Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Obama's Lucky 13!

Sorry President Barack Obama haters, he will be yours and My president until 2016, so get used to it!  According to Allen Lichtman, in his book The Keys to the White House, the 13 Keys to winning re election are showing him Barack Obama will win in 2012.  Oh sure, conservatives will boo hoo this book but Lichtman has correctly predicted the wins and loses of every presidential election since 1984. He says even at this early date he does not see how Obama can lose...

Here's how it works, Lichtman identifies 13 keys to the presidency with yes or no questions,  if six of these questions go against the incumbent, the incumbent loses. If it is less than six, the incumbent wins.

 Here are those keys from Politicology and Noah Rothman,

1.       Party Mandate: After the midterm election, the incumbent party holds more seats in the U.S. House of Representatives than they did after the previous midterm elections. – Yeah, this one is a loss for the president. But, it’s early. Let’s keep going.
2.       Contest: There is no contest for the incumbent party nomination. – Nope. There is definitely grumbling in the Democratic set but it's objectively hard to conceive of a major challenge to Obama for the Democratic nomination. The president wins.
3.       Incumbency: The incumbent party candidate is the president. – Yep. Another win.
4.       Third Party: There is no significant third party challenge. – Well… yet to be seen. “significant” is probably the saving grace here. There has been a third and even fourth party candidate with some national stature in every election since 1992, so it’s a safe bet that there will be a third party candidate of some kind. How major a challenge that third party is to either party is debatable. But, Lichtman give this one to Obama so I will too. Win.
5.       Short Term Economy: The economy is not in recession during the campaign. – Lichtman gives this an “undecided” ranking, meaning that it is uncounted. Given the trends we are seeing it is hard to think that this is a growing economy. I know, officially the recession ended in 2009 and 2010 was the start of the recovery, but all that is Orwellian “new speak” compared to the reality on the ground. I’m inclined to give Obama a losing score on this point, but we’ll count our tallies later.
6.       Long-Term Economy: Real per capita economic growth during the term equals or exceeds mean growth during the previous two terms. – Yeah, inherited or no, this economy blows and Obama will take it on the chin for it. Obama loses this one objectively.
7.       Policy Change: The incumbent administration effects major changes in national policy.  – Without question. Some of the most sweeping policy changes we’ve seen in a decade or more. Obama wins. (The popularity of those sweeping changes is not taken into account).
8.       Social Unrest: There is no sustained social unrest. – Obama wins this too. The Tea Party may have counted but its intensity has dissipated after the 2010 elections. Also, the Tea Party label is becoming less and less popular, signifying that this movement will not be “sustained” into 2012.
9.       Scandal: The incumbent administration is untainted by major scandal. – Lichtman gives this one to Obama. Although his assessment that “this administration has been squeaky clean,” is overly complimentary. I have not seen a “squeaky clean” administration in my lifetime and this is no exception. We’ll see how Cash for Firearms plays out… As that matures, however, it’s a win.
10.   Foreign / Military Failure: The incumbent administration suffers no major failure in foreign or military affairs. – Nothing significant. Big win for Obama.
11.   Foreign / Military Success: The incumbent administration achieves a major success in foreign or military affairs. – Oh yeah. Bin Laden, Libya… Obama win.
12.   Incumbent Charisma: The incumbent party candidate is charismatic or a national hero. – Lichtman does not give this one to Obama. He cites the doctrine of “leading from behind,” in foreign affairs and in domestic policy debates as the problem. This one, despite expectations to the contrary in 2008, is a loss for Obama.
13.   Challenger Charisma: The challenging party candidate is not charismatic or a national hero. – This is a win for Obama. Unless Gen. David Patraeus jumps in, the GOP race is devoid of national heroes.

There you have it, 8 wins for Obama!
Lichtman, Rothman, and I say YES, Barack Obama wins in 2012!!


Leslie Parsley said...

I think this man is quite amazing, especially with all the racist, ignorant attacks and obstructionism he has had to deal with from the right and the ignorant moaning and groaning from the far-left. No, he's not perfect but even FDR had a few flaws and disappointments. God forbid, did I just say that?

John Myste said...

You are the second person to post on this topic. I don't think the keys are driving in this race, but I think Obama still has a pretty good chance.

Dave Dubya said...

As much as the Right screams about deficits, they are on the wrong issue. Jobs are Americans' priority and if Obama can push on jobs, and show GOP obstruction on jobs, he will be re-elected.

Jerry Critter said...

Republicans want to concentrate on the deficit because creating jobs will help the economy while spending cuts will hurt the economy. They believe an increasing economy benefits the Democrats and a decreasing economy benefits them. And the most important thing in a republican mind is a republican.

Sue said...

I think with all the obstruction, the attacks, and just pure hate throw at our president, he is amazing in his drive, you're right Leslie!

John, all you have to do is listen to Americans. The wingnuts are working overtime to convince you of Obama's failures and inability to get elected for a second term, how sad for them, they are in desperation mode and it's so much fun to watch. Especially fun is Limbaugh and his raving rants. I have a comment from another "Sue" who visits from time to time to make an utter ass of herself. She practically wrote this comment word for word from listening to a Limpy rant! Enjoy!

Our President is the fraud:

To facilitate Obama’s “bus tour” of midwest America, the Secret Service bought two large buses and set about customizing them to fit the security needs of the president. The buses sport bulletproof black windows, puncture-proof tires, five-inch thick doors, and their own oxygen supplies (and probably an assortment of other goodies the Secret Service is keeping classified for obvious reasons).

And the Secret Service had to train agents specially to drive them. “Agents will be taught to back up at very high rates of speed using just the mirrors on either side,” says Ronald Kessler, author of In The President’s Secret Service. “It really takes guts to do that.”

White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said that the buses were necessary because “The president needs to get out in the country and meet with real folks in real places.”

“A plane [the size of Air Force One] is hard to get into small communities.”

But here’s the thing: Apparently President Obama only rode the buses for a couple of miles at a time, spending the rest of the time flying from community to community in Air Force One. What’s more, the buses were flown from stop to stop as well. It’s normal practice for the President’s entire motorcade to be loaded up on cargo planes and flown from destination to destination. The buses were just a new part of that motorcade.

But why wouldn’t the presidential limousine have sufficed? Or one of the other armored vehicles that routinely travel with the President? Apparently because the President wanted the imagery of a bus. And buses are what he got.

To be fair, the buses are apparently going to be re-used by the Secret Service. “The second bus is expected to be used by the Republican presidential candidate and both will eventually be used for visiting dignitaries and future officeholders and candidates,” reports the CS Monitor.

Be that as it may, it all seems rather extravagant for a nation teetering on the edge of a double-dip recession and facing a national debt crisis.

Isn't that fun??!!

Sue said...

that's right Dave. I'm looking forward to the jobs speech and the GOP reaction. Should be extremely interesting!

Exactly Jerry, ding ding ding!!, wake up republicans, your party hates you but loves itself...

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

I saw this, but when Lawrence said Lichtman's method accurately predicted the last 7 elections it occurred to me that there was a HUGE problem with that claim.

If he accurately predicted the last 7 elections that means he said bush was going to win in 2000. But bush didn't win. Gore won and the election was stolen from him.

Also, in regards to #11: The war in Afghanistan continues after TEN YEARS. Loss, IMO.

There is also the fact that "only one president in the last 56 years has been re-elected when the unemployment rate was over 6% – Ronald Reagan. The current rate of 8.7% does not bode well for Obama".

I think Obama could lose.

Sue said...

the Bush/Gore election is debatable,

the president HAS foreign/military success, Iraq/Afghanistan are ending, bin Laden, Libya...

Lastly..the GOOPER candidates SUCK...the Congressional GOOPERS suck...and the sane part of the electorate knows Obama is working for them, who are the Republicans working for?? Experts predicted YEARS to come out of the depression, NOT months, so the SANE people know Obama needs more than one term...

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Will Obama win in 2012? Does a dog shit in the spot you're most likely to step?

Yes on both counts. Trust me. I'm a dog and a political genius.

And I read Whirling Dervishes outstanding blog "Sleeping With the Devil."

Sue said...

awww, Dudley you are Studley!

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I may have been "fixed" but I still know how to show a lady a good time Sue. Heh heh heh..

Jerry Critter said...

I have always respect a dog that shits where I am most likely to step.