Thursday, August 11, 2011

Absofuckinlutely...Satan is moving in the Religious Rightie Party

Rick Perry's Army of God

A little-known movement of radical Christians and self-proclaimed prophets wants to infiltrate government, and Rick Perry might be their man.

On September 28, 2009, at 1:40 p.m., God’s messengers visited Rick Perry.
On this day, the Lord’s messengers arrived in the form of two Texas pastors, Tom Schlueter of Arlington and Bob Long of San Marcos, who called on Perry in the governor’s office inside the state Capitol. Schlueter and Long both oversee small congregations, but they are more than just pastors. They consider themselves modern-day apostles and prophets, blessed with the same gifts as Old Testament prophets or New Testament apostles.
The pastors told Perry of God’s grand plan for Texas. A chain of powerful prophecies had proclaimed that Texas was “The Prophet State,” anointed by God to lead the United States into revival and Godly government. And the governor would have a special role.
The day before the meeting, Schlueter had received a prophetic message from Chuck Pierce, an influential prophet from Denton, Texas. God had apparently commanded Schlueter—through Pierce—to “pray by lifting the hand of the one I show you that is in the place of civil rule.”
Gov. Perry, it seemed.

Remember George Dubya Bush and his army of God?? Well now comes another Texas cowboy who believes God spoke to him and has chosen him to be president of the United States. I swear if that fanatical wingnut is nominated AND wins I will believe we are in the fight for our salvation, I will believe this is the good versus evil know what I'm saying..

Read the article here, it will scare the beheebeejeebees outta ya!!


Les Carpenter said...

Good versus evil...

Ah yes, such is the struggle mankind has confronted since humans developed cognition and the ability to reason.

In the fight between good and evil it must be remembered that when good compromises with evil only evil wins. This is because by said compromise with evil good becomes less pure.

Just as when rationality compromises with irrationality rationality loses and irrationality wins.

There is no shortage of irrational people these days.

And there does seem as though evil in the world today is on a decided upswing...

A correlation perhaps?

Mordechai said...

Good versus evil...

The people of the United States against the republiscum, teatards, right wing bigots, kooks and corporate fascists who are hell bent on destroying our democracy.

.... puts the rest of your post in context.

Just as when rationality compromises with irrationality rationality loses and irrationality wins.

You don't mean the wing nut anti-science push from the religious right fringe (backed by the corporate polluters money) do ya?

And there does seem as though evil in the world today is on a decided upswing...

Like all the people who claim to be doing Jesus calling with their "prosperity doctrine, American Excepionalism" ET AL? Jesus would rail against that today like he decried the Saducees and Pharises and false prophets in his day.

Sue said...

Perry, Palin, Bachmann, Santorum, etc. are pandering to the religious right fanatics, desperate for votes...they ARE false prophets!!

Flying Junior said...

The army of God is a biblical concept. Nobody gets upset about the Salvation Army. I thought that Bush was rather humble in his religious beliefs. I don't remember him bashing other religions, gays or any of the other traditional targets of the religious right. I do remember Dick Armey and his army of dicks.

Pat Robertson
Tim LaHaye
Rick Warren

These guys are about as far removed from the teachings of Christ as could even be possible. It's all about the money, baby. I also strongly disapprove of any big money christian organizations such as the mega-churches of Colorado Springs all the way to the west coast. I was glad to see Reverend Schuller fall from grace after his catastrophic meltdown. The Crystal Cathedral is up for sale. They should probably donate it to the city of Los Angeles and leave a grant to convert it into a concert venue. The religious right is increasingly marginalized and has no real power. I would love to see Romney win the nomination and forever disprove the notion that the religious right has any relevance whatsoever.

Sue said...

good points FJ...I hope you are right about the relevance thing. Seems the religious fanatics are more organized then ever, they're getting ready for the second coming...

Dubya was a little more discreet in his beliefs, but I do think he is no different than a Bachmann or Perry, just more subdued in his preaching. He did say his Iraq invasion was Gods army tho.

Flying Junior said...

He did?

What a nut!

Sue said...

yes he did, in fact I did a post on it. I'll look back and leave the link.

Sue said...

here is the old post....

The CDM said...

Rick Perry HAS to cling to his religion as scholastic achievement wasn't his strong suit in college. There were a shitload of C's and D's...including an F in a physical education course. Does that make him a fat head?

Before anyone makes the argument for grades someone made in college way back when, ask yourself this question: Would you want the doctor that made C's and D's in Med School operating on you or one that has a great level of academic achievement?