Monday, March 15, 2010

Batshit Crazy

"They" are still counting the HC votes so I'm not talking about it tonight. Instead enjoy the absolutely hideous unAmerican speech by the hideous unAmerican Batshit crazy Michelle Bachmann. This is the Kill the Bill Rally.

Bachmann railed against a “government takeover” of all aspects of the economy and compared Barack Obama and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to Venezuela’s President Hugo Chavez.

“Some have called President Obama the first post-American president,” Bachmann said. “Certainly this health care bill would be our first postmodern legislation where words mean absolutely nothing.”

While other speakers took the podium, Bachmann was easily the crowd favorite, and her supporters waved signs reading “Obama Lies, Babies Die,” “Damn this federal government to hell,” “Obama bin Lyin’” and “The citizens must declare war on their immoral, corrupt, Marxist government.”

“Obama’s idea is for Pelosi to pass a bill and have her members vote on something they never voted for. Sounds more like a Chavez tactic in Venezuela,” said Bachmann. “We have a duty to resist tyranny. This isn’t a joke. They can’t do this. The government is working against us. They are not working for us, and they got it all backwards. They work for us. We don’t work for them.”

“All I am doing in Washington is my job. And I’m in trouble every day of the week in the media in Minnesota, but it’s because I’m doing my job!” Bachmann said.
"They don’t scare us. They aren’t going to take our country. This is dictatorial is what they are doing.”

WaaahWaaaah!! Ed Shultz says she sounded like Rosanne Rosannadanna! lol.
Dictatorship my ass, Bachmann should be ashamed of herself for enraging the group of idiots in Minnesota! Must not say much for her state, they friggin' love her and her treasonous rhetoric. Now we know where lisa gets her talking points!


Oso said...

Ignorant bastards sure play fast and loose with the facts. Chavez wins elections with 60% of the vote-we force the indignity of international monitoring on him, oughta do that here, might not have had GWB-so they think that's an insult, comparing Obama with someone elected by popular vote in a democracy.

What ignorant fucks the Republicans are.

Oso said...

Although you gotta blame Obama too. If he'd had the sense to have been born White most of these teabag assholes would be home watching TV and even Bachmann might not have slipped into insanity.

Sue said...

I soooo agree Oso! It is all about Obamas skin color and they can refute it til the are fuckin blue in the face, they will be lying.
No other dem president has had this much opposition and hate towards their agenda like Obama has. Fuck 'em, they are the losers in the end.

ZIRGAR said...

You do realize that in calling Michele Bachmann batshit crazy that you're giving batshit a bad name? Just thought I'd let ya know :-)

Leslie Parsley said...

I saw this on another blog - no crowd shots though. From the sound of their clapping, etc., I didn't get the feeling there were that many people.

She really is a serious idiot - kind of reminds me of someone who hangs out here.

Sue said...

hold down the fort L. I took a ambienand gotta go to bed. stay and yell at lisa as long as yowant. TTYL

Oso said...


Excellent point! Bat guano has some very useful qualities.

I'll call her beckshit crazy!

Annette said...

The other lie you missed is when she said it was a bill no one had voted on... She flat lied there..... The Health Care Bill has passed the Senate and the House... by a majority vote.. that's why they can fix it with reconciliation.

But people believe what they are told by this ignorant bitch and want her to lie to them more.

Leslie Parsley said...

Damn Sue, I wish you'd send me some of those.

TOM said...

There are a lot of nuts in Congress, this bitch has to be the nuttiest.
I have to wonder how dumb the Minnesotans are, that voted for her. Every time I see her only one word comes to mind, BIMBO!

Jolly Roger said...

lisa the drooling village idiot crayoned,

And Sue it has nothing to do with Obama's skin color take a racist break already would you.

do you ever get tired of sounding like an idiot, or are you trying to hide your white sheet?

As everyone but you and your kind knows all too well by now, a lot of the "teabaggers" are out protesting things they WANT. They'll even tell you so. That would mean thwat they don't even know what the f it is they're protesting about, wouldn't it?

So tell me, Grand Dragonness, what do YOU suppose has these people all stirred up? And please, spare us your "explanations" as they are usually so full of stupid that a child could take them apart.

Leslie Parsley said...

JR: She's getting paid to be a stupid pain in the ass. I'm sure that as soon as she gets her script out she'll answer your question with the same ole nonsense she's been spouting here for eons.

Sometimes I think that nobody can be this dumb and she's just some body's idea of a bad joke.

One Fly said...

The deeper the pile of bullshit the more these dumb asses from the land of 10,000+ dumb asses get fired up.

Shaw Kenawe said...

"My belief is Obama is the one being used by the democrats so they can use his race to their advantage like they always do with race"--lisa

This is a curious statement coming from a GOPer. Michael Steele has been in the Rep. party for years and years, but the GOP decided to elevate him to head the RNC when?

Immediately after the historic election of the country's first African-American/Caucasian president!

By anyone's estimation, THAT using race to their advantage. The GOP used Steele to advance the false perception that it welcomes people of color. Why hadn't they promoted Steele to such a prominent position in the past? Before Mr. Obama's historic election? lisa needs to think before she makes accusations about the Democrats "using" race.

98% of African Americans vote with the Democrats. There's a reason for that.

BTW, I linked to lisa's blog, which is titled "Lisa's Thoughts," and there was nothing there.

Infidel753 said...

There's a saying that calling Bachmann crazy is like calling the Pope Catholic. She's supposed to be crazy. It's what she's there for.

Seriously, I have a very bad feeling about this. There is a small sub-element of the right which has gone beyond paranoia into outright frothing hysteria (see the Tiller murder, the Austin plane attack, and the Pentagon shooting), and this kind of ridiculously histrionic rhetoric about the health bill is just going to whip that up.

We need that bill, but I really worry that when it passes, one or more of these nuts will decide it's the Communist/ZOG/world government apocalypse or whatever, and pull another Oklahoma City.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Obama said they were going to tackle it by doing a whole lot of spending which I think alot of people know that you can't spend money you don't have.--lisa

Are you an economist? If so, from which school did you graduate?

amadmike1 said...

We are thinking along the same lines. I just posted an update on this looney toon and her sister Sarah.

Leslie Parsley said...

"As I recall, the tea party arose out of disagreement with the Obama administration"

Ding! Wrong. The tax protests started several years before the election of Obama.

"if you are broke you don't spend, you cut spending."

Ding! Ding! Wrong again. My husband was a very, very conservative man (but not stupid) and a highly successful one. He and his business associates always said you had to spend money to make money. Since these guys all owned multi-million dollar homes, etc., I think I'd rather take their advice.

"You people are ((either)) all for this destruction of the country"

Ding! Ding! Ding! Wrong again. I'd explain why this is unequivocally false but it would take a book and I doubt if you would be capable of understanding the first graph.

"Now go cheer on your American Idol president. He needs your support to embarrass himself even more."

And this is where I lose it. You are a stupid, snitty, shallow, simpleton. My rocking chair has more brains than you do. And you are obviously crazy - certifiably so. You are not funny and it goes without saying that you are dumber than a bucket of rocks. If you insist on coming here and dropping your little turds, then I'm going to insist on running over them with a bulldozer.

Leslie Parsley said...

Shaw: Lisa has never had a blog. See my comment here to JR. She's a nut job (surprise, surprise), the only sources she ever cites are videos on youtube and she's just flat stupid - or pretending to be. She's a plague, or as I've said before, a leech.

Sue said...

I hope nobody minds if I delete lisa and not accept her comments ever again!

One Fly said...

That is your choice Sue. I think this person gets a charge out of jerking so many peoples chains.

All one has to do to get that is turn on the radio. She brings nothing but nutter hate disguised as a wannabe discussion.

TOM said...

Maybe you should keep her around as motivation to write. Wouldn't want to forget why we want to make these idiots look like the America killers they are.

It's American financial History, that higher tax rates do not inhibit growth and tax cuts only build debt as they have for the last 28 years. We are living through the proof of how bad and dangerous Republican fiscal policies have been. And yet, there are telling us today, that tax cuts are the answer to our current financial and employment problems. These Republicans are super dense.

Leslie Parsley said...

With all due respect to Tom, I don't think Lisa the Leech encourages writing or thought or discourse. She contributes nothing and in the process destroys any attempt to discuss the subject at hand.

She is passive aggressive, a personality trait marked by a pervasive pattern of negative attitudes, obstructionism and the creation of chaotic situations.

In other words, she is a royal pain in the ass. The only way to deal with someone like this is to block them out. You know someone who keeps returning for abuse has to be a real sicko.

You have a good blog so why destroy it by letting someone on who possesses the above traits.

Jolly Roger said...

I have to confess.... anywhere I see lisa, I rip her to shreds. I'm not sure that this is conducive to discussion. However, should she get brave enough to do so, there is a standing invitation for her to come comment in my bailiwick.

Leslie Parsley said...

JR: I'm also guilty of slamming her because she pisseds me off so much. But there comes a point when she isn't worth the time and energy. If she even sets foot on my blog, that will be the last time.

The CDM said...

Tnlib - If you take note, lisa's blog, "lisa'a thoughts" is blank. Says a lot doesn't it?

I've tried my best to ignore that ADHD loon, but sometimes it's just impossible. For about as lobg as I can remember, she has offered nothing but inane babbling. You can't get into it with people like that. They'll drag you down to their sub-level and beat you with their experience.

Leslie Parsley said...

CDM: Lisa has never had a blog. It's just been a front so she can leave idiotic comments and drive everyone else nuts.

"I've tried my best to ignore that ADHD loon, but sometimes it's just impossible."

Do tell. ; ) More than once I've allowed myself to get sucked in as in yesterday. And then I ask myself, why? I'm being just as stupid as she is.

Frodo, outside the monkey cage said...

Frodo would miss Lisa very much. She reminds him of the many things for which he should be grateful; not least of which is that no one has ever referred to him as a cataleptic howler monkey.

The troubling aspect of this Congressperson from Minnesota is that she follows Hubert Humphrey. Humphrey may not have been Frodo's favorite, but Frodo never doubted that the guy loved his country and he fought for the interest of those without a voice of their own.

Bachmann, the cataleptic howler monkey with no tail, has never fought for anything but the size of her income tax refund.

Hugh Jee From Jersey said...

I'm afraid I have to echo what infidel said....there is something crazy going on out there, and its really got me concerned.

Not all Republicans, or conservatives, or Tea Baggers are involved in the extremist talk....but their failure to call the extremists out in turn empowers and emboldens them...I don't think I've seen such deep divisions in the country since I was a kid in the 1960's.

And I'm not a worrier or pessimist by nature. But when I see stuff like that rally in Washington yesterday, and guys like Michael Moore (on TAVIS SMILEY Monday night) saying that the Democrats are only reinforcing the feeling of many that they just can't get things done- I'm starting to get a bad feeling that the only thing we can expect is a "take it or leave it" watered down "reform" bill.

Sorry guys...I've been a Dem all my life, and will probably be one until my ashes are scattered on Barnegat Bay...but at this moment I'd trade the local plumber's and carpenter's union presidents for Reid and Pelosi.

At least they'd push the agenda the rank and file want....and show some attitude.

Leslie Parsley said...

Hugh said "I don't think I've seen such deep divisions in the country since I was a kid in the 1960's."

Funny, I was thinking about this very thing earlier today. Maybe because I was doing so much of the organizing and marching, I have a certain bias.

In my mind, in the 60s demonstrators were calling for the end to an unnecessary war, for peace and yes, for love. They were actively seeking voting rights and equal treatment for all segments of our population and better conditions for the poor.

Unfortunately, things would get out of hand from time to time and become violent. I condemned such violence among the activists as much as I did our own government - Kent State, Chicago. I also could never go along with the treatment Vietnam veterans received when coming home - not only from the peaceniks but from our own government.

What we have now is entirely different. It is a movement based on racism and hate. It is based on lies and fear. The anger directed at the president borders on being seditious. In the 60s no ((one)) group had so much control over the airwaves and the media. People didn't carry guns to demonstrations. If they did, they got arrested. Why not now?

We would quietly walk round-in-round in circles in front of a movie theatre and get arrested! These people are advocating civil war and all kinds of, if not treasonous, inflammatory acts, and they get away with it. What they advocate is entirely different from what was advocated in the 60s.
Nobody celled for the death of the president for God's sake. These people should have been arrested.

Now they see that there is no punishment for such outrageous behavior and so they escalate.

For the first time I'm beginning to be discouraged. I just hope and pray that the majority of Americans are as repulsed by this as we are and will show it at the poles. But I think it's damn time for the Democratic leadership to quit being mice.

Jolly Roger said...

lisa the sad sack of lies sputtered,

You want to know something before Obama was elected and you wanted info on Universal Health care on the internet there was alot of negative things about it and miraculously you can't seem to find much negativity about it.
That is some coincidence don't you think?
I would never suspect censoring here in America unless it's some Foreign nation that we handed over control of our internet to.
Isn't freedom great?

This is too stupid to try to decipher, really, but I'll give it a whack. I reckon you're saying that someone done scrubbed the internets clean of any mention of them death panels all them COMMANIST healthcare countries have?

Well, can you blame them? What if THEY have to go before one of them death panels?