On today's Fox News Sunday Jon Kyl was asked by Chris Wallace if the Republicans will support more economic stimulus and extend the unemployment benefits, all the while the benefits will end tomorrow for many Americans because of Repub obstructionism.
Late last month, Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK) announced that he was blocking unanimous consent to move forward on a measure in the Senate to extend unemployment benefits — similar to what Sen. Jim Bunning (R-KY) did weeks prior. However, this time, other Senate Republicans, including Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), are backing Coburn’s obstruction.
Senators are on recess until April 12, meaning people losing their benefits tomorrow will have to go without relief for at least a week. “I understand that Republicans are upset they didn’t get their way on health care,” Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) said, chiding the GOP’s obstruction. And on Friday Reid called on the GOP to stop blocking the benefits. “[T]heir obstruction endangers the economic certainty of millions of families,” he said.
Kyl does say they will have to extend the benefits because unemployment is still so high, but he also says it's not a job stimulator. He says by continuing to pay people UI compensation it keeps them home on the couch eating Bon Bons and watching soap operas. It's free money, and you all know how lazy liberals love that free-no-strings-attached-money! Yippee lets take a vacation!
Have you ever had to live on the small barely-get-by-not really-enough-to-buy-food-PLUS-pay the monthly bills unemployment checks Senator Kyl? I kinda doubt it. I also doubt those living in his state of Arizona could live comfortably on 500.00 a week unemployment check and not seek work. I wonder how many unemployed are Republicans, and do they support the GOP obstructing benefits for the unemployed all over this country. Do they suffer yet still blindly support the party of NO COMPASSION??
*Bruce Springsteen was honored at the Kennedy Center in 2009.*
*Sting sings Springsteen's beautiful, "The Rising," which **is about hope,
resilience, ...
17 minutes ago
Frodo is drawing to the end of a session with the technical wizards who have been advising him that posting to Blogspot from non-Blogspot accounts is easy. Frodo has put out a contract on the life of the last person to so advise him.
Fair warning dear readers, if someone uses the alias GCraig when it sounds like Frodo, then accept that it is most likely your devoted servant Frodo, giving up the struggle to properly edit until another day.
It's alot of work isn't it Frodo. I'm sorry you are having so much trouble. I wish I could get your blog to update on my list but it doesn't seem like I'm gonna be able to do the task.
Take a break my friend, you done goooooood!!!
Poor Frodo or GCraig or whomever you are. ; ) I think I denote a little tension there.
Sue - apparently none of the other blog systems can be updated on Blogger. I have no clue why.
Are there any unemployed Tea Baggers?
Apparently they are all paying good money to see Sarah talk...so they must not be hurting.
Sue, you bring up an excellent point.
Here in the traditinally "red" working-class city I live in, you won't see a Klanbagger sign. But if you go up to one of the wealthiest suburbs in the area (a place mainly inhabited by people like Air Force officers and GUBMINT support people,) you see the Klanbagger bullshit in every other yard.
The Klanbaggers seem to be the final bastion of ignorance and selfishness.
These people that say it will keep people home. Are they not aware that while unemployed and receiving the benefit, it is required that the person be actively seeking employment or the benefit will be canceled? I guess this is too much for the tiny Kyl brain to think about, what with all the troubles in the GoOpster party right now, being in implode mode. They did say they would be cooperating less after HIR passed so they are keeping true to their word on that. Like they were cooperating before or something. You silly libruls, there are no unemployed conservatives, just like they have never heard of a conservative voter being uninsured. I heard that from Coburn, Kyl, Enzi and Ensign so it must be true.
If liberals actually stopped and listened, they would realize that their use of race as a weapon isn't working. People aren't taking their crap anymore. They are only embarrassing themselves every time they play the race card.
Teeluck: Obviously these people have no financial woes if they can trail along behind Palin in large RVs.
Anon: We have stopped. We have listened. It is unequivocal racism. Most people are taking the so-called liberal "crap" because most decent Americans agree.
anon I don't see race mentioned here until YOU brought it up, weird huh??
The party of NO COMPASSION, NO desire to help America, JUST- give- us- back- the- power- and- we- swear- we- will- change-party, is the party making fools of themselves. Stop listening to Fox, they are liars about whats going on in this country. The teabaggers are bring down the rethug party, YAY!!!
Leslie, I guess most of the teabaggers on the road with the moron party leader are on Social Security, they aren't tied down to a job. Who'd a thunk it??? LOLOL!
a friend of mine from Arizona sent me this today. Pretty pathetic unemployment check for Arizonians! Here in NJ we get 525.00 after taxes, a week.
Dollar amount of benefits: The average unemployment benefit is $258 per week. However, individual benefit levels vary greatly, and depend on what state the person lives in and what he or she was previously earning. On average, benefits replace 38 percent of an unemployed workers previous earnings, although the replacement rate ranges, typically from 25 to 55 percent, with low-wage workers generally at the higher end of that range. In addition, in several states, workers receive higher benefits if they have dependents. In 2002, the maximum benefit available to workers ranged from a low of $205 in Arizona to a high of $507 ($760 with dependents) in Massachusetts. Unemployment insurance benefits are subject to federal income taxes, just as any other working persons income would be.
So in the general opinion of the author and commenters here, how long should unemployment benefits ultimately last? I think it is at 36 weeks now.
It would appear that what the politicians have tried thus far is not working as planned. Unemployment was not supposed to go above 8% after the Stimulus was passed. It is still around 10% right?
From recent family experience with unemployment (now back to work, although at minimum wage, instead of being a drain on the system) you do not really have to seek a job on unemployment. You nowadays go online and check a few boxes. It would be exceedingly easy to lie. It is ridiculous. Personal visits to the unemployment office are not even encouraged as they are severely overworked at the moment. So they don't want to see you, they will not talk to you on the phone and they really dont care if you are looking for a job or not. From an employer perspective they assume that if you call and ask if they are hirign that you are just on unemployment and according to my source they write your name down in case the UE office calls. They do not figure you want to work unless you come in and fill out an application, or more often fill out the application online and not bother them with pointless phone calls. At least that is the way of things in SW Missouri
As to all the comments regarding whether or not race is being mentioned. Calling someone a Klan Bagger is racial(and disgusting). The Klan is a racist organization, therefore to refer to people who differ in opinion from you as a KKKer you are calling them racist...right?
I find it terribly offensive. But you are entitled to your opinions.
Name calling is what children on a playground do.
You guys are just preaching to the choir the rest of us have peeled back the curtain and have exposed the man at the controls.
Why is it that Congress (GOP and Dems alike) are the first to tell us we don't need the stipends paid out while our jobs are disappearing faster than cockroaches when the lights are turned on? (and by cockroaches, I am most definitely referring to members of Congress :-) Let’s have a few job-cuts in Congress and see how fast they scream for their bennies.
Personally, I think we should return to Benjamin Franklin’s idea wherein elected officials receive NO pay, or at least a per diem payment such as those WE receive when we are called to OUR “community responsibilities” such as jury duty.
Hell, we even have to pay for our friggin parking during jury duty.
No lobbyist activities vying for our vote, so why in Congress? BTW when was the last time a juror received a free trip to the Bahamas?
Just saying; you know?
Have a good day Ms. Sue
Calling someone a Klan Bagger is racial(and disgusting). The Klan is a racist organization, therefore to refer to people who differ in opinion from you as a KKKer you are calling them racist...right?
You and lisa (masquerading today as "Anonymous" can deny, deny, deny all you want, but I've been to 3 of their rallies, and I've seen the signs, and I've listened to what they have to say-which means I'm not just pulling it out of my ass. The Klanbaggers are, in plain and simple fact, a racist organization, and I really don't give a flying fuck if that offends you. Maybe you should take it up with THEM, instead of trying the old right wing trick of projection.
There wasn't a damned one of you that had a thing to say back when your monkey was starting wars for nothing, spending like there was Armageddon tomorrow, eavesdropping on every phone call he could find to listen in on, arresting and detaining people without benefit of counsel and incommunicado, having people detained at his own rallies for the grave crime of having a Kerry bumper sticker... the list goes on and on. Please, please, please do NOT try to offer up the bullshit about the Klanbaggers being worried about "spending" and "freedom," because we know damned well from your past activities that you're lying through your teeth. The Klanbaggers are even howling at elements of HCR that Rushpubliscums originally came up with. So when I take into account the hypocrisy of the Klanbaggers, and then I remember their signs and their chants THAT I HAVE WITNESSED MYSELF, I don't have to be an eminent sociologist to figure out just what it is they're hysterical about. There's a reason so many of them are Limbaugh fans, and it isn't his love for the Constitution.
nice to meet you boomer bob, thanks for the comment!
KOOK I have to agree with JR. The tea party is born from the white supremacy groups. They were not protesting during the shrubs reign of horror, and then go back to Clinton, they were not protesting that dem and his policies were they? Why come to the forefront with our Black Dem president? Most of what he is doing could be considered conservative. He's hardly a far left liberal!
Anon said, "Name calling is what children on a playground do."
You mean like this?
"Muslim" - perceived as "ugly" - not
Read right to left.
JR: I think Anon is Linda, not Lisa. No misspellings and too grammatical.
you make a great point Leslie! lol.
I'm not sure of anon is Linda, I'll have to do some investigating ;-)
@boomer Bob
I give you a big thumbs up on that idea Boomer. That is one idea we should all be able to agree upon.
The TEA party group did not start as some sort of offshoot of the KKK. I am not going to issue ridiculous blanket statements concerning the makeup of a nationwide grassroots movement. I am sure there are some really de-ranged people that identify with the 912ers and the Teaparty groups. This is true of any large group of people. But I will tell you that MY personal opinions, and those of anybody that I speak to are not concerned in the least with Obama's ethnicity; that is irrelevant.
Now as to the "shrub" (incidentally I think that is pretty good) There was very little good about him. Especially his second term. You will not hear me or my associates or close acquaintances speak of him as a good president. he sucked. The democrat congress during the same time period SUCKED. And they are nearly ALL a bunch of crooked theives. That is the position you will see if you ever visit my corner of the web. The Government is too big, the government spends too much money, and more importantly they waste a lot of money. The Republicans are bad. The Democrats are every single bit as bad. Do not fool yourselves thinking they have your interests at heart. That whole party was founded on power, not on principle. Clinton was no peach as president, but he was a better president than 'Shrub' or "Chairman Zero". I mean, Clinton did nothing to stop the terrorists when they bombed the WTC the first time, or the Cole. he let Bin Laden go when the Somalis had him. He got us involved in all kinds of foreign skirmishes that were not national security issues and we were left with nothing to show for it... he perjured himself on live tv, , was up to his eyes in shady real estate deals just like what caused the crash, but he was a decent president, sure.
@JR I wasn't projecting diddly squat. I was simply saying that name calling is not going to get us anywhere. You said that you were not being racist: I countered that by calling someone a KlanBagger you were bringing racism to the discussion. You respond by saying 'are too, are too racist, it is the truth, not my problem'?
White supremacy groups? How many skinheads do you see in the pictures of the crowds? How many white sheets? Are you suggesting that there are THAT many white supermacists in every state? I mean if it was all about racist redneck teabaggers...dont you think it would be confined to only the south? I mean that is where all of us, barefoot, illiterate, racist, misogynistic, cracker-ass-cracker, toothless, redneck, beer drinking, hillbillies are from right? The un-anoited fly over?
I really appreciate you allowing a different viewpoint in your comments. Please please tell me where I can find information, solid information, where the groups that represent the T-axed E-nough A-lready groups and the 9-12 project members have ties to White Supremacy groups.
KOOK all I did was google {are tea party activists white supremists?} and pages of websites came up, read for yourself.
of course I'm not implying ALL teabaggers are white supremists. Like in every group you have your good and your bad apples. But there is no denying tea party activists are recruiting racists members.
This is why the Tea Parties started
Frank Marshall Davis, William Ayres and Bernadine Dohrn, the Reverend Jeramiah Wright, Andy Stern, Van Jones ,Cass Sunstein, and an endless list of anti-Americans.
As a matter of fact my first Tea Party sign April 15 2009 said
Anon: So f'n what. And who gives a sh_t?
Obviously you would if his name was Sarah Palin.
Anon: If "his" name is Sarah Palin, I wanna meet him. What was that ole Johnny Cash song? Ah yes, "A Boy Named Sue."
I think you would have to look long and hard to find anything I've said about any one's associations - past or present. I don't believe it's pertinent or any of my business.
McCarthyism and HUAC died several decades ago - or did conservative school boards have that part of history written out of the textbooks?
you're wasting your time and energy arguing with moron lisa. Anon is lisa, lisa go home!
BluePitBull, you are taking things much too seriously, nobody really dislikes you, we just can’t stand you. Most of the rational people here are simply speaking honestly and just find you to be a stupid little douche bag. And have just stop giving a shit about you a long time ago. Nothing more. Hiding behind the name "Anonymous" don't help, we all know who you really are!!
Thank God we got rational people who can see you for the rightwing conservative ass-hole that you are. You truly are stupid, and I think that your inner asshole trying to take over your entire being again. It may have succeeded. Now go away and don’t come back.
Try living off of 252.00 a week, and bills are way more than that...
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