Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Politics? What's that?

I'm gonna take a page from Truth 101 and show you what I do Monday through Thursday, this should explain why I'm not posting and visiting that much on those 4 days.

I'm a gramma to 2 and a half yr. old Amelia. She is a handful but my first priority.

She has Pop-Pops portable DVD player when I NEED to watch MSNBC, otherwise it's ELMO non-stop...

 If we're not watching Elmo then we're sitting at the kitchen table coloring, look at that concentration!

 This is her bestest friend, she calls him Tooey, sometimes Toobey.....
 What a cute kid! I'm a lucky gramma, but a busy gramma.

I do try and squeeze in some computer time, if she lets me! Look at her hand on the mouse, she's gonna be a blogger, I can tell! lol

Thanks for letting me share a bit of my life away from politics! Don't forget me, I'll be by to visit when she's napping!


Anonymous said...

very cute. I hope you teach her to live within her means and by all means do not teach her any Obama songs.
In 20 years or so will she be blaming Bush for all the debt left to her generation?

Leslie Parsley said...

Anon: What a total piece of shit you are. You pulled this tacky classless act once before on Sue's blog. But why should I be surprised at someone who has time and time again demonstrated she doesn't have a heart, much less a brain? YOU OWE SUE AN APOLOGY. You really are a totally malicious she-male Pit Bull.

She's adorable, Sue. Beautiful big eyes and one smart looking gal. Must take after her gramma.

Sue said...

Anon I have been showing pictures of Obama to Amelia since she was a wee tiny baby, she knows who he is and likes him very much thank you, She calls him Bama. Anyway thanks for saying she's cute lisa.

Thats ok Leslie, it's lisa. Thanks, she is a cutie huh! She does love the computer just like her grammie, and I'll be teaching her Obama songs soon! lol

TomCat said...

Anon, this was not even a political post. It was personal. For you to go into attack mode is totally inappropriate. Get a life!

TomCat said...

{{{waves at Sue who is replying while I am}}}

Anonymous said...

I am glad she likes him Sue. I guess she is well informed.

Waiter sense of Humor for Leslie please!

Mauigirl said...

Your granddaughter is adorable!

tnlib, as the owner of a very friendly and loving pit bull, I'd like to just say that you probably should change your description since pit bulls are naturally friendly to people! ;-)

Annette said...

Sue, you are blessed.. and I hope you enjoy every minute with her.. she is a doll.

susan said...

She's beautiful! And don't worry we won't forget you! Also paddy cake is a wonderful socialist game! Enjoy!

Anonymous said...

Paddy cake is only a socialist game only if you're on the receiving end of the claps.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I thought there was no way any granddaughter could be as sweet and pretty as mine Sue. I'm big enough to admit I was wrong. They don't get any more sweeter and pretty than Amelia.

That's probably why the anonymous troll is mad. Her deluded right wing views are so hateful that all she can fathom are hatred and stupidity. I feel sorry for her.

Leslie Parsley said...

Mauigirl: You're right. Besides Pit Bulls are smart, so we'll have to come up with something else. Maybe Clapper?

Sue said...

You all are so sweet! I love showing off my sweetie. But Truth, NEVER say anyone elses baby is prettier than your own sweet grandbaby, thats against the law! LOL! Thanks for coming by guys!!

Kentucky Rain said...

Sue if I were you I would go into settings and disallow anonymous comments, or in the alternative, just trash this unthinking monster every time it posts. Sooner or later it will get discouraged.

Anyway beautiful pictures. You can be proud.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Well she is just a doll. I have a granddaughter too, and I know what it means to be proud of a sweetie like yours.

Thanks for sharing this little cutie with us.

Hugh Jee From Jersey said...

Sue, she's so adorable!!!! And they grow soooooo quickly.

I'll help to indoctrinate her....no, nothing political.

But create another future Rutgers fan!

Need a toddler size cheerleader outfit?


Sue said...

thanks Mike, Shaw, and Hugh!

anon is just resident lisa, I can handle her. She doesn't bother me in the least and i don't really think she was being mean-spirited. Of course if there were personal attacks I would delete.

On days where I get NO NEWS, just Sesame Street, I tell myself she will be in school before we know it. So I do enjoy every minute of her, even the terrible twos temper tantrums, LOL

Oso said...

she's beautiful! You're so lucky to have her around, and she's lucky that you're the kind of person who sees her as someone to treasure.

There's so many people who just want to spend about 10 minutes with a kid then park them in front of a TV.

Good for you, lucky for her!

Sue said...

Oso that is so sweet! Amelia is addicted to TV I have to admit, but we do limit it and when she watches I'm watching with her. I'm the overbearing, smothering, lavishly attentive gramma! lol

One Fly said...

At least there's a lot of enjoyment from watching your granddaughter over tv.

Lisa said...

thanks Sue. She really is adorable. I am a softy for the chillins.