Monday, April 26, 2010

Just Imagine, makes you stop and think

A few things happened today to bring me out of my slump. First was conservative blogger Malcontent making fun of the Obamas because they ate a fattening meal, then saying they made him physically sick when he looked at their picture. Second was lisa accusing liberals of always talking about race, third and most importantly was a post by Shaw Kenawe quoting Tim Wise. PLEASE go read it here.

Tim Wise is among the most prominent anti-racist writers and activists in the U.S. Wise has spoken in 48 states, on over 400 college campuses, and to community groups around the nation. Wise has provided anti-racism training to teachers nationwide, and has trained physicians and medical industry professionals on how to combat racial inequities in health care. His latest book is called Between Barack and a Hard Place.

A snippet...


just imagine as Tim Wise does in this blog post:

Imagine that hundreds of black protesters were to descend upon Washington DC and Northern Virginia, just a few miles from the Capitol and White House, armed with AK-47s, assorted handguns, and ammunition. And imagine that some of these protesters - the black protesters - spoke of the need for political revolution, and possibly even armed conflict in the event that laws they didn’t like were enforced by the government? Would these protesters — these black protesters with guns — be seen as brave defenders of the Second Amendment, or would they be viewed by most whites as a danger to the republic? What if they were Arab-Americans? Because, after all, that’s what happened recently when white gun enthusiasts descended upon the nation’s capital, arms in hand, and verbally announced their readiness to make war on the country’s political leaders if the need arose.

Imagine that a rap artist were to say, in reference to a white president: “He’s a piece of shit and I told him to suck on my machine gun.” Because that’s what rocker Ted Nugent said recently about President Obama.

Go to Shaws and read the rest.


Shaw Kenawe said...


Do as I do. Don't go to malcontent's blog.

There is never a post that addresses anything approaching a rational discussion of any issue.

There are plenty of thoughtful conservative blogs that are written well and have actual ideas to discuss posted on them.

Thanks for linking to the Tim Wise piece at my blog.

It really does give us all something to pause and think about.

Sue said...

Shaw I had a moment of weakness, I won't be going back even tho he is begging me to.

Annette said...

This is a great piece... I read it the other day, somewhere and I thought about it... It is so very true.

As I stated once before, if people had done to the former occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, what the teabaggers and conservatives and GOPers are doing to Pres. Obama, they would all be in an undisclosed location with Cheney pulling the strings.. Seriously..

amadmike1 said...

I don't go to his blog. I went once, loaded my gun, grabbed my Bible and said: WTF? Never been back and don't intend to...

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Which Malcontent are you talking about Sue. He/she has like 100 blogs. When he was Professor of Life I had a good time with him. He/she was also some lady bloggers with hot profile pics. Funny how every one of them was a Veteran. The males were usually Marines and the ladies usually didn't mention branch.

I wonder if all those right leaning Veterans refused VA care because it was socialist?

Grung_e_Gene said...

Everyone knows the Tea Baggers are prominently made up of bigots, however, an occasional white supremacist makes it into their Tea Bag parties as well.

As for Red Stick Ralph the Malcontent, racists made it into the Corps as well.

Lisa said...
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Sue said...

thanks L, I don't know what to do but go back to monitoring, it's plain and simply, unfuckinbelievable..

Its true Annette!

I hear ya Mike, it was something I should not have done, but I did leave a comment! 1 comment even tho he asked for more... he doesn't get many comments so when a liberal shows up he foams at the mouth! lol

Truth, Mal from Pams bloglist, you know him well

Gene I'm not sure we're talking about the same guy. He's from NYC and has a picture of the Obamas on his post today.

Thanks guys, Aaaaaah I think I'm BACK!!!! YEA!!!

Leslie Parsley said...

I'm glad you're back. I don't mean to loose my cool but that woman just pisses me off so much I've lost patience and will make no pretensions of being "nice."

As far as going to right-wing blogs, I only go to one or two and if the commenters aren't playing nice, I don't say anything and just leave by the back door.

jadedj said...

Hear hear, let's hear it for deleting rude stupid bitch/bastards, who by any other name are rude stupid bitch/bastards. A tip of the hat to you tnlib.

Love this post Sue!

Leslie Parsley said...

Thanks jadedj: smoke starts coming out of my ears when I just see her/his name.

Hugh Jee From Jersey said...

"No, there's no racists in the Tea Party Movement"...

Right...and the less than 1% of the African Americans who are Tea Partiers get showcased, just like the lady who spoke one town away from me yesterday. She is a semi-regular on Glenn Beck who was at a Tea Party/Republican picnic. Fifty people showed up. And I guess I "mis-spoke"; if there were 49 white people and one black person, that makes 2%.

My bad.

So much for the relative comfort level that most African Americans have with our Tea Bagging buds.

BTW... "Malcontent" made fun of the Obamas for eating fattening food?

You mean he hasn't seen the photo (on Bill Maher) with the Huckabee family, all in matching outfits, looking like the second coming of Junior Sample's clan from HEE-HAW?

Or how about our governor in New Jersey? To borrow the line from a former NFL head coach...."That boy's one biscuit away from being a building".

Sue said...

Mal says Michelle is a hypocrite. God Forbid she is trying to get the country to eat healthy. What did they say when Mrs. Reagan tried to get the country to go drug-free? Or was that Barbara Bush? Same thing, right? Just say NO....

Anonymous said...

We all have the same rights in this country. I see no problem with what you've described.

In fact, I've been among armed African Americans, Hispanics, Muslims, men and women... It's called the US military!

Gun owners of all creed and colors are good folk, anyway, so I don't see what the problem is.

Shaw Kenawe said...

What malcontent completely misses [and it's not surprising] is that the Obama's practice good health habits and therefore, once in a while they can indulge in eating fattening foods.

He has absolutely NO understanding of this, hence, his deranged post about the Obamas.

Reading his blog is like reading a kindergartener's homework paper on finite vector spaces. IOW, it's a waste of your precious time.

Sue said...

SF being in the company of armed military is not the same as a rally made up of ALL blacks or Muslims carrying guns. You know damn well a rally of all whites carrying guns is accepted but let it be blacks, NO FRIGGIN way would the white supremacists put up with that! A civil war would probably break out!

Sue said...

Mal digs for ANYTHING negative(in his eyes) to say about the Obamas. He hates them and I dare him to dispute that fact. He is racist and hateful and very childish....

Unknown said...

Sue - I guess I'm going to have to venture over to "Malcontent's" place for a quick visit. Can't be much worse than watching those moronic teabaggers.

Annette - "they would all be in an undisclosed location with Cheney pulling the strings"

Strings my ass, we'd all be hanging right along side Saddam Hussein while the video cameras rolled

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

There is enough love for the Obamas and the wonderful work they do to more than balance the mindless hate and vitriol spewed by Malcontent and the right wing hoard.

God bless the Obamas and God bless you as well Sue for having the patience and perseverence to fight back against the lies and evil farting out of the right wings collective mouth.

He he. I said farting and used the word "collective" to describe right wingers. How can you moderate this work of art Sue?

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

And to go on about moderation my friend Sue. I know you get sick of vulgar righties but it's like a trip to the museum. There's always some nut who manages to get a display of a guy covered in feces or an upside down urinal displayed. These are comparable to right wing comments. But then you see a true work of art. Something so sensitive, daring and original you gasp and remember what art truly represents.

Your welcome everybody.

Sue said...

Truth, your eloquent words and truth speaking are why I blog. You inspire me, your wit and intelligence is boundless. You are the epitome of grace and honor, and I am goose pimply just thinking about your presence on my humble blog!

Thank you my friend, for being here for me! MuuuuuWaaaaah!! :-)))

Sue said...

boomer tread lightly at Mals, and if you see anyone bashing my great name and fabulous blog, smack 'em for me okay?! Be a sweetie...

Les Carpenter said...

Indeed an interesting post, and an equally interesting comment thread.

I do believe I am beginning to see it may be quite unlikely the inhabitants of this vast land will ever again come to bipartisan agreement on much.

The polarization of a great nation is ,and has been, in process for sometime.

Who bears responsibility? All of us as we have let ourselves be duped by politicians on both sides of the political aisle that are concerned about amassing and retaining their power.

Again I say the difference between the republican/republicrat party and the democrat/demican party is but one of degrees and who will most rapidly bankrupt the country.. .

We are in for a rocky and continued costly ride.

Sue said...

RN, I'm not so sure. When Bush was president there was name-calling and trivial stuff, but he got whatever he asked for from Congress. There wasn't any obstruction going on and the most vile of lies like there is for our Democrat president. It's different and much more sinister. This man hadn't been in office 3 months before it got out of hand. And now look at Congress, all they care about on the right is keeping their jobs. At least Democrats want to accomplish some things to benefit America. Don't laugh, it's true. And I don't believe the GOP and the left are one in the same when it comes to policy.

Les Carpenter said...

Sue - You may be correct. There are SOME democrats that want to benefit America. And there are SOME republicans that want to benefit America (Ron Paul comes to mind)but I,like many believe both parties want to benefit themselves and their wealthy supporters.

I won't laugh because I realize there are some democrats that want to accomplish things that make sense, even when I disagree with the approach to accomplish the ends.

They just don't happen to be in congress.

Leslie Parsley said...

Truth. When you go to a museum, it is your choice and it is your choice what you look at. When you get an ignorant bitch/bastard such as Lisa the Loon, it is an invasion.

Sue said...

true, there are some things about Ron Paul I like.
If it's true that the left and right are so similar then why can't they work together? Take financial reform for instance. The people want real reform but both parties are playing political games.

Grung_e_Gene said...

Sue, a little late but the it is the same "man" but Malcontent Ralph's first page claimed he was from Baton Rouge hence my use of Red Stick Ralph and then moved to New York. No doubt after he got a BCD from the Corps.