Chris Matthews does get a little carried away with impatience sometimes...BUT....Well look for yourself, Todd Harris was left speechless when asked what his beloved rethugs have done for the the past 10 yrs, 20 yrs..... EVER!!!
Some good news:
* From the Lincoln Project*
*"Trump's in full retreat today as his poll numbers slip:*
*He convened the cabinet to limit Elon after voters pressured C...
2 hours ago
Funny, but Chris really didn't give the guy much of a chance to respond until the very end and by then he was probably too rattled. OK, I'll duck now.
LOL, that's true, Chris gets all beside himself and with a delay that makes them talk over each other it makes it worse. But.... Todd had no answer because of what he said before the end, he said he will state those things rethugs accomplished when he writes his book. Yea when pigs fly...
BTW, My husband will NOT watch Chris because of the way he interrupts! lol
That is great! I love it. Todd Harris sat there with a blank look on his face. The republicans are very good at interrupting when they want to get their talking points across, so I would cut Matthews some slack there.
I can come up with plenty of things that the republicans have done TO the country, but I am still trying to come up with something that they have done FOR the country, particularly for the common, hard working, American.
If what you say is true, why did they spend all the surplus, and quite of bit more, after they got the power?
i saw that, and i loved it! the rethugs sure have lots to say until it comes to their list of accomplishments (other than bankrupting the country, getting us into iraq for nothing, and eradicating the middle class).
This is lisa comment but unfortunately its been deleted. I just wanted to post it here so Jerrys comment makes sense.
"I know something they did,they kept the reigns on Clinton to give us a surplus and to keep him from bankrupting the country like they are doing now". lisa
yes Nonnie, and thats just the beginning, the list grows, and grows!
I used to watch Chris all the time, but then he just got on my nerves really bad.
I have to admit, Todd did NOT help the Republican cause. Even if he is writing a book, SAY SOMETHING like NOW!
Sorry, Sue. I know better than to respond to Lisa's comments. I will restrain myself in the future.
I sometimes tire of tone of the show, but Chris Matthews certainly does get right to the point. Of course the greatest social program that the Republicans can lay claim to is the prescription drug benefit, which turned out to be a huge give away to the drug companies and will end up adding hundreds of millions of dollars to the federal debt. That's real fiscal responsibility for you. Or maybe they could point to the Iraq war, which will end up adding over 2 trillion dollars to the federal debt. Or perhaps it's the torture program that turned the leaders of our previous administration into international criminals. Oh, there's so much to chose from.
Pamela I do feel your pain and frustration! :-)
Jerry I know, it's so hard not to comment back to the trolls, their(lisa) comments are so flakey! lol
Mycue, welcome, you said it, they have outdone themselves!
I'm with Pam on this one. Chris has a tendency to not ever be finished talking and it drives me nuts. I think he does it on purpose.
On a side note, Sue:
It is entertaining to watch chumps get stumped like Todd was. It reminded me of the Gore Perot debate years ago. Poor Ross didn't have a clue and kept giving a dumb look and saying "I'll tell you. Are you ready. Cause I'm going to tell you now."
Unless it's calling a real American a socialist or something, the republicans don't have any idea what to say.
Sue, I've never been a fan of his, but this time he outdid himself.
Sue - left a comment for you on my blog. : )
Sue - I thought I left a msg here but I'm so frazzeled right now I don't know what I'm doing or even if I'm doing it. Anyway, I left another one for you on my blog. Pls come by again.
My views are that Muslims along with the socialists are the slugs of the world dragging everyone down! They will continue to do so because they are back ass and can’t seem to remove their heads from their posterior!
God, I hope I can piss off a muzzy into shock real bad today!
“Who are you to judge the life I live? I know I'm not perfect and I don't live to be. But, before you start pointing fingers, make sure your hands are clean.” Bob Marley
...And my hands are!
I take 9-11 and all other Muslim related attacks personal! To bad other idiots out there don't!
Okaaaaay claws, you have a huge anger problem maybe therapy instead of my blog would help ya!
The Republican Party succeeded in transferring Trillions of Dollars to the Bank Accounts of their Corporate Masters while getting a few Billion in payoffs.
Why doesn't the Punk Ass Bitch Republican Party proudly take credit for what they've done?
Grunge ~ Who do you think got stimulus money from President Obama? The same bankers and Wall Street people to which you refer got money from Obama, so what's your point?
No one should have been rewarded for unethical and shoddy business practices. They should have all been allowed to go through bankruptcy and everything would have been corrected the right way...and it would have been waaaay cheaper!
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