Saturday, March 20, 2010

racist M F'ers

I can only hope, and yes pray, that what went on today during the teabaggers "party" will come back and slap kick them in their fuckin racist, homophobic, bigoted ugly faces. I won't use a gun analogy like they did, but so help me God if there is gun violence tomorrow because of the bill passage.....
This kind of rally has got to backfire on the right. Sensible thinking Americans need to speak out against this fuckin shit. I pray the rethugs suffer greatly from this because the people are so sick of this kind of idiocy!

Come on my pretties, defend this!!!

Today’s Code Red rally appears to be one of the most raucous Tea Party gatherings on Capitol Hill yet. In addition to protesters shouting with rage at federal lawmakers, Sam Stein reports on some more disturbing incidents:
A staffer for Rep. James Clyburn (D-S.C.) told reporters that Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (D-M.D.) had been spit on by a protester. Rep. John Lewis (D-G.A.), a hero of the civil rights movement, was called a nigger. And Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) was called a “faggot,” as protesters shouted at him with deliberately lisp-y screams. Frank, approached in the halls after the president’s speech, shrugged off the incident.
But Clyburn was downright incredulous, saying he had not witnessed such treatment since he was leading civil rights protests in South Carolina in the 1960s.
“I heard people saying things that I have not heard since March 15, 1960 when I was marching to try and get off the back of the bus,” [said Clyburn.]

Oh, but you say "we aren't racist", "we aren't bigots",  "These people don't represent the Teabaggers"!

The hell they don't!! Free speech in this country has gone berserk, this is violence and it is being condoned! I will not give those fuckers the satisfaction of posting their ugly faces or their racist signs. I hope no other liberal blogs will either. Go to hell you hideous teabaggers!


Anonymous said...

... And meanwhile, the White House bows down to corporations and insurance company while collaborating with congress to continue flushing trillions down the toilet, putting us all deeper in debt.

Your example is authored by a few faceless powerless yahoos.

My example is a deliberate looting of America by a craven, corrupt Oligarchy.

But hey, let's focus on the statistical anomalies, it'll make us all feel better...

Sue said...

silver please watch C-Span, right now Reps are explaining what is in the bill, I promise you, you will hear the truth about this bill and the good it will bring to Americans.

Jolly Roger said...

Your example is authored by a few faceless powerless yahoos.

No, not a "few." They ARE the "teabaggers."

As for your other points..... I have no argument with them. That doesn't change until the so-called "conservatives" and "moderates" go bye-bye.

Leslie Parsley said...

SF: Are you saying people like John Lewis and Barnie Frank are lying? I reported about this extensively with a picture of one of the despicable signs. It is all over the Internet and even in the MSM. Jeez, what does it take with you guys - a bolt of lightening from on high?

Following are some highlights re the features of this bill. I'm sure you'll say the writer is lying.

It will cover 95% of Americans.
Almost everyone will be required to participate (that's the only way it will work to cover that many people).

Consumer safeguards will include no denial of coverage for preexisting conditions including children, no higher premiums for women, no lifetime dollar limits on policies for those with serious illnesses...

It closes the "doughnut hole" coverage gap in the Medicare prescription drug benefit that seniors fall into once they have spent $2,830.

Businesses are not required to offer coverage and instead employers are charged a fee if the government subsidizes their workers' coverage; businesses with 50 or fewer workers are exempt from this fee.

Tax credits are provided for purchasing insurance.

Small businesses, the self-employed and the uninsured could pick a plan offered through new state-based purchasing pools called exchanges which would offer the same kind of purchasing power that employees of big companies benefit from.

This will not be a government-run insurance plan. People purchasing coverage through the new insurance exchanges would have the option of signing up for national plans overseen by the federal office that manages the health plans available to members of Congress.

No health plan would be required to offer coverage for abortion. In plans that do cover abortion, policyholders would have to pay for it separately, and that money would have to be kept in a separate account

And no, your grandmother will not be executed for being too old either.

Please link to the following for this first class article.

Frankly I'm getting worn out from all the lies and BS from you guys.

Sue said...

thanks for typing all that L. I'm exhausted and can't wait til tomorrow!

Leslie Parsley said...

I'm tired. I'm depressed and a little teary eyed. These ugly Americans acting like rabid dogs, violate all sense of decency. It's one thing to oppose something - to peaceably protest - but this is beyond the pale.

The Wool Cupboard said...

Sue ~ I did not see coverage of this today, so my comments are based upon your statements. People who use racial slurs and those who treated Barney Frank in this manner were wrong. It demonstrates hatred and intolerance for others. I have witnessed tea party events, and I can tell you that those examples of bad behavior seem very rare. Of course there can be instances of hate in any group of people at any time, esp. where strong emotions are at work. Human nature is not perfect. Having said that, your comments seem to be laced with the exact same emotion...hate. You can see it in someone holding a sign against homosexuality, but you are unable to see it in your own blog post. Your comments were as filled with hate as those people you attacked for hating. My point is not to make you angry, but to point out that hate is hate, no matter what the circumstance or who the person.

This difference of opinion with regard to health care is a very deep divide in our country, and it didn't have to be so. I just feel that the way the whole thing has been handled on both sides is discouraging. The republicans could have tried to find ways to make their plans known from the beginning, and the democrats could have been a whole lot more inclusive in every stage of the process. The "we won" attitude did not help either...

Whatever the outcome tomorrow, I pray that this whole national debate will take on a sincere attitude of "let's work this out for the good of the people, the economy and the country. I know you won't admit it, but when a bill is passed in such a totally partisan manner, it does not serve the public well. When 55% of the population is not in agreement with a policy, the President has a huge problem. This is compounded by the fact that health care is our most personal and private need in our lives. No wonder those who marched on Washington (tea party people) are frightened and concerned. They don't feel that their concerns have been well represented in Washington during this whole process. Don't you see why they marched?

Jolly Roger said...

I have witnessed tea party events, and I can tell you that those examples of bad behavior seem very rare.

In what country? I've also witnessed a few of them (3 to be exact,) and the racist sentiments on the misspelled signs were, to put it charitably, a measurable number of those signs. As disgusted as I was at the inbreds who threw dollars at the Parkinson's patient the other day, I was far from surprised. I've seen enough of them to know how they "think."

Why do people insist on continuously trying to tell us that a turd is a candy cane? We're sentient beings, we see what is going on, and we KNOW better.

Sue said...

hell yeah I'm mad and my post proves it.

The shame of it all Linda is you and your party have not listened to our side, you have been spoon fed lie after hideous lie during this whole year of debate. You did not open your mind to democrats when they tried to explain the bill. C-Span did an awesome job this week especially with our Reps. talking about the contents and how it will help Americans. It's just a shame you have no facts to base your fears on, Beck is not a reliable source.

Sue said...

JR, more and more is starting to come out about the teabaggers. I didn't watch news tonight but I sure hope they talked about this hateful rally.

TOM said...

Thanks for the post. I am watching. I watched the Presidents speech this afternoon to the Democrats.
I'm also tired of all the crap from Republicans. The lies, the dishonesty, the filth. I haven't written a good post in days. I am waiting for the vote. There is nothing else to say.
I'm tired of hearing conservatives say they disagree with what they hear (such as you pointed out in this post) yet they do nothing to denounce it, or stop it, even though it is their party and their hate filled hacks spewing this garbage.
They are fakes. Covering their own asses. They love it. They know it is wrong. They know the public will reject them if they agree with it, but they love it.
The tea baggers are grass roots, BS. They are propped up by bigots like Dick Army.
Statistical anomalies? Like 32 million will have access to health care? We cut the number of people who die every year (45,000) because they have no access to health care? That's 45,000 people dead every year! Statistical anomalies my ass.
Yes, it costs money to save these lives. The bastards are the ones not willing to pay more to save lives.
What's the proper amount to save 45,000 lives a year?
We have spent a trillion dollars in Iraq over seven years to kill tens of thousands. All based on a WMD lie, now admitted as a lie by those who spouted the lie.
Government isn't perfect. This bill isn't perfect, but it is clearly morally correct.
Your American dollars will allow you to live like a king in another country. So take your precious money and leave. Enjoy living in a third world country. When you need good health care, don't come crying back to the USA.

Sue said...

Tom you are a good guy! I'm proud to know you. You always grace my blog with the truth and you speak from your heart.

I can only pray GOOD wins over EVIL. We dems need to hold each other up and denounce the hateful bigots from the right. BUT, they are destroying the rethug party so that's a GOOD thing.

When you have people like John Garamendi talking in plain English for even morons on the right to understand, every single Democrat should be on board for this bill. No, it's not perfect but it's a start and does so much even in the first year. The right has warped the minds of their masses and on purpose. You would think they would realize they are being used, the rightwingnutfucks are being used to enrage the country just so rethugs can TRY and win back the power. The GOP USES those morons, the GOP doesn't give 2 fucks about them or this country, just power!

God Bless our Democratic party as they vote today!!

Anonymous said...

I am not saying anyone is lying. What I am saying is that all groups have their yahoos and idiots.

This will cover everybody AND save money? The government has never expanded something while saving money. Forgive me if I'm skeptical.

And why are they waiting until now to give us "the truth" about the bill?

Sue said...

yes silver both sides have their yahoos but the right is blessed with racists, bigots and morons, (not you, of course :-)

See, if you would just watch the smart Congressmen from the left when they speak about the bill on C-Span you would get a better idea of what is in the bill. They have been talking about it for a year but your side would rather look at Becks and his chalkboards.

It reduces the deficit, it is paid for, and it will save money and lives. I know the right has a hard time believing things like that can actually work because you are so used to the GOP passing huge bills that are not paid for and therefore bloat the deficit. The money mess we are in is because of GOP's unequivocal lack of economic knowledge.

Darren Lenard Hutchinson said...

Silverfiddle: Your skepticism does not prove that a "corrupt Oligarchy" is "looting" the country. There is a vast difference between not trusting the independent evidence about how the plan saves money and thinking that it loots the nation.

But I will accept that the bill will cost money and recognize that the savings are based on projections. Now, let the Tea Party movement embrace its racism and homphobia.

The Wool Cupboard said...

Sue ~ How do you know who I listen to for information? The health care bill is 2700 pages of legal-speak. Have you read it? No, I'm sure you haven't. I rely on other people to tell me what is in the bill just as you rely on other people to tell you what is in the bill. I also am relying on 40 years of watching what lefties do when they get in, control, and take away my liberties. I didn't get my info from Beck. I listened to SHOCK SCHOCK..even some LIBERALS who are saying that this will ruin our health care system and raise all our taxes and fund abortion and ruin the economy. This is coming from many, many people who HAVE read the bill and see the impact that it will have. Some opposition IS coming from the left, you know. Caterpillar Inc. just petitioned the government to please stop the bill because it will add $100,000,000 to their budget this year alone and impact greatly their employees and retirees. I'm sure Cat people HAVE read the bill. Do I believe conservatives over the majority of liberals? You betcha!!!

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Just exactly what liberties have been taken from you Linda? Or are you waiting for someone to tell you that also.

Taxes have gone down for 95% of us since Obama becames president.

Ronald Reagan had the biggest tax increase in history. He also raised gas taxes a nickle a gallon in 1982.

Now that I have told you truths will you spread them to the right leaning blogs you visit.

Sue said...

I rely on TRUTH 101 for my info :-)

Linda you are delusional to say the least. Just hold onto your hat because your world as it is, is about to get BETTER, thanks to Democrats!! :-)

Thanks Darren for stopping by, always great to have your expertise input!

The Wool Cupboard said...

Truth???101 ~ Every single time the government passes a law regulating some area of our lives, we lose freedoms. Some were necessary, of course, to protect our nation. The best scenario is for government to stick to the few areas that it is supposed to control and then to leave the states and the citizens to take care of the rest.

So, I'm assuming from your barbed comments that you don't listen to anyone's just read all legislation yourself and agree or disagree with that which you have read? Forgive me if I don't believe you.

I listen to people whom I trust to give educated well-thought out opinions.

Sue said...

Have you been listening to Bart Stupidack? This morning in an interview he was so nervous he was shaking, he knows damn well he is being an asshole about the abortion wording in the bill. He needs to grow the hell up and stop the nonsense!

I wouldn't trust a GOP'er to tell me anything about anything! The lies coming from them, especially this year, even a grade school kid could decifer. To me, they are making fools of themselves to keep arguing this bill, but of course they have to for their idiot base to stay on board.

The Wool Cupboard said...

Sue ~ He may be shaking from anger and sorrow about what his party is about to do today. He disagrees strongly about the abortion issues with the bill.

What lies have the conservatives told about the bill and how do you know that what they said is a lie? Just because a statement speaks against what you have been told by Nancy, Harry, or the President, that does not make it a lie.

Bye. It's time to go to church.

Sue said...

God, I can only imagine what your preacher will be saying today! God help us all!

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Linda: you listen to people that only say what agrees with your limited point of view.

And what freedoms have you lost? YOu can still own a gun. You can vote and peacefully assemble. You can blog till your heart's content. You can travel across the country.

We all agree that our rights end when they inflict on the rights of others. What rights, privileges, have you lost that were just taken away because some government guy decided to be an asshole that day?

Tell your preacher he can't have my moniker.

Sue said...

I have really thought long and hard to come up with some rights Linda may have had taken away from her. The only thing I can think of is the smoking ban in some bars and restaurants. I don't even know if its a right or left issue, but, Linda are you a smoker who frequented bars and now feel cheated??

Lisa G. said...

Linda - you mistake the "hate" in Sue's post for anger. She is not hateful - she is angry and rightfully so. To have people call others n**ger and fa**ot is totally uncalled for.

As for the partisan nature of the bill, the Dems have reached out time after time only to have their arms bitten off. There are several of the Republican proposals in the bill yet they still voted against it.

And a link for your 55% of American's that dislike this bill? I've only seen numbers as low as 65% for the bill, not against in all the various polls.

Leslie Parsley said...

Dang, it would take a tomb the size of War and Peace to address all of Linda's misguided information, aka known as lies. So, I'm just going to relate this from an historical and personal perspective.

Linda: I have been active in politics in one way or another since 1956 (HS) when Adlai Stevenson ran against Nixon. At 68, I can honestly say that I have never seen such well orchestrated lies and propaganda from the opposition and as much naked hate directed at a segment of the population and the president as I have witnessed this past year. NEVER.

I organized and took part in civil rights and peace demonstrations. Yes, we had our yahoos, too. I never considered them true representatives of peace, frankly, but I'm proud to say I had the courage to speak out against them. But for a time, most, if not all, of the violence came from white supremacists in the south and our own government - Chicago and Kent Sate. JFK, MLK and RFK were all victims of murders by extremists.

Yes, we hung LBJ in effigy. Yes, we carried signs that said, "Hey, hey LBJ, how many kids did you kill today?" And we marched, and we assembled, and we shouted our cliched slogans. So, what is the difference?

The difference is we never attacked a person based on their race. We never advocated the death of the president, whether it was LBJ or Nixon. As much as LBJ was opposed for his civil rights and social legislation by the right, it was never as mean spirited and racist as it is now. LBJ was loved by many because of this social legislation but equally hated for our involvement in Vietnam. Nixon was hated for his continuance of the war and because he was a paranoid crook. But still, we didn't carry signs advocating their deaths. We did not try to rewrite the Constitution, one of the most beautiful and well thought out documents ever conceived and one which has lasted over 200 years.

Were this the 60s, those crazies carrying guns to the anti-HC rallies, especially the one where the president spoke, would have been arrested right off the bat - at least for a 24 hour cooling off period. The fellow in Columbus and his cohorts would have been carried off to protect the Alzheimer's victim. The rowdies who invaded the Longworth building would have been removed to the outside where they could continue their right to free speech.

BTW, Free Speech does not mean inflammatory speech. Many rightfully consider it seditious if not downright treasonous.

As far as congressional opposition. While there has always been non-partisanship and opposition to a president's plans, I have NEVER seen such an organized steady stonewalling as we've seen this past year. Where members of a party are virtually afraid to speak out against this ugly behavior. Where the "leaders," Boehner, McConnell and Grassly, stand in front of the American public and lie, lie, lie. Where no thought is given to the welfare of the people but to the insurance companies who line their pockets. Where it is more important to spend millions of dollars killing 1000s of innocent people in Iraq, to say nothing of our own military troops. Where people like Snowe and Collins haven't had their usual backbone which is due to the threat that they will not receive GOP funding when they run for office again.

Not one person in the GOP has had any moral integrity. Votes are more important than lives.

McConnell, one of the largest benefactors of lobby money, has no humanity or compassion. Example: the extremely cruel and abusive Big Lick TN Walking Horse Assn. gives him over $60,000 a year for his campaigns. Result: He votes against any legislation to protect horses from soring, a beyond belief barbaric practice.

Leslie Parsley said...

Linda: Like everyone on this blog, we love our country as much as you do. We are also patriotic. We truly and fiercely believe in the Constitution - life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

If you hate us and our ideals so much, I'm sure we would be delighted if you stayed the fuck away. If you hate our country and government and all that they represent, pack your bags and get the fuck out.

Sue said...

LESLIE!! RAH RAH RAH!! Thank you for typing all that and for expressing into eloquent wording(of which I have trouble doing), for all us to read! Great job MOM!!

thanks to you too Lisa G, I don't say the words "I hate" about a person or even a group as hideous as those teabaggers, on my blog but I have come VERY close to it a few times!

The CDM said...

"So, I'm assuming from your barbed comments that you don't listen to anyone's just read all legislation yourself and agree or disagree with that which you have read? Forgive me if I don't believe you."

Like you are one to talk. Pot calling the kettle taupe there. Anyone democratic, liberal or progressive would be deemed unbelievable by you.

Hope everyone at church gets a chance to hear what's going on over your knees knocking together.

Leslie Parsley said...

I did not mean to imply that "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" were part of the Constitution. Unlike Boehner, I know they're from the Declaration of Independence.

And God knows, I do not want to mislead Linda anymore than she is already.

Sue said...

are ya fired up C??

Thanks for clearing that up L, we sure don't want Linda OR lisa confused any more then they already are.

The Wool Cupboard said...

" I can only imagine what your preacher will be saying today! God help us all!"

Well, Sue, I admit that my pastor is no Jeremiah Wright, so we didn't hear how God hates America, and we also didn't hear him pray for God to damn America. The message won't be about social issues at all. My pastor preaches from God's Word and the messages are about "hateful" things such as, God loved us enough to give His Son to pay for the sins of all. He also admonishes us to love God first and to love others as Christ loved us. He tells us to be good and loyal employees to our places of work. He tells us to be honest in our commerce and in relationships to our co-workers and friends. He tells us to love our children and to realize that they are gifts from God...that we are to teach them to try to live a life that is pleasing to God by following God's laws and accepting his grace.

What did your pastor say today?

The Wool Cupboard said...

Lisa G ~

Sue said...

first off, I don't believe you when you say your pastor didn't talk politics, they all do and they do it in a blackmail sorta way.

I don't go to an organized type of religious building you call a church because of that reason. I was raised in a religious home with conservative Democrat parents. Democrat because it is the party of caring for your fellow man, just like Jesus taught. I was taught to love my neighbor as myself, to not take the name of the Lord in vain, to follow the Ten Commandments, and I do believe I am that kind of person. I care about my fellow Americans, therefore I am a proud Democrat!

Don't say republicans care about their fellow Americans because I will be forced to call you a liar.

I'm glad you had a nice day with your pastor. I don't need a pastor to tell me how to live a good life.

The Wool Cupboard said...

tnlib ~ I believe the word you were intending to use is "tome". Unless, of course, War and Peace is in a large tomb somewhere.

Your lengthy diatribe against the evils of the world is nice, but not too many people have hung President Obama in effigy. I don't know of anyone who wants him murdered. I don't even know anyone who uses racial slurs or hate speech to describe those of other races, so why are you saying this to me? I know that the political arena is full of tension and stress right now. With the huge divide in ideology and the massive changes that this bill (which is unwanted and greatly feared by nearly 55% of the population)will bring to our economy and everyday life, why so incredulous at the level of emotion? This will change America in a way that no other legislation has, and a a majority feel that it is not a change for the better.

If you truly are a student of history, then you must surely know that in times past, those who disagreed would often settle the disagreement (or name calling) with dueling pistols! I don't think we have decended to that point, do you?

People passionately disagree on this's as simple as that, and it will continue to be so, even if (Heaven forbid!) it passes.

I think you misunderstand the hearts and motives of those opposed the abortion provisions. Those of us who oppose abortion are against it because we KNOW that it is murder....MURDER of an innocent human life. We cannot allow OUR tax dollars to be spent to murder babies. It is unthinkable. It is a moral issue.

We all agree that those who would take the situation a step too far by using racial slurs or hate speech are in the wrong. Just don't make the mistake of laying blame on all of those who are protesting. Most of them are law abiding, honest, everyday people who are just trying to do what they think is right.

If one liberal does something despicable, should we blame every liberal...of course not.

BTW--Dissenting opinion written on a sign is not inflammatory speech. I think you are focusing and obsessing on something that involves a very small number of people.

The Wool Cupboard said...

Sue ~ Quote, " I don't believe you when you say your pastor didn't talk politics, they all do and they do it in a blackmail sorta way."

I'm sorry if you don't believe me, but I guess that is your prerogative. I've never attended a church where politics was discussed from the pulpit. Maybe you should try a different church.

TOM said...

The Secret Service has stated publicly, that President Obama has received three times as many death threats, as any other President. Some people do want to murder him.

Check out my side bar at my blog (3/4 the way down) I lifted a photo shop of President Obama from a conservative blog showing President Obama being hanged.

Slurs against President Obama, or Democrats in general, are not by a few, not denounced by the Republican party leaders, and in fact Republican leaders have agreed to those lies and slurs, such as Obama is not an American citizen, and Obama is a Socialist, or Obama is intentionally trying to destroy America.

The tea party that yelled faggot, nigger, spat on a Congressman, and berated a person with Parkinson's as being a lazy bum, is the same party that invited Republican leaders to speak at their convention. Those same Republican leaders want and are trying to get tea bagers into the Republican party. That shows me the Republicans agree with their racist, bigoted behavior.

TOM said...

Whether you are pro choice, or pro life; it is silly in the extreme, that the Congress cannot finance a procedure (abortion) that has been determined legal for the last 36 years.

TOM said...

Mr. Stupak now has his executive order on abortion, which means the bill will pass with more than the 216 needed.


Leslie Parsley said...

" not too many people have hung President Obama in effigy. I don't know of anyone who wants him murdered. I don't even know anyone who uses racial slurs or hate speech to describe those of other races,"

If you'd get your stupid head out of your ass, you'd know these kinds of things have been all over the media for a year. Geez woman, where in fuck have you been.

"a majority feel that it is not a change for the better."

EVERY poll except Fox and Rasmussen categorically dispute this.

"I think you misunderstand the hearts and motives of those opposed the abortion provisions."

Being pro-choice doesn't mean a person is pro-abortion.

"Those of us who oppose abortion are against it because we KNOW that it is murder....MURDER of an innocent human life. We cannot allow OUR tax dollars to be spent to murder babies."

But it's okay to kill doctors like Tiller and Gunn. There is NOTHING about using tax dollars in this bill for abortion. See above where I outline what the bill contains.

"I think you are focusing and obsessing on something that involves a very small number of people."

WRONG, WRONG, WRONG. I've listed several racial slurs directed at Obama over the past year, many by politicians. I've written about numerous incidents of hate and racism. Don't hide behind it with your so-called Christianity ad messages from God.

Lisa, I apologize for my rare misuse of a word or typo. I am dyslexic and due to a medication I often have a tremor which can make typing a bit of a challenge.

You, otoh, insult my intelligence.

"Conservatives are not necessarily stupid, but most stupid people are conservatives."
John Stuart Mill (1806 - 1873)

Leslie Parsley said...

Sorry I called you Lisa, Linda. It's just that you're so much alike that I get you confused.

The Wool Cupboard said...

Quote "Whether you are pro choice, or pro life; it is silly in the extreme, that the Congress cannot finance a procedure (abortion) that has been determined legal for the last 36 years."

Spoken like someone who sees nothing wrong with murdering unborn babies.

It doesn't matter if it is "legal" or not! A large percentage of the American people see it as murder on moral or religious grounds and those people should not be forced to contribute with their taxes to the procedure of murdering babies.

I can't believe you would even consider forcing that upon pro-life people. Is there no conscience left in America?????

TOM said...

It's not a matter of religion, it's a matter of the law. Abortion is legal. You disagree with that, fine. Don't add stupidity to law, follow the law. We are a nation of laws. We as citizens have a responsibility to follow the law. There are many laws I do not like, yet I have to follow the law. I do not get to pick and choose what laws I will follow, or which laws my tax dollars fund. I thought killing 10's of thousands of people in Iraq was immoral, but it was legal and unfortunately my tax dollars paid for those deaths.

The Wool Cupboard said...

tnlib ~ Thank you for so eloquently and kindly answering my comments. It never ceases to amaze me how profane you all can be.

If you are pro-choice, then you are not against abortion. It's all semantics, wouldn't you agree?

With regard to my comments about hanging the President in effigy and those using the "n" word and other racial slurs, I was trying to make the point that most tea party people are just regular, normal people who just want to stop the destruction of the economy.(Obviously, I was unsuccessful there.)

BTW - I was watching the coverage of the tea party people and do you know what I saw? Hundreds of the disgraceful, selfish slimey jerks were....kneeling in quiet prayer. The horror of it all!!

The Wool Cupboard said...

Tom ~ Quote, "There are many laws I do not like, yet I have to follow the law."


The stupidity in this instance is all over you, Sir.

TOM said...

Typical conservative hypocrisy, call a black man a nigger, call a gay man a fagot, spit on a man, taunt a cripple, and then pray to God for strength to do it again and have God bless those acts. Sick, evil and sick!

TOM said...

If you read the whole comment, I answered that question; 10's of thousands died in Iraq, and my tax dollars paid for those murders.

Sue said...

exactly right Tom. And guess what, if we stop murdering innocents in illegitimate wars then we have enough money for health care for ALL Americans, even those who don't want it.

Leslie Parsley said...

Some people might say I'm profound.
Many women who are pro-choice would not opt for an abortion but that is their choice.

"what started out as a well-intentioned movement has been reduced to a haven for uneducated bottom feeders. Any "positive" message the non-racist Tea Partiers hope to get across is drowned out by a cacophony of nasty insults, jeers, and racist psychobabble."

I think this is probably true but why haven't the "good and decent" members of the Tea Party and the GOP had the guts to publicly denounce it.

I just posted this on my blog with photos and videos. All that's missing is their white sheets.

Lisa said...

If you hate us and our ideals so much, I'm sure we would be delighted if you stayed the fuck away. If you hate our country and government and all that they represent, pack your bags and get the fuck out.

Yep no hate here.

Leslie Parsley said...

I have plenty of hate but it isn't based on racism - just ignorance and stupidity.

The Wool Cupboard said...

Tom ~ "Typical conservative hypocrisy, call a black man a nigger, call a gay man a fagot, spit on a man, taunt a cripple, and then pray to God for strength to do it again and have God bless those acts. Sick, evil and sick!"

Being a little judgemental, aren't we? You don't know that these two groups were the same people. How do you know that they were even tea party people? You cannot possibly be sure.

TOM said...


I guess you did not see the videos.

Sue said...

Linda, Tom said conservative, that means a conservative did the filthy things to our Representatives.

TOM said...

Oh no, the Tan Man. Well at least that means it coming to an end.

Leslie Parsley said...

Linda, what is your goal in coming here?

The Wool Cupboard said...

tnlib ~ Do I have to have a goal? Maybe I like your company.

Sue said...

Linda's a closet liberal :-)))

The Wool Cupboard said...

You're hallucinating, Sue :0)

Lisa said...

Is Nancy Pelosi the most unappealing person to watch and listen to?
What are those sounds she makes after every sentence?
She would be more professional looking if she didn't move her arms around like a spaz.
She says "American People"like she has them on her side. I guess she didn't notice the racists, biggots yelling racial slurs like 1960's Mississippi outside the Capitol.

TOM said...


Lets make smores and have an MTM hug.

Lisa said...

Smores are unhealthy. Your government doesn't allow it.

TOM said...

The President is going to speak yet tonight, we have time.

Lisa said...
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Lisa said...

can't wait to see what's in the bill. Woohoo.
No Ambien for you Sue. Maybe Black Market if you can still afford it like they do in Cuba.

Jolly Roger said...

lisa the hapless moron farted,

can't wait to see what's in the bill. Woohoo.
No Ambien for you Sue. Maybe Black Market if you can still afford it like they do in Cuba.

I understand your frustration lisa, but don't you worry-we haven't forgotten about "special" people like you, and we will push to have the institutions that Saint Ronnie and his successors closed reopened. We know you are drooling over a keyboard because the place you SHOULD be drooling in was closed up long ago, and I, for one, am outraged that your condition isn't getting the attention it should have gotten in the health reform bills. I will have more to say on this later, but believe me when I tell you that I firmly believe that mental health should have absolute parity in any healthcare reform.