Thursday, March 11, 2010

I Love Politics!

Don't you LOVE politics?? So much is happening tonight my head is spinning....In a letter to Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid says he will use the reconciliation process to pass part of the health-care reform bill. He stated dems plan to use the regular budget reconciliation process that repubs used many times.

The current plan is for the House to approve the Senate-passed bill from late last year, despite serious objections to numerous provisions. Both houses then would pass a second bill immediately, making changes in the first measure before both could take effect. The second bill would be debated under rules that bar a filibuster, meaning it could clear by majority vote in the Senate without Democrats needing the 60-vote super majority now beyond their reach.

That strategy would leave in place the Senate language on abortion. It would allow health plans receiving federal subsidies in a new insurance marketplace to cover abortion, provided they pay for it only with money collected from policyholders. The House bill would have prohibited health plans receiving subsidies from covering abortions.

Also happening is Alan Grayson gathering 50 co-sponsors to his Medicare buy-in bill. Every indication has always been that there is overwhelming support for a Medicare buy-in among Congressional Democrats. This could very well pass as a stand alone bill, especially in 2011 once filibuster reform has taken place. This is definitely one of the ways that progressives can viably continue the fight for real health reform no matter what happens to the current bill.

We're just weeks away from final passage of health insurance reform. It's been a long, long year and we are seeing the end of the tunnel. Republicans will not stop fighting, they will obstruct up until the pen is in President Obamas left hand and he begins the signing. As a frequent reader of Huffington Post, I almost always read the comments section to the always interesting and informative posts by some of the best writers in the business. Osage comments frequently on HuffPo and he does such a great job. I would like to leave you with this one tonight, he sums up Republicans perfectly....


Republicans ARE practicing seditious DEMAGOGUERY and anti-democracy OBSTRUCTIONISM intended to destabilize our economy for purposes of political exploitation.

Republicans AREN'T making a sincere effort to STOP the bleeding THEIR incompetent leadership and failed policies created. Instead, they're using inflammatory lies and accusations as a smokescreen to conceal their subversive agenda, which is to cause President Obama and America to fail so they can blame Democrats for the consequences of THEIR calamitous mismanagement.

Republicans ARE preposterously professing that THEIR disgraceful political WHORING had nothing to do with the banking, real estate, stock market and employment catastrophes that resulted.

Republicans ARE trying to hamstring Democrats to prevent them from repairing the damage caused during a Republican presidency that was irresponsibly enabled by Republican Senators and Representatives.

Republicans ARE offering ridiculous arguments meant solely to disrupt and prevent progressive change. They'd rather divide America and create political gridlock than endure the political consequences of effective Democratic governance.

Republicans AREN'T the LOYAL OPPOSITION; they ARE the ENEMY WITHIN whose mercenary personal priorities have eroded their moral and ethical standards to the point that duplicity and betrayal are their preferred modus operandi.

It's one thing to advocate their conservative beliefs; it's another thing entirely to willfully sabotage America's government because a successful Democratic presidency would not be vulnerable to the greed, fears and hatreds that have produced and sustained the radical Republican anti-government corporatism and anti-Christian faux theocracies that are poisoning and crippling American society.



Leslie Parsley said...



TOM said...

Osage - sounds like something I would write. I agree 100%.

Lisa said...

Like Pelosi says we need to pass this bill so we can see what's in it.
Wow how comforting.

Sue said...

Amen Leslie!

Thats what I think when I read him Tom, you have similarities. I think you both are great!

I better stop this, I took an ambien an it imopairng my senses, I can barely type, I feel like I.m smashed!!

Sue said...

i'm swaying like a pole daner, tr rom is spsinning my hands are sling off th k bosrd goog luck tomorrw
good night

Jerry Critter said...

Republicans are the American Terrorists! Not only to us, but to the rest of the world as well.

Leslie Parsley said...

Sue, I hope you're OK. Can't wait for you to read tomorrow what you wrote tonight.

The Wool Cupboard said...

For the record, DEMOCRATS are stopping this dangerous legislation, not we evil republicans, and thank God for the Dems who have some ethics and the courage of their convictions. This whole legislative process with regard to health care "reform" has been so poorly executed. The few libs who see the truth will not participate in the destruction of our economy through misinformation and outright lying about the cost of the bill, the quality of care under the bill, the number of people actually covered under the bill and the constitutionality of the mandates of the bill. You are simply unable to accept the fact that the Democrat party has and is failing to prove to the American people that this legislation is legal, ethical, necessary, affordable or economical. Even worse, Dems can't even prove that it will be efficient.

Wake up Dems! If this legislation is passed, it will be done without the consent or support of the vast majority of American citizens. THAT fact should frighten all of matter what your stand on this issue. Reconciliation was not intended to be used to force unwanted laws upon our citizens. You like to accuse conservatives of doing the same thing, but it is not true. Minor changes made to budget issues by use of reconciliation is not the same situation at all, and you know it. I, personally, do not think that in the end this bill will be passed. If it is, then we have lost much more than tax dollars to pay for it...we've lost our Constitution. Really THINK about that reality - if you are capable of it.

Teeluck said...

Sue forgive me but I really have to reply to Linda...yes you are evil Republicans for causing this recession with your greed and trying to say that the 30% of inbreeds who think like you do, is the majority of Americans. You people lie to yourselves so much that you actually believe it... I saw you salivating when we went to war in Iraq... and after 4000 innocent soldiers died, you still did not support them getting a minute raise in pay from Bush...that is how much you Republicans support the troops...that is how Patriotic you all are...

Sue said...

I thought What, what do you mean Leslie? Then I remembered, the Ambien, OMG, It knocked me for a loop didn't it! LOLOLOLOL!! I remember sitting here falling asleep and my fingers wouldn't type. OMG, That is too funny. Wonder why I said good luck? After I got off here I had to go downstairs and get the coffeepot filled for the morning, I don't know how I did it! Reminds me of my young drinking binges. Thehusband got up in the middle of the night to sleep on the couch because I was SNORING and he couldn't wake me up! BWAhaaaaaaaaahaaaaahaaaa!!

Sue said...

Jerry, the rightwing nuts even here in blogland call themselves domestic terrorists, with PRIDE!! sickos...
welcome back Linda, we have missed you! Have you been lurking as anonymous this week BTW? Linda we do admit to having DINOS who like to have their 15 minutes of fame, but in the end they will vote for this reform because it's the right thing to do. Without it our country will disintegrate from within. Who then will be laughing all the way to the banks? Rethugs, bankers, and insurance companies. Please watch something besides Fox, the people WANT this bill to pass, it's needed, we are all fuckin broke from paying premiums that are skyrocketing as we speak. Which BTW is good for the country to see how corrupt the ins. cos. are. Just in the nick of time! I love Barack Obama and Democrats, WE love America!!

Sue said...

thank you Teeluck!! You are so right my friend!

Leslie Parsley said...

"we've lost our Constitution."

Gee, where have I been?

Leslie Parsley said...

Seriously, Linda. Have you read the Constitution within the last 50 years? I'm talking about a word-for-word copy of the original, not some mangled version from Fox, beck or Limbaugh.

I seriously doubt that you will find the word "Reconciliation" in it anywhere - it is strictly a parliamentary procedure.

Sue said...

Conservatives don't KNOW what the Constitution says, they just pretend to.

"Minor changes made to budget issues by use of reconciliation" I guess Linda thinks Bushs tax cuts thru reconciliation, that destroyed much of our economy while making the rich richer, was just fine and dandy...

Wake up and smell the coffee Linda, rethugs suck...

Anonymous said...

David Ingraham
Did you know that Jesus prayed for the liberals of His day? He said, “Father,
forgive them for they know not what they do.” They then proceeded with His
execution and persecuted His followers. Nothing much has changed. More than
two thousand years later, liberals continue to consent to the Savior’s death, and
to persecute His followers. Oh, yes, and they still don’t have a clue.
Ever noticed how liberals whine and cry for the things they want? “Liberals
are merely inadequately trained children who grew up and now lead using principles
they gleaned from their upbringing,” (WorldNetDaily, November 27, 2008).
It gets worse: Reb Bradley, an expert on child rearing, says Rush Limbaugh is
right about liberals—they are turning America into a nation of victims, dependent,
covetous, and incapable of the kind of self–government the nation’s founding
fathers envisioned. Bradley continues, “We come into the world determined to
survive, and we vehemently express ourselves to get what we need: ‘Waaa!’ and
Momma feeds us,” he writes. “’Waaa!’ and our diaper is changed’ ‘Waaa!’ and we
are put down for a nap. As infants, our strong will can keep us comfortable and
alive—the more outspoken we are, the more our needs are met.” Notice the lip
service they give to God, but in them is an evil heart of unbelief. “The fool hath said
in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works,
there is none that doeth good.” Notice how seemingly well–educated they seem to
be, but, “Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools . . .” (Romans 1:22).
The liberal agenda preys on weakness and feelings of inferiority in the population
»» creating and reinforcing perceptions of victimization;
»» satisfying infantile claims to entitlement, indulgence and compensation;
»» augmenting primitive feelings of envy;
»» rejecting the sovereignty of the individual, subordinating him to the will
of the government.
Liberalism is an economic term meaning “socialism.” Small government, rugged
individualism, and self–determination are out and the village or herd mentality
is in. Children learn liberalism from the culture–carriers in our society. These include
music, television, school, and poor parenting. They inculcate one worldview
at home, then, we send them off to an institution that contradicts it all. Liberals
lust for power and control. They like to throw money at problems—other people’s
money, that is. The Bible says they are corrupt and that becomes increasingly
obvious in life. God help us not to become complicit with them in any way.

Lisa said...

Hey Sue it's the Public Employee Unions that are killing us and the gap between the public and private sectors are narrowing.
How long can half the country support the other half? It's time they kicked in their fair share.
Christie is the best thing that happened to NJ. Both in NJ and NY they are cleaning the Union house which has gotten way out of hand and is long overdue. Time for them to make the sacrifices the rest of us are making.

Sue said...

Prosperity Theology, 30 years of supply side economics, and a mentality where liberalism is bad and everything that is bad is liberalism.

Then bankrupt the economy and the government....


Sue said...

BTW anonymous who quotes Reb Bradley, this is Reb Bradley and his book, he sounds like a monster to me. Just like you holier than thou, self righteous hypocrite child abusers, child molesters, and hate driven christians. Spare us your sickening lectures.

“Child Training Tips” is a despotic child abuse manual. It is based on Fugate’s book, “What the Bible Says…About Child Training” and contains the same baby-whipping advice for absolute submission to the parents, by crushing the child’s will.

In “Child Training Tips” Bradley insults children by calling them savage, depraved, ungrateful, selfish, self-centered, willful, demanding, sassy, smart-mouthed, lazy, disrespectful, rebellious, murderous, dirty, born delinquent, with “no morals” and a “depraved nature”.

No age is too young for “the rod” and Bradley advocates very early use, whipping infants 1 year of age or younger.

sounds like a sick M F'er to me.

Anonymous said...

I did not quote Bradley,the opinion is from David Ingraham.
And please spare me with the christian bashing,a true christian is none of the the things you speak of.
I'm a christian and do none of the things you speak of.However there are many selfrighteous individuals from all religious demoninations.To single out christians just shows your lack of understanding about what a true christian is.

Sue said...

why not come out from behind your veil of christianity if you are not afraid to spew your words of hate towards liberals?

I didn't call you personally a child abuser. I call selfrighteous hypocrites who hide behind the name of God to do their evil acts against humanity especially innocent children. Those who abuse others and don't claim to be christians are not the hypocrites, they are just abusers. It's those like yourself who are the hypocrites.

Lisa said...

30 years of growth. You prefer to have the next 30 years of government growth?
1 year of Obama and we are already going deeper in the toilet. You think in 30 years we will be doing so much better if 2/3 of the country works for the government?
I guess it makes you feel all warm adn fuzzy if everyone is poor,not just some. I guess you think that's fair.

Leslie Parsley said...

Anon: Obviously you've never attended seminary school - or any school for that matter.

The CDM said...

"To single out christians just shows your lack of understanding about what a true christian is."

So a true christian is....

This shit is too funny...and I see our favorite misguided conservative is back.

Hugh Jee From Jersey said...

Wow....too much here for my little malfunctioned left wing brain to handle.

However..."Anon"; Leviticus tells us all kinds of things we are supposed to do and not do, because its an eating shellfish, pork, having any form of sex out of wedlock at anytime (even going solo), how we deal with our wives (that's right, plural), and treatment of our slaves, what to do with witches (see MONTY PYTHON & The HOLY GRAIL), and much, much more.

I don't recall seeing the term "liberal" anywhere in the Bible in either Old or New Testament. I'd think Moses would have inserted the word in the text of one of the first five books if he deemed it necessary; he covered just about everything else.

The guy had a lot of time on his hands, wandering the desert for 40 years....maybe God could have given him a GPS along with those Ten Commandments.

Hey..its not that much of a stretch...if a burning bush can talk, so could a little box attached to a chariot.

And to the usual suspects on the right who have posted...what the hell is so wrong with saying the "Democrat-ic" Party? Is it part of the "purity" test to always leave the "ic" off the end, or you get reported to Party HQ?

Everytime I hear John Boehner say "the Democrat Party" he has this pained look on his face, like he just ran out of Preparation H.

tnlib said...

Hugh: Hilarious. Maybe Boehner's afraid his toupee will slip.

Oso said...

Obama won.Democrats won.Health insurance industry won.

No public option. Private insurance control of healthcare guaranteed thru Obama's plan. High premiums with high deductibles and vague language for pre-existing conditions which reconciliation will water down further.

The ones who lose are the American people who can't afford good health care.

But at least Obama's legacy is assured. Far more important than peoples lives.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Well my friends; a 900 foot Jesus appeared to me a while ago. He first admonished me for getting turned on when Sue was figuratively grinding the pole while she was high. Then He said I must admonish the deluded right wing fool Linda for spewing lies about health insurance reform.

Teeluck already did that and 900 foot Jesus is gone now so I'll read Sue's pole dancing thing a few more times.

Lisa said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lisa said...

"Everytime I hear John Boehner say "the Democrat Party"

Because Hugh from NJ,there is no more democratic party. It's been hijacked by Socialists.Yes I said it so what it's the truth.
You know the ruling class who ignores the will of the people by demeaning,dismissing and plain old not giving a shit because they are going to do what is best for them and you think they are pushing these policies because they are so caring, and you all just go along with it singing kumbya.
Let's release a 2000 page bill and experiment on the American people.
What the fuck do they care,the elitists will still have all their riches and great health care. It's not going to affect them.

I guess we should be thankfull we will at least still get to see a doctor and get a pill.
At least we won't be dying in the streets.

The Wool Cupboard said...

Truth?101 ~ You're so much more intelligent than I, so PROVE that what I said is a lie.

Sue said...

Truth!! Every time I go back and read that comment I laugh harder and harder! BTW, I was not high, just Ambien. Isn't that pathetic, LOLOL!!!

Sue said...

Hold your horses Oso. There are lots of progressives working for us. lets wait for the final bill.

Sorry Linda, Truth is way smarter then you or I. (or would that be you or ME?)

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Teeluck already refuted your silliness Lisa. It would be quite rude of me, and not intelligent, to try and add any more to his comprehensive slamming of you rant.

Good manners and respect are signs of intelligence Lisa. I'm glad you recognize that. Now if you had the intelligence to practice these things your opinions would be welcome. Even though they are nothing but the parroted items you read from other right wing bloggers. Intersting how 99% of you deluded right wing fools say exactly the same things every day. Can I get on the email list of your master so I can just read today's memo without having to wait for you or one of the other right wing minions to post it on a blog?

Lisa said...

All Teeluck did was parrot left wing talking points and name calling.
And calling someone deluded just for the heck of saying it isn't really a relevant argument.
This bill is one big credit card with no plan to pay for it after 10years that is. But who cares though right?History will still say Obama was the greatest president ever. It has to

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

hah! You just parroted me Lisa. Have you no original thought in your deluded right wing head?

AAGGGGHHH! You parroted my catch phrase word "deluded" also.

But just so you know, this bill does not increase the deficit by any significance. And when compared to not doing anything which would mean millions on public aid, it's a far better plan in regards to the deficit than doing nothing as you and your status quo, homophobic, backward thinking parroting right wing brethren plan you want.