Sunday, January 17, 2010

Rome wasn't built in one day...

Today in my small town Sunday paper is a letter to the editor. The author is a lifelong citizen of our small county in S. Jersey. She writes a good-bye letter to Gov. Corzine and a warning to democrats.

she says this.."One of the smartest, old-fashioned, honest politician's life, as a governor, has come to an end. You know I sometimes wonder what in the name of God did the smart, dumb or independent people of N.J. expect from a good and decent man like Gov. Corzine? We elected this man for his knowledge of finance and his ability to arrange and gather fellow workers to work together. He did so much of that. So, where did he fail you people? Did you expect this man to erase all of New Jersey's problems in four years when it took 15 to 20 or more years to create them?
The first three years the pieces of the puzzle were put on the table. The fourth year he started to put the pieces into place(Rome wasn't built in one day). So why would you expect New Jersey to be cleaned, prosperous and become a land of paradise in four years? Why didn't you people have sense enough to let this man finish what he started? Why didn't you give him four more years to finish what he promised? How sad, how sorry we are going to be."

How profound...

This letter could be written for President Obamas ex-supporters 3 years from now if they don't wake up and smell the coffee! A president who is elected to bring change to a country that was destroyed from a previous administration NEEDS more than 4 years to do the hard job at hand.

What is happening in the Massachusetts Senate race is another good example of dems weary after just one year. I'm shocked and disheartened democrats can not see the big picture. Have they forgotten in just one teeny, tiny short year why we elected Barack Obama? Why are they letting the repub run media scare tactics fog up their brains, distort their thinking, feed their fears and anxieties?

You democrats and independents who have already begun to jump ship may as well be watching Beck and Palin, because it will be you who put them in the White House in 2012. Is that what you want??

Be wise, be patient, be helpful, be organized.... be proud Democrats and show support for your president, and for all democrats in office. AND, always remember the alternative....


Leslie Parsley said...

A comment I left on Truth101:

So, what can we do to have a reasonable chance in 1012? Start writing letters to the editors emphasizing Obama's accomplishments and calling the media on their biases "with" examples.

If we're going to do what Truth suggests, we really need to start now. BTW, there is a Boycott of Limbaugh and sponsors on FB. Join.

Annette said...

Great piece Sue, Thanks for sharing this.

We have to have a positive outlook on Tuesday but still maintain an open mind.... I am hoping and trying to keep positive. I still believe she will win. There is starting to be more and more come out about Brown all the time. He is getting desperate. Now he is filing a lawsuit against the Democratic Party of MA... over some flyer or something saying it was put out by the union using state funds...

His attorney refused to answer questions about Health Care for his employees..

DCap has a great letter to be used for a boycott of Limpballs sponsors too.

I still think the first place we need to start with him is the DOD getting him off the Armed Forces Radio. That is just wrong for us to be paying him.

JUDI M. said...

Good letter and good post. I get so angry with people (and myself) when they rant on about the "hope and change" that was promised but not delivered. Since when did one man completely change a country in 365 days, especially when the opposing party from the word go wasn't about to let anything good happen? We've been bombarded by so much hatred and the lies from the right, it's hard to remember what we believed in a year ago!

Jerry Critter said...

Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, the only ship to jump to is full of tea.

Sue said...

Hey girls, thanks for the comments.

Did you see Obama speak at the church in DC this morning? It was beautiful. I think he reads my blog because of the things he said! ;-)

If you missed it try to find it on a website. The Washington Post did an article and of course the comments are full of disgusting hateful remarks! We can't stop them so we might as well just ignore and not read such filth.

The Dem stratagist on C-Span this morning said what you are saying Judi. The GOP has said from day one they will not give Obama ANYTHING, they are the most vile and evil pigs, may they rot in HELL!!

Sue said...

Jerry, may those jumping ship land in the sea of tea!

Annette said...

It may be the C of P they are jumping into... lol

The CDM said...

This woman hits on a point. The GOP is a party of USERS. Think about it. They used fear to get the coward-in-chief re-elected back in 2004. They used it again in 2008, but by then, it was old hat. What tea party folks don't realize is that now THEY are being used now.

Thing is this, like she said, Rome wasn't built in a day. But yet, we have become a country of "we want results NOW". The tea party movement has A LOT of idiots that have an abundance of misplaced anger(they just want to blame somebody...ANYBODY) and short fuses. The GOP is using these people, goading them and stoking the fires without having to come up with answers to the problems that the US faces now. This is where they have become the party of "NO" and not the party of "KNOW".

Bottom line is that the people elected dems to take over the failed GOP regime. The shell game is now being used by a party of cry babies so that the dems can't even move in the direction they want to go.

It's just a big cluster fuck, thanks to a bunch of cry babies that just can't let go. Now, our country will suffer because of their little temper tantrum.

Sad...and pathetic.

The Wool Cupboard said...

CDM ~ "Bottom line is that the people elected dems to take over the failed GOP regime."

Boloney! The people who voted (misguidedly) for Obama did so because they thought he would be different from other politicians...WRONG! He did, after all, profess during his never ending campaign to be someone different from the normal Washington insider, but, as it turns out, he is far worse than the run of the mill Washington insider. He is using all of the dirty moves ever dreamed up in Washington and more.

His poll numbers have plummeted because even many of those who thought they were getting change they could believe in are appalled at the changes being made and at the pace in which our Constitution is being plundered. It is not because they are not giving him enough time...he frightens them.

The CDM said...


Sue said...

C your comment is RIGHT ON! Good job!

Linda the only ones afraid of Obama and change are the fear mongers themselves. We surely know who we voted for, you are taking us for fools which we are not! Those on the right(yes some repubs did vote for change) and the independents might be jumping ship way too soon, but we true believers in Obama and the party are here for good! You are dreaming if you think Obama's true supporters will leave him, no way!

C, I love where you said "the GOP is using the teabaggers to stoke the fires without having to come up with answers to our problems." Their message is fear and "where's the Change you voted for?"

Well idiots it's coming!!

Sue said...

This a comment from on a post saying Roger Ailes is the real head of the GOP.

"That's the biggest punch line of all when it comes to the GOP. It's not just's the entire republican party. For all of the bemoaning you hear about communism, the hierarchy of the republican party is a damn close blueprint to it.

The ones at the top who are worshipped are the rich, the elite, the untouchable. The 'base' are some of the poorest, most impoverished groups in all America on the whole in some of the poorest regions of the United States.

That's the funniest part. The lower class people do the work for the upper class republicans and the upper class are the only ones who benefit from all the work. The put laws in place to make the poor even poorer (with support from their poor base, of course) and pass laws to make the dumb people even more dumb.

So they can't win but they can't even see the irony in it all as they walk around carrying signs suggesting that Obama is a communist.
I'm a realist...the democrats aren't too much better at this point and people need to realize that but the republican base is THE worst of the worst; the lowest of the low common denominators. Beyond the salt of the earth; the pure trash of the earth.
I lament the fact that I grew up in a republican dominated region and as a result, I met some of the dumbest people I've ever met in my entire life.That was not just a scathing coincidence."

I like it!

The CDM said...

Perhaps the *YAWN* wasn't the most appropriate of responses. A simple "thanks" would have been better for not only proving my point, but doing so very quickly.

The Wool Cupboard said...

Sue ~ Your "Digg" comment was from a total moron, and Howard Fineman's article was just as idiotic. The republican party is doing a lot better since they started listening a little more to their base and dumped left-leaning people like John McCain, (who nearly killed the party single-handedly.) I think you will see the conservatives come together more and more this year and get stronger. There may not be a clear leader, but there are many talented people at the front.

""The lower class people do the work for the upper class republicans and the upper class are the only ones who benefit from all the work. The put laws in place to make the poor even poorer (with support from their poor base, of course) and pass laws to make the dumb people even more dumb.""

The moron who wrote this statement in response to Fineman's article is totally off base. He ironically, is describing the democrat party. The rich are at the top and the worker bees (Acorn - the poorest of the poor out pounding the pavement trying to boost voter rolls while looking adoringly to the ruling dems to legislate them into the upper class.)

The Wool Cupboard said...

CDM ~ Is a yawn the best answer you have?...yawn....

Jerry Critter said...


Enlighten me please. Who are these "many talented people at the front" of whom you speak?

Sue said...

Poor Linda, she's a teabagger...

Your party is turning their backs on moderates and embracing the wingnuts you call your base, it's great news for the left, Linda. I sure hope you are correct on this observation!

The CDM said...

Linda - the fact that you have to ask such a question just reassures me and everyone else that you are clueless and don't get it. Add to that, with everything that I stated, THAT was your choice...which only further proves the point stated earlier.

The CDM said...

Sue - Linda walks around misinterpreting life, something we'll just have to deal with. As many times as she has been corrected by the likes of BJ, RZ, me and others....

DAMN....just damn.

The Wool Cupboard said...

Sue ~ "The GOP has said from day one they will not give Obama ANYTHING, they are the most vile and evil pigs, may they rot in HELL!!"

You guys won, remember? Obama doesn't need the GOP to give him anything. You have the super- majority. If you want it done, then you can do it...except for one thing...THE AMERICAN PEOPLE DON'T WANT YOUR LAME HEALTH CARE REFORM PLAN.

You keep saying that you don't hate anyone, but how else can you explain your wish that we (conservatives) all "rot in Hell"?

Sue said...

BTW, McCain didn't "single-handedly nearly kill the party",

your beloved wingnut Palin is as we speak! Your party would rather have the likes of Palin then a McCain??

Sue said...

you're right Linda, I'm a good and decent person, I take back the rot in hell comment. If any rightwing nuts rot in hell it will be their own doing.

Leslie Parsley said...

Linda: "You keep saying that you don't hate anyone, but how else can you explain your wish that we (conservatives) all "rot in Hell"?

That's easy. First of all, you are not a conservative. You are a right-wing ninny. Second, think back to last week. If you don't understand, I'll draw you a picture.

My question to you is, what is your reason for coming here when you hate Obama and Dems so much? If you're just trying to be a pain in the ass, you are succeeding beyond your wildest imagination. Go to Sue's previous post and read my two longish comments. They weren't addressed to just Lisa.

Leslie Parsley said...

""The lower class people do the work for the upper class republicans and the upper class are the only ones who benefit from all the work."

So true and what better proof than the upcoming shindig at the Opryland Hotel where attendees are paying $586, most of it going to that woman's fee of $120,000 for a one-night stand. The cheapest room is $189, food is $10 a bite and drinks are $20 a sip. Just another cheap night out on the town.

The Wool Cupboard said...

tnlib ~ I don't hate Obama or liberals...I hate what they are trying to do to my country.

If you don't like my comments, then don't read them. I won't read yours either - deal?

Anonymous said...

You know, there's a reason there are only 29 people following this blog.

Anonymous said...

Rome wasn't destroyed in one day either.

Leslie Parsley said...

Linda: I usually don't read your comments because I have little tolerance for ignorance. I just happened to be scrolling by when I saw that last graph.

Anon, aka Chicken Little: "You know, there's a reason there are only 29 people following this blog."

And your point is?

Linda: "I don't hate Obama or liberals...I hate what they are trying to do to my country.

It's my country, too, and I love it and I'm pretty happy with it. But I will fight tooth and nail to keep it from becoming a theocracy or a Third-Reich. I will fight tooth and nail to maintain the foundation of this country as stated in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.

By the way, do you know at least three names of the Founding Fathers?

Sue said...

anon I have 29 fabulous friends, how many do you have? OH yea, I forgot you have no blog and NO friends, Bwahaaaaahaaaaahaaaaa

Fuck yourself and don't come back to my blog again...

TomCat said...

Sue, Obama has brought a lot of his problems on himself because of his repeated attempts at bipartisanship with those for whom power is so important that they do not care how much suffering they cause by preventing his success on any front. That said, I expect to campaign for him in 2012, because the GOP has proven that they bring only disaster for all but the very rich.

The Wool Cupboard said...

tnlib ~ We aren't reading each other's posts anymore, remember?

Leslie Parsley said...

Linda, I didn't agree to anything of the sort and it's not up to you to tell me what I can and cannot read.

Signing off now.

The Wool Cupboard said...

tnlib ~ You are so testy!

"But I will fight tooth and nail to keep it from becoming a theocracy or a Third-Reich. I will fight tooth and nail to maintain the foundation of this country as stated in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution."

Your self proclaimed intolerance for ignorance seems to have slipped a bit, since you fail to see the slide of our country toward the "Third-Reich" state. When the President can interfere in private business as he has done with banks, lending institutions, and auto manufacturers, then how can you fail to see the demise of capitalism looming in the future? When the President can mandate that every "free" American purchase a commodity (insurance) or be faced with confiscatory fines, then why can you overlook the heavy handed intimidation of ordinary citizens? When the government chooses certain groups (unions) to favor with a waiver of taxes which other Americans MUST pay, then why is that OK with libs? When Obama takes money which you have earned and gives it to someone else without your permission, then HOW is that not sliding toward socialism (not to mention in direct opposition to the Constitution you say you defend)? Hmmmm????

Lisa said...

Linda you are asking a question of people who are so intrenced in thais mindset of progressives that thay will go forgoe their own civil liberties all in the name of their agenda and I don't even beleive they know what that agenda is or really care what it is or where it lead.
Progressive is by no means a modern day term so I don't understand why anyone would want to go back there. It never turns out good even for those rallying for it.
But you can't argue with intelligent people because they think intelligence is all you need meanwhile they forget there is life outside of the Ivory towers,Manahttan and Hollywood.

The Wool Cupboard said...

Lisa ~ The good thing is that democrats all over the country are balking at the size that the government has become and at the debt that has been so enlarged by this administration (with so few measurable results, to boot!!)

Maybe there is hope to save the Constitution, after all.

Sue said...

you 2 are delusional!! The debt was enlarged by Bush/Cheney, Obama has been in office one year, when you are in a recession you have to spend in order to grow the economy. Bush's' stimulus, billions, evaporated into thin air, Obama's stimulus is being repaid.

Please go away and come back in 2012, we'll discuss then how Obama's' 4 years have gone. Until then, remember, IT'S been ONE year, It will take 20 to clean up the rethugs MESSES!!!

Sue said...

and stop mentioning the Constitution, you don't even know what it says!

Lisa said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lisa said...

Sue if we are delusional so are many of not only Democrats but Independents too.
Me thinks the delusion was this "theory" that everyone who voted for "change" was not the "change" what they were "hoping" for.
UNot that they had any idea what that really was and are now having voters remorse about it now that it as reared it's ugly head.
Many of us already knew what that "change" was before the election ,the rest of them had to learn the hard way.
I wonder how Barney Frank is feeling tonite by the way.

Leslie Parsley said...

Jeezus, Lisa - go take a remedial English class and stop repeating the same ole shit over and over. It's like you needle is stuck.

Infidel753 said...

Don't despair! There may be a fallback plan in case Coakley loses.

But let's hope she wins.

Infidel753 said...

I'm seeing reports of heavier-than-usual turn-out in Massachusetts -- this isn't over yet.

Jerry Critter said...

Lisa and Linda,

Whatever health care reform we get, if we get any, is solely due to the efforts of the Democrats. The republicans have done nothing but obstruct.

Let's assume that you are correct and the majority of Americans do not want health care reform. OK? If that is the case, then the best thing the republicans can do is take the high ground and agree not to filibuster. Let health care pass. If the majority of Americans don't like it, they will vote the Democrats out of office. The Republicans will win by a landslide and be able to do whatever they want.

If health care does not pass, the republicans will have nothing to run on, and the Democrats while possible losing some seats, will come out further ahead than if health care passed.

Assuming you are correct...

While I am here, you never answered my question:

Who are these "many talented people at the front" of whom you speak?

What's wrong? Can't name any?

Sue said...

Infidel, according to the pundits, it's all over. I guess it's just me and you holding on a sliver of hope!

I added fivethirtyeight to my bloglist. The comments there are so far positive!

Lisa said...

That's the thing Jerry we don't want the democrats health care reform. All it is going to do is nothing but increase costs give tax exempts to the Union workers and ration care and I don't expect you to believe that because Obama has you convinced that this bill will do just the opposite. Meanwhile they will be high fiving each other if it gets passed while angering Americans more than they already are.

The left of all people should be disgusted about this being the left were the ones crying for the last 8 years about the will of the people,civil liberties,and the big talking point they had about the Culture of Corruption.
They are looking to change the rules as they go along.
I can't believe the endless pass you give them. So opposite than what they are supposed to stand for.

What makes you think the republicans have nothing to run on? They should run on something just for the hell of running on something even though it goes against the will of the people?
I would just like to see responsibility with spending and openness. Don't think if republicans get back in that they won't be ever the more scrutinized by the people who voted them back in.
We need real change in Washington not more of the same.

Sue said...

who died and left you queen of all knowledge? You have all the answers don't you lisa, even tho the REAL experts say costs will go down, YOU say costs will go up. Hmmmmmmm maybe we are listening to the wrong people. NOT!!!

Lisa said...

Sue of course they are going to tell you whatever you need to hear.
All you have to do is see anything else government sticks it's nose in. Everything they do starts out small and grows into unsustainable costs.
Who are the real experts?Politicians who are only looking out for their special interests paying off people to fix the numbers?

Lisa said...

How do you think adding a 40% tax on healthcare is reducing costs?

Jerry Critter said...

Lisa, if the republican get into power, they can end health care so it doesn't matter if the Democrats pass it.

The Wool Cupboard said...

Jerry ~ "the best thing the republicans can do is take the high ground and agree not to filibuster. Let health care pass. If the majority of Americans don't like it, they will vote the Democrats out of office. The Republicans will win by a landslide and be able to do whatever they want."

Surely you are kidding, right? If the health care "reform" bill is passed, signed into law, and enacted, do you honestly think that it will ever be repealed? After spending trillions of dollars setting up the infrastructure and bureaucratic red tape, it will never go away. It will be a millstone around taxpayers necks forever. I can't believe you would even suggest that that would be a possibility. It MUST be stopped before it is enacted.

I thought your question about naming talented republicans was in jest. To be honest, I would take ANY of the 40 republican senators (yes, even McCain, Snow, or Collins over any democrat. There is still no one that I am enthused over as a presidential candidate, but I'm hoping that changes. My point was that there are many good ideas in the conservative movement...we just need to find a dynamic voice to present them.

Jerry Critter said...

"it will never go away" because the people will love it and the republicans, while having the ability, would not have to guts to repeal it, just like they have not had the guts to repeal Social Security and Medicare when they were in power.

Sue said...

thanks Jerry, you are exactly right!

The Wool Cupboard said...

Sue ~ "when you are in a recession you have to spend in order to grow the economy. Bush's' stimulus, billions, evaporated into thin air, Obama's stimulus is being repaid."

In the first place, Bush's mistake was the TARP program, which, if I not mistaken, was mostly enacted under Obama. Bush never passed a stimulus was a bailout of critical financial institutions (which I opposed.)

Obama has created NO jobs with his so-called stimulus. It was basically fast cash payments to all his supporters...a slush fund. It was paid back by some recipients so quickly, because they found out about all the STRINGS attached to any money "given" by Obama. He considered the payees to be owned by the government and under their control (contrary to what he said.)

The idea that we must spend our way back into prosperity is so ridiculous. What should have happened was to FREEZE all government spending, let the failed companies go through bankruptcy and come back leaner, and most importantly cut taxes, esp. on businesses so that jobs could be created. Small businesses hire most people. Instead, we now have a much larger government (funded by tax dollars) and fewer employed people (tax payers.) It doesn't take much brain power to recognize that this situation is not sustainable.

The Wool Cupboard said...

Jerry ~ Once the government makes any segment of society DEPENDENT upon the government for a major part of its life, it cannot be repealed. That is what is so insidious about the health care "reform" debacle. The government makes it sound so simple and innocent...just trying to help poor people get health care. Then the people are forever hooked into government control. This is not about health care at is only about CONTROL. If you don't believe that, then you are being fooled.

By the way, if you want to find out the truth about the Progressive movement, watch Glenn Beck's program on Friday.

Sue said...

HC reform isn't JUST so poor people can afford insurance!! You're sounding like Limpy!!

Don't ever recommend anyone here watch Beck, my God woman, you must be kidding!!!

The Wool Cupboard said...

Sue ~ I'm not kidding. You might just learn something, if you dare.

Sue said...

I watched the psycho talking with the other psycho, Palin. NEVER AGAIN!!!

Jerry Critter said...

"most importantly cut taxes, esp. on businesses so that jobs could be created"
There you go again repeating the myth that cutting taxes increases jobs. Angry Bear discusses taxes and job creation here by comparing taxes and jobs over the last 20 years.