Friday, August 12, 2011



okjimm said...

I saw some of it..... at first I thought it was a Twilight Zone rerun.... and then I thought, maybe a new show..."Dancing with Politicians" (Foox is good for that shit)... then I did the sensible thing... I turned it off.

Les Carpenter said...

Clown fest? Indeed. The hyperbole from both sides continue.

The truth is neither the democrats or the republicans have a clue as to how to solve the serious economic and financial mess this nation is in.

It's all about politics and "your party" winning the next election. The ideological wars will continue. As the nation slides further down the slippery slope until it hits rock bottom.

Just like the alcoholic, this nation the has become dependent on the elixir of success. And just like the drunk it cannot stop its addiction.

Unfortunately the cost to support its dependency keeps rising. Sooner or later the nation will experience a crash landing.

And what a frigging hangover it will have!

Sue said...

I missed it all, was at the fair. Maybe I can catch it on C-Span, but what I saw in clips is really all I can stomach...

Sorry RN, even tho the Democrats in Washington are a little timid for my taste, they are heads and tails above any Republiscum in serious debate on how to turn around the economy. Everyone knows the thugs have NO INTEREST in the economy improving because of politics. They will let our country implode because of their hate for Obama, but are too fuckin stupid to think past that point, like who the hell from their idiot party is gonna FIX IT NEXT TIME???? They handed the mess over to Obama damn well knowing they had no clue how to fix Bush's mess, then they continue the America destroying ways of Bush while fighting Obama the whole time!! Tell me this makes sense!

I have never seen anything like what we are witnessing from the religious right, It's absolutely frightening, the only hope we have is the followers have an awakening.

Leslie Parsley said...

I don't see how any "rational" person can defend the Tea Party Republicans, period.

Sue: I'm having Blogger trouble and can't post comments on my own blog. Am beginning to have some suspicions about this. ; ) Anyway, I sent you an email. When you have a moment, would you mind copying and pasting on my last post? Thanks. I hate this.

The CDM said...

I saw the highlights. From what I saw, no one asked Rommbo where the hell he was during the debt deal.

Here this ass hat has the audacity to talk about leadership and he stayed comfortably and quietly on the sidelines while all this was going on. What a douche!

Anonymous said...

you can't give enough of a response in one minute. The whole thing was ridiculous but there were 3 or 4 candidates I feel much more confident about than our current resident.

Sue said...

thanks L and C...we are in for anonymous, I published it for shits and giggles

Shaw Kenawe said...

Michele Bachmann kept running off stage at each break, and Talking Points Memo is reporting that she did so to keep touching up her make-up.

Oy. Imagine her in tricky negotiations with world leaders?

"I'll be right back with my counter proposal on those missiles pointingat the US just as soon as I touch up my lipstick."

Those TPers sure do love their empty-headed purty women.

Sue said...

maybe she had nervous diarrhea! Shit for brains!! LOL

Leslie Parsley said...

Scoreboard from debate:

btw, people have to pay $30 to cast as vote in the straw poll!!!Of course the candidates are buying a lot of tickets/votes for their loyal fans. What a scam.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

I think that the left goes on automatic pilot sometimes when it comes to Fox. Yes, they're biased but I saw about 45 minutes of it, the debate, and it was NOT a kid-gloves treatment of the candidates. They did a good job and I bet that it would have been tougher than any Democratic debate that MSDNC/PMS could have mustered. I mean, really, have you seen some of those shows lately? My God!

Les Carpenter said...

Sue - Ron Paul aside...

Heads and shoulders above a very shallow pool is still very shallow indeed.