Friday, January 1, 2010

Limpy is gonna be just fine...

Limbaugh released; no heart trouble found

Doctors 'don't know what caused' pain, he says from hospital

Image: Rush Limbaugh
Rush Limbaugh speaks during a news conference Friday, joined by Joana Magno, chief of cardiovascular diseases at The Queen's Medical Center in Honolulu, Hawaii.

Limbaugh couldn't resist a few political comments in the short press conference at the hospital. He said he got the best health treatment in the world "right here in the United States of America."

"I don't think there's one thing wrong with the United States health system," Limbaugh said.

Ok, first of all, do ya think Limpy was feeling a little left outta the news lately so he had to think of a way to get himself in front of the cameras??

Not one thing wrong with the US health system?? How about if you have no insurance to be able to partake in the US health system Limpy?? What about those people? Sure, I had great insurance, along time ago, but with no job comes no insurance. But you and your kind want the status quo and fuck the rest of us. Millions of Americans would be alive today if they had your insurance Limpy. You really are a blessed American Limpballs, have a great New Year....


One Fly said...

He'll milk this like a dairy man in Wisconnie gets after a Holstein.

JoeBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Even after a brush with his own useless mortality this asshole is compelled to spread his crap.

LeftyLadi said...

The medical team said he didn't have a thing in the world wrong with him, yet when asked if Limpy had any psychological testing they said they forgot that part. Kidding....but damn it! The man is a dangerous.

I watched thousands of tweets come in on Twitter as the news of his trip to the hospital with chest pains spread around the world. 9 out of every 10 were thrilled and had no problem saying they hoped he died. That is a testament to the kind of person he is.

Oso said...

He's a bad-looking 58. probably never met a twinkie or a lump of cholesterol he didn't like.

What an asshole, to boast about the great care a rich MF like him got. He made our argument for us-but teabagger types too challenged to see it.

Cirze said...

Thanks for covering this farce, friend.

I have no difficulty believing that this turd-no-blossom just got bored on his exotic vacation and decided to fake a medical emergency so he could brag about how great health care was in the U.S. (even if he had to include the foreign country of Hawaii in the definition), spitting in the eye of the millions who were outraged at the recent evisceration of the health care reform bill and its replacement by one that guaranteed millions of unwilling, new customers to the insurance conglomerates with no reforms on coverage or costs specified.

"Did you catch my act on the TV during my winter vacation, Mom"?

"And you thought I couldn't get any free publicity there."

I really enjoyed the way he got to claim heart trouble when everyone knows he ain't got no heart.


Lisa said...

If you are rich even with Universal Healthcare you still can aford good care. The rest of us will have to settle for rationed care.

Leslie Parsley said...

Sue, Great minds think alike. While I sat here and ran my damn virus scanner, I was just thinking that I bet the man faked this whole thing. What a showman.

Speaking of viruses and psychiatric care, I know a few L's that might fit those categories.

Sue said...

I am certain Limpy faked the whole thing just to get himself noticed, it has been awhile since we heard from the old fart. And YES, to get a word in about healthcare, like normal people actually listen to him! lol

mommapolitico said...

I think he's having anxiety attacks after having painted himself into a Fringy McFringe corner...and with no pain drugs to fall back on, either!!! He's become almost a parody of himself, so either he was looking for fodder for his show, or he's freaking out...hoping it's the latter, 'cuz it'd be more fun to watch and it couldn't happen to a nicer guy!

Great post - keep 'em coming in 2010! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Another American makes terrorism look reasonable.

Happy New Year.
The Terrorist's Advocate.

Sue said...

mornin MommaP and G o Bacon, Thanks for being a part of my blog and have a great 2010!

Dr. Frodo, always on call, said...

Dr. Frodo's prognosis is "Gas, exacerbated by excessive oxycontin."

Sue said...

Dr. Frodo I do believe your prognosis is correct!

Annette said...

He just needed to slip into the hospital so he could try to access the records and try to find the birth certificate...That way he could destroy it once and for all and say there wasn't one and be done with it.

LeftyLadi said...

Just heard the docs recommended a lower-hate diet. I doubt he'll follow orders.

Lisa said...

Yeah I guess if anyone diasagrees with Obama and the democrats far left ideaology they are either hateful or just sleezy whoers.

Sue said...

that would be whores lisa, not whoers

LeftyLadi said...

Sue - LOL!