Friday, April 30, 2010

BP, Greed gets in the way again, Fuck the environment...(they say)

 The oil floating in the Gulf is about the size of the state of Maryland and it will just keep growing. There are claims now that a device costing 500,000 could have prevented this disaster. The remote activated device is considered a weapon of last resort when it comes to sealing off ruptured offshore wells, BUT ISN'T REQUIRED ON PLATFORMS OPERATING UNDER U.S. LAWS!  BP, oil giant, will  pay out more in fines, cleanup and law suits then it would have safe guarding the rig. America and her greed....

 An acoustic trigger is a football size remote control that uses sound waves to communicate with the valve on the seabed floor and close it. It costs about $500,000.  This rig had a replacement cost of about 560 million. The cleanup costs are still spiraling....

 Right wing bloggers are already screaming about President Obama not moving fast enough, saying this is his Katrina. Why of course, make sure the Dem President gets treated like the repub Bush, even though Obama does not deserve such criticism. But even worse then the big mouth righties is Limpy.....

On his radio show today, Rush Limbaugh unveiled his brand new conspiracy theory that environmentalists were secretly behind the oil rig explosion that has spilled hundreds of thousands of gallons of oil into the Gulf of Mexico. He reasoned, “What better way to head off more oil drilling, nuclear plants than by blowing up a rig?”

Limbaugh laid out his conspiracy theory, “Now lest we forget, ladies and gentlemen, the carbon tax bill, cap and trade, that was scheduled to be announced on Earth Day, I remember that, then it was postponed for a couple of days later, after Earth Day…This bill the cap and trade bill was criticized by hard core environmentalist wackos because it supposedly allowed more offshore drilling and nuclear plants, nuclear plant investment, so since they’re sending swat teams down there folks, since they’re sending swat teams to inspect the other rigs, what better way to head off more oil drilling, nuclear plants than by blowing up a rig? I’m just noting the timing here.”

WOW, what a sick pig! Wonder who will come out with the God theory. The one where God's wrath is upon Louisiana because of "them thar gays".


Hugh Jee From Jersey said...

Sue- could you imagine a spill that size hitting New Jersey's shore areas? I don't even want to think about really would be painful. Ways of life would vanish literally overnight.

My heart goes out to all of those affected in the Gulf Coast...the long term effects of this could possibly be worse than Katrina.

As for least when he was doing massive doses of drugs he had an excuse for acting like a delusional mental case.

Now, he's become crazy caricature of himself. A very sad, twisted man who's 15 minutes should have been up in 1994.

Sue said...

Hugh it would wipe out all of the coastline in NJ!

LIMPY is just the beginning, next we'll have Beck, Palin, and the rightwing crazies, OH and don't forget the religious fanatics and their theories!

Tao Dao Man said...

Obama just approved more off shore oil drilling.
He surrendered and caved in to the Globalized Oil Corp, once more.
He must now stand up, and reverse that decision. No debate, no hearings, no studies, no nothing. 'He must reverse a terrible political decision that he made, and reverse it now. Every one knew something like this was bound to happen. It was never a matter of if, but WHEN.
Well now is now, and he must reverse his decision.

mommapolitico said...

Being a Southern Californian, I remember spills that affected our shores as I was growing up, the damage they caused and the immense amount of time it took to heal the coast. It was devastating.

I was appalled when The President declared that offshore drilling is a viable means to obtain oil. A quick backpedal now that we've seen, once again, the true effects of offshore drilling. The only good to come of this is that reversal.

I feel for the folks in the Gulf. Hoping the administration will throw enough resources at this to prevent any further damage.

Leslie Parsley said...

Think of the marine life. Since it happened in the Gulf of Mexico I'm surprised Limbaugh didn't blame it on the Mexicans.

Sue said...

RZ, since the disaster? I've been reading he put a stop to all future plans. Right?

MommaP, I just heard an update, the floating oil is now the size of West Virginia. It's horrific!

Leslie, marine life and human life, all will suffer. Lawsuits are already underway I hear. I wonder if Limpy will defend BP against the lawsuits?

Tao Dao Man said...

No, It is on a 30 day review. This is pure lip service and code for. [lets wait for a new news cycle]. Translation = =same ol, same oil.

New Jersey legislators among others along with Move On have already written Obama letters to stop.

Annette said...

RZ, the plan the President put forth, and I am still not in favor of it, however it will not allow anything new to be drilled for at least 10 to 15 years. It was nothing more than a political move on his part to stop the GOPers from yelling he wasn't being comprehensive in his plans for new energy.

He didn't open anything really new.. it is the same areas that have always been allowed, he just said they could start moving toward expansion in the areas Bush opened 2 years ago.

What better way to get time from the raging hypocrites on the right, than to say he was giving them more room to drill and explore, while we work toward a new energy system.

In 10 to 15 years we can have a much more comprehensive plan, without the "drill baby drill" crowd pushing him to open this up. He stopped them in their tracks.... this will just help get the climate legislation and a new energy policy moved through Congress faster than before.

They have no reason to deny him or anyone who says while they are exploring, we can look at other energy sources.

Tao Dao Man said...

Did he or did he not campaign against opening further off shore oil drilling?
He keeps going against progressives, and the democrats just keep cheering this guy on.
He was the Republican's Manchurian candidate.
Now he is just another Republocrat.

Annette said...

No he did not campaign against more drilling.. he said he wanted a comprehensive energy policy that included everything... and as far as I can remember and learned when I was in school, everything means EVERYTHING.

Tao Dao Man said...

Annette: Well I guess that if HE said it, then it must be true.
Listen to him here, this was in 2008, in Florida.

So I guess everything is not EVERYTHING. After all is it now?

Jolly Roger said...

As I understand it, Caribou Barbie continues to harp on "drill baby drill," without mention of this unbelievable disaster or the 11 men who are now dead because of the explosion.

But, why would she? It isn't like the people affected are anyone SPECIAL, is it?

Hugh Jee From Jersey said...

It seems the President caving for more offshore drilling was to get Lindsey Graham and possibly a few more Republicans on board for the climate change bill.

It's all going to be on hold now, so it seems. And kudos to New Jersey Senators Frank Lautenberg and Bob Menendez, and Congressmen Frank Pallone and Rush Holt (the GOOD congressman) for sending the President a strong message- they're one group of Dems that will oppose any form of Atlantic offshore drilling whatsoever as per their letter to Mr. Obama.

Why the hell the rest of the New Jersey delegation hasn't signed on against more drilling is a point of consternation for me. The Shore areas in New Jersey are heavily Republican, but they would be most impacted by a potential "impossible" as the oil industry says it would be.

Grung_e_Gene said...

And here the Bush rehab project was underway?

Please note the best insults Conservative Troglodytes can come up with to slander President Obama are:

He's as corrupt as Nixon!
He's as dumb as Bush!
His employment numbers are as bad as Reagan's!

All Conservatives can do is try and do is make Obama responsible for their colossal failures. This Oil Rig Disaster lays directly at the feet of Bush, Cheney, and Sarah Palin. Somebody needs to Drill them...

PerniciousViper said...

Obama is just as dumb as Bush was, if not dumber..
Obama,& Biden,two big boobs

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I would like to post a comment here, but I'm allergic to bullshiit.

Sue said...

Gene its so true. Rethugs have the power, destroy the country and welcome the dems to come fix everything. They then cry foul, spew lies and demand the power back. America is stupid and gives them their wish....Same'ole, Same 'ole....

VP, Nobody is or was ever as dumb as Bush/Cheney

Anonymous, so I guess you are a fan of Limpy, good for ya!

Leslie Parsley said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Another president, another disaster visited upon New Orleans.

The Obama Administration's gross incompetence and inattentiveness is to blame.

Go read this New York Times Article

Jolly Roger said...

The Obama Administration's gross incompetence and inattentiveness is to blame.

I know how desperate you are to find someone, ANYONE, as stupid as your moronic monkey Messiah was, but you might as well hang it up; using BP's mealymouthed attempt to deflect blame for a problem entirely of its own making (including underreporting the scope of the disaster to Government officials) doesn't stand you in good stead, as far as your ability to honestly discuss something goes.

You need to decide, though; so far you've blamed the disaster on (1.) anyone who drives a car, and (2.) the President. Why don't you just swallow the whole stream your dope addict is pumping, and accuse the Coast Guard of blowing the rig up?

Anonymous said...

The editors at the New York Times are dope addicts?

This is BP's fault, but the Times point out how government oversight played a hand in this, not to mention the several day so of inaction.

Hugh Jee From Jersey said...

You can blame Bush/Cheney for relaxing safety standards for offshore drilling for eight years.

Or you can blame Louisiana for letting oil companies control their statehouse like a personal gentleman's club....and yes, they own Dems like Mary Landrieu as well as Republicans.

Or you can blame Barack Obama for his inability to magically drill the second well to relieve the pressure on the Deepwater Horizon, under a mere 5,000 feet of water with no backup contingency plan by BP (who claimed the chance of leakage was "impossible")....or by the President's seeming inability to lay his staff on the waters like Moses to calm the winds and seas to avert disaster...

(As I type this I'm listening to a one seems to know HOW to stop the leak. No one. Not BP, not Barack, not anybody named Bush, or even the oh so wise Sarah Palin)

Or we can start looking at ourselves....30 years ago we had the first of several gas crises. The American people sat in long gas lines and grumbled about it, paid more for gas, the gas supply would increase and prices stabilize...and America's citizens responded by buying bigger, less fuel efficient vehicles. And every five years or so the process repeated.

The American people, with their desire for cheap gas with no regard to the potential damage to the environment bare some of the guilt on this disaster. And if you remained silent over this issue....and I'm guilty of this....its time to recognize this is an American problem at all of its levels.

The canary in the coal mine died folks.

And now there is a chance that this spill could possibly extend to the Florida Keys and even to that state's Atlantic Coast.

Yep...I'm alternately very sad and very angry about this tragedy.

Anonymous said...

You make a lotta sense for a liberal, Hugh Jee! ;)

Natural gas is the cheapest, most efficient per unit measure energy source on the planet. Oil is a close second. It is abundant, so we use it.

Everything in life has costs and consequences.

We have a big government, but it can't keep crap like this from happening. Did BP buy politicians to get around certain regulations? Did some bureaucrat not do his job in reviewing their setup?

Lots of questions, no easy answers. Who wants to fly on a battery powered plane?

Sue said...

I'm proud of ya Hugh, and all you SMART liberals. Yes SF, liberals are smart, too bad the righties don't shut up long enough to listen. All they can do is try desperately to find a way to blame this on Obama.

Anonymous said...

Well, Sue, it's an unfortunate part of the game:

"You dumped crap on my guy, now I'm gonna dump crap on yours..."

But seriously, I hope the investigation finds what went wrong so the oil industry and our government can learn from it. We will be using petroleum for decades to come, and we can't be having environmental disasters like thing happening.

We're all human, and therefore fallible.

I am sincere about Hugh Jee. The man has his head screwed on straight.

Sue said...

you know whats a shame SF, Bush did things during his 8 yrs where he DESERVED everything he got. You guys have thrown shit on Obama since day one and accused, lied, and obstructed every single thing he has tried to do to fix the wrongs of the Bush reign. Its time to stop the immature thinking and work for America. If the whole country worked together in peace and harmony maybe we could accomplish something. This whole "you guys did it now we are doing it" is so stupid!

Sue said...

BTW, I wasn't blogging when Bush was president...

Anonymous said...

My "dumping crap" comment was not directed at you or anyone specifically; it was a general comment on the state of things, and I don't like it any more than you do.

George Bush entered office an illegitimate president in the eyes of probably 40% of the population thanks to the whole Florida debacle. (I voted for McCain in the Primary. Bush was inexperienced.)

We have political parties for a reason: We don't all think alike. Opposing those (even those in power) whose ideology you disagree with is a very American tradition.

Obama is a Democrat from the very corrupt Chicago, and he had no experience, so it was far from unreasonable for conservatives to oppose him.

For the record, here are two examples of what I was saying at my blog back in 2008 after he was elected:

It's not racism for black people to vote for Obama, and it's not racism for General Powell and Secretary Rice to applaud his election.

I also sincerely wished him well upon his election and chastised fellow conservatives for wishing him ill before he even assumed the office.

I was (naively I now see) wishing for a bipartisan, above-the-fray, Eisenhower type Obama who could tamp down the wild bomb throwers on both sides, be above it all and bring the country together.

Hopes and Dreams and Enlightenment

I provide the two links in my defense because I doubt you or any of your readers spend your spare time digging through my archives. ;)

Grung_e_Gene said...

What this disaster shows once again is that Business can not be counted on to work safely or responsibly and that conservatives will blame Obama for everything.

Anonymous said...

A rare point of agreement between Grung_e_Gene and Silverfiddle!

"Business can not be counted on to work safely or responsibly

I agree. Businesses are out for profit, they don't care about you or me. They bear watching.

Our Federal Government has done a terrible job setting and enforcing marketplace rules.

More regulation? Hah! How about smart regulations and government enforcers who actually enforce the law instead of surfing porn? (Google SEC and Porn)

Government needs to work smarter, not harder.

Frodo, telling the Gulf good-bye, said...

Frodo is back, and he wishes to add that the name of Halliburton has once again worked its way onto the world stage. Fitting it is that Dick Cheney's little ole company has oil on its fingers, and an ecological holocaust in he playbook.

Sue said...

Frodo I have missed you. You always speak the truth my friend. It is fitting isn't it, but instead of Cheneys name in the news blame game it's of course president Obama. An ecological holocaust indeed...

The Wolfman's Chronicles said...

Funny how this administration which is so eager for the government to be involved with everything and claims to be the only entity capable of solving our major problems suddenly excuses itself from any responsibility and places all the responsibility on a private company.
Accidents happen even horrific ones like this. There's no reason for Obama and his henchmen to continue to villianize BP unless they have an ulterior motive.BP is losing their shirt every second this thing spews oil,I'm sure they would use a snap remedy if they had it. Salazar saying he's going to keep a boot on their neck shows how these people pick the wrong people to get tough with, like tea partys, Arizona and law enforcement in general. A lot of people in this administration are giddy about Iran coming to the UN and being on the women's rights commission. They could have stopped both.
While I don't think it is really fair to blame a president for this stuff, as you and your liberal idiot cronies did it to Bush mercilessly. And in this case, the feds have responsibility from the start. No local authorities involved. So let's see the media pound away at Obama as you did Bush.
On another note; Isn’t it funny how you jerks on these Liberal/Progressive side can profile a "Tea Party" member, saying they are Timothy McVeigh wannabees and Racists Nazi's, but you can't profile an illegal alien because that would be wrong. So stupid lefty, which is it? Or like everything associated with the Liberals/Progressives, you have to tie yourself into a pretzel to make yourself seem logical.
Admit it, Obama is a big disappointment.

Sue said...

wolfman don't come to my blog and call me stupid. I don't need your stupid comments. NO, President Obama has not been a disappointment, not in the least, sorry to disappoint you...

Sue said...

and fuck you too wolfie.

FYI, he came back but this time was deleted....

Sue said...

I would also like to say, whenever there is a flood or some kind of natural disaster in Anytown, USA, it really isn't necessary for the president to get on TV and remark about it. That would be a 24/7 job. So there stupid wolfman...

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I love deluded right wing spammers. They make Sue say naughty words. I dig chicks that say naughty words.

Sue said...

and I dig TRUTH 101 :-)

It's your buddy from Hewlett NY, one of the malcontents1 Fucker...

Leslie Parsley said...

Lisa: I have a better place for you to go.

Sue said...

Leslie we clicked publish at the exact same time! I had to delete the moron, been doing it all day.....

Lisa said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Sue said...

stupid lisa you just proved you are a 10 yr old. Can you read? My comment to Truth says the troll is from Hewlett and is Malcontent!

Sue said...

Who's my stalker from Schaumburg, Illinois?? Please say HI for Godssake, you visit enough!