Tuesday, March 23, 2010

10 most outrageous things said about the HC bill

AlterNet calls this a list of insanity from certifiably insane rightwingers! lol

1.Last week, Rush Limbaugh swore he would move to Costa Rica if health reform passed. Instead, he heroically decided to stay behind and fight for freedom, by telling his listeners they're in a death match with Hitler. “America is hanging by a thread. So we have to see what we can do with a thread. At the end of the day, our freedom has been assaulted. This is the kind of change that people did not think they were going to get when they voted for Barack Obama. Freedom must win the day."

2. Glenn Beck, who warns that we're on the cusp of a socialist/fascist takeover on a daily basis, had to reach to do justice to the drama of the occasion. He didn't disappoint, wielding his vast historical knowledge to (unfavorably) compare the vote to the Gettysburg Address, Iwo Jima and the moon landing, Civil Rights and the heroism of the 9/11 first responders, before landing on a more appropriate set of analogies: the attack on Pearl Harbor; the St. Valentines massacre ("when the mob stepped in and cleaned things up!"); Chamberlain's meeting with Hitler; AND THE HINDENBURG!!!! "You see, being historic isn’t always a good thing," he somberly concluded.

  3. Shock Jock Neal Boortz took to Twitter to make an even more wildly offensive comparison. “Nancy Pelosi will be grinning and laughing this afternoon. Today will do more damage than 9/11.”

4. Anti-abortion terrorist Randall Terry is using his pull with the Pope to get Nancy Pelosi excommunicated, because helping pass a bill that will extend health care to more than 30 million uninsured Americans does not obviate her role in unleashing a vast fetus Armageddon. Terry and some other crazy people held a one-minute protest on the outskirts of St. Peter's Square outside the Vatican, bearing signs asking for Pelosi to be denied communion and excommunicated.

I skipped to #10,   you can go here if you'd like to read the others. Yup, certifiably INSANE!!

10. John McCain, though, sketched out the scariest scenario of all: a lack of GOP cooperation going forward. "There will be no cooperation for the rest of the year," he threatened. "They have poisoned the well in what they've done and how they've done it." Oh shit, what if the GOP starts a campaign of mindless obstructionism, stalling Congress and making it next to impossible to pass legislation?


Jolly Roger said...

They have lost their frigging minds totally. I only thought they were crazy morons before. Jeez.

Leslie Parsley said...

I don't know what to say about these nuts anymore or the crazies who swallow every word as gospel. 13 states have filed suit! Aargh. And they bitch about not having sufficient funds so they cut back the number of state workers, funding for schools and road improvements. Shows were their priorities are.

Holte Ender said...

And we thought they were mad when they lost the election.

Hugh Jee From Jersey said...

Guys...I'm afraid to go to bed.

The stormtroopers will come to take me away because, unlike Ernest and Julio Gallo, I sold "wine before its time" way back in 1986.

I don't know about you....but this new totalitarian society is scaring the crap out of me.

"Help us Obi Wan Kenobi"....you're our only hope!"

Leslie Parsley said...

"Republican leaders" (oxymoron)are playing with fire. Obviously they are too stupid to understand the ramifications of not only not condemning this behavior but of aiding and abetting.

Boehner may publicly urge people to stay cool after the HC vote but his words on the House floor run counter to his so-called advice. Behind the scenes he no doubt is actively urging them on.

I don't even want to get into McConnellism.

One of two things will happen. Decent Americans - they don't have to have PhDs to be decent - will turn their backs on all this ugliness and vote these unpatriotic ignorant yahoos out. This, of course, will mean the death of the Republican party, which I would actually hate to see.

Or worse, these deplorable people, who don't have a clue about what the Constitution says, will gain control which will mean the death of our country. And that's when I head for Ajijic never to return.

The CDM said...

Just like my take on stem cell research, I wish there was a way to deny those benefits of this if you were against it. Instead, you should be handed a bible, be patted on the back and be told, "Good luck with that."

When you make outrageous claims and clearly show your disdain, you should be excluded if new legislation would benefit you in any way. I'm so sick of people who are so knee-jerky and reactionary with no regard for finding out the facts themselves.

The Wool Cupboard said...

tnlib ~ Just what would you cut to come up with enough money to keep the state running, Oh Great Wise One? Share your great wisdom with us......puuuuleeeessee. Where are YOUR priorities?

The Wool Cupboard said...

So you all are for facist policies such as squelching all of opposition viewpoint? You want it one way...YOUR way? You don't want anyone to dare to criticize or to question the wisdom of the bills put forth by your chosen one? Yikes...you people are TRULY scary!!

Leslie Parsley said...

Linda: Let me explain it so that someone with a 3-yr old mentality can understand.



3. Priorities: EDUCATION, JOBS, ROADS, PARKS, CHILDREN, ETC - even the welfare of total idiots.

Shaw Kenawe said...

So you all are for facist policies such as squelching all of opposition viewpoint?--Linda

May I respectfully ask where tnlib suggests this? It is John McCain, a Republican Senator who is proposing the "squelching " of all opposition by warning the Democrats that the GOP will not cooperate on anything for the rest of the year.

McCain, by putting that petulant threat out there is squelching opposition. You should take your complaint up with him.

"You want it one way...YOUR way? You don't want anyone to dare to criticize or to question the wisdom of the bills put forth by your chosen one? Yikes...you people are TRULY scary!!"--Linda

Actually you've got is backward again. It is the GOP who wants it their way, and they have demonstrably shown how far they will take their temper tantrums.

They have said NO! to everything Mr. Obama has tried to do. They even said NO! to the 200 amendments in the health care bill that was passed. They voted against their own amendments.

THAT is trying to do it their way or no way.

The most recent polls taken in the last two days are showing that the American people are getting on board with the passage of the reform and now more Americans are happy with its passage than those who are not.

The mantra the tea baggers repeat: "the American people don't want this" is slowly, but very surly, disappearing.

I'd also like to address your remark, Linda, where you say "you people are scary:"

A number of Democratic members of Congress who supported this bill have had their offices vandalized and have received threats that they would see their children assassinated.

That is scarey and a symptom of how unhinged sosme members of the Right have become.

Shaw Kenawe said...

My comment should have included the fact that those 200 amendments I cited were proposed by the Republicans.

Leslie Parsley said...

"The mantra the tea baggers repeat: "the American people don't want this" is slowly, but very surly, disappearing."

Well, the delusional GOP and Tea Partiers, in all their infinite wisdom, are still saying this. But polls indicate otherwise. And I think most half-way intelligent people are beginning to reaize they've been had.

If only the MSM had put forth the main points of the HC bill before the vote, Americans would have been better informed and not so intimidated by the incessent lies of the GOP.

The Wool Cupboard said...

Shaw ~ In the first place, my comment about facism was not directed at tnlib, it was directed at all of you. You all have made comment after comment about how those who oppose the bill should shut up and let "The Master" work his magic on society...and that those who oppose his wonderful works should not be able to partake of his magnificient, generous care-giving measures.

I don't agree for a minute that the majority of Americans have signed on to this economy killing bill. We'll see, won't we?

The Republicans, btw, added amendments to this power-grab to try to lessen the damage of the democrat bill. We can only hope that the states are successful in having this mess overturned in the courts.

Leslie Parsley said...

Speaking of irresponsible statements, Tom has a very revealing post up about something sedious (imo) the twit twitted.


Leslie Parsley said...

Linda - there's absolutely NO objection to people having a different view - just in how they express it.

I'm really tired today and don't have the energy to deal with colossal idiots.

The Wool Cupboard said...

tnlib ~ HOW in the world can you stand/sit there and dismiss the financial problems in the states by saying that it is all about priorities?

Do you work for state government? Look at California - it is broke; IL is broke, your state may be broke, too.

Maybe you have never had financial problems - I hope you haven't, but, unfortunately, when the problem gets severe enough, EVERYTHING, has to be cut. Where do the dems think that the money to pay for the new Medicaid coverees is going to come from? I guess we'll have to pull if from the favorite body part mentioned so often on this blog!

Sue said...

thanks for keeping the conversation going with great comments, i'll be on after noon time!

Lisa G. said...

1. Rush, please go. We won't miss your fat ass.
2. Beck should write the new Texas history book with his revisionist view of 'history'.
3. Neal Boortz is a stupid MF'er.
4. I'm sure Nancy would be heart broken at being excommunicated; boo-hoo.
5. John McCain- like you've been cooperating for the last 15 months - please give me a fucking break - your party has done nothing productive but slow down or stop every piece of legislation set out by the Dems. You lost - get over it!

Hugh Jee From Jersey said...


I woke up this morning, and the sun rose the way it always has.

And no storm troopers showed up to haul my ass away.

No sign of the Anti-Christ either...but its early.

Be sure to text me for the next scheduled book burning and/or government takeovers of water treatment plants....

"Socialism" is a scary thing, isn't it?

Infidel753 said...

Linda: Nobody is being shut up, or told to shut up. Sue kicking trolls off her blog is in no way equivalent to censorship. It's her blog. It's censorship if the government tells you you can't put a political bumper sticker on your car. It's not censorship if I tell you you can't put a political bumper sticker on my car.

If Limbaugh were living in an actual fascist country and he talked about the ruler of that country the way he talks about Obama, he'd be arrested in a matter of days. As it is, he blathers on and on. That's free speech. And the rest of us point out that he's talking bullshit. That's free speech too.

Leslie Parsley said...

So, Linda, my whole point is, if the states are so hard up for money, which they are, why in hell are they spending it on lawsuits they don't have a chance of winning. This is the third time I've explained this.

Interestingly, these are the same states who said they wouldn't accept stimulus money and then went running to the government with their hands out and then, worst of all, bragged about the programs "they" had initiated in their states.

The Wool Cupboard said...

tnlib ~ Quote "...why in hell are they spending it on lawsuits they don't have a chance of winning."

Because they fell that this legislation is unconstitutional and will plunge them into deeper financial insolvency....THAT'S why.

Sue said...

I don't have the time right now to read through and absorb all that was said here but I gather Linda is furious about the cost of EVERYTHING Obama is doing, So I will just add this and be back tonight! Thanks all!

This is Bruce Bartlett:

Recently some foolish bloggers have suggested that it would be better to default on the debt than raise taxes. That would, of course, cause tremendous hardship for millions of Americans because some $800 billion in Treasury securities are owned by private investors, almost $700 billion are owned by mutual funds, more than $500 billion are owned by state and local governments and more than $300 billion are owned by pension funds, among others. I tend to think that they won't take too kindly to the idea that raising taxes would be worse than paying them the money they are owed. In the end the debt must be paid, and we will have to raise taxes and cut spending to make sure it is.

I'll copy and paste the link for this good article in the next comment.

Sue said...


Sue said...

I find it interesting when conservative bloggers and conservatives such as teabaggers think they know more about the government and how it runs, balances budgets, spends money wisely or not wisely. But then you ask them about the HC bill and they don't have a clue what it REALLY costs and how the whole thing will be implemented. I was around when Clinton balanced the budget, he left office with a surplus. I was around when Bush spent the surplus and the debt skyrocketed.

When those who cry the loudest(teabaggers) have not a clue what they are talking about, what does that tell you? Just shut up and give this president a chance to fuckin WORK! Democrats can balance a budget and reduce the nations debt, it's been done before and it will be done this time too. The way rethugs are acting Democrats will be in the White House for decades to come!

Leslie Parsley said...

"sedious" should have been "seditious" in my 10:11 am post.

SP twitted: " "Don't Retreat, Instead - RELOAD!"

I'd like for her to say something like that in any other country and not be arrested.

On her FB page she provides a map where 20 Dems who are up for re-election are targeted for defeat - with rifle scopes.

If people can't understand words, surely they can comprehend pictures. "Seditious" may or may not be a stretch but it is horrifyingly irresponsible.

Lisa said...
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Sue said...

oh but this post IS about the facts lisa, the fact that the right are fearmongering retards.

Lisa said...
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JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Thank God Barack Obama is our President. He truly understands how to make our great Nation even greater! America is it's people. Not it's companies. We must all stand with our President as he leads to new heights of prosperity and world leadership.

Now is not the time for criticism but to work together with our President. The world is looking to us for leadership since the failure of the Bush administration. The world understands that is American Exceptionalism that sets the example for them to follow. How we treat our citizens shows the world we care and that our leader, Barack Obama cares and is willing to fight for what is right.

Thank you Mr. President. You make me prouder than ever to be an American!

Sue said...

wow Truth, that was beautiful! Thank you for being you, we need more compassionate human beings in this country just like us Obama supporters!

Leslie Parsley said...

Me too, Truth. Thanks for such an outstanding comment. It's nice to see a ray of sunshine amongst all the gloom and doom. : )

Lisa said...
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Lisa said...
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Lisa said...
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JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I love God. In His infinite wisdom he created reactionary conservatives to keep things screwed up so we Liberals can't make everything good and not need God.

God bless you Lisa. (The goofy one)

Sue said...

thanks everybody! I love liberals, we make the country a much nicer place to live. Now everyone go out and hug a tree!

Anonymous said...

Socialism, Fascism, Marxism, Communism, Pro-Choice, all of these are leftist ideas. The problem I have with them is that these take away the idea that actions (or inactions) have consequences. When you have sex, they don't want you to take responsibility for the potential pregnancy, instead just let someone else take that problem away. Having the government run your life or parts of your life, your retirement, your healthcare, means that you don't have to plan, or even care how you live your life. Does anyone else see a problem with this line of thinking? :-)

Lisa said...
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Jolly Roger said...

linda the lisa body double drooled,

So you all are for facist policies such as squelching all of opposition viewpoint? You want it one way...YOUR way?

You've got to be kidding me, right? Don't you remember when your monkey was excluding people from events he was at because they had the "wrong" bumper stickers on their cars? Or when that lawyer-blasting moron sicced the Secret Service on a guy for telling him to go do what he told Leahy to do? Or how about your monkey's Soviet border policies for Americans? Or listening to our calls, opening our mail, and searching our houses, with no warrant and no explanation?

You have ZERO credibility when you fling the word "faScist." You and your monkey should be the pictorial definition of the word. I know it'll come as a shock to you, but the definition of the word is NOT "Black guy gets elected President of the white man's Uhmuhricuh."

Sue said...

anonymous you are a fuckin moron, stop listening to Glenn Beck and Co.!! The problem I see is fascism coming to America via the rethug party and that's the fuckin truth!

Jolly Roger said...

Does anyone else see a problem with this line of thinking? :-)

Yes, you anonymous coward. Your assertions are bullshit, period. It takes a special kind of stupid to equate Fascism with "leftist." How on Earth do you function, since you're obviously too stupid to wipe?

I guess I don't blame you for going anon-if I was that stupid I'd do the same thing.

The Wool Cupboard said...

I guess if the word "retards" is good enough for President Obama, it is good enough for Sue! That makes you equally insensitive.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

We believe even "retards" should have access to quality health care benefits Linda. Whereas the deluded meanies on your side believe only those financially able should.

Why do you want the mentally challenged to suffer more than they already do Linda? You confuse and cause me discomfort.

The Wool Cupboard said...

tnlib ~ Well, thank the Lord that we have you there in the halls of Congress to bear witness to John Boehner compelling people to throw bricks through windows and to call people with threats of bodily injury, otherwise we would not have thought him capable of such despicable acts of coercion.

Leslie Parsley said...

One small correction. Obama, that big ole scary jigaboo, never called anyone a retard. Us whities better check under our beds before crawling into them tonight.

Leslie Parsley said...

Once again she's lost her way. We're at Sue's, not my place. Naughty, naughty. Don't even bother leaving a comment at parsleyspics. I can assure you it would be a waste of your time - and mine as well.

Jolly Roger said...

linda the wonder dunce farted,

Well, thank the Lord that we have you there in the halls of Congress to bear witness to John Boehner compelling people to throw bricks through windows and to call people with threats of bodily injury, otherwise we would not have thought him capable of such despicable acts of coercion.

He has an excuse, at least. The poor guy is so drunk he probably doesn't remember any of it.

Is alcohol abuse your problem, or did you get dropped on your head a lot as a child?

The Wool Cupboard said...

Well, Jolly Roger isn't so jolly anymore!

In the absense of anything of substance to say go ahead and ridicule those who perhaps have a different viewpoint...that is after all the democrat way. You all are not worth my time, so enjoy your government run health care once we get the single payer, and then when The Great One moves on to cap and trade and raises your taxes even more there, and then after he legalizes the 20 million illegals here to buy yet another voting block for progressives, then you will finally have the broke third world utopia you've always wanted and are too ignorant to fear.

Sue said...

this thread is turning into the comedy channel! OMG too funny!

BTW, Linda congrats, you sound EXACTLY like lisa in your LAST comment!!!! WOO HOO!!!

Jolly Roger said...

lying linda lied like a lying liar,

In the absense of anything of substance to say go ahead and ridicule those who perhaps have a different viewpoint...that is after all the democrat way.

Oh, no, lis..... linda, that simply isn't true. I pointed out a few posts up that your heroes are about as Fascist as Il Duce, and you ignored me. You had to, of course, but given that you did, in fact, ignore me, what tool do I have left to use on a tool like you beyond ridicule?

Leslie Parsley said...

Sue has pasted a really good piece but our attention has been drawn away from it by one individual who's only goal is to disrupt. I suggest we ignore this pest and keep to what we hold true. She obviously needs the services of a shrink or she wouldn't keep returning for more and more abuse. Anyone who does this is really, really sick.

Sue said...

thanks Leslie. Plus my link I pasted for you all, Did anyone read it?