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* From the Lincoln Project*
*"Trump's in full retreat today as his poll numbers slip:*
*He convened the cabinet to limit Elon after voters pressured C...
2 hours ago
Maybe if the all-American mom would stay home and take care of her kids, she wouldn't have to spend so much money on traveling and would have all those legal bills paid off - to say nothing of one kid not feeling the need to look for affection elsewhere.
But she's just like all the rest of us.. don cha know.. come on now.. she is one of us..
We all live in million dollar homes with huge lakes in the front yard and a private plane.. and ethics violations out the wazoo...
I hope the tea partiers keep on.. because they aren't going to get anywhere I don't believe.. They are just a flash in the pan and done.. I truly believe that.
you wish. They are going stronger than ever even thught the media still continues to hide them.
The teabaggers are the gift that just keeps on giving. They don't even have a consistent message about what they're so pissed about. They are quite amusing, to say the very least!
hey girls, yup they sure amuse me, especially leader of the pack Palin. Should be a very interesting year, as soon as it warms up we'll be seeing the teabaggers out in full force! Yippee!!
Does anyone here think Anon sounds just like lisa??
What do you call people with multiple personalities?
does she think I'm stupid?
Annette, don't forget the fabulous view of Russia from her yard...that has to increase the proerty value, right??? :)
The Teabaggers are the best gift the GOP ever gave the Dems. I am totally with you on the sheer amusement value! But they are of great political value, too, and keeping the Rethugs in disarray - great fun to watch!
As to anonymous, it seems obvious that the Palin clan are doing plenty to keep themselves in the limelight - and I, for one, am all for their Deliverance-style attention seeking! In fact, remind me to sen them a thank you note for all the work they're doing to hillbilly-ize the Republican Party...
Great post! Great comments!
Now mamma, not all hillbillies are like that. Infact there's a very liberal hillbilly blog.
Beyond that, I applaud your comments.
Sue: still have your head in the paint can?
OMG, the painting is finished, well except for 2 doors. My back hurts, I'm tired but.... Its so pretty!! I finally have my country kitchen back!! YAY!!
MommaP you are too funny! They really have brought the hillbilly to the repubs, they so deserve it after all these years being all stuffy and such.
Leslie where is the hillbilly blog??
I just put it on my blog list.
Good Lord these tea baggers are stupid dupes. They're going to pay over $500 to go to a tea bagger convention and listen to Sarah Palin tell them bullshit they want to hear.
Why are we blogging for the left when so many deluded fools are willing to pay to hear all the bullshit Sarah can tell them in 12 minutes.
Ain't it the truth Truth!! I don't remember if it was this video or someone I was watching on TV, they said people are paying to WATCH Palin speak, meaning they only care about seeing her, not listening to what she has to say! lol
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