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Learning from Antiquity 10 – Hephaestus
When I came across this information, I knew I needed to consult the gods on
how to do justice to it. Since it’s regarding incarcerated firefighters, I
6 hours ago
Sue, I am not sure what you mean by the final bill having "real reform" in it.. Either of the bills we have now have "real reform" in them.. don't be blinded by the fact that just because the Senate bill doesn't have a PO it is not a good bill, it is actually a very good bill.. all the things that are in the Senate bill would have to be in a bill before the PO would be any good.. So, the PO is not dead, it just doesn't happen to be in that particular bill.. That can always be added in later.. just as the SS was strengthened later, Civil Rights was not done in one swoop and so was Medicare.. None of the large Omnibus bills can nor will be done at once.. This is just a portion of what needs to be done..
Check that link out.. sorry I am not good enough to embed it.. That will let you know how much you can save with the bills before the Congress right now.. with and without the PO. You will see there is something for you.. and it is Real Reform.
Here also is a chart from AARP that shows both bills side by side.. and if you look they really aren't that much different.
Like I said, there is real reform in both bills.. Just not exactly what we may have wanted, but still a very good start and a huge step in the right direction.
Annette its just me, I gotta keep my fingers crossed that nothing stupid happens, ya know?! lol
I want it all to go smoothly and the country happy with the final bill. In the end I want democrats to be able to stand tall and show America we did it and it's GOOD!
They aren't doing anything good but destroying the country
Didn't your mother ever tell you the saying "If you haven't got something nice to say, then don't say anything." It applies in your situation. You've got no facts, no links, no nothing. You're a nuisance, like dog poo that needs to be picked up before you can cut the grass. And the same goes for little "l" lisa. If you're just coming on here to piss Sue off, then you can piss off yourself. (As the Aussies say.)
The bill is not great, but it's better than nothing. I'm hoping reconciliation will make it better. The Republicans have done nothing so far, so why should they get to have a say now? Let them stew in their own juices; it doesn't matter what we give them anyway, they won't vote for it.
Little "l" lisa,
I'm ashamed that we share the same name. You are like anon from the post today, a nuisance like dog poo that needs to be picked up before you cut the grass. If you think the tea baggers (you all picked that name and sorry, it stuck, like dog poo on your shoe) should take over the Republican party - you guys rock on with that. You'll be driving your crazy train right off the cliff. I'll be in the train right behind you giving you the final shove. Recent polls show that less than 20% of people call themselves Republicans - last time I checked, 20% ain't gonna win an election. Please, go play on Glenn Beck's blog, you'll find more of your kind there.
You have no facts, no links and you tea baggers can't even agree on what you are pissed off about. No one has talked about immigration or your precious guns, so STFU on those issues. The non-partisan CBO has said that the stimulus SAVED 10.6M jobs. And just what rights would you have taken away by a public OPTION? Notice the word OPTION? That means you don't have to take it if you don't want to. Look it up, I'll wait. And spending, hmmm, let's see....who started 2 wars off the books? GWB. Who ran up the deficit from $3T to $12T in 8 short years? GWB. These are called facts - you should check them out sometimes - they really come in quite handy. I've been reading this blog for about a week now, and so far, NONE of your posts have had even a scintilla of intelligence to them (hint: scintilla means really, really, little, like a particle).
Oh, and for the love of God, (yes, we too believe), PLEASE learn how to spell and structure a sentence. I'm assuming English is your only language, you should have at least have mastered it by now. Those little red squiggly lines under the word means that it's misspelled; here's a hint, if you right click on it, it will even give you the right spelling - it's like magic!
Do, at least, try to keep up with the rest of us who are trying to make progress and clean up the mess that GWB left us.
TC called you out yesterday and I'm calling you out today. And since asking nicely hasn't done it, I'll say it. Hit the road, bitch.
I'll repost that last comment EVERY SINGLE TIME she shows up. Ignore the trolls; feeding them just makes them come back.
Lisa G.
Lisa G thanks for stopping by. I've seen you at TomCats. Do you have a blog? Is that you in Toms followers, the first picture?
Lisa G. ~ It's interesting to me that your criticism of Lisa was that she never includes links or provides sources for her facts. In reading your comments, you listed several "facts" but did not provide links or specific publications or sites to support your claims. Saying that "recent polls" reveal... can hardly be considered to be citing a source for your statement, can it?
Your reference to the CBO claiming that the stimulus saved 10.6 million jobs doesn't hold water either. Here is a quote from an article in the Wall Street Journal a month ago:
The Congressional Budget Office late Monday said it estimates that the federal stimulus package sustained between 600,000 and 1.6 million jobs in the third quarter, and raised gross domestic product by 1.2 to 3.2 percentage points higher than it would have been without the program.
The CBO said the figures were estimates made "using evidence about how previous similar policies have affected the economy and various mathematical models that represent the workings of the economy."
CBO Director Douglas Elmendorf, in a blog post, said stimulus recipients have reported that about 640,000 jobs "were created or retained" with stimulus funding through Sept. 30. "However, such reports do not provide a comprehensive estimate of the law's impact on employment in the United States. That impact may be higher or lower than the reported number for several reasons (in addition to any issues about the quality of the data in the reports)," Mr. Elmendorf wrote. The CBO is required to comment on the figures released by stimulus recipients.
The White House has recently touted the figure of 640,000 jobs tied to stimulus spending, based on the reports from grant recipients, as evidence that the package is effective. But questions about the accuracy of the reports underpinning that figure have prompted criticism by members of Congress from both parties. Republicans have said the $787 billion package of tax cuts and spending hasn't stopped unemployment from rising to 10.2%. Some Democrats have expressed frustration with the apparent inaccuracies in the job count.
The CBO in March projected that the stimulus would result in 600,000 to 1.5 million more jobs than would have existed without the spending. In his blog post, Mr. Elmendorf says the CBO's latest estimates reflect a finding that the impact of the package's tax cuts have been about $10 billion larger than originally projected, while the impact on federal spending because of the legislation "has turned out to be slightly smaller than CBO initially estimated."
You can read for yourself that the CBO gives disclaimers as to how the numbers are calculated and qualifies the results saying that the system is fraught with possible inconsistencies in counting methods.
Throwing out a number of "facts" and then telling Lisa to go research it for herself is hardly supporting your claims. You can say whatever you want, but unless you give specific sources, your info. is worthless, Honey. By the way, your arguments would carry a lot more weight if you didn't rant and presented them clearly and without name calling. Just a suggestion...
Annette ~ I think that the picture of the baby in the red & white striped cap is the cutest thing I have ever seen! It it a picture of you or a family member, or is it a picture that you found? Just curious...I really do think it is adorable.
I don't have a pic up on my posts. But I do post over at TC's blog. And no, I don't have my own blog.
Linda, point taken. I will source when I post.
Frodo, with an innocent question. Are all "Teabaggers" overweight white people?
Would love to see some evidence to the contrary.
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