on another crusade?
Are Muslims marauding for a Caliphate?
Did the Exodus really happen?
Is the insane right wing of the rethug party on yet another political inquisition?
lisa wrote: "What would you say to a person who lost someone on 9/11 and was against this. Suck it up and get over it you racist bigot?"
You poor dear. Ted Olsen, who was the solicitor general under Bush lost his wife in 9/11. He has come out in support of the community center.
Suck it up, lisa.
"You proclaim yourself a "liberal" yet you defend totalitarian Islam. You're no liberal, Sue, you're a right-wing reactionary."
That has to be the most fucked up. convoluted and ignorant statement yet - altho it's hard to top Lisa the Loon.
I've had Muslim friends most of my life. They came here to get away from the governmental tyranny of some of their countries. They are very devout and I'll take their religion any day over that of these right wing kooks.
"Ted Olsen, who was the solicitor general under Bush lost his wife in 9/11"
wow Shaw you found one! Of course the politicians have to be careful what they say.
3000 killed extended family and friends about 10x that amount of course you will find both sides of the issue. But someone who agrees with it shouldn't cancel out those who don't.
We now find out that Saudi Arabia and possibly Iran is funding this
Mosque. That must make you feel much better about it now right?
Sounds more like a bridge to nowhere rather that building bridges.
Being that they are funding it let's see how "tolerant" they would be if we decide to build Churches and Synagogues in those countries. I won't be holding my breath on that.
So lets' see we are the ones who are supposed to be tolerant of intolerant countires and that makes us what....intolerant?
"But someone who agrees with it shouldn't cancel out those who don't."
Nor should those who don't agree cancel out those who do. Think before you speak, or better yet, don't speak at all.
"We now find out that Saudi Arabia and possibly Iran is funding this
What's your source?
Lisa, you need a lobotomy.
WOW 25 whole churches in how many countries?
How about we put one in Mecca?
Anyway it's more about where it is.
Nobody is denying the fact Muslims have the same rights to freedom of religion and building Mosques here.
I see your 25 churches and raise and raise you 1400 mosques.
Where do you think the money is coming from Leslie or don't you care?
Maybe when Nancy Pelosi investigates the people, who oppose it then she can find out for you where the funding is coming from.
Although she won't do that because she probably agrees with Rauf that the US was responsible for 9/11 and Bin Laden was made in the U.S.
Hey, Lisa. Did you even bother going to that link that I provided? And did it ever occur to your pathetic pea sized brain that maybe the blogger ran out of time? Oh, excuse me, I forgot you don't have a blog so how could you possibly understand how long it takes to gather images and post them?
You really are a sicko. Somebody needs to lock you up in a padded cell.
she misread your ((25)) countries as 25 churches. She's in much to much a hurry and doesn't take the time to read like a big girl....
If you took the time to read my whole post you might change your attitude lisa.
Bigots, hell yea this is bigotry. How else do you explain this mosque fight all over the country not just NY?? I'll say it again. Christians hate ALL Muslims, they fear a takeover by them in our HUGE country! Yes God-fearing Christians are rightwing wackos! Ok, not all of them, just the insane ones!
I opened the link. It' pictures of churches in tolerant Muslim countries.Ok so they are overflowing with churches.
I guess that makes them tolerant.
Like I said you won't see any church on or near Mecca(you know sacred ground).
So they are tolerant of Christians and Jews you are saying?
I say let them build mosuqes everywhere they can
Now 10 points if you can guess who said that.
lisa wrote: "Of course the politicians have to be careful what they say."
lisa, Ted Olson is NOT a politician. He's a private practicing attorney.
You're wrong again, and again, and again. But then your side always deals in half-truths, misrepresentations and lies.
And you've been given proof that Christian churches exist in Arab countries, but you also want a Christian church in Mecca?
You are one hilariously funny troll.
Hmmm. Why isn't there a Church of Scientology in Vatican City??? That proves that the RCC hates other religions and is intolerant!
lisa, thanks for the laughs.
Too many, not all, Christians hate and are threatened by any organization, religious or otherwise, that doesn't agree with their own racism and hatred. These people are ignorant and therefore evil. We can find no better example of this than with Lisa the Loon and all her personae.
the Christians believe they are Gods chosen people. They have NO tolerance for Muslims or any other religious beliefs, therefore this argument is going nowhere. Lisa bores the hell out of me and I would love it if we all could ignore her so I can start deleting her drivel.
Adulter Newt Gingrich: "It doesn't matter what I do. People need to hear what I have to say. There's no one else who can say what I can say. It doesn't matter what I live".
Newt Gingrich is a lying hypocrite who should be ashamed to show his face in public after what his ex-wife recently revealed about him... actually he should have been ashamed to show his face in public before the most recent revelations... These are the kind of people who represent the Republicans and their "superior" morals.
They lie and manipulate for political gain. Newt's past actions prove this to be the case.
"Six months from now, the only people who will remember this conversation are religious minorities who feel threatened by the idea that non-Christian places of worship are political footballs... Sikhs, Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims, Jews, Mormons, all have to wonder if some politicians are deciding that their 1st Amendment rights are subject to political winds. The people doing this are losing the Republican Party Muslim voters, Sikh voters, Jewish voters, and Mormons".... Grover Norquist.
I really hope this strategy the Republicans have been pursuing works out for them... which is to alienate and drive away as many minority voters as possible. African Americans, Hispanics and now Muslims... They have a lock on the White racist vote... but it's not enough to win elections.
BTW, the NYC Community board approved the building of the mosque. I'm in favor of construction going ahead as planned. In fact, I'll be extremely disappointed if doesn't. Because it will be a victory for Right-wing demagoguery.
I consider myself a Christian, and I thought that the "chosen people" were the Jews.
BTW, "Islam teaches that God as referenced in the Qur'an is the only god and the same God worshiped by members of other Abrahamic religions such as Christianity and Judaism".
However, I'm convinced that Right-wing Christians worship an entirely different God. One which is first and foremost Conservative, and who encourages his worshipers to: condemn the poor for their fate, condemn homosexuality even though people are born that way, and to be intolerant of other Religions (even if the other religion's adherents follow the same God).
The Right-winger's God surely is not my God.
W, this is what is in the link...
Jews and, by extension, Christians consider themselves to be the "chosen people".
Yes the rightwing religious fanatics are as you stated. I have a brother going through this phase of finding God and fearing for the eternal salvation of his family members...sigh...
Newt, isn't he just the most hypocritical ever!? The right is fiercely trying to find a leader. The latest news report is calling Haley Barbour that leader! Oh well, to each his own. Poor rethugs, they have lost their way....
It is by the grace of God that we achieve salvation. I won't know if I'm "chosen" until He chooses me.
As for the Jews? They've endured an awful lot of shit. I'm glad I wasn't "chosen" like they were.
What's hilarious is the damn righties that are so pro Israel and hate Arabs kept Jews out of their country clubs for years. That may be the reason they support Israel so much. Maybe they think the Jews will all go there.
Why do you hate Jews and waqnt them to go away Lisa? You're an anti semitic booger eater!
Here's the latest on how the GOP keeps shooting itself in the foot. Another moneyed group is now so disgusted with GOP antiu-Muslim rhetoric, they're going to leave the party. From Josh Marshall's Talking Points Memo:
An influential Muslim GOP donor is at the end of her tether, and tells TPM she may eventually have to leave the Republican party over its opposition to the Cordoba House project and other anti-Muslim positions.
"I don't know if I'll be a Republican a year from now," says Seeme Hasan, who chairs the Hasan Family Foundation in Colorado, and has close ties to the Republican party leadership. Hasan's frustration with the GOP was evident, and not just over their public opposition to the construction of a Muslim cultural center in lower Manhattan. "Every time a Muslim person becomes famous, they are viciously attacked," Hasan said.
"The past few years in the Republican party has been constant humiliation for Muslims," Hasan told TPM in an interview yesterday evening.
Keep it up GOP. You're almost there: America's White Christian Party.
We already have a White Christian Party. It's the teabaggers. Of course, they are taking over the GOP.
I think Lisa is vying to be the most ignorant republican female on the planet. Her competition is Michelle Bachman and Sarah Palin.
They're gonna be pissed when they see how stupid Lisa is. The republican party is barely big enough for two morons as moronic as Sarah and Michelle.
That will be some catfight. Meow!
Thanks Lisa. I notice that you did not say I was wrong, so I must assume that you agree with me.
Jerry I have been deleting her drivel so I'm not sure if she commented to you or not, sorry!
Some Christians may consider themselves "chosen people" but officially, it's the Jews. "Judaism Online" confirms this... however, "a non-Jew is entitled to practice any religion which is Noachide-consistent, thereby earning himself the title of being a righteous Gentile and deserving a place in the World to Come".
email received today from Human Events... Dear Fellow American, President Obama is wrong AGAIN! Last Friday evening at WH dinner on the 3rd night of Ramadan, Pres Obama came out enthusiastically in support of the Islamic supremacist mega-mosque two blocks from Ground Zero. ...Obama stands with our enemies.
...15-story mega-mosque on hallowed ground is indecent, offensive & outrageous. ... GZ mosque is insult to memory of those killed by Islamic terrorists... Help us protect & honor the memory of the nearly 3,000 people who perished... Stop the GZ Mosque, Sign Our Petition NOW!
Also, I just heard this on Keith Olbermann's program: Allowing the bush tax cuts to expire... is now "the ticking Obama tax bomb". And a new poll suggests that 1 in 5 Americans believes Obama to be Muslim. The implication is quite clear: Obama is a sleeper Muslim terrorist who has planted a "tax bomb" to take down our economy.
What the hell is wrong with people?? Why are they buying into Republican idiocy?!
Ah Whirling Dervish my friend. Republicans know you can't fight stupidity. Instead, they have chosen to embrace it.
that's right, the GOP can not run on ideas and a plan for America so they MUST, as ALWAYS, run on FEAR. They know NOTHING else!
It's becoming clear with this fight with Islam that they(rightwing fanatics) want to bring down America. It will be the rightwing wackos to destroy our nation, NOT the Muslims.
No problem, Sue. I don't usually pay any attention to her drivel. I'm not sure why I did this time.
Maybe too much wine!
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