Attn E. Musk
Elon Musk sent an outrageous, disturbing, and ominous email to federal
employees with the subject line, *“What did you do last week?”*
*“Please rep...
45 minutes ago
Walk with the dreamers, the believers, the courageous, the cheerful, the planners, the doers, the successful people with their heads in the clouds and their feet on the ground..Let their spirit ignite a fire within you to leave this world better than when you found it.
Ready to go!... Yes it is going to happen.. I am so happy I have to sit on my hands to keep from clapping.
I'm so damn worn out from arguing with Linda I don't know if I have the energy to be excited!
Michell Bachmann is on MSMBC crying and lying saying the bill still pays for abortions. What a nut job. She is a true BIMBO.
Since Bachmann is a living example of an abortion gone wrong, it's no wonder this is a subject with which she's obsessed.
Damn, no wonder it takes so long to get anything done in Washington.
It will probably be tomorrow am before they vote.
Tom: You're so "right."
J: lol.
Wonderif this dimwit will be re-elected.
You know, I wish there was a way to make ANYONE who was against this at all to never reap ANY benefits to improved reform due to "pre-existing fear" as a pre-existing condition.
Same as Social Security and Medicare. If you are against it, you shouldn't be able to benefit from it's use.
By the way Sue, I'm not fired up, I'm just SO pissed at seeing cowards everywhere so fucking afraid of every little thing that they really don't understand.
To not be afraid is what partly makes us liberal by definition.
Yay Annette!
Leslie I'm worn out too and half listening to the TV, that means I missed Bachmann crying, Tom!! Damn bet it was funny!
It's all so stupid, this abortion wording. I am not pro-abortion like the right claims liberals are, but never will this country be rid of ALL abortions. Lets be realistic.
C, I have said that too, those opposed and have acted so horribly with their lies and obstruction should be banned from partaking in the benefits of this reform.
What they are afraid of is a black dem president getting credit for the most important legislation since Social Security! They are balistic!
JJ, the woman is a horrid example of humanity!
Is there some way that all the far-right loons who think this is a Communist take-over and Obama is the second Stalin, and all the far-left loons who think it's a corporate sell-out and Obama is the second Bush, can go off somewhere and fight each other and leave us sane people alone?
I WISH Infidel! I have said it before they all need to find a deserted island in the South Pacific!
Since we're Nazis I think we should put 'em in concentration camps.
Rep. Nunes (R-CA) has defended this outrageous behavior. Boehner and Steele are actually condemning. It's only been a year. Too little too late, morons.
Crowd figures on Fox & other conservative shows are 20,000 to 30,000!
where are these crowds? Waiting outside the Capitol for the vote to happen?
Palin is on O'Reily telling us what's in the bill, LOLOL!! She is so fuckin stupid!!!
Wow, I just heard Schultz (sp?) from Fla. What a dynamic speaker she is. I think she's going to be someone to watch.
I think I'm going to pull a Harry Truman, and go to bed early tonight.
And when I wake up...just like Harry on the day after the 1948 election....I'll read not one, but two local newspapers, charting the triumph of President Obama and the Democrats...son of a gun; you did it!!!!
And then I'll read of the Waterloo of the Republican entity that was sent packing in 2008, only to try a comeback....with defeat, and this coup'de grace. Yes, put them out of their misery.
Because the Grand Old Party of Lincoln is no more, and really hasn't "been" for about twenty years now.
Now Boehner can get back to his tanning booth, Palin for shoe shopping and fancy pageant walkin', and Bachmann...well, she can just get fitted for her first straightjacket.
Adios, compadres...the old amigo needs to snooze.
Yes, I am watching, in my PJs with my elitist glass of Chardonnay in hand waiting for the final vote.
Wish I were in the same room with you guys so I could hug each and every one of you when this passes.
Infidel wrote:
"Is there some way that all the far-right loons who think this is a Communist take-over and Obama is the second Stalin, and all the far-left loons who think it's a corporate sell-out and Obama is the second Bush, can go off somewhere and fight each other and leave us sane people alone?"
Yes! I'm in total agreement with you Infidel. It's been a long and arduous slog. I'm going to enjoy the win.
I'll be checking in here off and on. I've got some Sam Adams here too if you prefer beer. Can I get anyone anything else?
I was thinking a moment ago that it's like we're all sitting in Sue's living room.
I don't drink anymore : ( but if I did I'd be having Black Jack with branch water or maybe a double dry martini - or both.
Why is the "grassroots" movement of the left always have manufactured signs?
They are like parrots I guess.
I love parrots. Taste like chicken!
yes Wassermann-Schultz, I always love listening to her, just like Grayson!
Hugh I just said the same thing to thehusband. You have a good nights sleep, I'm gonna try to stay up even tho Amelia will be here bright and early tomorrow.
Thanks Shaw, I'll have a glass of white wine please! Wouldn't it be fun to be all together tonight? What a great night!
Leslie how nice! You are all welcome to my livingroom, here, I'll light the fireplace for ya!
Did someone say parrot?? Hmmmmm
they are now saying 10pm eastern, damn people keep me awake!
"they are now saying 10pm eastern, damn people keep me awake!"
A guy walks into a psychiatrist's office with a duck on his head. Psychiatrist asks: "What can I do for you?"
The duck says: "Can you get this guy out of my ass?"
I turned on the news shows at 7am today. I'm still watching C-Span and still interested. I need help. I need a hobby. Oh yes, I blog. I took a 1/2 an hour off to watch "Dog Tales."
welcome Tom, grab a beer! Shaw has the salsa and Infidl has the Tofu(?), Leslie has martinis! YUM!!
LOL, Shaw. That is priceless!
My tv has been on since 7am too!
LOL Shaw. I wish I could think of a good joke. I'm a terrible joke teller
Oooooooooooh Cantor is speaking, I gag whan I hear his voice!
Boo - Hiss - Sad - Glad - Weird - Sick - Anyone throw something at the TV yet?
These people are fruit loops.
Wait til we get the political oratory pros, Senators.
Every time I watch this process, I wonder how we get anything done.
OMG, the Senators! I can't friggin wait! lol
You people of little faith!
Do you really believe Pelosi would have allowed a vote if she didn't KNOW she had it in the bag?
She even got the senate to sign letters ahead of time supporting the House...she wasn't leaving that up to Harry Reid.
Now, watch the polls over the next two weeks...Obama will enjoy a bounce! Americans love a winner!
Also watch the right begin a meltdown....they threw everything they had at derailing this bill...everything!
It is going to be an interesting next two weeks.
I know the right loves to compare Obama to Carter...but Obama is one smart politician....that interview with Fox News was just a victory lap around the loser...
The republicans do not have enough money to defeat all the democrats in the, that will end up not being the tsunami that they will start predicting...
Liberalism is NOW beginning to gain traction...finally! If the democrats can pass some draconian financial control legislation by fall....well, that will make it interesting.
Rep. John Boehner has a sad and heavy heart. It's a result of having an orangy tannedy skin.
He's saying he's failed to listen to America. He should have qualified that. One HALF of the American population WANTS THIS BILL.
They're getting frisky in the House.
Bonehead is speaking and slobbering now....
OMG the fucker is fuckin SCREAMING!!!
Boehner is trying to be "passionate." That's like asking a skunk to smell pretty.
TAO, who here has little faith?? You must already be drunk on Leslies martinis! LOL!
oh no, now he's playing games...
A called roll! That's 435 people. That would take hours.
Tell Boner he should have played this role when Bush was preznit. He's worrying about spending money.
Elections have consequences. The Democrats won. We get to implement legislation you guys didn't have the balls to pass.
yay Nancy you go girl!!!
Guys, I can't take anymore. As usual, I will probably wake up later and will check in then.
I think I heard Boehner, in a stalling tactic, request that the vote be one man at a time - instead of electronically I suppose. These ignoramuses keep lying until the very end.
Go Nancy!
A called roll! That's 435 people. That would take hours.
It's the principle of the thing. If he can delay reform for even a few hours, if he can be responsible for even one more person dying for lack of insurance, I guess he'll still feel it's a moral victory and he went down fighting.
good night leslie, talk to ya tomorrow!
Being a woman will no longer be a pre-existing medical condition!
woo hoo! Woman rule!
A shout out to Teddy.
Over 200 Republican amendments?
Why do they no support it?
the bill has 200 rethug amendments but not one fucker can have the balls to vote for it, pathetic..
great minds :-)
I wish Teddy was there, damn
not one fucker can have the balls to vote for it,
That's probably the text of one of the Republican amendments.....
the vote, the vote!! (((HUGS)))
the nerve of those dem nays!!
YEE HAW!!! 34 dems will be sorry they didn't vote yea.... too bad. BUT, YAY!!!!
a motion to recommit, motherfuckers are still playing their hideous games...
wish I was on the West coast, party on friends!! Good night!
g'night Sue. We've got to fight the trolls in the morning. They are going to be pissed!
thanks for having us all here tonight!
lisa plans on staying up to torture me so I'm closing this thread. Thanks for bringing in the vote with me it was fun!
This entire thread (65 comments so far) is textbook for what is wrong with the progressive movement in our country.
You want the feds to control everyone's health care.
You don't care if millions of people see abortion as murder, you say shut up and pay for it.
You hate people who disagree with you...example - "Bachmann is a living example of an abortion gone wrong" sadly evil and pathetic that statement is.
You want your legislation your way and you advocate that those who disagree should be excluded from the benefits, but you failed to endorse them to be excluded from PAYING for your benefits!! Isn't that......SLAVERY????
You now want to move on from ruining one area of our economy and life to yet another area that should not be controlled by the government - the financial. You are actually advocating the CONTROL of money by the government!
Finally, you are ridiculing those who disagree with you. You are all fine specimens for what all Americans should run-not-walk away from. You and your kind are what will destroy our representative republic...the ones that Ben Franklin had in mind when he commented to a woman who had asked him what kind of government that the framers had given us. When he said a representative republic, "if you can keep it", he was predicting that there would be people who would work AGAINST our brilliant form of government...those people are YOU.
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