Saturday, March 6, 2010

STOP CRYING ALREADY, It's gonna happen whether you like it or not...


BARRY SUSSMAN, HUFFINGTON POST - Comes now a McClatchy/Ipsos poll of 1,076 people that on first glance offers rocks to sling at Obama. The lead question asks, "As of right now, do you favor or oppose the health care reform proposals presently being discussed?" Forty-one percent said they favored them, 47 percent said they were opposed, and the rest said they were unsure. Those are numbers the Republican leaders could work with.

BUT... the pollsters went a step further, asking those opposed -- 509 people in all -- if they were against the proposals because they "don't go far enough to reform health care" or because they go too far. Thirty-seven percent said it was because the proposals DON'T GO FAR ENOUGH.. Thus the addition of an obvious, simple follow-up question completely turns the tables. The overall numbers switch to 59 percent in favor of health care reform, 30 percent against. Putting aside those with no opinion, it becomes 66 percent in favor of health care reform, 34 percent against. Some would call that a consensus, or these days, a super majority. . .


Jerry Critter said...

Maybe someone ought to tell the Democrats that a supermajority want a public option.

Leslie Parsley said...

I think the only polls they listen to are Fox and Rasmussen.

Jerry Critter said...

Well, we do tend to listen to those that we agree with.

jadedj said...

Maybe someone ought to tell Obama also.

Oso said...

Exactly. The American people want quality affordable health care. The HMO's are a negative in the equation, they provide nothing and take their cut.Their main directive is making a profit at the insured's expense.

With single payer there's no profit motive, simply pay the tab. No CEO, no shareholders,no bonuses,no dividends.

It means death to the HMO's which is why Obama has only used a PO as a negotiating tool. The president has no intention of undercutting his Golden Goose, the Health Insurance industry.

Jerry Critter said...

The health care solution is relatively easy, just open Medicare to everyone with those under 65 paying a premium that pays the cost. Unfortunately, everyone including Obama is trying to save the insurance companies because they are a large source of money. So, whatever reform they come up with, the American people are going to get screwed so that insurance executives can afford big houses, big yachts, big vacations, and expensive escorts.