These 2 videos show why I'm so fuckin' pissed off! The first one is the Ed Shultz show and it comes on at 6pm. Progressive Change Adam Green says Nancy Pelosi will put the Public Option in the House bill and go first IF she is convinced the Senate has the votes for the PO. Well, Green says there ARE THE VOTES and has the proof in hand. Sooooooo....The problem is the House does not trust the Senate....
At 8pm is the Keith Olbermann show and this second video of Nancy Pelosi says she will not put the PO in the bill because she wants it to pass and the Senate won't have the votes for the PO. But Anthony Weiner says do not blame Pelosi, the blame lies with the Senate and their inability to show some backbone and commit to a PO. Also in the second video is Adam Green. Can anyone tell me why this man from Progressive Change campaign has to tell Rep. Weiner the Senate will vote for the PO and the House should trust them? Why don't the House and Senate leaders TALK TO EACH OTHER AND FIX THIS FUCKIN' MESS??? Why does Adam Green have to do the work our elected leaders should be doing? If it wasn't for the progesssives in the House and Senate, and those like Adam Green, we would have NOTHING!! What the hell are these morons afraid of?
For those who say the bill needs to pass now and be fixed later, I understand that. But if our Senators are so fearful now what makes you think that fear will go away? What makes you think they will add the PO later and make this bill REALLY work for the American people? Some say a bill worthy of passage doesn't need a PO to be cost effective. I don't believe that's the point. The point is our leaders are ineffective and I for one am sick of them all.
Patience please, that is what I tell my friends like Oso, we must be patient. Okay I'm trying. All I want is a little respect from our Senators. They need to be reminded who they are working for.
Top Democrats Blasts The Idea That Democrats Should Keep The Government
Open For Republicans
The top Democrat on the House Rules Committee, Rep. Jim McGovern debunked
the notion that Democrats have a responsibility to keep the government open
for R...
5 hours ago
I'm telling you the only way to get rid of this crap for behavior on the hill is term limits. Period. One term, say six years, and your ass is out of there. Of course realistically, it's never going to happen. They get Potomac fever and go insane to stay there. Getting re-elected is the cancer of politics.
Wouldn't be a bad idea for the President also...six years...adios.
They never really wanted a single payer system, or even a Public Option. This was, and is for the Insurance Corps. and big Pharma. It is all lip service and a head fake.
The so called dems will have to be FORCED to go for the Public Option.
Congressman Alan Grayson has a good idea, HR 4789, lets see what happens...he seems to have some balls, he just might kick this through the goalposts...
We already have term limits by voting the bastards out. Even for the smartest among them, it takes more than one term "to learn the ropes." Experience is not always a bad thing.
it's true JJ, term limits would help, maybe.
I'm not convinced yet RZ. But the progressives are the fighters so we'll see.
Tee I'm a huge fan of Grayson and he's doing alot as far as new ideas.
Leslie voting the bastards out doesn't always work, look at morons like Bachmann. Why does she have a base of loyalists??
I agree jadedj, but i would go one step further. I would say that serving in the house and senate should be like jury duty. People are called and expected to serve on legislative duty.
Sue, michelle bachmann has a loyal base for the same reason dennis kucinich has a loyal base. It's all relative and local. However, Harry Reid also at enjoyed, for a long time, that same loyality, but now that he is on the national stage, he probably can't survive the next election cycle.
Susan I would love to think the American people could put intelligence before loyalty. If there was a democrat as stupid as Bachmann and kept getting elected I would possibly say the same thing.:-)
As much as I dislike folks like Bachman and think they and their followers are sorely lacking in brain power, this is a democracy and people have a right to vote for any idiot they want. A quote I had on my blog not long ago:
"The great thing about democracy is that it gives every voter a chance to do something stupid."
Art Spander
Term limits are about as idealistic as third parties. Totally impractical.
tnlib, I agree, term limits are a pipe dream and impractical. Impractical because we have let it become so. The original idea of the legislature was indeed the limited idea. It was not suppose to be a career. Unfortunately term limites for the legislature wasn't written into the constitution.
"Unfortunately term limites for the legislature wasn't written into the constitution."--jadedj
Aha! But neither was it written in for the president, but we passed an amendment to the Constitution to limit the president's term of office. Why should Congress be exempted?
Shaw I completely agree, they shouldn't, and that was my point...we can change it. Unfortunately the folks who control that kind of change are the folks who will be limited. We as a people have lost control of our legislature.
"They need to be reminded who they are working for."
The know who they are working for. That's the problem. The system needs to be changed so that they work for us not their corporate overlords.
Here is something RZ turned me on to.Explains quite a bit about why the Dems (exceptions noted, honest folks like Kucinich and Grayson are thwarted by scumbags like Pelosi and yes,Obama).
I don't claim we'd be better off under McCain-I don't understand the "would you prefer McCain won?" argument.
Merely we need to understand that in order to be elected president, one must stick to the program of whichever wing of the corporate party you become candidate of.
To think of Obama as any better or worse than Bush or Clinton or Reagan is naive.
Obama markets himself extremely well. To a working class liberal he's a minority who overcame a lot and who applies that experience to bring justice and hope for our future.
To Big Pharma/HMO's/Wall St he's the guy who funnels public funds to them and who killed financial and healthcare reform to repay their investment in him.
Everyone really DOES need to take a deep breath on this one.
Getting this reform bill passed opens a door, and the health insurers know it. That's why they're desperately trying to whip up their inbred "teabagger" tools and spending millions of their premium collections on trying to defeat this. They have a good reason to: when the sky diesn;t fall in because of this reform, and Americans find out that there are great benefits to even this legislation, they will go back to tune it up later. Count on it.
Getting this done, even as-is, is probably the most important thing we can do right now, precisely because it opens a door for us to walk through later. Let's open the door.
JR: I'm with you.
JR I am on board with the bill but I believe the Senators need to get a backbone and get off their dead asses and do what the people elected them to do. There are over 200 pieces of legislation passed by the House sitting and waiting for congress to act. I don't understand those who say they hate Nancy Pelosi. Why? Because she gets the work done? I like her!
Would you trust any of those District of Criminals slimeballs?
When a man is successful he is brilliant. When a woman is successful she is a bitch.
yeah there are a few I could put my trust in if I had to. Not surprisingly, they would be democrats.
I simply don't like republicans. Maybe it goes back to what they did to Clinton. I'll never vote republican, I'm a forever democrat and love it that way.
I think democrats know who they are, there is no pretending. Conservatives(not all!) pretend to be something they really aren't. They pretend to care, they pretend to be Godly, religious. They need to stop pretending they are superior, stop acting like they are the chosen ones. They are hypocrites.
So true Leslie. Hillary, Pelosi, outspoken and intelligent strong women. I think they are fabulous!
Hey, thanks for the list in your blogroll, my friend! And thank you for telling it like it is. I am constantly amazed at how we can win campaigns and not manage to govern. Granted, the Rethugs are obstructuionist idiots, but, dear God, can we pass HCR already??? Still don't see why we can't have a robust public option. God bless Grayson, and good luck to him.
Great clips - thanks for the post!
"When a man is successful he is brilliant. When a woman is successful she is a bitch"
Unless her name is Michelle Bachman ,then she is a stupid inbred teabagger.
'That's why they're desperately trying to whip up their inbred "teabagger" tools and spending millions of their premium collections on trying to defeat this.'
I this was such a great bill it should have been passed a year ago. The only thing holding it up is your own party,The CBO and 70% of Americans who know it's not a good bill.
Obama couldn't even bribe ,buy and win with threats.
To me one of the premier strong women is Barbara Lee. What courage it took to be the " 1" in the 420-1 vote used to authorized the attack on Afghanistan. I like to think I'm a person of principles but in being honest with myself, in her place I would not have had the personal courage to do what she did.
where have you been MommaP? You've been on the bloglist for months and months! :-). I so agree, the votes are supposedly there for the PO so whats the problem??
lisa I would NEVER include Bachmann in with a group of intelligent woman. She is a full blown idiot. Its amazing to me she can even get out of bed in the morning. Is this the best the right has to offer? Bwahaaaahaaaah. You are right on one thing, it is our own party of spineless assholes holding this up. They'll pay a price for sure if they vote NO.
I agree about Barbara Lee, Oso. We have some of the best women in the country on our side of the isle. Smart, smart women.
I didn't say she was the best the right has to offer but she is a successful and yes intelligent woman. Just because you have a different view point on things doesn't make her dumb and you smart. As far a Pelosi goes I don't give her all that much credit for much except being manipulative.
When has she ever spoken with any kind of dynamic? "Itsy Bitsy spider", "we need to pass this bill so we can see what's in it" or "a Christmas gift for the American people" Are you effing kidding me that's the best you got?
She pisses off so many people. It's bad enough to listen to her but when I look at her and listen at the same time I feel like I need a Xanax after that. It's just so painful and so torturous.
"Unless her name is Michelle Bachman ,then she is a stupid inbred teabagger."
Bachman, Palin and Blackburn are just proof of the pudding that Republicans care more about outward appearances than substance. All the men get hard ons when these bimbos come anywhere near them. I can't imagine what goes on in the minds of the women - maybe they just pee in their pants.
Don't forget they all take out their burning crosses and white hoods when they hear them.
I wonder what name the left will come up with for the illegals when they set up a march and make their demands.
What organization do you think will be behind that astroturfing?
You'd never catch Loretta Sanchez or Lynn Woolsey, Barbara Lee Or Maxine Waters on the House Floor calling Smoot-Hawley "Hoot-Smalley" and claiming it was failed Democrat legislation by Roosevelt when it in fact was failed Republican legislation by Hoover, repealed by FDR as Bachmann did. Real intelligent woman, there.
The Smoot-Hawley tariff act is thought by some to be a chief cause of the Great Depression. Tariffs of up to 65% enacted to help US agriculture, inspired retaliatory tariffs from Europe.
tnlib, as to the effect those bimbos have on some men, not on me. The women I named above-now THEY do ! Those are REAL women.
Oso - that's because you, my good friend, have class and intelligence, something that's sorely lacking in the GOP. : )
I'm racking my brain to remember when "illegals" organized any kind of march here. Whenever they do, I'm sure Lisa will be the first WASP they go after.
I don't know about anyone else, but I find the term "illegals" as offensive as niggers, wetbacks, kikes, chinks, etc.
they did have that "million mexican march" back in 2009, march for immigrant rights but don't think they had directions to her house.
I hate that word "illegal" too.
Lisa, Crazy eyes Bachmann, is only successful because of the talibangelicals that rally behind her. If it hadn't been for her pandering to the religious right this woman would not be where she is today, that is a fact. I don't know if you are aware of this, the only reason she has the law degree, her husband told her to do it. AYUP, like the "good" little republican Stepford wife, she went out and did what her hubby told her to do. She has on more than once occasion said that, so I am not making that up out of plain cloth.
Lisa did the blabbity blab, on this saying "If this was such a great bill it should have been passed a year ago. The only thing holding it up is your own party,The CBO and 70% of Americans who know it's not a good bill."
Um, bzzzz wrong again. If you look further into the polling on this it shows a lot of these people polled do not believe it is going far enough, this is why many don't like it. I really wish instead of furthering talking points you and people like you would come with your own thoughts and not those of the Beckerheads and Limbaughs of the world. It is not a good thing to just repeat what you have heard, shh they make things up and pull figures outta their butts, to make their stories look good to the uninformed among us. CBO has already scored it and said it would save about 118 billion over the next decade. You know how I know this? Well I read the article that was put out by the CBO. I know, it is amazing when you go research the info you find it. It's like Christmas in March.
single payer was off the table immediately because the insurance cartel would not play along. I believe one of the reasons we got this far was the back door deal with Pharma. I don't agree with it all all but they were kind of marginalized when upping their prices was taken off as an option.
Bernie Sanders and Alan Grayson more power to them, those two should be cloned and we would have single payer yesterday. I read on Plumline that my man Bernie will introduce a public option and we all know Alan is doing his part and has been doing his part for a while.
Lisa did more blabbity blah with the whole Pelosi is hated blabbity blah. Um no one even knows who she is. The only people hating on the woman are people on the right side of the aisle trying to make her the boogey man that makes them pee their big boy panties. Righties don't like strong woman, they prefer their woman doing what they want.
I hate the illegal word being used for people too. They are not illegal they are undocumented is all.
Jess you go girl! I read about the Big Pharma thing too. Kinda set the stage. que lastima pero whatta ya gonna do.
Oso, I just hate when people compare a $ister $arah, Our Lady of Perpetual Victimhood to say a Hillary Clinton. The only thing those two women have in common is they are both Gyno-Americans. There is just no comparison. We just don't like the republican women because they are intimidating and we are jealous of them. Please, we dislike them because they are stupid and have zero intellectual sense. These are the same women that will vote away a woman's right to choose, because we all know we wimmin cannot be trusted with those big decisions.
Oh Jess I miss you over at Tom's.
I tend to believe people who actually know about the cost of the bill like Paul Ryan. Not your leaders making false claims.
Even people in the democrat party said CBO hasn't been able to show cost savings or the actual cost.
But then again why should we believe anything this admin says after all the campaign lies that were used.
Oh and regarding the Joe Wilson "You lie" comment,It's safe to admit it now that he was correct.
When the "undocumented" immigrants march on the 21st demanding free healthcare, Social Security and bringing another 15 million of their family members here, what name will be used by the liberals to call them?
I wonder if Pelosi will call it astroturfing? I won't be holding my breath.
If you think these Democrats are doing this out of the goodness of their hearts then I have a bridge to sell you.
All they want is Universal Health Care so Obama can score something Historical.
I guess if I was connected like the politicians who are pushing for it I would want it passed too.
And if this bill was sooooo urgent why do they have to wait until 2014to implement it?
I won't hold my breath waiting for an answer to that either.
Lisa: Joe Wilson was out of order and demonstrated his ignorance of congressional procedure. You can disagree with the president without being disrespectful to the office. In other words, it takes class and smarts to know there's a time and a place for everything.
Your racism is showing. I think the majority of "immigrants" marching were documented and not "illegals." A room full of people with brown skin does not make them illegal.
Of course they are documented Leslie because they told you so.
Documented does not equal taxpaying.
Do you think they want taxes taken out of their 10.00 per hour jobs?
Of course not .What they want is Social Security and free healthcare. Bethcya!
You can disagree with the president without being disrespectful to the office.
Oh so now we are being respectful?
Respect works both ways. I love how Obama always says everyone else is wrong and he is always right and let's not forget his little jab at McCain saying the campaign is over.
Class act.
You should have gone out there and checked the documents of the Mexican Americans to be sure they were legal citizens. I bet most of them have been in this country a lot longer than you have. The history of the Latino in the US goes back for several centuries.
Has anyone heard President Obama say he knows more than anyone else or even imply it?
John McCain, the fool that he is, showed his ass by bringing up past baggage that had nothing to do with what the meeting was about. He, as usual, wasn't interested in making a contribution but in grandstanding. The president was right in saying what he did.
"Nothing is worse than active ignorance."
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749 - 1832)
Lisa did this wahwah wah. Like Peanuts character voice right. She said wah wah, implement, was blah 2014, blabbity blabbity, democrat party and so on. First of all, it is DEMOCRATIC party. I know it is hard for the syllable impaired among us, but try this, I promise it will help. Dem-o-cra-tic, now let's say it together democratic. There you go, now you get a cookie for being a good whatever you are today. So you did the wah wah wah on 2014 implementation. I call some serious BS on you with this one. Go look into the bill again. There are many things will be implemented right after this bill is signed. One of which is, people who have had policies rescinded(I know another big word for you but try) will not be discriminated against. Same with the whole big ins being able to charge whatever they want and drop you when you get sick. NOT ALLOWED from day one. See if you paid attention instead of being a Beckerhead you would know this.
I'm glad you miss me, it is nice to be missed.
Hell, if anyone passed this HCR bill it would be history making. Prez Obama just happens to be the one in office getting er done.
Oh yeah Lisa, let;s not foget PO being called "that one" by old wrinkly dude who shouts at the sky. I guess in your world it is ok to do these things if you are a republican. I am now on my lunch after spending the morning with teenagers who have a better grasp on things than you will every have. It is very sad to see grey matter being used so horribly.
Pshaw, you talk about Paul Ryan having all the answers to the current crisis, paraphrasing here, that guy would not know how to pour water into a boot if he was handed the boot and directions. He wants to give MORE tax cuts to people like me and my husband that don't need them. Is that what you want? Hey I am all for it but there is a time when you just have to say enough is enough. Anyone that makes over 250k will get some nice change coming back and when you get further up the ladder to the million+ those people will get about half back. This still what you want? Not me, there is a reason that taxes are paid, it is for the general welfare of everyone. I read that some place before, some little document we have here, it'll come back to me I am certain.
Jess: I like your style.
I kind of feel that these most disgusting unpatriotic "legal" citizens who don't want to pay taxes move to a country where there are none. If they think they don't have representation now, I wonder how they'd make it in a third world country.
No paved roads, much less an interstate-type system. No bridges. No schools. No hospitals, veterans or otherwise. No advances in medicine. No parks. No unemployment benefits. No disability. No social security. No Medicare. No unemployment. No aid to snooty people who have their noses stuck up their asses and are blessed with an unlimited amount of ignorance.
How about this the ones who want to "transform" America in the model of Europe should move to a country that is already what they want.
Leslie no one said they don't want to pay taxes they just don't want to pay for it for the whole world.
People who come here even illegally have a right for a free education?
Let's see you get away with that.
When will you be satisfied when you are paying 400.00 or more per month for your utility bill or 7.00a gallon of gas?
You must be a union member being the unions are exempt from the tax on the helthcare bill. That's the only reason I can think of.
If this bill is so vital why not implement immmediatley?
Because there is no money t pay for it. You can't cut one thing to expand somewhere else.
tnlib, tanks ewe berry mush, yeah like that paradise Somalia Kos said Lush Rimjob should move to last week on Countdown. That is where they should go, see how long they would last. My guess, a day or less than.
Lisa, Lisa, Lisa. First of all, no one wants to transform anything. All that is wanted are the same benefits that civilized countries provide for their citizens. I pay taxes for the local school district and last time I checked, my body has not popped out any little crumb snatchers yet. I also pay for people being put to death in prison and I am against that totally. Wars that I don't think should be fought, guess what ayep, my tax money being used to fund those little misadventures. Undocumented immigrants are not fortunate enough to get the same benefits we do. You need to check yourself and your information before you spread it around. You are spreading lies around and that will get a call out any day of the week for those of us that believe in the truth. No go back to your snake sacrificing or whatever it is you do on your down time.
so what are you saying Jess that undocumented immigrants don't send their children to school?
I guess you missed the speech where Obama said "We can now start doing the work of fundamentally transforming America"
I guess single payer healthcare is the first step,cap and trade will be the next step.
Actually you should be pissed of abut cap and trade becuase then peoiple will have to choose between food and heat. Gas is on it's way to 7.00 per gallon but who will need to drive to jobs that Obama is killing anyway?
As long as we have social justice who needs heat or gas or a job or a roof over their heads.
Hey but everyone will have free healthcare so all that other stuff is nothing.
I keep asking but it seems no one wants to answer it.
If this bill is so vital why isn't it being implemented until 2014?
Come on you can say we know.
Lisa, you make my hair hurt, so I will no longer be able to feed you the troll snacks you are used to. I suggest freeperland,over there>>>>>> to the right, yep right there.
Jess if yu have nothing to say I take it I won that one.
Oh darlin, I have plenty to say but you don't listen to any of it, so why should I continue saying it? One good reason and we will resume conversation.
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