Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Crash the Tea Parties!

I read about this guy Jason Levin in my little hometown paper today, then RZ emailed me an article about him in Common Dreams. CRASH THE TEA PARTY, it's Levins plan to take down the tea party from the inside!

Levin is getting alot of support across the country, so far 66 groups are planning on integrating themselves in the tea party rallies on Thursday. What they will do is meld with the baggers so they won't look out of place, BUT  Levin says their plan is not to shout them down, it's to infiltrate them and push them farther from the mainstream. For instance, whenever a teabagger says "Obama was not born in America", his groupie will be right there next to the bagger and say "yeah in fact he wasn't born on Earth, he's an alien!" These groupies will be completely indistinguishable from the baggers except they won't be out crazied by any of them!

Levin said he got the idea from a  counter-protest (please click, it's too funny!!)to the infamous Westboro Baptist Church group held outside Twitter headquarters in January. Levin said the Westboro group broke up after counter-protesters showed up holding signs even crazier than the ones held by the church group. When the church realized they couldn't get their message out, they left.

The Crash the Tea Party has a website, it's managed by Levin and explains how the plan will work. He says "whenever possible, we will act on behalf of the Tea Party to exaggerate their least appealing qualities like "misspelled signs and wild claims in TV interviews"
His hope for this plan is the GOP stops listening to the teabaggers and they disperse and go back to their militias and cabins in the woods. Does it seem far fetched to you? I'm interested but sceptical.

Levin says the groups are non-violent and not interested in "perpetuating racism, homophobia or misogyny. He said if violence were to break out at a tea party rally on Thursday, or more epithets like the ones thrown around during the HC debates are heard, it won't be because of his group. 

Upset tea partiers have posted Levins address and phone number on the  FreeRepublic.com message boards, He said he's also getting silly threats against him and his family. Well, if I were him I would not take those threats lightly! The rally on April 19th will have teabaggers ARMED AND DANGEROUS. They should be taken seriously. 
Pink Panties Hannity is talking these groups up on his radio show, I guess he wants to rile the base, but Levin says all the attention just serves to make his plan more successful. I hope he's right, I hope he succeeds! 

"How do you spot a fake tea partier? Do they have a tea bag tattooed on their forehead?" he said. "Thanks to us, the next time you're at a tea party and you see a guy with a misspelled sign you'll have to say 'is this guy an idiot? Or is he just an infiltrator?"

 Good Luck Jason Levin!


Leslie Parsley said...

I got into it today on my FB with a former neighbor and "friend" about the TP's. She offered to pick me up and take me to the rally on Thursday. I declined but wish I'd had my wits about me and said, "Can I bring my sign saying, 'I love Obama?"

Sue said...

Leslie call her back and go, I would!

Be ready for some wicked insults if you carry a sign like that though!

Infidel753 said...

The WBC counter-protest is brilliant. If the WBC ever show their stupid faces here in Portland, I'll have to give that a try. Even one person with a GOD HATES SHELLFISH sign would take the wind out of their sails.

I think the teabaggers will actually spot the fake teabaggers pretty easily. The real value of this is likely to be that they'll start getting suspicious of other real teabaggers and accusing each other of being fakes. Paranoids are susceptible to that kind of thing.

In the top picture, I wonder if he actually doesn't know the difference between "breathe" and "breath" or he's just parodying the way they spell things wrong.

Lisa said...
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Lisa said...
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Leslie Parsley said...
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Sue said...

don't waste your time, shes not staying...

Sue said...

Did you click to see those pictures Infidel, they were so funny! I think the counter protests are brilliant too.

I hope this Levin guy makes out, if anything it gets people opposed to the baggers out and organizing. We need to see more protesting from the left, I mean in a positive way, organizing in agreement to our president and this administration.

Infidel753 said...

Oh, yes, I've got my own post up linking to it. We could use some better news -- all this Confederacy stuff I've been writing about has been downright depressing.

As for Lisa the Eternally Deleted, if I knew whcih teabagger rally she goes to, I'd go there with a sign saying "THIS POST HAS BEEN REMOVED BY A BLOG ADMINISTRATOR" and hold it in front of hers.:-)

Sue said...

I'll be by all your blogs today sometime, sorry I have been neglecting my rounds this week! I like that sign idea Infidel, lisa will be the 12 yr old standing with her fanatical mommy with the sign that says Obama is a socialist!

She just called us retarded, I think she had to leave and go back to school.

Infidel753 said...

She called us retarded? That just beats it all.:-)

Kentucky Rain said...

Great post Sue!!

likala said...

WBC will be protesting Dixie Carter's funeral tomorrow. Counter protesters will probably be there as there are at all their protests. It doesn't seem to be doing much good though. They seem to be escalating for the publicity.

What they say about her on their website is despicable! If anyone's going to hell, it's those lunatics.

Leslie Parsley said...

I posted the picture of the gal with the "Glen" Beck sign on my FB. So, the gal I mention up there in my first comment, gives me a thumbs up and comments that she likes it. So, I comment: "I hope you would at least spell his name correctly." Her response: " I don't think he cares - at least God is spelled right!"

Ten to one she didn't even notice Glenn was spelled wrong. I wonder if this gal knows Lisa.

Sue said...

Dixie Carter??? What could those morons say about her? I gotta go look...Thanks likala

likala said...


They even protested at the funerals of those poor little Amish girls. And of course you know they protest fallen soldiers. Like I said, DESPICABLE LUNATICS.

I loved Dixie. She was a brilliant actress and a down to earth southern lady. I love her husband Hal Holbrook too another fine actor.

Hugh Jee From Jersey said...

If I recall, Dixie Carter was in reality a card carrying old school libertarian Republican who's TV character, Julia Sugarbaker, was the most liberal woman in Georgia- if not in all of the Deep South.

Those protests do seem pretty weird... I have to check this out.

Sue said...

their website is called godhatesfags, they could at least capitalize God! Here's what they said about Dixie Carter...

McLemoresville United Methodist Church W. College St. & Main St. WBC to picket the funeral of Dixie Carter reminding the living of their duty to obey God. Dixie Carter lived her life in adultery. She divorced her husband and married two other men along the way. God says that is living in adultery! Matthew 5:32 But I say unto you, That whosoever shall put away his wife, saving for the cause of fornication, causeth her to commit adultery: and whosoever shall marry her that is divorced committeth adultery. She taught her daughters and the young people of this nation that God is a liar. Leading by example she says it's ok to change your sex partners as often as you change you filthy under garments. She used every minute of her life promoting filthy sin. She was loved of this nation because this nation is awash in filthy proud sinners - leading the way, of course, are your lying false prophets. Dixie Carter is in hell!

sick fuckers, rot in HELL!!

Hugh Jee From Jersey said...

The news of the picketing at Dixie Carter's funeral prompted me to post a blog entry about it.

If you take a look at the list of people, places, and things they're picketing you have to ask....did they leave ANYBODY out?

Hell must really be a crowded place...I wonder if they have to cut it off at a certain capacity? I mean, we wouldn't want anybody to get hurt down there....well, do we?

likala said...

If Dixie was a Libertarian then she was a better actress than I thought. She was great as the Liberal Julia Sugarbaker.


Are you anywhere near McLemoresville? If I weren't about 1000 miles away I'd go and my sign would be "God Hates People Who Hate Fags." Counter protesters are showing up at all their protests now. Maybe that group this post was about will be there.

You all should check out some youtubes about WBC. There are many. The one by Michael Moore had me laughing so hard I scared the dog and cats :D

Almost the whole church membership are Phelps family members. They all spew hate right down to the toddlers. I saw a tiny little girl reciting the hate on youtube.

The father of a soldier whose funeral they protested sued them for defamation and won a 10.9 million judgement but they say they don't have it. Yeah right, how do they afford to travel all over the country with all those people I wonder?

They are an abomination.

Leslie Parsley said...

likala: I had to look that one up. It had a population of around 250 in the last census, so it's probably down to about 200 by now.
These nuts seem to target small out of the way places for the most part.

Leslie Parsley said...

likala: I believe the suit from the father of the soldier is headed for the Sup Ct.

common sense said...

The people who preach acceptance and tolerance, want nothing more than to silence and besmirch those with a different opinion.

Sue said...

oh duh, as usual you are sadly mistaken. The baggers can protest all they want, the stupid, insane things they say is just showing the public their true colors, so the more the merrier! Levin is infiltrating to bring OUT the zanys, not to silence them. You see, the more outspoken they are the better for us sane people on the left! lol