I will not post any quotes from any sources, whether false or the truth, on this hideous farce of a healthcare REFORM bill. Ya wanna know why? Because I don't know anymore which side is up, down, sideways, backwards, in, out, the opt-out is in, the trigger is out, the public option is dead, OH wait the public option IS NOT dead!!!! Grrrrrrrrrrrrr!!
Within a half hour of my TV being on this morning I heard 2 different takes on the PO from 2 different channels and 4 different people. I am convinced we will not know the truth of what's in this friggin bill til it's on the presidents desk and he is signing it!!
Are progressives upset with President Obama and his noncommittal stance on this friggin bill?? I for one AM, YES!!!
Yes when he talks about the PO in his speeches he sounds determined to push for the PO, but I still have my doubts. Why does he have to be such a "nice guy"?
Come on already Mr. President, my blood pressure can not handle much more of this!!
update: I heard from my friend Annette today. She is asking me to please TRUST President Obama. And after some thought about todays conflicting reports about THE BILL I have decided there are people out there who want us to turn on the president. They want dems to start fighting and lose faith. The proof of that happening (for me) is when President Obama talks to us I feel assured he has the countries best interest at heart and he knows what we want from him. So when we hear from 10 different pundits coming at us from 10 different directions just sit back, RELAX, TRUST, and believe in the end it will all work out the way we first envisioned it to. President Obama knows who put him in the White House.....
Open Thread February 22 2025
Yesterday, The Conversation newsletter included an article titled “Making
sex deadly for insects could control pests that carry disease and harm
crops.” I ...
2 hours ago
We probably won't know till there is more finalization and committee overhauls. You know how they like to dillute bills for THEIR (and loobyists) concerns.
Here is an article from this morning's LA Times that ought to cheer you up -- NOT.
Jerry what are you trying to do, kill me?? I'm done reading, I will read no more because we don't know what is REAL!
Mom, I know, I will watch C-Span and hear it from the horses mouths.
I will watch C-Span and hear it from the horses mouths.
I'm afraid I'd describe quite a few of our leaders as being a rather different part of the horse.....
I'm afraid I'd describe quite a few of our leaders as being a rather different part of the horse.....and what they say is often the stuff than comes out of that different part.
Harry Reid was just on my TeeVee Machine saying he was putting forward the bill with a PUBLIC OPTION with the opt out clause. That's what they are doing. It is being scored by the CBO right now and after it is scored it will be voted on.
Final bill is set and ready.. Does that answer your question...lol
Now, furthermore.. The President has been consistent in saying he supports the PO. Every spokes person for the President is consistent in saying he is for the PO.
Just this weekend there were at least 3 statements..
The one I told you about earlier.. Then there were these 2 others..
This was from Friday:
Dan Burton on Air Force One today:
"The President thinks that the public option is the best way to achieve choice and competition and bring down health care costs for the American people. And he will continue to ensure that it is achieved in the final health care reform legislation."
And also from Friday Morning on MorningJoke..lol Valerie Jarret. Who is closer to the President than anyone except Michelle.
"I think the President has always said that he's committed to the public option. Why? Because he thinks it will create competition and therefore bring down costs. He's always said he's open to new ideas, but at this late stage in the game, he still thinks it's the best option. So I don't know whether Mike Allen can actually count votes or not."
Now, that is 3 sources, named who are saying the President WANTS and SUPPORTS the Public Option in the final bill. Now you have Harry Reid on the record saying the final bill has the Public Option in it.
So, please.. cheer up and smile and quit your damn worrying so much...lol
Sue... I am not worried. Despite what happens.. Obama has our best interest at heart. He is not evil, or Hitler or what ever sick name he has been called. He is our President. WE elected him. Everyone is expecting him to make a miracle happen over night because of all ofg the pressure, talking, harrassing, taunting and blantant racism. (yes.. I pulled the race card...) Sit back.. be patient and calm... Just like Obama! That reform will get signed... I know it will.
Infidel and Jerry I know you are talking about the repugs, right??
Annette I saw Reid this afternoon and he was very encouraging! I know I have heard your 3 sources too, wants and supports the PO, I'm trusting!!
Donna I'm with ya girlfriend, he's our man and yes we believe!! xoxo
Infidel and Jerry I know you are talking about the repugs, right??
Yep. I'm not prejudiced, though. If any of the Blew-Dog Democrats screw this up now, I'd happily extend the appelation to them too.
OH you know those blewdogs better not get in my way!! (fuckers)
If they know whats good for them and know who butters their bread, they will fall in line!!
I am so with you on this issue -- and it is very important to watch the committee process. Things have "slipped" out of legislation this year during the conferencing....
I'm looking forward to watching the process Darren. I'm hoping the bill is better and stronger in the end!
We didn't like the way the office of the last presidency was treated,as I am sure you did too, so we vowed to treat whoever was the next president with the same respect and dignity of the last one.
Too bad the media didn't vow to do the same.
I'm not sure if your comment is sarcasm or not lisa!
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