Friday, April 9, 2010

There, I said it!!!

Did you know there are people in this great country of ours who actually believe Lizard should run for president? I don't know who is worse, Palin or Cheney. They both continue down the path of lies and distortions against our sitting president. They both continue to undermine our sitting president.  They said the liberals were unpatriotic and put our national security at risk if we called out the Shrub and Dickless during their reign of horror and terror.

I have said from the first day of blogging, I do not use the word hate on my blog, I could say with honesty I do not hate anyone. That was then, THIS IS NOW...... I'm fed up to my eyeballs with the hateful, evil rightwingers, they will stop at nothing to bring down our sitting president. How dare they say they care about this country. They care ONLY about POWER. They can't seem to get it through their thick sculls this country elected a Democrat because their party fucked up, get over it thugs!!

 I HATE THEM!!!!!!!


Unknown said...

"distortions against our sitting president"

BUT! If anyone dared to vocalize against GOP policy, esepcially related to Iraq, the terrible three’s - Hannity, O’Reilly and Coulter called them traitors.

Sue said...

they were called worse than that boomer.

Here's a good one for ya, On tonights Hannity he put up a FOX poll(what else!) that asked should Obamas choice for Stevens replacement be more conservative or more liberal, 52% said more conservative and 26% said more liberal, Surprise!! Then he asks his audience of conservative morons if they think Obama will listen to the people and choose a conservative or ignore them like he did with the HC bill!!! NO KIDDING! Hannity believes MY president should pick a conservative to appease THEM!! LOLOL!!!

Holte Ender said...

Her only claim to fame is that she is a daughter of an elected official in a failed administration. A 20% approval rating when leaving office. That would make you an expert?

Jerry Critter said...

How about Liz as Secretary of State in the Palin/Bachmann administration?

Unknown said...

Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader?

Steven - if Fox polls Fox watchers, what will happen?

Steven - The polls will be of no value as it didn't include a wide enough population to include a control group.

Hannity - Oh uh hugh, Stevie Boy! We did too! It included many people watching us that day.

Steven - that makes no sense Hannity, you only polled your own audience which certainly didn't include many, if any at all potential dissenters. Your population was neither large nor disparate enough to generate valid numbers.

Hannity - Dissenters on Fox News? No way Spicoli. That’s un-American, flat out un-American. BTW, what's a control group? We're all about control here at Fox and I’m sure I could get some points if I came up with a new idea for the bossman.

Steven – Sorry Hannity. Fox News is not smarter than a 5th grader, so I’ll have to turn you down for a speaking engagement with someone who understands the concepts - the kids who’ll be 5th graders in three years.

One Fly said...

Me too Sue. I want nothing to do with these people at any level.

Leslie Parsley said...

Further proof that the GOP is desperate for any kind of spokesperson.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Maybe this is veering from topic a bit Sue but this is me so I'm sure you'll have some leeway.

Notice the long job title scrolling under Lizard.
"Principla Deputy Secretary of Mumbo Jumbo." Where in hell is the near eastern anyway? Some islands off California? Or the part of Russia Sarah can see from her roof on a clear day?

The republicans bitch and moan about big government and government workers and bullshit while inventing meaningless jobs for Cheney's daughter. Hypocritical jive ass turkeys.

Sue said...

Leslie, they are in desperation mode, "they got nobody" and I mean NOBODY!

Boomer, pink panties Hannity, with his little boyish grin, is such a fake. He and Palin talking nukes is a fuckin joke.

Holte, Lizard isn't qualified to mop my kitchen floor. WHO does she think she is degrading our president!

Jerry that thought gives me (((Shivers))). So many on the left are saying "bring it on", I suppose it would be fun to watch our people devour Palin and spit her out!

Onefly, I'm with ya. It took alot for me to say the hate word but now that I have I'll more than likely continue! We have lots to talk about these next 2 years!

Sue said...

Truth I did see that and kept thinking to myself, is this her qualification to run for president or some off the wall position?? They are so stupid yet think the whole world bows to them. They can't talk about their accomplishments(or lack of) so they must degrade Obama. It's all jealousy, they hate that our black, dem president is smart, smarter then they could ever hope to be. morons...

Anonymous said...

You speak for a lot of people on your side Sue.

Props for your honesty.

Sue said...

SF have you ever said you hated liberals? At least my party is the party of honesty. We are who we are, no pretense. The right are VERY confused these days about who they are, that's why your leaders are proven liars and deceivers. It's all very sad to see the Republican party disintegrate before our very eyes. Jump out before it's too late!!

TomCat said...

I try to reserve my hatred for the policies, rather than the individuals who espouse them. However, the GOP makes maintaining that view an everyday struggle.

Sue said...

It really is a struggle TC. I tried and tried so hard to keep it in but after Palin and Hannitys idiotic demeaning of our president I could not hold my tongue any longer. I am selective in my hate, lets put it that way. I don't hate EVERYBODY....

GCraig said...

Frodo notes that Liz certainly looks Russian. Any chance she was adopted? Frodo doubts if she could see Russia from her Dad's house in McLean?
By the way, Frodo graduated from McLean High School(a long time ago), and he regrets not having knocked her up (it would've been a matter of national service).

Sue said...

Frodo, Don't say that! MY Frodo doing the nasty with Lizard, oh the horror! You are tooooo much Frodo! LOL!!

Jolly Roger said...

I despise the Cheneys. I can't do anything else when I think about people who happily conspired to end countless thousands of human lives.

I don't say it about many people, but I state without shame that the world would be a much better place if the Cheneys weren't in it. They need to go, and all distant relatives need to be sterilized.

Shaw Kenawe said...

I don't take Liz Cheney seriously. She's been exposed as nothing more than a partisan hack.

She's Rush Limbaugh with long hair.

Sue said...

that she is Shaw. I like to call her daddy cheney with long hair, hence the name dickless, Dick jr. without the dick! LOL

So true JR, but the righties love the murderer types, the pervert types, etc etc...

Hugh Jee From Jersey said...

The biggest problem the GOP has is their move to the FAR right has taken away their middle....moderate Republicans are close to extinction, or if not wiped out they've become so marginalized they are a non- factor in the party.

You can win a nomination by appealing to extremists but you can't win a general election with the positions they're taking.

They'll win back some Senate and House seats in the mid term....but there isn't one viable Republican candidate with a snowball's chance in hell of beating Obama in 2012.

And the thing is...the Republican leadership knows it.

Sue said...

Hugh I think the GOP is waiting for their knight in shining armor to ride in on his WHITE horse and sweep them off their feet while sweeping Obama under the rug. It AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN! Yes they secretly know it, thats why they are so outspoken about Obama in a negative way. They need to keep up the hate to keep what little support they have left. They have nobody to blame but themselves for killing their own party.

TomCat said...

Sue, I guess that I have some empathy, because I was once as messed up as they are. I know what it is to be filled with anger based on nothing but fear. Therefore, rather than hate them, I feel sorry for them, because I understand what it is to be so miserable on the inside.

Sue said...

You are a good guy TomCat!

Isn't it a shame this country of supposedly civilized people can't all be on the same page and work together as a nation, to all stand behind our president for the good of our country. We are Americans, all of us are Americans, why can't we stop fighting each other and live peacefully as one? I blame our leaders, that's who we follow, they are who we listen to.

your empathy towards a segment of our population that is so full of hate and anger is very honorable TC.

likala said...
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likala said...
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likala said...
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likala said...

This was to be my first post here. However, Google and I had a disagreement as to which screen name would display. I've fixed it now. Apologies for the multiple deleted posts.

Sue said

I like to call her daddy cheney with long hair, hence the name dickless, Dick jr. without the dick! LOL

I like to call her a dick with tits

Just sayin'

Sue said...

hi likala, I like that, a dick with tits!

Linda has her own blog now, she doesn't really come by much anymore. I don't know why google wouldn't let you use Linda.

Leslie Parsley said...

Probably because Linda is her registered name and it applies all across the board on Google?

Anyway,I do like "a dick with tits." Perfecto.

Sue said...

I'm not sure if that's how it works Leslie. You mean if Linda has a google account no other person named Linda can use that name? Maybe likala was having problems because she had no account to begin with and my settings say you must. I think, now I'm confused....

Leslie Parsley said...

Me too. ; )

likala said...

The problem is that I didn't want use the name Linda. I had to edit my google account from Linda to likala.

I've read enough to know it's not a popular name around these parts ;)

Besides I've always disliked the name. My mom saw it on a boat and liked it. She didn't even realize it's a Spanish word, actually a suffix, meaning "pretty", just liked it. Imagine being named after a boat...LOL

Thanks for the welcome.

Oh and, apologies to anyone that had to wash their eyes with bleach to remove the mental image of a dick with tits

Lisa said...
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Lisa said...

"They said the liberals were unpatriotic and put our national security at risk if we called out the Shrub and Dickless during their reign of horror and terror."

Ha, and they did it relentlessly if you recall.
Torture,wiretapping,Valerie Plame,Scooter Libby non stop for 2 years.
Not to mention the politicization and polarization of Katrina and of course let's not forget all those Hitler and Nazi signs.

Let's also not forget blaming Bush for 9/11 and the mining disasters.
Yep those were the days when it was okay to do.

Sue said...

lisa, the difference is....Bush deserved the bashing!!! DUH! Everything said about Bush/Cheney was the TRUTH! Everything said about Obama is a LIE!! DUH!

Lisa said...

Yes Sue of course it is.

Leslie Parsley said...

likala: are you planning to do anything with your blog?

Sue, please, please, please don't let that dumb-shit back on. Anyone who agrees with me, please raise your hand.

likala said...

tnlib, I don't have a blog to do anything with but would have one if I had a talent for writing like so many of you folks.

Leslie Parsley said...

likala: I bet you write better than you think you do. At least you can spell. ; ) Hell, if I can do it, anyone can - promise. I'm the most un-techie person in the world and Blogger is relatively easy and most bloggers are willing to help newbies.

likala said...


I might consider it if there was a way to get rid of dumb shit trolls that have nothing better to do than stalk someone's blog.

What is it with people who want to be where they're not wanted and don't agree with anything the host and other guests believe in? It's a common occurrence on every blog I patronize. I just don't get it and was taught better than that.

Oh and the spelling thing. If there's a red line under a word, it's misspelled. What's so hard to get about that?