Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Health Gestapo, according to Newt..

When will the radical right wake up and smell the public's distaste for their fear mongering and lies?

After months and months of lies about health care reform we finally had a bill signed by President Obama. It's all been kinda quiet if you ask me, except for the GOP I mean. 

The latest fanatical GOP liar is Newt Gingrich. The stupidity and utter lies he is spewing on TV and radio this week have taken the cake and all the icky icing too!  "Health reform includes 16,000 agents as "health police"!!  What a lying piece of shit this guy is.
explains the new health law requires the IRS to hand out TAX CREDITS, NOT collect penalties! Politifact does report the number to be 8,000 workers hired, NOT AGENTS, but clerks, accountants,  computer programmers, telephone helpline workers,  and other support staff.  Factcheck says the 16,000 claim is a partisan analysis based on guesswork and compounded by outright misrepresentation!

Nevertheless, Gingrich is pressing on, hyping his own false claim with hyperbolic rhetoric and Nazi Germany comparisons. He's on TV showing pictures of federal agents with guns and sledgehammers, saying every Republican candidate should campaign on a promise of defunding these government policemen. LOL! 

This is how stupid Gingrich is, he says,  "You don't need a health Gestapo in the US. And I think the Democrats are going to be faced with a real hard decision, do they really want to campaign in September, October favoring 16,000 more IRS agents to enforce the health law? And what does it tell you about a  health law so complicated that you need 16,000 government policemen? It's sorta creating a brand new health police"

Gingrich, what does it tell you about the minuscule number of Americans who actually listen to and believe the hideous stupid lies that flow from your hideous mouth?? I guess they have to count on those stupid supporters who watch Fox, what choice do they have?

Senators Chambliss, Ensign, Ryan, Sessions and Stearns are repeating the same lie. Think Progress says "Despite the domestic terrorist attack against an IRS building in Austin Texas, conservatives are continuing to stoke fear and hatred towards the government agency. After the plane attack Rep. Steve King justified the attack saying that he too fears the IRS and wants to abolish it"

It's true, Democrats don't do a very good job of getting the truth out. The segment of our population that depends on Fox and ONLY Fox for all their news is being spoon fed ridiculous false information.  The bill that was signed into law rules out any criminal penalties for people who refuse to pay the tax or those who don't buy insurance. Gingrich and the right wingers would have you believe that you will be locked up if you don't have coverage, just one of the many lies being forced upon the public.  Those who don't take the time to investigate for themselves the truth in the reform,  rely on Faux news for all the misinformation.


Leslie Parsley said...

Isn't Newt the guy responsible for bringing the government to its knees a few years back?

I honestly feel progressives are losing all faith in the GOP - not that we ever had much - but more importantly, I really think that Independents and moderate Republicans are also getting tired of the lies, distortions and obstructionism. I think they see that all these childish games are not helping the country as a whole.

In the end I think these shenanigans are going to bite the Republicans in their asses. Even though it may not look like it right now, I think the majority of Americans are not stupid; it's just that the loonies are so much louder and uglier (classless, tackier) that they do make more headlines. People with dignity, taste and some semblance of brains aren't going to act like redneck trailer trash.

Anonymous said...

Do you honestly believe the IRS won't withhold someone's refund if they aren't compliant with the the new rules of forcing people to buy health insurance?
Of course they will, how else will they be able to cover those who don't file inome taxes?

Anonymous said...

another thing why do you think they are putting some of the things off untill 2012 and 2014? Because electons are coming and they don't want the public seeing the ugly side of this....yet.
any moron could figure thst out.

Sue said...

You are exactly right on every point Leslie. Even tho Democrats are slow to act, I believe more and more the public is seeing the rethugs in Washington as the obstructionist liars they really are. They will say and do whatever it takes to win back the power but their lies won't cut it anymore, except of course with the minority of Fox viewers. Even some on the right are beginning to expose Fox for what they really are and it's not reliable NEWS!!

Sue said...

I'm sorry you are such a moron anonymous...I hear it's reversible if you stop watching Fox. Give it a try and get back to me.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

The deluded right wing anonymous guy is typical. Righties hate truth. They hate law enforcement. They love white collar criminals.

They hate Jesus and America also.

Unknown said...

"Gingrich and the right wingers would have you believe that you will be locked up if you don't have coverage,"

Hell, we'll need a prison the size of Texas just to imprison the unemployed who can't pay the premium/tax for health care.

The Republicans always seem to have better PR campaigns because they have more corporate supplied funds to buy it with.

common sense said...

Truth - you forgot that we're also racist. Don't leave that one out.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Your moniker is apt Common Sense guy. Righties are indeed racists. Thanks for the reminder.

common sense said...

Oh good, because nothing makes me happier than getting called a racist. Especially because I am of color.

Sue said...

excuse me DUH, but you have no blog, so why bother me?

Truth 101 ALWAYS speaks the truth. If he says righties are racist, he, like I, won't go as far as to say ALL righties are racist, But we will say it is common. Sorry

common sense said...

"excuse me DUH, but you have no blog, so why bother me?" - um, yes I do. And I didn't realize I needed a blog, or a special invitation to read your blog or comment. So sorry.

Sue said...

Sorry my mistake. I saw 22 views but didn't look over to see you had a blog. I will read it.

Leslie Parsley said...

Duh, I didn't realize that being a person of color excluded one from being racist.