Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Bring it on GOP!!!

Frank Schaeffer recommended this video so here it is! Frank is a smart guy BTW.

The rethugs want to repeal the HC bill, they want to TAKE AWAY benefits from this bill that ALL Americans will end up enjoying and actually thanking Democrats for.  But yes, the rethugs want that to be their platform for the mid-term election campaigns. They just keep getting stupider and stupider don't they!? Well that's perfectly fine with us lefties, we say BRING IT ON!!!


Annette said...

There is no way people will allow them to repeal this... besides how would they get Pres. Obama to sign such a thing..

Oh wait, after they win 120 seats in November, (yeah right) then they can override the veto.. sure they can.. they will never hold the seats they have and gain another 100 seats.. Just don't believe it will happen.

However, we have to be mobilized and mobilize everyone we know to vote this November.. because if by some chance the Rethugs win, there will be an impeachment of the President first, then they will do what they want.. Or so they think.... Then they would have to deal with Joe Biden, and you know what Pres.. Obama said..... "You don't mess with Joe".

Jolly Roger said...

HCR has SAVED a few seats in both Houses, and the Rushpubliscums know it. They're blowing stuff out their asses now.

It's like lisa is some kind of an amalgam of the Rushpubliscum mentality-all of them rolled into one. Truly amazing.

Sue said...

sooo true Annette, this is a year we all have to vote! Yea, lets impeach the president because he's black, democrat, popular, and born in Kenya....the idiots would love the chance to TRY, but will never come close.

JR I believe this vote has saved seats in both Houses too. The thugs HAVE to talk out their asses to appease the base of morons who love them no matter how stupid they act.

Lisa said...
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Lisa said...

lets impeach the president because he's a progressive

Leslie Parsley said...

Let's let all the black men in the country gang rape Lisa because she's an idiot.

Lisa said...

You have something against Black Men Leslie?

Lisa said...

I love this Black Man(mainly because he uses his head not his race)

That rich uncle, the one who promised you health care, a cheap house and free college? He's not really rich. He's senile.

The adults knew it all along and just smiled when he promised all those things. But the kids, the ones who still believe in the tooth fairy and man's ability to control the world's temperature, bought it hook line and sinker...
RCP - Thomas Sowell

Sue said...

now, now, Leslie we don't condone violence, that's in the rights manuscript.

The CDM said...

Repeat posting #3:

You know, it's really sad and shows deep signs of a desparate person to troll blogs. If that's the only way a person can get attention, then it is pathetic as well.

Lisa said...
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The Wool Cupboard said...

tnlib ~ You are one despicable human being. To wish something like what you said on anyone is beyond explanation. Are you implying that a rapist is likely to be black? And you call us racist! I cannot believe how low you people are.

Yes, America...THESE are the kinds of people crawling out from under rocks since the election of a Marxist president...the "saviour" of us all, Barack Obama.

Leslie Parsley said...

Good. Stay away.