Top Democrats Blasts The Idea That Democrats Should Keep The Government
Open For Republicans
The top Democrat on the House Rules Committee, Rep. Jim McGovern debunked
the notion that Democrats have a responsibility to keep the government open
for R...
5 hours ago
Someday, Junket John is going to sober up, and he's going to be shocked at the positions he's held in Government.
The rest of us are shocked that a corrupt drunk is what the Rushpubliscum Party sees as "leadership."
So the members of Congress are receiving Death Threats, and the Dems are blaming the republicans!
Typical. Blame the victims for the actions of the criminals.
This is what we mean we we say the DemoCRAPS are not only sore losers, they are sore winners, the worst kind of disgusting.
I'm not an advocate of violence, but the Dem's shouldn't act surprised when it happens. I fear that this is going to escalate and get very ugly long before November rolls around. Once people believe that the government is non-responsive and that nothing they say and nobody they elect will change that, they will see few options.
Chris Matthews has fantasized on-air about seeing Rush Limbaugh shot in the head. Sandra Bernhardt says she wants Sarah Palin gang raped. Bill Maher wishes that Glenn Beck had been shot to death.
Thanks Sue... I am glad you put it up.. I want more and more people to see this and show the country who don't maybe watch the process as much as the rest of us exactly what the Rethugs are doing on the floor of the House..
The Tan Man broke protocol with this rant and this needs to be seen..
I saw this on Annette's and Critter's and put it up on my FB.
I think it's fabulous.
Hmmm, I guess Anon wasn't listening when Boehner blamed the Dems for the violence when he appeared on Fox.
"Chris Matthews has fantasized on-air about seeing Rush Limbaugh shot in the head. Sandra Bernhardt says she wants Sarah Palin gang raped. Bill Maher wishes that Glenn Beck had been shot to death."
First, I'd have to have proof of this and I doubt if there is any. If it should be true, which I highly doubt, this is pretty mild to what has been said and done over the past year by the wing-nuts.
an anonymous pussy coward shat,
So the members of Congress are receiving Death Threats, and the Dems are blaming the republicans!
Typical. Blame the victims for the actions of the criminals.
This is what we mean we we say the DemoCRAPS are not only sore losers, they are sore winners, the worst kind of disgusting.
I'm not an advocate of violence, but the Dem's shouldn't act surprised when it happens.
Jesus Christ, lisa, how stupid can you get? The dems are to blame for the bricks and the death threats? Your first words gave the lie to the "don't advocate violence" bullshit. Of COURSE you do, but you're probably like your chickenhawk heroes-as in, too much of a coward yourself to go out and do it.
The Government WAS responsive. The President did what he campaigned on. THAT's what you and the rest of your shitbag ilk are so pissed off about. You only want Government to do what YOU want it to do.
I know of a form of Government you'd have just adored. Sieg HEIL!
I've been concerned about this for months. Frank Schaeffer has been warning about it for months. We've already seen early signs of an incipient wave of terrorism from the extreme right. The latest wave of Kristallnacht window-smashing incidents shows that we could be in for an escalation.
No doubt the Secret Service is more alert than ever. I hate to say it, but the President's life may be in more danger now than at any time since he took office. The insane frenzy of the rhetoric on some of the right-wing blogs, never mind the radio and TV nuts, is grounds for serious concern.
If you see or hear anything that suggets a serious threat, report it. The Secret Service and the FBI are helped in their work by an alert public. You could save a life, or many.
TNLib: Sarah Bernhard did say something like that -- not exactly that she wanted Palin to get gang-raped, but she was fantasizing about it in a lascivious way that pretty much amounted to the same thing. This was during the campaign in 2008. There was a fair amount of that kind of stuff directed at Palin, and I was very repulsed by it. It's ugly, no matter who the target is.
I guess I've been guilty of "losing it" and using similar imagery but not with SP, which doesn't make it any better.
I left a comment on Sue's previous post that I think we would all be better off not responding to the Anons, to Lisa or Linda - just to ignore them. This will not make these sick leeches go away but at least we can have civil and half-way intelligent discussion on the topic at hand. They are here only to taunt and disrupt and we are playing into their hands. We're smarter than that.
It doesn't work, tnlib. That's what the Democratic PArty tried to do, and they just kept getting stuck with lies they thought "too silly" to respond to.
When the inbreds bray, I'm going to have me some fun with them.
lisa the ousted mental patient whinnied,
JR Ewing just for the record that anon wasn't me.
Although I do agree that it is typical for the dems to blame the repubs for their incompetence.
I can only believe that those acts were staged by the left.
And right here, you betray yourself. The writings of the two posts are just similar enough. You need to work on it.
Oh, and BTW.... "the left" is hardly famous for Reichstag fires, but we know who IS, don't we? We also know who was famous for bugging his own office and then reporting it to the FBI as a "dirty dem trick."
Please, spare us the bullshit.
It is amazing that so many on the right are deflecting blame after spending almost a year literally yelling FIRE in a crowded theater.
Boehner went on FOX news to give a quick "stop the threats" to the wingnuts, but declined to appear on CNN or MSNBC to do the same, only issuing a written statement.
Still, with him and his troops, whatever they say now will probably be a dollar short and a day late.
Great vid Sue...I was looking for it last night and couldn't find it!
Thanks for posting this Sue, the calm demeanor of the singers as opposed to the anger of Boehner is inspiring.
I saw Mad Jack McCain this morning on the Today Show, what a gutless turd! It seems like he was more concerned with his problems than the violent acts towards those pushing forward with the coverage reform.
They should have funeral proceedings for McCain, cause the man from 2000 is dead and some coward has inhabited his body.
CDM: As anyone who has followed my blog or read my comments knows, I have an ongoing hatred for McCain. He has always been a coward and a crook. He has always been out for John McCain and will say only what is politically expedient at the moment. He is no maverick and he certainly lacks judgement.
Depending on how the wind blows you will hear 100 different views about any given subject.
WE can't ignore these assholes. The leaders of the republican party pander and to and encourage them with their bullshit.
I'm sorry Leslie. I've tried kind and gentle. You can't reason with most of them. I think I found maybe five right leaning bloggers in 4 years capable of civil discourse. The rest of them are just propaganda parrots that deserve neither respect or to allow their crap to go unchallenged.
Truth: I'm not saying "be kind and gentle." I'm just saying ignore the assholes, like the coward who commented right after you. Why waste energy proving an imbecile is an imbecile when he does it so well all by himself?
or herself, right??
In this case I'd most definately say "herself."
I love our president also Sue. The last president I had so much affection, respect, and admiration for was JFK, and that worries me.
I hear ya Mike. I'm very worried, these past few weeks more so. We have to trust the secret sevice I guess, what more can we do? It's pathetic these rightwing nuts say they are patriotic but can't stand one thing about our democracy. They can't except an election result,or a majority vote in Congress,and we are supposed to be a civilized nation?? Why do those nuts live here if they don't want to live by our laws of the land?
Great video, Sue.
Yanno, Boehner is so angry because the tan tax was one of the health insurance bill provisions (a Republican idea, btw) -- that means he'll have to pay more now to keep that lovely orange on his face.
Either that, or drink more carrot juice -- and judging by his level of anger, the guy does not like veggies at all.
Oh well, JB, we win some, we lose some.
P.S. I see that your blog is as, um, lively as ever, Sue. ;)
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