Top Democrats Blasts The Idea That Democrats Should Keep The Government
Open For Republicans
The top Democrat on the House Rules Committee, Rep. Jim McGovern debunked
the notion that Democrats have a responsibility to keep the government open
for R...
5 hours ago
Thanks Sue - and thanks for not slapping my wrist. This is the kind of thing that needs to be shared.
Thanks for posting this. I saw the thousands marching. But I'm not sure it was reported as widely as the nongrass roots tea partiers.
Surely you are not serious! It is NOT against the law to provide insurance, you know. Arrest them??? Who appointed you people to a position with the power to arrest other citizens? Loons. You're all loons. Why don't you all grow a brain and realize that capitalism is what made our country great? Insurance companies only make around 2% profit. I don't call that excessive. Why don't you revolt against the government who will be taking in excess of 40% of many citizens' hard earned money????? I guess it is less distasteful for Hollywood to make the OBSCENE profits they make...that Michael Moore...he's an ok guy. He sits on his big tush making propaganda movies, living large and griping about capitalism while making his good living using it. Your "ideas" aren't new. Look at all the socialists from the past and see yourself.
You are far more tolerant than I Sue. I would dump the anonymous clown so fast his wrong headed Rightness would rebound off his picture of Rush Limbaugh and George Bush.
Shaw I haven't seen more than a minute of this protest aired, and I haven't seen anything written about it either. And the right says MSM is biased.
Anon I just copied a letter from MM cuz I thought it was enlightening. Get a life, get a job, how about an insurance salesman??
Mike I have to leave some of them up so we all can have a good laugh. They really are morons aren't they!? LOL
I saw some great video of Howard Dean ate the demonstration. They should be arrested for dropping people who have paid their premiums for years, gotten sick, and died, because the insurance companies would not authorize their care.
TC I missed that, I'm gonna have to dig for something about it I guess. You are absolutely right, in fact why don't we just call the insurance companies murderers if people are dying because their coverage was denied. It is murder!
Mr. Anon, aka Coward:
"Who appointed you people to a position with the power to arrest other citizens?"
Nobody but at least we don't take up arms against our fellow citizens and advocate that people kill the President of our country.
"Insurance companies only make around 2% profit."
Bull. The reason I know this is because I used to write about insurance companies and board compensations. If you don't believe me, go to the SEC link below, type in the parent company name and look for the F-14 form, which has that info.
"Your "ideas" aren't new. Look at all the socialists from the past and see yourself."
You are an ignorant, insulting asshole, sir.
Have a good day and don't take any wooden nickles.
great points Leslie.
It shouldn't be about percentages of profit in the first place, so the number anon throws out doesn't mean jackshit! People are seeing their premiums doubled in some cases while care is being denied. Insurance companies are crooks plain and simple! Anon is an idiot!
There have been lots of lawsuits from families of people who have died due to their coverage being dropped. Most have won pretty good settlements. Of course that doesn't being the loved one back.
What do these enterprises have in common? Farm and construction machinery, Tupperware, the railroads, Hershey sweets, Yum food brands and Yahoo? Answer: They're all more profitable than the health insurance industry.
In the health care debate, Democrats and their allies have gone after insurance companies as rapacious profiteers making "immoral" and "obscene" returns while "the bodies pile up."
Ledgers tell a different reality. Health insurance profit margins typically run about 6 percent, give or take a point or two. That's anemic compared with other forms of insurance and a broad array of industries, even some beleaguered ones.
Profits barely exceeded 2 percent of revenues in the latest annual measure. This partly explains why the credit ratings of some of the largest insurers were downgraded to negative from stable heading into this year, as investors were warned of a stagnant if not shrinking market for private plans.
Insurers are an expedient target for leaders who want a government-run plan in the marketplace. Such a public option would force private insurers to trim profits and restrain premiums to compete, the argument goes. This would "keep insurance companies honest," says President Barack Obama.
.... Health insurers posted a 2.2 percent profit margin last year, placing them 35th on the Fortune 500 list of top industries. As is typical, other health sectors did much better - drugs and medical products and services were both in the top 10.
Read more:
If I didn't know better, I'd swear this last anon was lisa. Alas, I'll play along as if it weren't
Anon, like lisa, you don't know what plaigerism is do you? Get an original thought and try again.
Picture from someone who as at the Healthcare rally in PA.
Th first 2 rows weere all SEIU people and they were all chanting and were the only ones allowed to shake the predisent's hand afterward. I guess they were thanking him for their overtime pay.
Anyway that anon wasn't me.
But can I add to it that how can you expect an insurance company to charge $5000.00 per year for a minimum of $20,000.00 worth of services and sometimes many times more.
The problem are health care costs not insurance companies. Because of the increasing costs of healthcare those costs are diverted to the insurance companies.
This 2000 page bill does nothing to bring down the cost of health care.
Maybe you should be more concerned about who is really out to profit from it instead of Obama and Co blaming the Corporate boogeymen for all the world's woes.
But I'm not sure it was reported as widely as the nongrass roots tea partiers.
Shaw I agree. MSNBC did plenty of reporting on the Tea Party Protests. They couldn't say enough about it.
Anon #2, aka Chicken #2
"They're all more profitable than the health insurance industry."
Apples and oranges. These other companies do not hold the health, life and well-being of people in their hot little greasy hands.
I'm not against a company making a profit. However. I am against them making profits that are immoral, ie, at the expense of life and home and in order to pay their board members over $100,000 each. If their profit margins are so low, they need to pay less in
compensations and run their companies more efficiently and make better decisions just like the auto industry has had to do.
Since their premiums have more than doubled since 1999, I'd say they have a serious problem if their profit margin was only 3.6 percent - a little more than your 2percent.
Preventitive medicine should be covered. In the long run it would be a lot cheaper. There was a time when diabetics couldn't get coverage for their testing supplies. The cost of potential dialysis treatment is a hell of a lot more.
Pregnant women should not be dropped because it is considered a "pre-existing condition." Experimental treatments should be covered when there is no other hope - or even if there is.
I'd like to touch on just a couple of their unethical marketing practices. Getting a person to sign up without providing a copy of what exactly is covered until ((after)) they've signed up. Almost more insideously, having cozy little introductory sales parties - but having them up a flight of stairs, so participants can be watched for any infirmities.
But the bottom line is that people should have a right to affordable insurance and they out to have the freedom of choice.
One final thing, I do not make it a habit of going to consevative or right-wing blogs for "facts." I want information referenced to a reputable source and I want objectivity. I don't even pay much attention to liberal blogs unless they cite such sources.
This is why I rely on annual reports and compensation filings with the Security and Exchange Commision or something like Best's Credit Ratings
'These other companies do not hold the health, life and well-being of people in their hot little greasy hands."
Yes I feel much more secure letting the government hold our well being in their hot litle greasy hands,especially when they are the end all game.
Substantiate (that means back up) your claims.
"Anyway that anon wasn't me."
Well duh. Even though I don't agree
with Anon, whoever he/she is, they can write and spell, so of course it isn't you. Any ninny can tell that.
What do these enterprises have in common? Farm and construction machinery, Tupperware, the railroads, Hershey sweets, Yum food brands and Yahoo?
oooh! call on me! call on me!!! i know! what they have in common is that they're subject to laws that prevent companies from price fixing, colluding, and monopolistic practices, unlike insurance companies.
YAY Nonnie!! I love my smart friends...
I just heard Bonehead Boehner on the news talking about fighting HCR every single step of the way and looking forward to hanging the legislation, if passed, around the necks of the dems in November. He said the "American People want" about six times in a three minute interview.
Mike, Bonehead gags me! All he ever says is "the American people don't want this monstrosity of a bill" duh Boner, where do you get your facts?? Just shut the fuck up, November can't get here soon enough....
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