Monday, August 15, 2011
- Mordechai said...
Add 1 out of 3 jobs Perry claims to have added to Texas came from Texas government hiring people.
About 300,000 of the new Texas jobs were in government. Well over half of them, fueled by the surging population, were at public schools. Employment in the state's public sector has jumped 19% since 2000, compared with a 9% rise in the private sector.
Now layoffs loom. State budget cuts, championed by Mr. Perry to address a big budget shortfall, are prompting school districts around the state to lay off hundreds of teachers and other workers going into the school year starting next month.
The layoffs haven't shown up in federal data, but some economists forecast they may damp the state's vaunted economic growth. And many more jobs are likely to disappear over the next two years as a result of about $15 billion in state budget cuts.
Looking at the number of net new jobs, the biggest increases were in private education and health, up 408,000 jobs, or 40%, and government, up 301,000, or 19%. Employment in manufacturing and information fell.
from WSJ
Good paying manufacturing jobs declines while low paying many minimum wage jobs did increase.
Perry now wants to do this to the entire country?
Haven't we had enough faux cowboy-tough guys from Texas for one century? -
August 15, 2011 at 10:28 PM
- Jerry Critter said...
Great list of things about Perry. If you want the US to be like Texas, vote for Perry. Myself, while I got a lot of complaints about Obama, he is heads and shoulders above any republican candidate -- declared or undeclared.
The contributor chart is very interesting. Unfortunately, I suspect that one for Obama would look very similar...but I would like to see it. Maybe someone "out there" has put one together.
Let's face it. The majority of campaign money for both parties comes from businesses and the wealthy. It won't change until we have public financing of elections...something that will not happen in the near future, if ever. -
August 15, 2011 at 10:38 PM
- The CDM said...
Add the fact that he thought the stimulus was going to be a failure, yet he accepted stimulus money for his Godforsaken state.
Add he was the one that started talking about succession from the U.S. Joking or not, that is tantamount to treason just like the Alaskan Independence Party(insert Palin comparison here).
Just like bush, his big texican mouth writes checks his canary ass can't cash. -
August 16, 2011 at 9:29 AM
- Shaw Kenawe said...
Governor "Good Hair" Perry says government doesn't create jobs, then he brags about the jobs he created while governor?
From the WSJpit website:
"One can argue that Perry had very little to do with the job situation in Texas, but such a person should probably prepare themselves for the consequences of that line of reasoning.
If Rick Perry had nothing to do with creating jobs in Texas, than why does Obama have something to do with creating jobs anywhere?
And why would someone advocate any sort of “job creating” policies if policies don’t seem to matter when it comes to the decade long governor of Texas?
In short, it seems to me that this line of reasoning, in addition to sounding desperate and partisan, hogties its adherents into a position where they are simultaneously saying that government doesn’t create jobs while arguing for a set of policies where government will create jobs.
Or, to an uncharitable eye, it seem they are saying “Policies create jobs when they are policies I like. They don’t create jobs when they are policies I dislike.” -
August 16, 2011 at 10:50 AM
- Leslie Parsley said...
Ooh - but Perry is such a handsome hunk. Ain't that what's important here?
Ditto Jerry. And he's right about Obama's support. Unfortunately, I think this is the nature of the beast if anyone wants to run for office. Not everyone can be a Bloomberg.
This man is flat out scary and people do need to pay attention. For some reason I always think of Elmer Gantry when I see or read something about this former Democrat. You know what they say about people who convert. He is not only completely incompetent, he is a total fraud. What you see is not what you get.
Perhaps just as frightening is this list of religious kooks who participated in his recent religious extravaganza:
I'm still predicting a Perry/Bachmann ticket because these folks are just that crazy. -
August 16, 2011 at 12:07 PM
- Sue said...
thanks for adding to the list everyone!
I also think it will be a Perry/Bachmann ticket, crazy is IN right now, for the GOOPER party! -
August 16, 2011 at 1:19 PM
- Mooner Johnson said...
Sue. I saw your witty comment on our Texas governor over to Squatlo's place. After arriving here, I'm glad I came.
The prick known as Rick Perry is a pompous baffoon. I'm ashamed that my own state's citizenry have been too dumb to rid ourselves of him. I hope that the greater American population proves wiser.
Please go over to my place and enter the "Fuck Rick Perry Haiku Contest". It's on the blog.
Keep up the good work and I'm coming back. -
August 16, 2011 at 3:14 PM
- Sue said...
Mooner I have been enjoying your witty comments at Squatlos too, glad you came by and you like what you saw here. We do have alot of fun and hope you'll join in!
Happy Birthday Mooner! -
August 16, 2011 at 7:00 PM
- Dave Dubya said...
Run, Rick run. We can trust an authoritarian, corporatist, Bible-thumping, Armageddonist theocrat.
If Perry is the nominee, I'd love to write democratic campaign ads, sprinkled liberally with pics of GWB and Rick (The-rhymes-with-Rick) Perry.
Thanks, but no thanks, Texas, "Fool me once..."
Liked Bush? You'll Love Perry!
America, how’d that last Texas Governor in the White House thingy work out for ya?
Perry for President...of the Confederacy
If Perry loves America, let him secede
American succeeds if Perry secedes
Bring him on. -
August 16, 2011 at 7:29 PM
- Sue said...
looks like the crazies just might get their dream candidates afterall...I'm predicting Perry/Bachmann ticket, Dems dream come true!
August 16, 2011 at 8:00 PM
- Leslie Parsley said...
What is the difference between an Aggie and a carp?
One is a bottom feeding scum sucker and the other is a fish. -
August 16, 2011 at 8:38 PM
- Jerry Critter said...
Looks like Perry went to the right school.
August 16, 2011 at 11:43 PM
- okjimm said...
Isn't there ONE sensible person in the Republican party???? I would vote for my local UPS driver before anyone of the idiots currently running..... at least he delivers the goods.
August 17, 2011 at 9:52 AM
- Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...
Texas A and M is a fine and prestigious university. To tar it and it's alumni because of one questionable graduate is totally unfair. Ann Coulter went to Cornell. Does that mean that every graduate of Cornell is a lunkhead? Same with Laura Ingraham and Dartmouth. It seems to me that there's a lot of unnecessary collateral damage transpiring here.
August 17, 2011 at 1:45 PM
- Sue said...
I watched Perry speak today, he's defending his ignorant remarks from the other day with that smirky stupid laugh with shoulder movement.. JUST LIKE DUBYA!!!!! OMFG!!!
August 17, 2011 at 1:58 PM
- Jerry Critter said...
I don't think anyone is trying to besmirch A&M. After all, the best "Aggie jokes" I have heard have told by A&M graduates. All colleges have a few idiot graduates. Perry's grades are all you need to know.
August 17, 2011 at 2:11 PM
- Leslie Parsley said...
Will, you need to chill out and get off your pulpit. I lived in Texas and attended the U of Houston. As Jerry said, the best Aggie jokes are told by Aggies. There are even websites dedicated to Aggie jokes. Sheesh.
August 17, 2011 at 4:27 PM
- The CDM said...
I'll besmirch a&m. They've got some of(if not)THE MOST obnoxious and annoying fans.
Piss on the Aggies!!! -
August 17, 2011 at 6:53 PM
- Jerry Critter said...
Sorry Will. You are wrong. The Ohio State (yes, "The" is part of the official name) has the most obnoxious and annoying fans with Michigan coming in a close second.
Can you guess that I went to a Big 10 school? -
August 17, 2011 at 9:30 PM
- Flying Junior said...
Personally, I have faith that the republicans will pull a rabbit out of a hat. Nobody in their right mind would support any of these candidates seriously for POTUS. Sorry. Not likely. They have plenty of time. They will need to come up with a reasonable candidate. They are not bound to limit their choices to the current crop of exhibitionists. It's a political party, not an instrument of tyranny or an entity with cognizance and personality. As a party, they have the right to put forward any person that garners their love, faith and support. We can't just have random whack-jobs declaring themselves as candidates for the GOP. Somebody will need to pledge their faith and votes. Perry is a media-contrived, dick-smoking idiot. He can't run for president. This is not a joke.
August 18, 2011 at 3:10 AM
- Leslie Parsley said...
FJ is right, I think. TP support is dwindling pretty rapidly now and I think this article explains the whys and wherefores very well. Please take note of the comment at the end as to why the McGovern campaign went south. -
August 18, 2011 at 8:36 AM
- Sue said...
I had a dream last night Chris Christie lost a couple hundred pounds and I was thinking now he's gonna run for president!
August 18, 2011 at 9:19 AM
- Leslie Parsley said...
But the state's rating has just dropped from AA to AA- Not a huge drop but still . . .
August 18, 2011 at 11:20 AM
- Cirze said...
Texas Miracle?
It's a miracle that anybody there believes anything their "leadership" says.
But wait, I guess that's the miracle. -
August 19, 2011 at 3:29 PM
- The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...
According to Perry, "Since June of 2009, Texas is responsible for more than 40 percent of all of the new jobs created in America".
That is what Perry supporter are calling the "Texas Miracle". That statement may be true, but it's actually far from the truth.
You've probably heard the Mark Twain quote about liars figuring? Well, my post on the subject is titled, Figures Don't Lie, But Rick Perry Figures. -
August 21, 2011 at 2:36 PM
- John Myste said...
What happened to the "bull crap" post?
August 24, 2011 at 9:37 PM
- Sue said...
it was time to move on...all the crap was suffocating me
August 24, 2011 at 9:55 PM
- John Myste said...
Will made a witty comment that was over my head. I know it was witty, however, because he told me.
What was really witty was his post about the witty comment. That cracked me up: -
August 26, 2011 at 12:27 AM
After 8 nightmarish years with G Dubya Bush, would Independents and moderate sane Republicans vote for Perry over President Obama?? An uneducated cowboy from Texas in the White House AGAIN!?? You MUST BE JOKING! Perry is as good at the scare tactics as Bush was, will the masses fall for it?
~ William E. Gladstone
Here's Rick Perry and those who feed his presidential ambitions.....
Here are some very important reasons NO American should give this goon a second glance for POTUS...
#1 Rick Perry is a “big government” politician. When Rick Perry became the governor of Texas in 2000, the total spending by the Texas state government was approximately $49 billion. Ten years later it was approximately $90 billion. That is not exactly reducing the size of government.
#2 The debt of the state of Texas is out of control. According to, the debt to GDP ratio in Texas is 22.9% and the debt per citizen is $10,645. In California (a total financial basket case), the debt to GDP ratio is just 18.7% and the debt per citizen is only $9932. If Rick Perry runs for president these are numbers he will want to keep well hidden.
#3 The total debt of the Texas government has more than doubled since Rick Perry became governor. So what would the U.S. national debt look like after four (or eight) years of Rick Perry?
#4 Rick Perry has spearheaded the effort to lease roads in Texas to foreign companies, to turn roads that are already free to drive on into toll roads, and to develop the Trans-Texas Corridor which would be part of the planned NAFTA superhighway system. If you really do deep research on this whole Trans-Texas Corridor nonsense you will see why no American should ever cast a single vote for Rick Perry.
#5 Rick Perry claims that he has a “track record” of not raising taxes. That is a false claim. Rick Perry has repeatedly raised taxes and fees while he has been governor. Today, Texans are faced with significantly higher taxes and fees than they were before Rick Perry was elected.
#6 Even with the oil boom in Texas, 23 states have a lower unemployment rate than Texas does.
#7 Back in 1988, Rick Perry supported Al Gore for president. In fact, Rick Perry actually served as Al Gore’s campaign chairman in the state of Texas that year.
#8 Between December 2007 and April 2011, weekly wages in the U.S. increased by about 5 percent. In the state of Texas they increased by just 0.6% over that same time period.
#9 Texas now has one of the worst education systems in the nation. The following is from an opinion piece that was actually authored by Barbara Bush earlier this year….
#10 Rick Perry attended the Bilderberg Group meetings in 2007. Associating himself with that organization should be a red flag for all American voters.
#11 Texas has the highest percentage of workers making minimum wage out of all 50 states.
#12 Rick Perry often gives speeches about illegal immigration, but when you look at the facts, he has been incredibly soft on the issue. If Rick Perry does not plan to secure the border, then he should not be president because illegal immigration is absolutely devastating many areas of the southwest United States.
#13 In 2007, 221,000 residents of Texas were making minimum wage or less. By 2010, that number had risen to 550,000.
#14 Rick Perry actually issued an executive order in 2007 that would have forced almost every single girl in the state of Texas to receive the Gardasil vaccine before entering the sixth grade. Perry would have put parents in a position where they would have had to fill out an application and beg the government not to inject their child with a highly controversial vaccine.
A Texas Miracle?? What a FRAUD!