Thursday, August 19, 2010

She loves herself, she hates Muslims

This self-righteous moron in a youtube video. It's like her own little movie, of herself, how fun! Why do people fall for this fearmongering crap? It's August, I guess that's why!

 Jeffrey Goldberg  posted this piece....

The Rise of Shrieking Bigot Pamela Geller

Aug 18 2010, 12:52 PM ET
There is a very depressing story today in The Washington Post about the lunatic racist Pamela Geller, who has been leading the crusade against the so-called Ground Zero mosque. This is a woman who once called me a "Jewicidal Jihadi" for advocating for peace and compromise in the Middle East. It's a clever phrase, true, but, moi? In other dank corners of the Interwebs, I'm thought of as a blood-and-soil Jewish nationalist. I didn't really address her charges at the time, because it was my impression that Geller was a marginal nutbag, but it seems as if she's setting the national agenda now on matters related to Islam and religious freedom. To which I say, Jesus H. Christ.

This woman has waged war on ALL Muslims, she and her blog are the epitome of hate and bigotry. Those who add her to their bloglists should be ashamed....pitiful


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Pamela Geller's group "Stop Islamization of America" says "Racism is the lowest form of human stupidity, but Islamophobia is the height of common sense".

Islamophobia is racism... and Pamela Geller and everyone in her group are stupid... by their own admission.

Sue said...

HA! She is one sick bitch!

Jerry Critter said...

LOL. Republicans -- the party of sick bitches! They've got a bunch.

Jolly Roger said...

I haven't figured out yet why a used-up Nazi old hag is listened to by anyone. She, C__tler, and Maggie Gallagher are a frigging Nazi Hydra of stupid.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Pam Geller is nothing but a sack of pig excrement. She should have been run out of town, and symbolically tarred and feathered for spreading her racism and hatred.

That this country gives her a second of recognition teaches us how low we have fallen as an enlightened nation. Were we ever "enlightened?"

People like her and Beckerhead are examples of what happens when stupidity is admired over reason.

Sue said...

Pam has a video up today, it's so trashy and self-serving.

Maggie?? OMG, What a dimwitted twit, like the rest of the bunch of morons she loves Michelle Bachmann. What does that tell ya? I can't help myself, I have to read these outrageous bloggers for the shock value, it helps with my sense of humor. The comments sections are a scream!!

Hugh Jee From Jersey said...

In May, 1869 Rep. James M. Cavanaugh (D-MT) said in the House of Representatives, "I have never seen in my life a good Indian ... except when I have seen a dead Indian." (That remark may have been mistakenly attributed to General Phil Sheridan.)

Maybe BOTH the Christian fundamentalists and Charles Darwin were wrong; there is no evolution.

"Devolution"....Pam Geller and her broad brush of billions is more proof. We really haven't evolved that much....or at 141 years, have we?

There are aspects of Islam and it's practice in some countries that are, to be blunt, repugnant to any person of conscience. But there is also moderation in it's practice around the world as well.

Only the intellectually lazy won't try to do the homework themselves, and rely and cranks like this one to do it for them.....the road to demagoguery is the easy path to follow.

Jerry Critter said...

Hugh, you are right when you say,
"There are aspects of Islam and it's practice in some countries that are, to be blunt, repugnant to any person of conscience."

Notice, countries where these practices occur are generally countries that are a theocracy. They are countries where the religion rules.

Keep that in mind as christian religious fanatics in the US attempt to take over our government. Do you think they will be any less vicious?

Sue said...

If Christian religious fanatics succeed in taking over our government will they rule over us from their beloved and very violent Old Testament?
An eye for an eye?

What a scary thought!

Jess said...

I was just reading over at Wonkette, that the people at this ground zero are now attacking Coptic Christians. You know, the brown people as if they are somehow not Christian enough. Then I comeover here and see this idiot speechifying the ignorance. Is it too much to ask, maybe instead of speaking these people be put in a nice room somewhere, where they can gaze at their own bellybuttons indefinitely? They might get some new wisdom and start some really new religion we can all follow.

Leslie Parsley said...

"The party of sick bitches." LOL. You've got it, Jerry, and they all have shit for brains.

Sue, as usual you've hit the nail on the head. I don't know how you can stand going to these sites.

TOM said...

Fear as a motivator (as Republicans regularly use) creats this kind of delusional, hypocritical thinking.
Typical stereotype of an idiot who thinks the President is a Muslim, or not born in America, which I heard last night includes 18% of Americans. WOW!

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

These 18% are going to be there anyway. They're stupid. Does anyone really think they're going to read Hellooo.....Mr. President, when they can have their stupidity pandered to by Ms. Geller?

And think of the dirty old republican men that think by buying hers or Ann Coulter's books they're gonna get laid.

I pity them that they're that desperate. Ann Coulter: eeeewwww....

Sue said...


Ya know what's really fascinating is the right bashes Obama for not uniting the country like the left said he would, but how can you unite a country that does not want to be united?? The fanatics do every thing in their power to distance themselves from people of color and different faiths. They are the ones who do not want the states to be united, so let them divide us and they take their little corner of the country and let themselves be ruled by a religious RULER! They would be in heaven! (and so would we)

Sue said...

I don't think 18% is that big a number either. So we can say 80% of the country are forward thinking and sane progressives?! :-)

Sue said...

I have to go to those blogs, I have to see what the wackos are saying. Linda has the best wacko bloglist around!

Hugh Jee From Jersey said...

"I was just reading over at Wonkette, that the people at this ground zero are now attacking Coptic Christians. You know, the brown people as if they are somehow not Christian enough."

What disturbs me about that thought is that about two blocks from my house (sounds familiar?)there stands a Coptic Church; in fact, my voting district is in their parish hall.

To those who don't know, Coptics are the oldest branch of Christianity with a history that goes back to the Roman- Hellenic Egypt in the first century AD. They have incredible icons (like most Eastern Orthodox), are led by the Patriarch of Alexandria, and they use the ancient language of Aramaic in their liturgy and rituals.

And in about a week, just as they have done for eight years now, they will put up a sign in front of their church, asking parishioners and passers by to remember and pray for two individuals who were killed in the Twin Towers on 9/11.

They were Arabs...they were Christians....they were Americans.

Sue said...

wow Hugh, I don't know why but all of a sudden I was moved to tears! I love that story. I had never heard of these Coptic Christians. For those who believe in Jesus, the TRUE believers I mean, they would know in their hearts Jesus would be moved to tears because of the hate that is happening in our country in the name of Christianity! What the hell is wrong with our country?? These hateful protesters are NOT true Christians, they do not have God in their hearts! Like I say over and over, wolves in sheep's clothing...

Anonymous said...

I am scared for America. We put thousands of Japanese American citizens in concentration camps because we were "afraid of them" because of Pearl Harbor. It was popular at the time. Popularity has nothing to do with what is right. Muslim American citizens should not be treated as terrorists simply because of their religion. The republican party simply does not understand this. I am ashamed of our country, but fear the right extremists are about to take party. God help us all.