Monday, August 8, 2011

I used to be one of those, But I have evolved...

This is extremely long, sorry, but if you even read just half you'll get the gist of what this man is saying to us....

This is from a political blog that someone targeted to be blocked on Facebook. There is no reason for the block, someone said it was 'spammy', but it shoots right to the heart of what we need to hear. Take the time, it's worth the read.

 More Politics 101: Obama is SMARTER Than Us!

I’m not angry often. I don’t believe anger is an emotion that makes things better for anyone but yourself, and even that is rare. This is generally a political blog, and in politics, anger is poisonous. I can’t say this enough; the average voter in this country (NOT voters on either extreme side of the political spectrum, but those who actually decide elections) is NOT motivated by anger, cannot be motivated by anger (usually), and actually reacts to expressed anger with disgust, for the most part. They don’t want to elect angry people, they want to elect competent people. They don’t care what WE think the issues are; they want to elect someone who knows and understands the issues and will do something about it.

Put simply, the general public already thinks all politicians suck, so you reiterating that politicians suck does nothing to advance the political process. 
But I’m becoming angry with the far left these days, not just because they’re being unfair to the president and the Democrats, but because they pose as political “experts,” despite the fact that they seem to know nothing about how politics actually works.
Let’s start this rant by reminding you that the man occupying the White House currently got to where he is in spite of the fact that:
  • He is a black man;
  • He had a father who was a Kenyan Muslim; 
  • He has an unusual name;
  • He didn’t have a ton of political experience when he ran and;
  • He had to beat one of the most established legacies in Democratic politics in the primary, and a respected war hero politician in the general election.
Barack Obama could very well be the most brilliant politician of our day. He knows what’s up far better than we do. To NOT defer to his judgment except in extreme circumstances is much like hiring a mechanic to repair your car and then telling him how (s)he should rebuild your carburetor. Put simply, if you think you can do it better, then do it. Otherwise, shut the hell up, because you sound stupid when you criticize an expert. 

That is why all of you Monday morning quarterbacks out there – those of you who are constantly going on about how big a screw-up Obama is, and how he “should have” done something that YOU think would have “worked better” -- just look pathetic.  Seriously, you look sillier than shit, and it’s pissing most liberals off, because you’re affecting the discourse, and you’re making it more difficult to beat the right wing, which absolutely MUST be our first order of business for the next several election cycles. Pardon my French, but FUCK the Blue Dogs. THEY are NOT the problem. The problem is the extreme right, who are hell-bent on dismantling this country, one brick at a time.
All these “woulda coulda shoulda” outbursts coming from some of you demonstrate nothing more than an incredible political naiveté that is absolutely vomit-inducing. Seriously, many of you sound like that blowhard uncle we all have, who's an expert on every goddamn thing, despite the fact that he can't seem to find a job that pays more than $10 an hour. The people I’m talking about NEVER seem to read actual news stories, and they rarely deal with actual facts. Instead, they watch talking head shows, take everything that fits their current belief system, and discard everything else. 
Sound familiar? Yep, you’re right. Some of these folks act the same way toward left wing talking heads that the right wing does with theirs. And it’s not smart. “Absorbing more information” only makes you smarter if you bother to verify the information you’re given, and you also put it into a proper perspective.
And as is my tendency with this blog, I’m going to give specific examples of what I mean. That makes me different than most bloggers, who make sweeping proclamations that are unsupported by any sort of reality. These are memes pushed by the far left on blogs and in comments, and they’re just plain STUPID. And I'm showing you why they're stupid. 

Obama and the Democrats should have made the stimulus bigger.
You’re right, of course. To be effective, the stimulus should have been a lot bigger.
And for the record, my unicorn would be much prettier if it farted glitter, too.
You see, what we want to do and what we can do are often very different things. It would have been nice if President Obama could have just demanded $2 trillion in stimulus right out of the gate, but how realistic was that, really? Perhaps if the Republicans hadn’t already run up $12 trillion in extra debt, we could have taken on a little more. If that had been the case, Obama could have explained that our debt was only 35-40% of GDP, and pushing it up to 50% of GDP was not unprecedented.  
But you know what? The Republicans had run up the debt, and the level of debt was more than 80% of GDP. Suddenly, a country that was used to being told – by liberals, no less – that a $400 billion deficit was dangerous as hell, was looking at a deficit of nearly $1.7 trillion, even without a stimulus package.  What do you think would have happened had Obama spiked it up to nearly $4 trillion in one fell swoop? More importantly, who do you imagine was going to vote for such a bill, besides a handful of progressives in safe districts?

And that doesn't even take into account the whole “Democrats spend money like drunken sailors” meme, which has been tossed around for years, even though it’s untrue.
See, the problem with politics is, at some point, idealism runs into reality. It’s great to say Obama “should have” gone for $2 trillion in stimulus, but what’s the point of doing so, if you have no chance of getting it? Obama was actually told by experts that the most he could hope for was about $400 billion and he got twice that, thanks to a few carefully placed tax cuts for average people.  What he got, in a country that was already looking at huge deficits, was actually quite amazing, politically speaking. Here was a president who’d taken the oath less than a month earlier, and he was able to usher through a single bill that cost taxpayers $800 billion over 3 years, and did so with zero Republican votes.

And let me disabuse some of you of something else. There’s this idea floating around out there, that perhaps Obama should have proposed a $3 trillion bill that would have been negotiated down to, say, $1.5-2 trillion. If you think that’s how bills become law, you do not understand the process. MOST negotiations occur while a bill is being written, not while it’s on the floor of the House or Senate. If you ask for too much in a bill, you kill it. If a bill for $3 trillion in stimulus had been presented, it never would have seen the light of day. Ask Dennis Kucinich how many of his bills actually end up being debated on the House floor, and then ask yourself why that's the case. There are hundreds of bills on the floor of either chamber at any one time; they only have time to deal with those with a realistic chance of passing. A $3 trillion bill would have had no chance. Not only that, but killing that bill might have killed the very idea of a stimulus in the public's mind altogether. A $400 billion bill was turned into a nearly $800 billion bill, which is something of a miracle, but the way you push through a bill like that is to start low and push it higher, not the other way around.

Obama caved on the Bush tax cuts.
One problem with some of these arguments is that they’re too simple-minded to take seriously.
The fact of the matter is, the Bush tax cuts are not just tax cuts for the rich; letting them expire would have meant everyone's tax bill would have risen, at a time when the economy was still trying to recover. These tax increases would have hit everyone on January 1, 2011, and the new GOP Congress was to take office two days later. They would have entered Congress with a promise to save everyone by reducing their taxes back down to where they had been, and they probably would have been successful. They had a majority in the House, and a tax reduction probably would have also passed the Senate. And there are enough Democrats in conservative districts that it’s quite possible such a tax cut bill might have passed with a veto-proof majority. Not only that, but knowing Republicans, they would have extended them for far longer than 2 years.

Obama, being smarter than us, politically, saw this, and he circumvented the process and made a deal, getting an extension of unemployment and several other  concessions that he knew Republicans would never go for on their own. And he extended them for only two years, instead of the ten or more the GOP would have gone for.
If you’re going to accuse Obama of "caving" on this, you should at least tell the truth. The Bush tax cuts were going to be extended, regardless; that Obama got something for them, and limited that extension to two years, instead of ten or more, means he took a negative and turned it into a net positive.

Obama put Social Security and Medicare cuts on the table, and capitulated on a debt ceiling deal.
Once again, politically speaking, this notion is pure stupidity.
Obama never ACTUALLY put such cuts “on the table.” To say so makes you politically naïve. One of the key components of legislative politics involves posturing. For months, Republicans had been demanding cuts in entitlement programs in order to raise the debt ceiling. (Yes, I know John Conyers said they hadn’t a week or so ago, but that’s not true. This is why you have to check facts, REGARDLESS of source. Here is just one example. And here's another. And here's yet another. Note the dates. You get the point. Check facts, even when John Conyers says it. )
If you’ll recall, the original deadline for raising the ceiling was April 15, then it was May 16. Through some clever accounting, Treasury was able to extend the deadline to a “drop-dead” date of August 2. (Just between us, we probably had another week or two;  neither Obama nor Geithner seem particularly careless about things like this.) So, after months of watching Republicans dicking around with the phony debt ceiling “crisis” and demanding huge entitlement “reforms” every step of the way, Obama finally called their bluff.

Contrary to what some lefty blogs told us, however, the president NEVER made any specific detailed cuts public, and probably didn’t make any privately, either. He simply dared them to mention something specific that they wanted to cut. (He did this before, by the way; how many times during the health care debate did Obama challenge the Republicans to come up with specific things they wanted to do to health care reform, and they never responded.) He threw out a number, too; $4 trillion.

This was great politics on a number of levels. First of all, it forced the Republicans to panic. I know many of you naysayers don’t actually pay attention to what happens; you’re too enamored of your own feigned “expertise” to notice. But what happened was priceless. Within hours – on a weekend, no less! – Speaker Orange Boner proposed a much smaller spending cut package, containing ZERO cuts to Social Security, Medicare or Medicaid. And Miss McConnell came out of his turtle shell long enough to offer up a proposal that would actually give the president authority to raise the debt ceiling.
Why would they not take him up on the offer to cut? Because they're already on record trying to kill Medicare. I mean DUH! He knew they would NEVER want to be on record as wanting to harm seniors to that degree. 

Not only that, but if you were paying attention (I know, you were too busy kvetching to notice), a whole lot of Democrats appeared all over the media, promising to protect Social Security and Medicare, come hell or high water.
In other words, where some very narrowly focused individuals saw Obama sacrificing Social Security and Medicare to the far right to resolve a phony “crisis,” the reality was, he was attempting to tar and feather the Republicans, politically speaking, while simultaneously helping the Democrats look good to everyone outside the Tea Party.

And look at the “deal” he made. The deal pretty much guarantees the Bush tax cuts will expire at the end of 2012, and limits initial tax cuts to $22 billion before the beginning of 2013, at which time, IF we do our jobs right, Democrats will take back the House, and we’ll have put a major dent into the “Party of Hell No.” In other words, if you people would stop whining about the Democrats and start attacking the worst political problems we have, then 90% of these cuts can be reversed. No harm, no foul.
To understand politics, you have to look at the entire landscape. You have to step back and view everything, and stop reacting to isolated acts before you understand them. And by all means, you need to trust political allies and wait to see RESULTS before you pass judgment.

Three times in 7 months, the Republican Party has drawn a line in the sand, and all three times, President Obama went toe-to-toe with them and got them to accept a hell of a lot less than they said they wanted. If you believe the Orange Boner’s claim that he got 98% of what he wanted, then you are one gullible human being. He and the Republican Party got exactly dick. They got to save a little face, by agreeing to a “deal” that amounted to a clean debt ceiling bill, with a few token cuts thrown in to appease their base. The bill largely guarantees that the Bush tax cuts will expire, and it guarantees that for every dollar they agree to cut, fifty cents MUST come from defense.
I'll say that again. If they extend the Bush tax cuts beyond 2012, according to this bill, they have to cut the equivalent amount in spending and HALF of that amount will have to come from Defense. During an election year. 
Seriously, if you think that’s what the Republicans envisioned as a debt ceiling “deal” heading into this thing, I wonder what they’re smoking on your home planet.

President Obama should stop reaching out to Republicans. Why does he think he can win them over?
This could very well be my favorite, because it’s so enormously clueless.
First of all, President Obama has a stellar education, and, well, see what I said about the odds of him becoming president in the first place. Do you REALLY think he reaches out to Republicans because he's starry-eyed, and he thinks that, someday, they will turn away from the dark side of the Force? If you think that, then what do you think that says about you? Arrogant? Narcissistic, perhaps?

Obama KNOWS that GOP leaders will slap his hand and drop a dookie on it besides. He COUNTS on it. The whole purpose for reaching out to Republicans is to look better than they do. See, what he knows, and some of you apparently do not, is that the vast majority of voters HATE the constant fighting and bickering. They WANT everyone to work together to get things accomplished. That means, every time he reaches out and they slap him, he gains points with the voters who actually make or break the elections.

By being the adult in the room, he makes Republicans look more and more like the petulant children they are. Yet, some on our side seem to think it makes him look weak, which demonstrates a very low maturity level, to say the least. Politics isn’t about “weak vs. strong.” The reason why Obama keeps winning, politically, is because he understands this. I hear the phrase “Obama’s playing chess while the rest of us are playing checkers,” which sounds good. But the fact is, Politics actually IS checkers. It’s pure common sense; it’s not full of difficult concepts; it’s actually very simple. The problem is, because many on our side don’t understand the game, and they feel the actual game is beneath them, they attempt to move their pieces to avoid a checkmate, but keep getting jumped by the moron who doesn’t know much, except that he’s playing checkers.  

The fact of the matter is, President Obama is smarter than any of us, politically speaking, and he’s been able to accomplish a hell of a lot in spite of tremendous odds against him. And he’s done all of it without selling us out at all, despite the plaintive cries of some who seem to like to whine about every damn thing. 

What's the purpose of all the vitriol against Obama? By the end of Bill Clinton’s first term, he had already sold out welfare, signed a bill that allowed a few rich folks to control our airwaves, and punted health insurance reform to the next generation, to name just a few colossal screw-ups. Yet, he never received this much grief from the left side of the political spectrum. When I started discussing politics on the Internet in late 1995, I belonged to a group of hardcore lefties (The Lying Socialist Weasels) who championed Bill Clinton as one of the greatest presidents in history. Now, many of those SAME far left liberals can’t go a day without bashing President Obama. They never give him the slightest break, despite the fact that he’s taken us away from near-depression (economically, anyway), and passed a health insurance reform bill that paves the way to a universal health care system, if we would bother to start working toward that. He also worked with Congress to restore most of the financial regulations that Clinton and the GOP had stripped away, and forced banks and credit card companies to treat consumers like consumers, rather than serfs.
And he did it all while being blocked by the most extremist Republican Party that has ever existed.  Clinton got all the credit in the world for everything he did, yet the same goddamn people who give Clinton a ton of credit seem unable to give Obama any, despite the fact that Obama’s track record on progressive issues blows Clinton’s away.

What’s maddening about all of this is, as bad as you may think the Democrats and Obama might be, the current incarnation of the Republican Party is far worse. And the politics played by many on the far left has become dangerous and stupid, and it has to stop. Get smart, politically, or the assholes on the right will keep on winning, and you can forget about progressive policies ever being enacted.
Politics is about strategy, and it’s about developing a long game. Our side caused the election of 2010 to come out the way it did.

One example: our side attacked the Blue Dogs mercilessly, which is about the most politically tone deaf thing I have ever seen. Blue Dogs are conservatives. They represent conservative districts. In many cases, they represent majority-Republican districts. Now, when you work against these people, who the HELL do you think is going to replace them?
To certify the stupidity on this, I have heard a number of people say something to the effect that, given the choice between a Democrat acting like a Republican and a Republican, voters will choose the Republican. They’re paraphrasing Truman, of course, who made that statement over 60 years ago.
Am I the only one who’s noticed that the Republican Party of 1948 and that of 2011 are a bit different?  The current incarnation of the Republican Party is dominated by radical right wingers. Even the few of them who could be somewhat moderate find themselves cowed by the radical elements in their party they depend on to win elections.

Therefore, when you quote Truman in 1948 to describe politics in 2011, you demonstrate your idiocy on several levels. While you can make the case that Blue Dogs are acting like Republicans of 50 years ago, they are FAR removed from the Republican Party of today. NOT EVEN CLOSE.
Our side just has to get smarter, politically. Instead of constantly bitching about President Obama, follow his goddamn lead. We'll be much further ahead politically if you do that.

by: Ron DeMattio


TOM said...

The idea that I should not criticize my President, is ridiculous.

Sue said...

Tom I didn't say we can't criticize. For me though I was like a screaming banshee, and then would be embarrassed a few days later. I am very emotional and quick with the mouth, so I learned to not react so quickly and let myself calm down and THINK before I speak. That's all :-)

Mary said...

Wow, this was a good article. I too tried to post to my FB wall, but got 'the message'. I assume that everyone is trying to post it now.

Leslie Parsley said...

I saw this and thought it was simply brilliant. I don't think I've read anywhere that people shouldn't be able to criticize the president. But they have an obligation to know their facts, not just spout theory, and the criticism should be constructive.

Sue said...

I was reading this out loud to Mom and had to stop cuz thehusband needed my attention, so when I have more time tonight I'll be finishing this Looooooong piece. But yes, it is a good read!

Jolly Roger said...

I disagree with this. It wasn't "smart" to leave yourself open for exactly what happened last week. The smart thing to do would have been to let the goodie bags for the rich expire in December and take the lumps then. A hell of a lot of us were screaming back then that this would come to pass, and it seems to me that WE were the smart ones.

TOM said...

"Put simply, if you think you can do it better, then do it. Otherwise, shut the hell up,"

From this excerpt I gathered you don't think I should even criticize my President.
My reaction (recent post) is not so quick; and I am not naive to politics, or what Mr. Obama has been going through, or doing.
I think my criticism was detailed and not theory.
I guess in your eyes he can do no wrong, so this conversation is useless.

TAO said...

That's really nice and sweet; there is just one serious problem with it: In poll after poll the American people overwhelmingly support the expiration of the Bush era tax cuts and no cuts to social security/medicare/medicaid and yet not even the democrats seem to be able to to muster the ability to support the will of the people.
Which does not seem to be mentioned at all in this opinion piece.

80% of all of the Presidents bills have been subject to the fillabuster, and thus need 60 votes to pass; when did the democrats ever fillabuster so many bills? Never, yet this writer would argue that someday the democrats may need to fillabuster so they should not tamper with the procedure.
Want to make a big impact on future politics, then deal with the issue of gerrymandering...and democrats do not because that is just the way the game is played.
Here is a better article about what ails the democrats:

Sue said...

here's the link to the blog post, the format is much easier on the eyes than this copy and pasted piece from FB.

I have asked the author Ron to visit my blog and join in the conversation. I hope he does! Interesting!

Sue said...

I'll be back later today and speak to your comments.

Tom, I think I'm the type of armchair quarterback Ron was talking about in his post, not the smart, political savvy person like yourself. You are certainly entitled to your opinions, we are a diverse group here, some find a little to criticize and some find alot, but I don't know anyone who believes Obama is a Messiah. I have criticized in the past but all I'm saying is I am calmer and hopefully wiser about how I do it now.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Sorry Sue, but I agree with Tao's article and not yours.

I used to think the president knew what he was doing until I read this.

Previously I had doubts, but this really solidified it for me.

Sue said...

that's fine w, but tell me, what in this paragraph is false?

And so my expectation is, is that we will have tough negotiations around the budget, but that ultimately we can arrive at a position that is keeping the government open, keeping Social Security checks going out, keeping veterans services being provided, but at the same time is prudent when it comes to taxpayer dollars.

It all looks true to me.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Sue: what in this paragraph is false?

I do not believe the way the negotiations were handled resulted in a prudent use of taxpayer dollars. All the time spent negotiating the raising of the debt ceiling was time that should have been spent on jobs.

Marc Ambinder asked, "was there ever any attempt by the White House to include raising the debt limit as a part of this package?"

If extending the bush tax cuts was on the table, why wasn't raising the debt ceiling? We could have had one debate back in December and settled all of this back then. Why didn't we?

Not only that, but when the issue was raised by Marc Ambinder, Obama appears to not have a clue what he's talking about.

And then the President says, "'s my expectation... nobody, Democrat or Republican, is willing to see the full faith and credit of the United States government collapse...".

We know now that Obama's expectation was completely wrong.

In regards to the article you posted... the author says, "Bush tax cuts are not just tax cuts for the rich; letting them expire would have meant everyone's tax bill would have risen, at a time when the economy was still trying to recover".

But then later on he says, "The deal pretty much guarantees the Bush tax cuts will expire at the end of 2012".

It sounds like what he's saying is that by 2012 the economy will have fully recovered, otherwise why was it necessary to extend them in 2010 but it's OK to let them expire in 2012?

I think the economy will be worse in 2012.

I also think that the super committee will recommend raising the retirement age for SS and cutting the big three. And the Dems and Obama will cave. Then, prior to the election in 2012 Obama will make a deal to extend the bush tax cuts again... that way people can vote for the president who kept their taxes low.

Obama would like to extend the cuts just for the middle class, but the Republicans won't allow that bill to even be voted on. They will say, "tax cuts for all, or for none".

Sue said...

an anonymous comment on Shaw's blog, I loved it...

Anonymous said...

By any rational assessment, Obama is an accomplished Progressive President. "Yet the only Americans fired up by the changes he has delivered,” writes Rolling Stone’s Tim Dickinson, “are Republicans and Tea Partiers hell-bent on reversing them.”

Enemies: Don’t let Obama’s disappointments conceal the perils of not supporting the President. Paul Ryan, Scott Walker, Rick Snyder, John Kasich, Allen West, the GOP, Karl Rove, the Koch brothers, climate change deniers, FOX News, John Boehner, the conglomerate of lobbyists who will stop at nothing to repeal health care and financial reform – these are the true and cunning enemies. Not Obama.

Corporate America and their GOP henchmen would like nothing better than the help of short-sighted liberals in ousting the most Progressive President we’ve had in many decades.

Sue said...

w, how many jobs bill passed the House? where do we begin? Believe me. I want more action from the president too, on jobs, but he throws out all kinds of ideas and they fall on deaf ears. Short of executive orders what can a president do when Congress tells him to fuck off??

"One debate could have settled this back then"...WHAT?? Since when, with this Congress and this president, has ONE DEBATE settled anything?? That would never have happened.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Sue: Since when, with this Congress and this president, has ONE DEBATE settled anything?? That would never have happened.

There was one debate that preceded the government not being shut down and the bush tax cuts being extended.

Then there was another debate that lead to the debt ceiling being raised and a deficit reduction package being passed.

The question asked by Marc Ambinder was why wasn't the raising of the debt ceiling included in the first debate?

I think it could have, and should have been. There is nothing that would have prevented him from doing that. Instead he foolishly took John Boehner at his word and ended up capitulating to additional demands to get the debt ceiling raised.

I think Obama gives away far to much when he "negotiates"... and then the American people are supposed to accept that it was the best he could do? I'm sick of it

I think he's setting up his own defeat in 2012. The economy will still be bad and unemployment will still be high... thanks to all this anti-simulative cutting.

Sue said...

such a great post from The Peoples View..check it out, it's on my bloglist...

Barack Obama does not hate conflict, he just believes that his job, as the President of the United States, is to govern and get things done rather than just browbeat and podium pound about conflicts. His list of accomplishments speak for themselves. The President has proven that he is willing to go to bat and take on conflict when it can result in good policy.

It is not that President Obama hates conflict. It is that Cenk Uygur and his buddies on the poutragist Left love conflict. They are in love with conflict. In their books, conflict is given a high, romantic stature. Their problem with President Obama is not that he "hates" conflict. Their problem with President Obama is that he is not madly, romantically, passionately in love with conflict.

That is what we have seen time and again in the misdirected, ideologue-prone, Professional Left elitist attacks on the president. As they suffer from the CEO Delusion, failing to recognize that the President is not a unitary executive, that the bully-pulpit is not a magic bullet and that he is the president of all Americans and not just the people who live in a Professional Left comfy echo-chamber, their real rage comes from seeing the visible lack of the president's. That the President does not embrace conflict as a solution to everything, regardless of legislative or policy effectiveness, eats them up. They want to see the President as the conflictinator in chief.

Leslie Parsley said...

"I" think. "I" think. "I" think. But "I" ain't privy to the discussions or sitting in his chair. And it ain't just about I, or Tom or w-D, or Sue. It's about the greatest good for the greatest number of people, team playing, majority rule, checks and balances, a well organized wall of obstructionism of historic proportions, etc., etc.

Some recommended reading.

Leslie Parsley said...

Krugman has never been particularly objective when it comes to Obama, so much of what he says has to be taken with a grain of salt. For example,

TOM said...

When you classify lefty critics of the President as to stupid to understand the subtleties of his intelligent political strategies, or blowhards, and all the other garbage I read between your post and Leslie's post; should you be surprised some would be insulted by that characterization?
Especially after his decision to extend the Bush tax cuts, which you seem to to easy to excuse. It's not just that he extended tax cuts that created more debt, or that he caved to the wants of the TP, but it emboldened the TP to take the stance they did during the raise the debt ceiling debate.
Sure their position caused the market to crash, but the the President set that stage by giving into their policy demands (renewing the Bush tax cuts). His decision (to renew the Bush tax cuts) had consequences, bad consequences. What you and Leslie point to in your posts that lefties seem to not understand about Obama's decisions.
You say I'm to touchy. Well maybe I don't appreciate being insulted, or lumped in with being stupid, just because I criticize the President.
Maybe I find the blind defense of the President as being truly, politically naive.
This from the same two who said about the lying, blog attacking cultist RN, that one "bowed" to his comments, and the other thought his comments were "good conversation." Of course RN's description of you and your blog on your "One Man" post should have clued you in.
With the evidence of just those two issues, I'm not the one who is to stupid to see the Presidents maneuvers, or how to judge political cads.
I accept the fact that your passion leads you to state things in an aggressive manner, but to insult people because they have criticisms of the Presidents decisions and policies, is a political error on your part.

Dave Dubya said...

Change is near impossible at the federal level. I understand Obama has been dealt from a deck stacked against progressive policies.

We are urged to "follow his lead". Fine. Then let's see him lead. The system is so corrupted that the only direction facilitated by the system to lead in is toward the Right. Bush led the Republican Party and they followed, with support from Blue Dogs.

Dems are too often captured by the corrupted system to do the right thing. They are too divided in loyalty and purpose to follow, even if Obama would lead. If the dems don't get it through their thick heads to OPPOSE Republicans, we will continue to be lead by the tyranny of the minority. If Obama would take the lead on reforming the corruption of corporate personhood and money as "free speech", the people would follow.

Americans overwhelmingly support raising taxes on the rich and shutting down the wars. Obama should listen to the people, instead of Rahm saying we are "retards".

Shaw Kenawe said...

There's nothing wrong with criticizing the president. And being passionate about it.

But just the other day, on a lefty-leftie's blog I frequently visited, the blog host called Mr. Obama "evil."

The dictionary definition of "evil" is profoundly immoral, wicked, and depraved."

The lefty-lefties have lost their minds if they believe Mr. Obama is "evil."

That he hasn't delivered what they wanted when they wanted it does not constitute "evil."

I read the same thing on the extremist rightwingers' blogs: that Mr. Obama is "evil."

The extreme righties and the extreme lefties are now together in their hatred of the president.

And Jane Hamsher's name leads all the rest.

Sue said...

Leslie thanks for all the great links, I will take the time tonight to read them.

Tom, I'm sorry if you are taking this post and comments from me and our friends to heart. I am not in the business to bash and criticize my friends, I have said you are entitled to your opinions but so am I. I even went as far as to say I am in no way smarter than my group of friends here and would never pretend to be. So, I don't know what else to say...

Sue said...

Dave, yes there are many things about Obama's personality that frustrates us, and yes,there are many who believe Obama is not leading, But I feel the president is doing a good job while pushing against a wall of bricks the Right and extreme left is trying to use to push him off the cliff. I believe we will have this president for another 5 years so it's in the best interest of the country for us Dems to not cross over and join the Right in their hatred for our POTUS.

Sue said...

Shaw, this is why I don't like reading the negativity coming from the left. You're right about the 2 extremes coming together, it's a shame and I hate to see it happen.

TOM said...

Well just delete me from your blogroll like Leslie. Who deleted my comments because I cannot criticize her like I cannot criticize the President.
What a coward she is.
Be sure to link RN so you both can have good conversation.

Les Carpenter said...

Tom - Thanks for the mention!

I tried to read this run on article It took me several attempts to gt through it.

Tedious to say the least.