WHAT??? "The government's not responsible for your safety, that's why we have a second amendment"..says the "unsympathetic to suffering people", Ron Paul.
“We should be like 1900; we should be like 1940, 1950, 1960… I live on the Gulf Coast; we deal with hurricanes all the time.” says the "I only like FEMA if it's my family affected by a disaster", Ron Paul...Typical Conservative who hates progress because it costs too much and sometimes involves government. OH, the HORROR!!
Wouldn't it be nice to go back to horsey and buggy days when Ron Paul was a teenager?? Yup, he'd love it....
And then we have this from Teapublican Eric Cantor as I and 65 million East Coasters wait for Hurricane Irene to hit, first N. Carolina, then up the East coast to my state and beyond.... heartless Cantor felt the need to come forward with a message to all those about to be affected by the looming threat of flooding, wind damage, property damage and possible death of citizens, even citizens from his Virginia...
"The federal government does have a role in situations like this.
When there's a disaster there's an appropriate federal role and we will
find the monies," "But we've had
discussions about these things before and those monies will be offset
with appropriate savings or cost-cutting elsewhere in order to meet the
priority of the federal government's role in a situation like this." Luckily for the people of Virginia these kinds of decisions are not Eric Cantors and his alone.
What's wrong with people that they keep voting for these jerks who do everything they can to be sure you suffer? Why do they punish you and you keep taking it like an abused spouse who has no choice but to stay and take it..
These Conservatives keep getting re elected though, amazingly...
Sue would you be interested in writing from time to time, as much as you like, for a web site called Politics Anonymous??
JB, tell me how to get to the website and I will look it over.
I'm honored you asked me! I'll message ya on FB!
And John Boehner is echoing Hard Hearted Cantor - despite his huge drop in approval ratings in the Ohio polls! Down somewhere in the 30 percentage range. Do these idjits ever think before they speak?
They speak without giving their constituents a second thought. They assume what they are saying is being embraced by the people. Some, like the sheeple on the right, don't seem to understand that these teapublicans are working overtime to hurt the innocent, they have no empathy for those who suffer because of Rightwing policies. They DON'T CARE about you people!! Actually LISTEN to the words they speak!!
I saw you Governor on the news tonight telling people to 'stop tanning and get out' (can't remember the exact words) and as he was informing the people on what to do and that they should take their pets with them, he said with about as much disgust as that creep can muster, "I can't believe as Governor I have to actually say this, but take the kitty litter too." Wow, he is a PIG! I know he kinda has a reputation for being a "straight talking guy", but really, is now the time to be so freaking RUDE! I am shocked that Christie didn't have his Summer Vacation planned for this weekend, and tell the people of your state that he can't disappoint his kids to try to manage any disaster from this storm.
We the people should look at the salaries, perks, and pensions that Congress has voted for itself over the years. IIRC, even if a Representative serves only only one term, s/he gets his salary for life? Is that true? And they don't pay into Social Security?
When these people start talking about withholding disaster funds from we the people, let's start talking about getting rid of their over-generous compensation and benefits.
My mistake for not looking it up before I posted.
You may have read that Members of Congress do not pay into Social Security. Well, that's a myth.
Prior to 1984, neither Members of Congress nor any other federal civil service employee paid Social Security taxes. Of course, they were also not eligible to receive Social Security benefits. Members of Congress and other federal employees were instead covered by a separate pension plan called the Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS). The 1983 amendments to the Social Security Act required federal employees first hired after 1983 to participate in Social Security. These amendments also required all Members of Congress to participate in Social Security as of January 1, 1984, regardless of when they first entered Congress. Because the CSRS was not designed to coordinate with Social Security, Congress directed the development of a new retirement plan for federal workers. The result was the Federal Employees' Retirement System Act of 1986.
Members of Congress are not eligible for a pension until they reach the age of 50, but only if they've completed 20 years of service. Members are eligible at any age after completing 25 years of service or after they reach the age of 62. Please also note that Members of Congress have to serve at least 5 years to even receive a pension.
The amount of a congressperson's pension depends on the years of service and the average of the highest 3 years of his or her salary. By law, the starting amount of a Member's retirement annuity may not exceed 80% of his or her final salary.
According to the Congressional Research Service, 413 retired Members of Congress were receiving federal pensions based fully or in part on their congressional service as of Oct. 1, 2006. Of this number, 290 had retired under CSRS and were receiving an average annual pension of $60,972. A total of 123 Members had retired with service under both CSRS and FERS or with service under FERS only. Their average annual pension was $35,952 in 2006.
Up too late doing some work.
More info here.
I almost want Obama to tell the Tea Party states that "in accordance with the wishes of you republican leaders, we have decided to cut government spending... in your state... effective immediately."
Or, he could encourage all Tea Partiers, who scoffed at Warren Bufffet when he said the rich should pay higher taxes, to refuse federal aid for Hurricane Irene, just as they said Buffet could just send his extra $$$ to the feds.
You can bet we will not be seeing any big tea party rallies next week protesting Fed spending on flood and hurricane victims...
So is it getting windy? I always think of Morehead City NC when there is a big storm on the Eastern Seaboard. I knew a woman who owned a house on a hill there who rode out many a storm. I remembered a big storm in either 1988 or 1989, but I can't seem to find any verification. I might be thinking of Hurricane Charley in 1986.
I have another friend on the Jersey Shore who says these hurricanes tend to blow north right past them up and make landfall somewhere towards NY.
Cantor wants cuts to help the people devastated by Irene?
He wants offsets for the costs?
Here I'll help the little twit.
Cut the 4 billion in direct subsidies to the oil corps.
Eliminate 41 billion in tax breaks for oil and natural gas companies.
End the Corporate Tax-Free Repatriation, and make them pay the taxes this year. IE Tax U.S. Corporate Foreign Income as It Is Earned like they do the poor and middle class every year.
Tax capital income as ordinary income, hell the billionaires of Wall Street can contribute as well.
Bring ALL the troops home from Iraq, and cut the troop deployment in Afghanistan faster saving billions every month.
End the agribusiness tax credit for ethanol.
Eliminate tax breaks and loopholes that allow corporations like GE, Citi Bank, and others to pay no taxes despite making obscene profits.
End the ability for corporations like Walmart to shift the burden for vital public services: IE telling it's underpaid employees to go get medicaid and food stamps.
I bet my list would pay for the federal part of Hurricane Irene's costs and help balance the budget even before ending the idiotic Bush tax cuts he handed the rich in the country.
It's almost 10am and no wind yet. This storm is massive and headed straight towards the good people of Virginia. I am anxious to see when it
s all over what Cantor will be saying...
as for Buffoon Christie, he sure looked fat yesterday, fatter, he must have had a really good summer with tons of BBQ!!
It's coming guys!! I'll keep my computer juiced up so I can check in if the power goes out!
Liberals are forever congratulating themselves on having all but eliminated the "stifling" codes of disapproval by which the pre-1960s generations dictated socially acceptable norms. But "stigma" was good. While stigma existed, poor people were too proud to beg or rely on welfare; girls were too ashamed to be thought "loose" or to seek single motherhood as a lifestyle choice; men were more chivalrous because there was a stigma against treating women without deference and special consideration; and people were more polite and even dressed properly as a sign of respect for others and themselves. "Stigma" was the means by which free citizens could agree on a mutually satisfactory code of behavior, without the agents of the state having to poke their noses into anyone's private business. Liberals, however, utterly reverse the equation—they're all for obliterating taboos, knocking down stigmas, shocking the middle class, and preaching tolerance for the most anti-social behavior; and then they turn around and act as the biggest advocates of the government dictating private behavior with the nanny state. The consequences? Greater government intrusion; much worse behavior.
that above "SUE" comments IS NOT ME, BUT I published it cuz some of my friends might have some fun with "HER".
NOBODY tries harder to intrude in a persons private life than a REPUBLICAN/CONSERVATIVE. Absolutely AMAZING statement by "SUE"!!
oh and BTW, NO Liberal man in all of my experiences in the blogosphere talks with such vulgarity against minorities and women like the Conservative men do!
From FB...
If Ron Paul were President he would abolish FEMA, and he is on the record saying that. If you think he is a liberal you are wrong, he is just as bad as the rest of the Republican Party. In a Ron Paul America, if your house gets leveled by a tornado or earthquake and you don't have insurance all he would say is "tough luck".
Ron Paul Trashes FEMA Just Hours Before Hurricane Irene Makes Landfall
maryb: That statement from Christies was totally taken out of context. I don't particularly like the guy but I don't believe in misrepresenting facts. I'm not accusing you of such as you may have picked it up from someone else. Here's the full-text:
"Gov. Chris Christie said the state is prepared to welcome cats and dogs to the emergency shelters of last resort meant for people.
"No one should be staying in their homes in an endangered area because they feel like they can't bring their pets with them," Christie said
But, he warned, pet owners should come with all the supplies needed to care for their pets.
"I can't believe as governor I'm actually having to say this, bring the kitty litter box and you know the pooper-scooper and all the rest of that stuff," Christie said."
Sounds pretty damn reasonable to me.
"But "stigma" was good. While stigma existed, poor people were too proud to beg or rely on welfare;"
Yeah. And a lot of them died.
"girls were too ashamed to be thought "loose" or to seek single motherhood as a lifestyle choice;"
It was all underground--girls still had out-of-wedlock babies, only then it was covered up and kept secret.
"men were more chivalrous because there was a stigma against treating women without deference and special consideration;"
Yeah. It was fashionable to treat women as though they were little weak and helpless kittens without the means to take care of themselves. It was also fashionable to NOT allow them to have their own financial independence. "Those were the days."
"and people were more polite and even dressed properly as a sign of respect for others and themselves."
Yeah. Let's go back to "olden days when a bit of stocking was looked on as something shocking...now heaven knows..."
"'Stigma' was the means by which free citizens could agree on a mutually satisfactory code of behavior,"
Not applicable anymore in a very diverse and population. That happened in small cities and towns where everyone was the same race and religion.
"without the agents of the state having to poke their noses into anyone's private business."
You mean like the rightwing hopes to get agents of the state to poke their noses into women's wombs and people's bedrooms?
"Liberals, however, utterly reverse the equation—they're all for obliterating taboos, knocking down stigmas, shocking the middle class, and preaching tolerance for the most anti-social behavior;"
Read: Not hating on "teh gaii!"
"and then they turn around and act as the biggest advocates of the government dictating private behavior with the nanny state. The consequences? Greater government intrusion; much worse behavior."
Sue Who Wrote this: You seem to be unaware of the contradictions in the GOP with your above. It is that party that wishes to intefere in private behavior--gay marriage, a woman's right to choose, and where and when people choose to pray.
Also, every generation since Plato's time has complained about the present generation being unruly, unmannered, and hopeless.
It's quite human to do so, also futile.
Shaw I published it so my friends could pick it apart and show the hilarity of it all, just like you did so well! :)
I said this..
that above "SUE" comments IS NOT ME, BUT I published it cuz some of my friends might have some fun with "HER".
NOBODY tries harder to intrude in a persons private life than a REPUBLICAN/CONSERVATIVE. Absolutely AMAZING statement by "SUE"!!
and this...
oh and BTW, NO Liberal man in all of my experiences in the blogosphere talks with such vulgarity against minorities and women like the Conservative men do!
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