You can tell a lot about a person by his friends. Howard Dean, Michael Moore, Dennis Kucinich and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz are Alan Graysons friends, they've all joined the moneybomb at
And you can tell a lot about a person by his enemies. Sarah Palin came to his district two weeks ago, and told her zombie minions to "take him out." The National Republican Party says that he's their #1 target in 2010. And now, it's George W. Bush's turn. See for yourself:
But when it comes to George W. Bush, with enemies like that, who needs friends? What's he going to do, attackify Alan?
Still, if there's one thing that's clear, it's that the right-wing doesn't want Alan in Congress. They don't want to hear the truth. They don't want to see courage.
Good lordy, we gotta keep guys like The Shrub and his ilk outta Washington!! Support your local Democrats who are running for office in 2010!! VOTE!!!
Top Democrats Blasts The Idea That Democrats Should Keep The Government
Open For Republicans
The top Democrat on the House Rules Committee, Rep. Jim McGovern debunked
the notion that Democrats have a responsibility to keep the government open
for R...
5 hours ago
What better endorsement could Grayson have that the disapproval of Crawford Caligula?
LOLOL! TC I had to go to youtube and replace the Grayson ad campaign page video with this one. Its pretty damn funny isn't it!!
I loved it. What a funny takeoff on Bush. Shows we Dems have a sense of humor.
Hope it doesn't make all the Floridizers angry.
we do have a sense of humor and the righties are just so darn fun to make fun of! lol
Too funny, Sue! But on a serious note, one of the best reasons to vote for Grayson (and I wish I could)are the people who are campaigning against him.
I wish I could too Jerry! Grayson is ahead in the polls in his Republican district I understand, good for him!
Now that was just worth watching over and over
The Krazy Koward of Krawford hates Grayson. Whod'a thunk?
I'm lucky. We have Phil Hare as our Congressman. At least until redistricting. Then I'm fucked.
Truth you are lucky, even if you do get fucked, what's so bad about that?? :-)))
Hi Teeluck! The video is a scream isn't it! lol
Yup JR, the KK 0f K hates Grayson!
that was awesome! and I am going to share it with my facebookers.
As Dubya said...."Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice.....(long pause)...."We Won't Get Fooled Again".
(insert scream from Roger Daltry).
Remember the Good Old Days of THE DAILY SHOW, when Shrub would give us hours of unintentional humor?
Ahhhh....the memories!
Hey Susan and Hugh! Share away. Yes the Shrub, so many memories too bad most are horrific, but we liberals can laugh at his idiotic-ness! Is that a word? For Bush it is, lol
stuff it lisa!
I don't understand why lisa ever posts more than once anywhere, since every single one of her following posts is the exact same thing as the first one. Really.... why bother?
Apparently I've become the enemy of Blogger. It lets lisa post, but it eats mine. Now I ask you, is that fair?
This was good Sue, thanks for posting it.. I think we all needed a good laugh...
I wish the other side could stop and laugh instead of the crap we are seeing from them.. however they seem to have lost their sense of humor in November, 2008
they're just pissed Annette, ya know that black dem president kinda pissed!
The right keeps saying, "why do we keep talking about Bush, he's gone." Well that man is not gone from the minds of the people of this country. It is because of him our troops are fighting 2 wars, it's because of him there are thousands of dead Americans our people will mourn forever. Bush is still here, that thorny shrub...
It's hilarious!
Great vid! I am going to start advertising Grayson at my place soon. I really admire courage, especially in a politician.
Persistent, isn't she?
Grayson is a kook!
My mother saw him on MSNBC and she said that guy is crazy!
Like mother, like daughter.
Frankly, I'd rather have an honest kook than a stupid crook.
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