A letter from The White House....
Good afternoon,
32,000,000 -- that's the number of Americans who will get health insurance under the President's plan.1
That's also a little more than the entire populations of Ohio, Virginia, Kentucky and Arizona -- COMBINED.2
For the past couple weeks, we've been using key numbers to help raise awareness about how we just can't wait any longer for health insurance reform. We used $1,115 to tell the story of how skyrocketing premiums are crippling America's workers. We used 8 to convey how widespread and severe discrimination for pre-existing conditions is across the health insurance industry. And we used numbers like 625 and 50/50 to clearly show that any one of us is at risk of losing insurance in our broken health care system.
Today -- in our last number of the series -- we're using 32,000,000 to represent not only all those who will get health care, but also all the numerous benefits America's families and small businesses will see from health insurance reform. From eliminating discrimination based on pre-existing conditions to controlling costs and lowering the national deficit to providing tax credits for middle class families and small businesses, health insurance reform will finally put America's families and small businesses in control over their own health care.
Watch our new 'Health Reform by the Numbers' wrap-up video and learn more about what you have to gain from reform:
32,000,000 is the last number in ‘Health Reform by the Numbers,' our online campaign to raise awareness about why the time is now for health insurance reform. Help spread the word by sharing this message with your family, friends and online networks. Let's get it done!
Nancy-Ann DeParle
Director, White House Office of Health Reform
1 Source: Congressional Budget Office, Letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi
2 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Population Estimates
Top Democrats Blasts The Idea That Democrats Should Keep The Government
Open For Republicans
The top Democrat on the House Rules Committee, Rep. Jim McGovern debunked
the notion that Democrats have a responsibility to keep the government open
for R...
5 hours ago
That is the single most important reason to pass it.
TC you don't hear as much about progressive organizations the way you do Tea Parties. That's a shame because these campaigns are doing so much for the Democratic party. I got an email from Democracy for America today....
Over the past year, DFA members have worked harder than anyone else to pass real healthcare reform, but Insurance Industry Democrats like Senator Blanche Lincoln of Arkansas have fought us every step of the way.
We sent Blanche Lincoln a message earlier this month when we announced our support for Lt. Gov. Bill Halter's primary challenge against her. That endorsement and all the work you've done to support Bill Halter since have sent shockwaves through Washington.
Now it's time to make sure Democrats know Blanche Lincoln is only the beginning. We support Democrats with backbone, who lead with vision and who fight for core Democratic values. We're working to elect not just any Democrat, but better Democrats.
This group and also Move On, and a few others my mind is a blank on, are doing alot of the heavy lifting because of some in Washington who just don't want to work for the people. But yes, this HC bill is just the beginning, we will take back our country, even tho the right thinks that is what they are doing! lol
Got it. Sent it - with a few choice comments.
This is indeed only the beginning. But the apathy factor also has to be vigorously challenged, because it is much safer to be a Blanche Lincoln than it is to be an Alan Grayson. That has to change.
Sue, that's because the media does not cover them.
JR, so true.
TC, we need that to change. Isn't it funny how the right calls MSM liberal run?
The numbers are staggering, and thanks for your efforts to expose them.
The Republican alternative costs nothing, because it does nothing. They scare Americans by saying that it's only a con job by Democrats to get more tax dollars.
Of course they never mention that 45,000 people a year die, because they have no access to health care.
Democrats are trying to serve Americans by ending suffering and enriching peoples lives.
It would not be necessary for the politicians to get involved, if corporations could be counted on to solve the problem instead of putting money before the health of their customers.
Republicans have made this an ugly process. Ugly in their lies and disregard for peoples lives.
I deleted lisa because she can't stop calling dems liars. Well she can't stop watching Fox so therefore she gets no accurate data about the bill.
lisa's too stupid to take seriously. Sometimes banning is all there is in the bag of options.
I deleted my response to the leech because everyone else would already know what I was talking about! If she manages to squeeze through again, I will happily ignore her.
It all sounds so caring and wonderful...President Obama helping so many of his fellow citizens...too bad that he will bankrupt the country in the process.
You know, I wonder what the "newbies" (the newly covered 32,000,000) will do for health care when our financial system collapses under all the debt and mismanagement and will be unable to pay for their needs...what will they do, where will they go then?
Doctors and nurses are already planning to quit, rather than to be told by some bureaucrat how to run their practices on a shoestring, and Walgreen's has already announced that they will take no new Medicare patients because they can't afford to deal with that much under-reimbursement. Yeah, just the threat of passing this massive entitlement is collapsing the medical establishment...it's just going to be Heaven on earth, isn't it?
Like Reagan and Bush have not already bankrupted the country.
Interesting, you think their 12 trillion dollar debt they have left is good leadership. Keep blogging. For God's sake, don't run for office.
OMG Linda you shock me! Tom is right, where were you when Bush put us trillions in debt just from his 3 huge bills, tax cuts for the rich and non-paid-for prescription drug bill, oh and don't forget about the wars he conveniently hid from the budget. Give me a break. This bill will be looked upon as a God-send just like Social Security was after the right cried it'll be the end of the world if we pass SS. Just shut up and relax will ya?? BTW, will you be partaking in SS when you become of age?
And if this bill scares the shit outta you then just wait til it's made even better by the addition of single-payer. You might want to think about moving to an undisclosed location, maybe a deserted island in the South Pacific.
Linda: The Seattle Times link doesn't work, so I did a search on it. The only article that comes close to what you are saying is writing about earlier versions of the bill. These proposals have been dropped for now.
Typical misleading journalism by trying to make something old look new.
This is the lead for the Dallas News piece:
"Walgreens has told state officials that as of April 16, it no longer will fill prescriptions for new ((Medicaid)) patients at its 121 Washington pharmacies because it isnt being reimbursed enough by the ((state))."
It is talking about Medicaid NOT Medicare.
"Doctors and nurses are already planning to quit, rather than to be told by some bureaucrat how to run their practices on a shoestring,"
That is such a crock of dog poop. Where do you come up with this stuff? The AMA is behind this bill as is the nurses' assn. I have about 5 different doctors (not all the time) and they all support it.
You probably believe the BS Fox put out about a survey conducted by the New England Journal of Medicine. The Journal quickly refuted it saying they had done no such survey.
What the hell does it take to get through to you people? I really don't care to hear anymore of your lies.
the most outlandish, most ridiculous lie is the doctor and nurses quitting lie! It's so stupid it isn't even funny anymore!
Good grief Linda, you surely are smarter than that!!
Lying Linda Lied Along,
It all sounds so caring and wonderful...President Obama helping so many of his fellow citizens...too bad that he will bankrupt the country in the process.
Uh, your monkey did that already, Linda, and you and your kind were just fine with it. So, please, spare us your hypocritical bullshit. I think it is more important for a sick person to get well than it is for Paris Hilton to afford an extra couple of kilos of coke a week.
tnlib ~ I have to confess to mis-reading the Medicaid story to be referring to Medicare. My mistake (I had a long day today)and I do apologize.
Sue ~ For the last time, I have repeatedly expressed my dislike for many of Pres. Bush's policies, esp. with regard to spending. He spent money like a Democrat and I was against it then, too. Get over Bush, will you? He is gone. His replacement, however, is spending at an even greater pace. We all know where Obama plans to get the money to fund his utopia. Taxes, taxes and more taxes. You ridicule conservatives all the time over our outrage of his raising taxes to pay for his "remaking of America." Are you so wealthy that you can afford to pay 60% of your income to Obama for redistribution? I guess the only ones happy about our higher taxes are those on the receiving end of the handouts. I just want the government out of my life and my business. We are not wealthy. My husband is being laid-off from his job one to two weeks every month and it is financially crippling. We are nearing retirement age, and will be locked into Social Security just like most people. We've paid into it every week (not our choice) for over 40 years. The Social Security system was forced upon Americans years and years ago, and it is too late to stop it now. I just don't want the America that I love to be destroyed by this arrogant Marxist president. He won't be happy until he has ruined EVERY area of American life. I don't want the changes he is bringing. I HATE how he is destroying our freedoms and turning America into his Marxist ideal. You love him and his progressive agenda and goals...hooray for you. I'm too tired to argue with you anymore. Good night.
"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free." - Ronald Reagan
Linda, lisa, lugnut, wingnut. Nonsense 24/7, 365.
Bush may be gone but not forgotten. It will take the country years to recover.
Obama has not raised taxes. Even if he does, I'd rather it go for the remaking of America than to fighting wars started by Bush.
To accuse our president of being a Marxist and of trying to turn the country we love as much as you into a Marxist nation is an insult and total bullshit. You need to see a shrink about your anger and paranoia.
BTW, when your husband gets laid off permanently - and I hope this won't be the case - be sure to refuse your Social Security.
Speaking of taxes, I just came across this:
"Bruce Bartlett, a former adviser to Ronald Reagan, has written about how misinformed they ((tea baggers)) are regarding taxes based upon answers to a recent survey."
taxes, taxes, taxes....
marxist, marxist, marxist...
Linda is losing her grip on reality, it's frightening me. All her life she lived in Utopia and now with our marxist black president her life is gonna be a living hell. frightening indeed. thanks glenn beck for all you do...
“The (healthcare reform) plan also received key endorsements Thursday from the AFL-CIO and the Federation of American Hospitals. The American Medical Association officially backed the plan Friday.” – cnn.com, 3/20/10.
Earlier this week, nearly 60 nuns from orders they say represent 59,000 Catholic sisters, signed on to a letter urging House-passage of the Senate health care bill and declaring, "the Senate bill will not provide taxpayer funding for elective abortions."
The nuns called passage of healthcare reform “a gospel mandate.”
thanks BJ
Sue ~ It is so revealing to me that every time someone disagrees with the President's socialistic agenda purely on its merits or lack thereof, you start crying racism. The only one honed in on Obama's skin color is you. I don't care if he is rainbow-hued or neon green, HE IS A PROGRESSIVE THREAT to our freedoms, and more than half of the country has finally realized the truth. You know the truth yourself, but since you are all giddy about his setting up your progressive utopia and perceived marginalization of the hated conservatives, you love him for it. I resent your constant, hollow accusation of racism. You know nothing about me.
"Are you so wealthy that you can afford to pay 60% of your income to Obama for redistribution?"
What? 60%? Redistribution? What is this bullshit? Where do you pull this crap up from Sue? This is rumor-mongering at it's very worse. Seriously.
Linda I did not call you racist, I simply state our president you call a marxist is black. You are the one who flys off the handle, not me.
JJ I leave it up so people can see the mentality and misinformation coming from the right.
"You know nothing about me."
Who are you kidding?
Sue ~ Huh? So let me get this straight - Marxism and black skin are mutually exclusive?
If you weren't calling me a racist, then...well...thanks for pointing out that the President is black...I hadn't noticed...sheeeesh!
"- Marxism and black skin are mutually exclusive?"
Yeah, kind of like white skin and fascism.
I bet you didn't even go to my link about taxes. Yes, heaven forbid, the blog is liberal (published by a doctor btw) but the analysis is by a conservative.
You gotta watch those scary ole facts.
Sue: well maybe she can talk, we can read and then not comment. I fear you have another leech on your hands.
Sue, the right always claims that their strengths are weaknesses.
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