Thursday, September 1, 2011

It's LONG, but I don't mind...

My President deserves the recognition and he deserves the time spent reading this list....

To Those Who Consider President Obama a Disappointment; You're Just NOT Paying Attention!


John Myste said...

Rah! Rah! Rah!

Jerry Critter said...

That is a great list of accomplishments...although some people will argue that they are not all good accomplishments.

Silverfiddle said...

This will make all of those millions of unemployed feel so much better.

I don't think out nation can stand much more of this "success."

Sue said...

maybe you could ask your party to join the rest of the country and lend a hand with passing some JOBS BILLS! SF...

Shaw Kenawe said...

How does a president get the country back on its feet when everything he proposes gets shot down by the GOP?

The GOP said it was JOBS! JOBS! JOBS! that was its foremost goal while it was promoting its candidates in the fall of 2010.

Where are the jobs, Mr. Boehner?

They went after Planned Parenthood instead.

If Congress worked with the president, we'd be in a different place, but we know that cooperation might make Mr. Obama successful in getting our country back on its feet, therefore, the GOP will NOT cooperate. The GOP has unequivocally stated that defeating Mr. Obama is their most important goal, not helping the American people.

I hope the Obama people play that scandalous assertion over and over and over again.

Jerry Critter said...

You are absolutely correct, Shaw. What the republicans campaign on and what they do are two completely different things especially when they are not in power.

Sue said...

Shaw I do believe the repubs are scared shitless because they have nothing new to offer Americans, they will run on "Obama sucks", time to give us a try...without any plans!!

My FB friend commented today pointing out Obamas genius by giving into Boners demands for the jobs speech date change. See, by speaking the day after the GOP clownfest he can rebutt all their "plans"!! Our president proves once more he is the smartest man in the room. Can't wait for next weeks speech!

Sue said...

it's all about the power Jerry, they crave it and fuck anyone who stands in their way. They haven't listened to a thing the people have said to them, THEY JUST DON'T CARE!

Jerry Critter said...

Yet people vote for them. I don't get it. Are so many Americans really that stupid? I am afraid that the answer to that question is "yes".

No wonder republicans are against education.

Dave Dubya said...

Yeah, but the Republicans can point to all those millions of jobs the tax cuts created. Yessiree. They're out there somewhere. I think they may be with Saddam's nukular aluminum tubes and biological weapons labs Bush his head.

Les Carpenter said...

It's about the economy and jobs.

Perhaps as both continue to go south maybe Obama ought to start doing a damn site LESS.

At least if he did that he could use the excuse it was/is Bush's and the republicans fault.

It is about time Obama and his supporters start to acknowledge he bears some responsibility and accountability for the llusy state we are immersed in.

And it ain't gonna get better anytime soon.

And Obama is offering exactly what that is new? That hasn't been tried before by statist minded leaders throughout the world?

Rusty Shackelford said...

Why do you folks always forget that the dems held the house,senate and white house for over two years and did noting with it.Come on you cant have it both ways.

Silverfiddle said...

Government doesn't create jobs, economic activity does, with business owners looking to make money meeting people's needs.

Before one more lockestep liberal says "OH yeah? What about firefighters and government workers? Those are real jobs!"

Yes they are, and many are necessary, but they do not generate sufficient economic activity.

Proof? Why doesn't the government solve the unemployment crisis by simply hiring everybody?

Jerry Critter said...

Saying that government should hire everyone is the same stupid argument you hear when someone says increasing the current top marginal tax rate will improve the economy and a conservative comes back and says if that is so, why not increase it to 100%.

These are the type of ridiculous comments that people make when they do not have not good argument otherwise.

Dave Dubya said...

Why doesn't the government solve the unemployment crisis by simply hiring everybody?

Because the Right will obstruct any and all jobs initiatives by Democrats or government. They know their key to power is in prolonging economic misery for the public.

Back in the previous Republican Depression, FDR reduced unemployment in every year of all his terms to lower levels than Hoover left him. It worked.

Conservatives are re-writing history and will deny this.

When business fails to create jobs, that leaves only government to provide jobs. We are sinking because Big Money is not creating jobs while preventing government from doing anything about it.

Such are the fruits of a corporate dominated government.

Sue said...

To answer the rude and crude Rusty...

Congressional Republicans pursued a strategy of denying Obama support for any major element of his agenda, on the correct assumption that this would make it less popular and help the party win the 2010 elections. Only for roughly four months during Obama’s term did Democrats have the 60 Senate votes they needed to overcome a filibuster. Moreover, Republican opposition has proved immune even to persistent and successful attempts by Obama to mobilize public opinion. Americans overwhelmingly favor deficit reduction that includes both spending and taxes and favor higher taxes on the rich in particular. Obama even made a series of crusading speeches on this theme. The result? Nada.

Flying Junior said...

Proof? Why doesn't the government solve the unemployment crisis by simply hiring everybody?

That's a fairly well thought-out proof for you Silver Fiddle. Short answer would be even if we could afford to offer roadbed construction, bridge repair, trail maintenance, green energy and earthquake retrofits, etc. to as many able-bodied and presumably younger men and women as possible, never mind their lack of training in modern construction methods and safety standards, conservatives in both parties would never have allowed it given the soaring war debts and tax cuts that have plagued the national debt in recent years. We had a lot of difficulty even passing a fairly conservative stimulus package. Conservatives are still belly-aching about how much debt it added when supposedly we could least afford it. Allow me some historical perspective just the same. Not everybody who hoped to get into the CCC under FDR was able to get a federal job. Millions were turned away. There was a lot of competition to get into the Civilian Conservation Corps which built so many park facilities and infrastructure in the 1930s. It was never an easy talking point or silver bullet. It involved some serious commitment and heavy lifting. It always does and always will to bring a nation out of poverty and joblessness. But one thing it did do was pump some real money into the small businesses, grocers, automobile dealers, etc. right where it was needed most.

Unfortunately many things have changed in the last seventy-five years. I don't think people are as hungry for work as they were in those difficult times. On a comical note, I daresay we have proved unequivocally that we can no longer use a war to bring us out of a depression.

What do you recommend? Tax cuts? Deregulation?

Silverfiddle said...

Thanks FJ!

I'll avoid the usual answers and just say that whatever makes our business competitive in the global market is what we should do. We need businesses to build things here and perform services here so Americans have jobs.

Some are criticizing businesses for sitting on the sidelines. Well, would you put your money in a rigged game?

Would you sink a large investment in an unpredictable climate where you don't know what the costs will
be a year or two or five from now?

So speaking generically, you create a predictable climate fair to all and favorable to none. If it costs a business less to build here than somewhere else in the world, they will.

Now you have economic activity, which is the goose that lays the golden revenue eggs to fund government.

Sue said...

Here's some more comedy...

Jim Demint said out loud on CNN's State of the Union...Employers in S. Carolina are calling back workers but those workers are saying "call me back when my unemployment and food stamps run out"

This is the mentality of a teabagger!!! Sick sick liar!!! Listen up S. Carolinians, this is what your teabagger leaders are saying about you!

Sue said...

Bull, SF...Corporations like going overseas so they can pay slave labor wages... as long as Americans demand a living wage from their employers I guess it will just get worse and worse. So who do you want to defend??

Jerry Critter said...

"If it costs a business less to build here than somewhere else in the world"

Sounds like you want to turn us into China, SF. I didn't know you were a Commie?

Silverfiddle said...

Well then, what's your solution?

Sue said...

You know what it has to come to? PATRIOTISM! Simple enough huh? How about putting country before profit, putting the American people before PROFIT so we can get ourselves moving again!! The president can not do it alone!! So stop blaming Obama and thinking a GOOPER could do a better job, bullshit!
Build manufacturing plants in OUR country without worrying about how much it will initially cost you greedy SOB's! AMERICA FIRST for once, how bout it?!

Jerry Critter said...

The People's Budget.

Dave Dubya said...

The game is rigged by corporate strings on politicians. What else can we expect when corporate cash is sanctioned as "free speech"?

An "unpredictable climate where you don't know what the costs will be a year or two or five from now" has always been the case. Nobody knows the future. This is why there's such a thing as risk in investment. Always has been. The Big Money Boys want it all, and they want it now, at no risk.

If we had a government responsible to the people instead of to Big Money, we'd see job creation for infrastructure rebuilding and maintenance. If only we could get our country back from the economic Royalists who care little for the people and everything for their limitless greed. That is a big “if”. Democracy is in a struggle for survival against the amoral elites at the top and their cold bottom line of the winner-take-all, corrupt, rigged system

"Profit first, country second" is the guiding principle for the Guardians Of Plutocracy.

Silverfiddle said...

Uh huh... That's what I thought.

Sue: Why don't you borrow money and hire an unemployed person? It's the patriotic thing to do, right?

I don't know how running a business just to let the government confiscate the profits is patriotic...

The Peoples Budget is a political non-starter. We have never collected that level of taxation, so it is unrealistic. Even the majority of democrats won't touch it.

It also unrealistically assumes people and businesses will just stand still and allow themselves to be taxed at confiscatory rates.

This was a constructive exchange. Big statism has failed us, so you're answer is... more big statism.

Good luck with that...

Sue said...

thanks Dave...

"This is why there's such a thing as risk in investment" true except we have Barack Hussein Obama in the WH, so trust and investing has gone out the can ya trust a black dude?

Jerry, I love the Peoples Budget, makes perfect sense to me!

Sue said...

who said anything about borrowing money to hire an unemployed person? I said how about the corporates build plants here and not in Mexico so AMERICANS can get up and go to work...Build the plant, hire the workers, the workers make the product, there will be money in the pocketbooks, the people buy the product which makes demand, which drives the economy.....DUH

Silverfiddle said...

Yeah! Why don't business owners do that?

If they can make money at it, you'd think they'd do it already, wouldn't you?

Jerry Critter said...

At least The People's Budget is an outline of action rather than just platitudes like "whatever makes our business competitive in the global market is what we should do." and "We need businesses to build things here and perform services here so Americans have jobs." which are meaningless.

Come to think of it, that's what The People's Budget proposes -- to make our businesses more competitive and build things here.