Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Please don't believe everything you read!

A liberal friend of mine got an email from a conservative relative. We all have them, those relatives I mean. I even did a post on my conservative relative, remember? Yes, we still speak :-)
   So anyway, this email was surprising but not shocking. The internet is ripe with lies and distortions but even more so with the election of Barack Obama. The fear was immediate, the name Barack Obama conjured up visions of Muslims walking the halls of the White House. The right wing of America are in a fear frenzy of astronomical proportions. What will happen to our Christian nation, we have a Muslim president, he wasn't born in America!!! 

The email....not in it's entirety and no names will be used to protect the innocence of my liberal friend! :-)))

chilling  facts below...

In 1952 President  Truman established  one day a year as a
"National Day  of  Prayer." 

In 1988 President  Reagan  designated  the First Thursday in May of each year as  the  National Day  of  Prayer.  

In  June 2007(then) Presidential Candidate Barack Obama  declared  that the USA Was no longer a Christian nation.  

This  year President Obama, canceled  the 21st annual National Day 
of  Prayer ceremony  at the  White House under the rouse Of "not wanting to offend  anyone" 

On  September 25, 2009  from 4  am until 7  pm,  a  National Day of Prayer  for  the Muslim religion was Held on Capitol Hill, Beside the White  House.   There  were over 50,000 Muslims that Day in DC. 

I  guess it Doesn't matter  if  "Christians"  Are offended by this event -
We obviously Don't  count as  "anyone"  Anymore.

The  direction This country is headed Should strike fear in the  heart of every Christian. Especially knowing that the  Muslim religion believes that if Christians cannot  be Converted they should be Annihilated.

This  is not a Rumor – 
Go to  the website
To confirm this info:
(  _http://www.islamoncapitolhill.com/_
(http://www.islamoncapitolhill.com/)   )

Pay  particular attention to the very bottom of the page:
I hope  that this Information will stir your spirit. 

The words of  2  Chronicles 7:14   
"If my people, Who are called by my Name,
Will humble  themselves And pray, 
And seek my face, and Turn from  their Wicked ways,
Then will I hear from Heaven
And  will forgive their Sin and will heal Their land."

We  must pray for Our nation, our communities,
Our families, and  especially our children. 
They are the ones that are going to  suffer the most

If we don't PRAY!
May God have  Mercy... 

Are ya shocked? I believe this was a younger person, usually this hysteria comes from the seniors who watch Glenn Beck regularly!

My friend, being the intelligent person that she is, and a loving relative to this young person, responded with this....

The contents of the email are false.

  • Barack and Michelle Obama and their two daughters are Christian. He is not nor has he ever been a Muslim.

  • Barack Obama has not canceled the National Day of Prayer.

  • There is not and has never been in America an Islamic National Day of Prayer.

  • Barack Obama chose to issue a proclamation of the National Day of Prayer as has every president and state governor in recent years.

  • The National Day of Prayer service last year was headed by such right-wing fundamentalists as James Dobson and Franklin Graham (who is not and will never be the man his father Billy Graham is). Participants included people who have called Obama “Muslim,” “anti-American,” “the Antichrist,” “communist,” “fascist” and “Hitler.”

  • The United States of America is not “a Christian nation,” in the sense that this country has never had an established religion. First, that would be unconstitutional as the First Amendment forbids the establishment of a national religion. Second, if the United States did establish an official religion that would make us like Iran – a theocracy. This is a democracy, not a theocracy, thank God.

  • Some people will never understand “separation of church and state,” which I wholeheartedly support. Who wants our national government to have the authority to tell us how to worship?

  • The citizens of this country are not just white Christians. They are of every faith, creed and color – and that includes Christians, Jews, Muslims and atheists. It is the right of all Americans to worship or not worship as they please, and our government cannot order Americans to be Christians.

  • Finally, this statement is false: “On  September 25, 2009  from 4  am until 7  pm,  a  National Day of Prayer  for  the Muslim religion was Held on Capitol Hill, Beside the White  House.   There  were over 50,000 Muslims that Day in DC.” This was a private ceremony conducted by Muslims. The government was in no way involved, and this was NOT a “National Day of Prayer for Muslims.”

The “facts” you sent are propaganda, designed to scare folks into believing President Obama wants to do away with Christianity. That is patently absurd! And, you can bet behind this forwarded email lies an author with evil intentions.

Luckily, the young person responded back with a "thank you for clearing that up!" 

Like I said in my previous post, we must continue to educate the nutters! The right is always telling us we are the sheep, we believe every thing Obama says to be gospel! Funny huh??


The CDM said...

I think you already know how fed up with this shit:




Teeluck said...

This is not surprising, this is the way the right continues to maintain a hold on the uninformed...this is how Hannity Bech and Rush does it also, with twisted half truths and downright lies...

One Fly said...

I've seen this as well. It's the same with science and math-when shown the truth they still will not believe.

Lisa said...
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Sue said...

This is lisas last comment that I deleted. After reading it again I thought I needed to highlight it because it speaks to this post and the utter nuttery coming from the wingnuts. This is why she is deleted, if you feel sorry for her then invite her to your blog to troll.

lisa has left a new comment on your post "Please don't believe everything you read!":

here's one:

The Health care bill is going to bring down the deficit.

People who currently have insurance will be able to keep it.

All TeaPartyers' are racist.

Anyone who disagrees with Obama';s policies are racist.

Business is booming here in the US thanks to Obama's policies.

Obama was born in the US because he supplied an online cert of Live Birth which says he is African American yet 47 years ago there was no such term.

Barack "Hussein" Obama is his Christian name.

jadedj said...

Sue, it just gets curiouser and curiouser, but the new me, after examining the right's complaints and points made in civil discussion...the new me now has a policy of replying with...STFU morans (sic).

BTW-I thought you were not posting comment comedy routines any longer.

Lisa said...
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Lisa said...
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Hugh Jee From Jersey said...

This is why I like to come here to read the posts....it reminds me of Thanksgiving dinner with a handful of crazy conservative relatives in attendance with the majority progressives, just to keep us shaking our heads and ....amused.

Pass me the drumstick please.

Sue said...

stand with me guys, I'll need witnesses!!

jadedj said...

I do solemnly swear...(fill in the blank regards lisa).

Jolly Roger said...
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Jolly Roger said...

I have invited lisa. Wisely, she's never accepted.

If you really want to mess with a Jesusistani, though, send them quotes from John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln.... even William Howard Taft! This bullshit about America being a "Christian Nation" can be retired in seconds.

But we all know that "Christian" is really a euphemism for "white," don't we?

Tao Dao Man said...

The Evangelical Xtians are still a driving force in America. Their agenda used to live in the White House.
They were foreclosed upon along with their wacko rapture ideology. They have now taken it to the streets. This is not a fluke. This will get worst, and much more violent. This is a sad snap shot on America. The world laughs at us, as we try to 'bring democracy' to the rest of the world.
The system is broken, their agenda has now gotten to the point of
The Eve of Destruction.

Leslie Parsley said...

Lisa's needle is stuck again. SOS.

I received this email as well. I've heard the same idiocy from my relatives. Sadly, I think I'm the one remaining liberal. I just leave the room and go to take a pee when they start to pray before eating in a restaurant.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I would never say Grace in a restaurant. The chef might take it as an insult and spit on my food.

I like some of the emails I get from the righties I know. Every now and then there's a funny picture I can use to taunt Professor Donald Douglas.

(He's a neocon nut that banned me from his blog last year.)

Leslie Parsley said...

Count your blessings, Truth.

Jolly Roger said...

Truth, I've lost count of the number of blogs I'm banned from. I even had one tell me I'd been "pre-emptively" banned.

Lisa said...
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Sue said...

how do you ban someone from a blog??

Lisa said...
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Lisa said...
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Lisa said...
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Jolly Roger said...

Not real sure how you do it in Blogger. I use WordPress and I own the infrastructure, so blacking people out is easy.

The CDM said...

There is this thing of freedom of speech, however, I can see how you'd get frustrated with the silly banter rayher than a collective and factual counter argument. People like lisa just don't get it on how they look like a pathetic damn loser by consistantly going some place where no one wants you. In real life this would be tresspassing and public nuisance(seeing as how she is bothering a good chunk of us).

While SF and KOOK(organized and not being inflamatory while being on an opposing blog) bring opposition, at least they aren't being blatantly intrusive. Linda is riding the fence on this one. If she says she's not ever going to be back, the least she could do is to be true to her word.

I'm just sayin'...

The CDM said...

By the way, no more use of the "N" word here as I find her offensive. I think we should move on from this waste of a...thing(?).

I thought this blog was anti-torture?

amadmike1 said...

I don't do Jesus or anyone related to Jesus. I don't hang out with people who Jesus Jumpers. It is OK if you go to church and it is OK if you believe all that claptrap just don't mention it to me and we will be fine...Loved those lists Sue!

Jolly Roger said...

You should consider joining us this year in the Blogswarm Against Theocracy. There's gonna be a LOT of good stuff this year. I know, because there's great stuff EVERY year :)


Infidel753 said...

I participated in the Blog against Theocracy a couple of years ago. It was followed by a tremendous storm of bitching from Christian bloggers because some of the atheist bloggers had criticized religion itself as well as theocracy (obviously it's impossible to articulate some of our specific objections to theocracy without doing this). The result was a pronouncement (I don't recall the details) that in the future guidelines would discourage such offensive posts. So the Blog against Theocracy would allow only material which was acceptable to religious people. Needless to say, I lost interest.

(Sue, sorry if this is off topic. I'm just responding to Jolly Roger's comment.)