Keith Olbermann just announced that the Senate Parliamentarian had officially declared the GOP plan to sabotage health care reform "a dud". (Keith's words)
Plus, further bills to repeal the legislation will fail, he said.
A Point of Order involving Social Security was brought to the Parliamentarian today by staffers, both Republican and Democrat, said Lawrence O'Donnell. The Dem staffers cited a precedent that favored them, and the Parliamentarian was "taken with it". The Republicans were caught with like deer in the headlights. The Parliamentarian ruled FOR the Dems.
O'Donnell: "If this is what they have, they don't have much."
First challenge: Denied.
Reconciliation will go forward.
Poor kids, just give up and enjoy....
Top Democrats Blasts The Idea That Democrats Should Keep The Government
Open For Republicans
The top Democrat on the House Rules Committee, Rep. Jim McGovern debunked
the notion that Democrats have a responsibility to keep the government open
for R...
5 hours ago
Whiny, lying, brats.
Funny as hell ain't it Tom?? LOLOL
BTW Tom, thanks for joining in all the fun last night, loved having your company!
Thanks for being a great host for all of us!
I'm old enough to have seen a lot of important legislation pass, this was great.
Watching Rachel interview Barney Frank---BY
I wish I had paid more attention in my younger years. Especially to Ted Kennedy, what a passionate speaker he was, I sure miss his booming voice!
The process worked exactly as it was designed to work, and these whiny pieces of sh*t don't like it. They believe in "freedom," all right-you are as free to agree with them as you could be.
It's not Democratic legislation it's American legislation with 200 Republican amendments in it (which they voted against). Truly bipartisan, which is what president Obama wanted.
It's not Democratic legislation it's American legislation with 200 Republican amendments in it (which they voted against). Truly bipartisan, which is what president Obama wanted.
If this was true everyone should have been brought in together from the beginning.
Holte-you forgot to add that there is also 1000 democrat mandates.
Sorry but the facts have a funny way of sneaking in sometimes.
200 amendments have been there from the beginning. AND the thugs still would not vote for this reform under a black democrat, sooooooo true.
Democrats can mandate and govern as they wish, they have the power, remember???? You had your chance for the shrub to govern, too bad he didn't know how.
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