Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Tom Harkin, you da man!!

every day our representatives are on TV talking about this reform bill, and there are always those few who him and haw about whether the public option will be in it. But Tom Harkin has never let me down! He's always the one who says YES it will be in the final bill, Tom I like you, and I trust you! Are you listening Mr. President....

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The CDM said...

For the life of me, I still don't know why people don't hear that "option" part. Not "mandate", it's "option". Every time I turn on the tV and see debates on this, the opposition is taking this like there's going to be a free ride given to those who want the "option". Madness.

Phil said...

I am on the left coast, it is quarter to Midnight and I am paid up and fucked up.

Why does Tom Harkin ring my bell?

Lisa said...

Option turns into mandate. That's how they all start out. That's how it started in Canada and ironically they are putting private insurers back into the mix.