Wednesday, January 13, 2010

this is some scary shit, Beck and Palin


With the Haiti earthquake on all our minds I feel guilty posting these disgusting videos, but I couldn't help myself. These 2(Beck and Palin) are so fuckin' insane I am stunned and sick to my stomach from watching them. Now realize, Beck says Palin is his CHOSEN ONE to get our country back on the road to recovery! SHE is the only person he knows who can do the JOB!! People listen if you can, I'm listening as I type, all I can do is shake my head and laugh, even though not a bit of it is funny.....The things they say about HC reform is stunning. WHY do you M F 'ers believe having health insurance is a privilege and not a right?? Why do you believe everything that is happening in the country is the fault of Obama and liberals?? YOU, Beck and Palin, are the INSANE ones! My God, I must be nuts. Sorry but sometimes we must watch just so we know who we are up against. This, my friends, is the right-wing party, get ready.....

There are many more segments of this program on youtube, watch if you can.


Leslie Parsley said...

Can't stomach it. These types of "Christians' are opposed to a gospel that trys to make a relation between Biblical teachings and social problems.

BTW - you asked why I changed my name. When the nuts gather in Nashville I don't want them to find me. ; )

Jerry Critter said...

So Sarah is the one to get us back on the road to recovery...according to the Beck.

I wonder what her plan is. Maybe she will do what she did as governor of Alaska -- tax the oil companies and then give the money back to the citizens. Income redistribution. Socialism??? Nahhh!

Of course, since we are dealing with the whole country, she will have to tax all businesses more to produce enough money to give to all of us so we can go out and spend it to stimulate the economy, just like they do in Alaska.

Bush told us to go shopping. Sarah can give us the money to do it by taking corporate profits, like she did in Alaska, and giving it back to the citizens, like she did in Alaska.

Why is the socialist queen of Alaska the darling of the right?

Oh yes, the great savior. And how can she be against socialism and income redistribution? She has already done it.

Sue said...

Leslie if I could stomach it you could too! You all should see these videos and the rest of the interview too. Its pure insanity!

Sue said...

Jerry if I close my eyes I can see her sitting next to Satan, she is that scary to me!!

Oso said...

I'm with Leslie, couldn't stomach it either.
Those two are true obscenity.

LeftyLadi said...

I thought I was going to be sick as I watched...

Frodo, writing a check or two, said...

Thank you for posting, but Frodo will pass for now. Just like 9/11 when all he wanted to do was to help those firemen, he is concentrating on moving cinder blocks and stones off of innocent people. In contrast to anything Palin and Beck felt compelled to say, Frodo concentrates on the relevant tonight.

nonnie9999 said...

i saw clips earlier today, and i had to get rubber gloves and a wire brush to scrub the stoopit off my computer monitor.

susan said...

the only thing it's missing is a laugh track.

Sue said...

I know Frodo, I feel terrible for posting but also feel helpless to help Haiti except for my checks too, it's the least we can do. You are a good man my friend but I hope you will come by another time and view the insanity!

Sue said...

Oso but we must be informed.

Nancy, sickening huh??

Nonnie and Susan these videos are just the beginning of a long couple of years. The fight is gonna get really, really sick!

The CDM said...

"Why is the socialist queen of Alaska the darling of the right?"

Jerry, you forgot to mention that not only is she a socialist but also a traitor. Remeber that Alaskan Independence Party bullshit?

Can't believe that with that video the GOP hasn't taken a contract out on her. The only other explanation they could POSSIBLY have is that she isn't a traitor, just a fucking moron for not knowing EXACTLY what the AIP "really" stand for.

Leslie Parsley said...

Vomit. And to think there are so many people watching and swallowing this crap. Man this is nuts. Personally I think that woman is using this as a springboard to run for president.

And now here's Beck slobbering all over her. During talk of him being the VP candidate with her, didn't he say he'd never stand behind her?

I can't even stand looking at the guy, and - pardon my crudeness - I can't imagine going to bed with that piece of blubber.

Sue said...

Leslie! You have me laughing so loud I'm gonna get in trouble with thehusband!!! LMAO!

C, is this all they got??? scary but funny at the same time!

Annette said...

No way am I watching or listening to that pile of crap... I can't stand her screechy voice nor his whiny one... I have never been able to stand listening to either one of them... When she was speaking on the campaign trail during 2008 for that short time, I used to mute the TeeVee Machine, because I could not stand her voice... No way I am going to listen to her now. Besides she never makes any damn sense anyway.

Leslie Parsley said...

Annette - my oldest daughter feels the same way. She can't stand the voice, the 1950s hair style and the big empty space in her head. Anyway, you don't really have to listen because she never says anything new.

TomCat said...

Thank you for sacrificing yourself for our benefit, Sue. I hope you did not expend too many barf bags collecting these.

Sue said...

TC, you're welcome, I had to do it! ;-)

But seriously, you all really should watch these idiots speak, they are the face of the repub party and it will force our party to get off their butts and do everything they possibly can to make sure these morons never hold office in our country! Its more important than ever to stay on top of things, WATCH!!