Monday, April 19, 2010

Angry gun lovin', freedom losin', Obama hatin', rednecks

I love The Ed Show. Ed Schultz speaks for me, he gets angry at the same things that anger me. Here he talks about the rally for gun rights, we all know most of these people are right wingers who think President Obama is taking away their freedoms and their rights, today it's all about guns....

Tell me righties, what rights and freedoms has President Obama taken from you??


Jerry Critter said...

I've heard this question before and have yet to see an answer, at least a real answer.

I hope you get one. Maybe two?

Sue said...

I hope I do too Jerry. I always hear, Ummmmm... Uhhhhh... and some more Ummmmmmm.......

Lisa said...

when we have unsustainable debt you lose your freedoms because now that debt is owed to the governmnet from the taxpayer. And at the rat this admin is spending it semms like that is going to be the case.
The only angry white person here seems to be Ed Shultz.

Sue said...

the nutters are not angry about the debt, delusional lisa. They are angry because my beloved black dem president has taken the place of your stupid uneducated shrub. Thats my truth and I'm stickin' to it.

Leslie Parsley said...

Wow, seeing that dim-wit's name is like coming in from a jog on a beautiful balmy day only to step in dog poop when you walk in the fron door.

Leslie Parsley said...

And I mean a BIG pile of it.

Jerry Critter said...

Sorry, Lisa. Even taking your answer seriously (which is difficult to do), you did not answer the question. You again merely said that "when we have unsustainable debt you lose your freedoms".

The question is:
What freedoms are we losing?

Les Carpenter said...

As individuals lose economic freedom because of unsutainable debt and increasing inflation due to printing billions in paper money we all lose freedom.

Freedom is, to a large degree a result of economic prosperity.

Whoever said conservatives (the ones that think anyway) don't care about the debt is a nutter themselves.

If you are talking about republican/republicrats I agree. Or even Democrats/demicans.

Anonymous said...

Did you see all that violence that broke out there? All the people shot? No?


Maybe those gun nuts aren't the problem Ed imagines them to be.

Leslie Parsley said...

RN and SF - talking over the idiot's head: Why is it that some conservatives can't stick to the topic at hand? This video is not about money, debt, economics or finances.

And why is it other conservatives try to deflect from the topic by bringing up absurd and extreme examples that an argument has no basis - such as "Did you see all that violence that broke out there? All the people shot?" Man, that's an intelligent inquiry.

Apparently because you have no real answer(s) and you can't face the fact that you simply don't know what you're talking about, you have to come up with some other flim-flam BS.

The simple point (like my dog gets it better than you) is that PRESIDENT Obama has not in any way made a move to take away your precious phallic symbols. I hope your aim is sharper than your minds.

Les Carpenter said...

@ tnlib - My point in response to the question, and I will lay it out differently is this...

Obama, by virtue of his policies which are arguably not unlike GWB'S will result in a loss of economic freedom... thereby resulting in a loss of personal freedom.

At this point I realize Obama has not advocated the passing of "laws" that take freedom away. Should that happen it will come later.

But hey, I understand everybody has an agenda.

Oh by the way Sue... just a question. Is it not true that your beloved black president is equality as white?

Funny you should mention color. I always saw him as just a man. Educated but having a philosophy of economics and governance I do not hold with.

Nor did I hold with GWB's either.

Color is not an issue to most conservatives. Qualifications based on demonstrable experience and or track record is.

Taking emotionalism out of the equation make things so much clearer. Even for liberals.

Infidel753 said...

It's not obvious to me how any of Obama's policies will result in a loss of economic freedom.

Further progress toward socialized medicine will decouple medical insurance coverage from employment, thus making it easier for employees to switch jobs. This is a gain in economic freedom for the average person.

Taxes for most people have gone down slightly under Obama. If government revenues need to be increased in the future, there's plenty of scope for doing so by increasing texes on the wealthiest, which are still lower than they were under Reagan.

Obama has expanded gun rights by ordering that guns be allowed to be carried in national parks.

He has removed restrictions of federal funding for stem-cell research, and his Supreme Court choices will likely protect individual freedom in the areas of abortion rights, contraception, and gays' freedom to marry.

In all these ways Obama's election was a gain for individual freedom. I see no concrete, specific way in which it was a loss.

Jerry Critter said...

Sorry, but I am not sure what you mean by economic freedom and personal freedom. What economic freedom have I lost? And if I have lost it, what personal freedom went along with it? These are just general terms. I am looking for more specific freedoms that I am missing.

Sue said...

RN, did this country have economic freedom under Bush? Didn't those freedoms on Wall St. do just the opposite of what you are claiming?

SF, Ed never said there would be violence at the gun rally. Of course those gun toter's wouldn't shoot anyone at the rally. Nobody on the left claims all gun owners are nuts or violent. It only takes ONE nut like McVeigh. The nutters on the right are asking for trouble, they WANT it bad...

Hugh Jee From Jersey said...

The Right can never be specific as to what freedoms were taken away by Obama, or for that matter....."taking their country back"- from what?

As for the Second Amendment people who want to wear funny three cornered hats, carry muskets and Kentucky long rifles, and call anybody who ever voted for a Democrat a socialist- have fun at your rallies.

But I have a question for them....they seem to be so wrapped up in the protections afforded by the Constitution, yet were no where to be found after the passage of the Patriot Act, and they were silent regarding the quelling of anti-war dissent by the minions of the Bush administration.

By implication then, freedom of speech and due process take a back seat to gun ownership...and therefore even in our own Constitution not all rights are created equal...right or wrong?

Shaw Kenawe said...

"Tell me righties, what rights and freedoms has President Obama taken from you??"

"They're taking away our freedoms!" is nothing more than an empty meme like "Obama is a Socialist!" Both are meaningless, and we can see by the non-answers to the specific questions of EXACTLY which freedoms under our Bill of Rights will be taken away by Mr. Obama's economic policies--we can see that those who repeat the memes can't answer except for vague hypotheticals.

We've allowed the loud mouths to continue to repeat false assumptions and assertions, and as a result a good many Americans who are, unfortunately, too lazy to seek the truth, are believing the lies and fear mongering.

A perfect example of this is the FACT that Mr. Obama has EXPANDED gun rights.

Get that? He EXPANDED gun rights and these meatheads posturing in our National Parks are angry and frightend over it.

If that isn't sheer dumbass-hattery I don't know what is.

Jolly Roger said...

Did you see all that violence that broke out there? All the people shot? No?

Stupid quote of the day. Equivalent to "did you see bin Laden carry out any of his last 100 threats? Maybe he isn't such a big deal after all."

Jolly Roger said...

lisa the idiotic apologist dildohead squirted,

when we have unsustainable debt you lose your freedoms because now that debt is owed to the governmnet from the taxpayer.

Uh, I agree. Did you know that the monkey in charge from 2001-2009 ran up more debt by himself than his 42 predecessors COMBINED? Did you know the Rushpubliscums are responsible for 80 PERCENT of the national debt?

Of course you didn't, because Hannity didn't tell it to you.

Leslie Parsley said...

JR: The chances of a person pulling a gun out and shooting someone - or even shooting in the air - is totally remote. Just another extremist - not you - going extreme.

The chances of a couple of people having a snort-full too many and pulling out a gun is about a 95% possibility.

The chances of an innocent person getting shot in a park? I don't know but it has happened several times.

Jerry Critter said...

I read about innocent people getting shot all the time. We have collateral damage in our unjustified wars and our our streets.

Les Carpenter said...

Sue - With all due respect... GWB was not a conervative he was a profligate spender and incresed our debt tremendouly. He was part of the problem and you get noargument from me. Obama wil continue to do the same with a sharoer focus on the socialit adenga.

That asisde our country cannot sustain the Obama response to GWB. Turning on the federal printing presses and printing more money will only serve to fual inflation and lower our standard of living further. It is already happenning.

Truth is, Congressmen Ron Paul has it about right and explains it well in is book The Revolution, a Conservative Manifesto. A great read for those serious about trying to really undrstand our problems and rational ways to right our ship.

To bad that the Republican Party power structure won't support him and the progressive socialists fear his market philosophy and won't support him either.

The Military Industrial Complex is petrified of his anti interventionist foreign policy and wouldlove to see him go.

In the end we are going to see more of the same and it likely will get worse. There can be only somany bubbles created before a house without a firm foundation colapses.

Plenty of blame and finger pointing to go around. In time, unless real fiscal sanity is restored in this country we will all lose our economic freedoms,and in fact their will be fewer choices.

Perhaps a better word is liberty.

But hey... perhaps As the nanny state grows it can stop reality.

Lisa said...
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Sue said...

nobody here is goo gooing over our president, dilusional lisa! We just know the difference between an intelligent man and a stupid shrub...

Lisa said...
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Shaw Kenawe said...

No way would I ever support someone who would say something as ignorant and stupid as this.

This man is a doctor? How did he manage to get that degree and remain in the Dark Ages?

That statement of his alone disqualifies him, IMHO, from being a dog catcher.

Les Carpenter said...

@ Shaw - Leave it to the left to find this as an issue to focus on.

The man I am quite sure can run circle around the left when it comes to monetary policy, basics economics and a host of other issues.

But keep the cheer. You have Oba-wizard for at least a while longer.

Jerry Critter said...

You complain about Obama but can you seriously say we would be better off with McCain and Palin?