Thursday, March 4, 2010

More of the same, from the right

A few friends have posted about this subject but I wanted to add this new video to the story. 
This is typical Rethug fearmongering and dirty politics when they have NOTHING to offer the voters.  Their campaign strategy of fear may have worked for them in the past but this time it's the Independents who they need and this kind of dirt will not sway them one bit.  This 72 page document has not one single idea for moving the country in a different direction, away from Obama's "socialism". They say how dangerous Obama's policies are but they offer NOTHING else to get their base to come out and vote for them! 
Get ready, this is just the beginning. Soon we will see the lies and fearmongering in the TV ads. I think the American people will tune them out and turn them OFF!


Leslie Parsley said...

Great video. I'm glad you posted it. They are such ass-holes.

Tao Dao Man said...

Although Obama is any thing but a Socialist.
In reality he is a Corporatist.

What is Socialism is the answer?

The CDM said...

Obama is to a soshulist! Git a brian u morans!


JoeBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Republicans using scare tactics as a campaign strategy? Oh My GOd! Did they just start doing this?

Anonymous said...

the funniest part is how quickly the rethugs in congress turn on michael phathead steele at any and every opportunity. they despise him, but they can't come out and say so, so they get passive-aggressive and pooh-pooh everything he and his staff does.

p.s. it's not mikk2. it's me, nonnie9999, but it won't let me sign in any other way. :(

Sue said...

nonnie thats weird, I changed my settings to not allow anonymous but that shouldn't affect you.

The CDM said...

nonnie - They're waiting to see what will happen in the next election. If they don't get the results they want, guess who the scapegoat will be?

Not that I have a problem either way.

Anonymous said...

it takes away the spot where you can put your name and then a web url. i've seen it happen on other sites. you have to choose wordpress, live journal, typepad, or aim. i don't know what the last 3 are (unless aim refers to aol messenger, in which case i don't use that), so i used wordpress to see what happens.

cdm, you are absolutely correct. they need a fall guy, and they'd love to take it all out on phathead. i really can't blame them for disliking phathead. i do, too.

Sue said...

It's fixed!

Now that means you lisa, don't use anonymous or you'll get deleted!

nonnie9999 said...

awww, thanks for switching it back just for little ol' me, sue. that's very kind of you, especially when i might have given the rethug asswipes the scooby-doo idea! ;o)

Grung_e_Gene said...

This is a ploy. The Redupelicans admit they fear monger with this poster in order to have a cover for the worse lies and fear mongering they have in the hopper...

Hugh Jee From Jersey said...

The saddest thing to me is that so many of the GOP are proud of the fact that so little is getting done in Congress due largely to their obstruction....but they have time to spend to perpetuating this falsehood about the evil socialists taking over the nation.

Their whole agenda is whatever it takes to beat Obama...its the only thing that really matters to them.

And its getting old, tired, and really sad and pathetic.