Friday, August 5, 2011

It's been 2 years AND I'M STILL GOING STRONG!

This 'Ole Liberal Hippie Loves Aerosmith, so because it's my 2 year blog anniversary I want to share with you 2 of my fav songs. These songs have meaning though...Cryin' is for the big cry baby Tea Party Freshmen who felt the need to hold the country hostage til they got their demands met... And Dream On is for the Republican voters who think Barack Obama is gonna be a one term president!!! Bwahaahaahaa! ENJOY the rockin' videos, and a HUGE shout out to all my friends and followers who have been with me for the past 2 years, I SO Humbly appreciate your support and LOVE YOU ALL!!


Les Carpenter said...

The political hyperbole aside Sue, Happy Second Blog Birthday!

Wishing you many more years of "engagement." ;)

Sue said...

Thanks RN, I appreciate that!

Flying Junior said...

Happy blogiversary Sue. You're a real shot in the arm when even NPR, CBS and NBC go conservative on ya. We tend to forget the old-school, die-hard liberals are out there. This morning I was listening to a huge symposium on marriage equality and civil rights with an astonishing succession of full-on, hardcore lefties including one of Cesar Chavez's granddaughters with a little dog named Boycott. You know, just good people and plain folks. Carry on. Never say die.

Right now I'm trying to connect my new SONY I got for my birthday to my hi-fi and my laptop so I can watch YouTube and live streaming on the big system. I'll wait on the Aerosmith till later. Trying to get set up for Jackson Browne, Bonnie Raitt and the Doobies benefit concert for Japan by MUSE, Musicians United for Safe Energy.

Sue said...

thanks FJ, you and me, the last of the good ole hippies! Love ya!

Sue said...


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Sue, except for your recent criticism of the "hard left", I think your blog is awesome. I've also got to disagree with you about Aerosmith. I don't care for them. The best I can do is to say some of their music doesn't suck to bad.

That being the case, I've selected two music videos from my favorite artist. For the tea party Hobbits who thought crashing the debt ceiling would have been a good thing I'll select this one. And for the Republican voters who think Barack Obama is going be a one term president... how about this one?

Sue said...

hey w, whats friendship without a few disagreements!? LOL! Thanks friend, I appreciate your support and love ya too! I'll come see what your fav music is...hope I like it...hope it's not country!

Sue said...

well w, let me just say this..the song titles are good, but Billy Joel? Nah, not so much feelin' the least it isn't country :-)

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

IMHO Billy Joel is one of the greatest musicians/lyricists who has ever lived. I have every single album he has released (on CD). I have no Aerosmith albums.

As for the song titles, I thought you would disagree with the second one.

The first one is "Sometimes a Fantasy", and I selected it to suggest the Tea Partiers (like Michele Bachman) who think the debt ceiling should NOT have been raised are delusional.

The second one is "You may be right", and I selected it because I think Republican voters who believe Barack Obama can be defeated in 2012 may be right...

Sue said...

no way on gods green earth will Obama be defeated....NO way...

yes the titles fit your scenarios, as for Joel, not my cuppa tea...I mean coffee..

Malcolm said...

Congrats Sue on your 2 years in the blogosphere!

Sue said...

Thanks Malcolm, I appreciate your loyal support and friendship!