Friday, April 2, 2010

It's just a stupid religion..

Some might even call it a cult.
Don't yell at me, they're not my words.

The Simpson's talk about it, South Park does too, Why can't I?

I was demonized yesterday and again today with more hate filled comments that are going straight into the trash, to the dismay of some of my readers craving a bit of a circus atmosphere at the expense of my feelings.
I admit, I didn't know much about the religion, but today I learned some interesting facts about Mormonism. First I would like to ask you why it's OK to bash the Catholic Priests who have been in the news?  I'm not saying they don't deserve the bashing, but don't be a hypocrite when I say something you don't like about your chosen "religion".  I don't have to like your religion, and believe it or not, I don't have to respect Mormonism either.

Mormons are commanded to shun all non-believers. It is OK according to the Book of Mormon, to cheat, lie, steal from, scam and even kill non-believers, and they deserve it for being so.
Mormons must shun their family, friends, children and even spouses if they will not also be Mormons. Mormons should avoid doing business with non-Mormons or fraternizing with them at all, except to convert them or to take advantage of them for the greater good of the Mormon church.
People with dark skins are cursed by God. This must be why they hate President Obama and say he is not even an American citizen, ya think??The whiter you are, the more righteous you are.
All these things are in the Book of Mormon, and Mormons are commanded to believe them literally and to live by these commands in their daily life.

 I would never read the Book of Mormon, so if these things really are in there then let the BOOK speak for itself. If you feel you need to defend it, fine by me. It's your religion. But I'm entitled to my opinion on MY blog. If you don't agree, don't read.

To you conservatives who speak evil of me, that's fine. I'm over it, I'll sleep tonight.  I will not apologize
for my thoughts, you certainly don't apologize for the things you HATE on your blogs, now do you??

 It's only a religion, don't freak the hell out!

This is a comment from Silverfiddle, I thought he was a friend.....'On second thought, Sue, you're a bigot, pure and simple.'
This one made me sad, I'm not a bigot SF, not one single bit.

and this one from an anonymous...'Face it. You are bat-shit crazy. You know that right? Or maybe you're just crazy enough to think that your twisted way of thinking is normal. You are a foul mouthed, uneducated person who clearly is filled with self-loathing to the point that you can't like anyone else either'.
This one made me laugh, probably came from a self-righteous Mormon

This is from lisa, one of MANY!   'So by ignoring all of those comments you've received, you're admitting they're true. Because we all know you don't comment on anything that you can't defend. Instead you say to f-off.'
No lisa, not true. You see, I am not going to publish your comments, I don't feel like I need to argue Glenn Beck with a close-minded person. Go play in the street...

Sorry lisa and all you voyeurs, the rest of the comments are too mean to post, I have a headache from deleting them all.

The Book of Mormon agrees with Archie Bunker, who said: "It ain't supposed to make sense; it's faith. Faith is something that you believe that nobody in his right mind would believe." 32:18

Why are religious people so uptight about their religion? I believe in God, but if someone told me that was stupid and my beliefs were a cult, it wouldn't bother me in the least. Maybe because I'm not a self-righteous, pious, pompous horses ass about religion. Ponder that.
oh yes, it's been a blast....


Tao Dao Man said...


The truth shall set them free.

To each his, or her own. I always say.
Just leave me, and mine out of it.
A young man ONCE came to our house to pick up my daughter for a date.
We sat at the couch for a while and had a little chat. He informed me that he belonged to the Mormon church.
I proceeded to show him a few hand guns, and a shot gun that I own. I handed him a 357 hollow point bullet, and told him to put it in his pocket.
I informed him that if he got any crazy ideas about my daughter he should just put his hand in his pocket and start squeezing that bullet real hard.
Nothing else, just the bullet.

He excused himself, and immediately left.

Sue said...

thanks RZ! That's really all there is to say, Right? It's not my religion, I don't bash it, I just don't need to like it, etc etc. Now I'm just repeating myself...

Thanks friend!

Sue said...

at the end of the post I shoulda said, YEEEEEEE HAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!

Infidel753 said...

Joseph Smith, the founder of Mormonism, was a convicted con man. Before he got into the religion racket, he was convicted of scamming people by claiming he could find buried treasure by magic.

Some would say that, by founding his own religion, he simply hit upon a more successful con.

The Book of Mormon claims that there was an ancient advanced civilization in North America (acrchaeology has found no trace of any such thing) and that the American Indians are decsendants of the ancient Hebrews (modern genetics says this is nonsense).

It is not "bigoted" to point out that some beliefs are nonsensical or dangerous. Might as well call somebody a "bigot" for denouncing global-warming denialism.

Have you read Jon Krakauer's book Under the Banner of Heaven? It's mostly about the "fundamentalist" Mormons (polygamists) who are distinct from the mainstream Mormons, but there is a lot of history of mainstream Mormonism in it. He's scrupulously fair, but the reality comes through, nevertheless.

Lisa: by ignoring all of those comments you've received, you're admitting they're true.

An absurd claim. I sometimes reject comments on my own blog because I'm tired of spending time dealing with silly nonsense, especially if I've dealt with it before. It's a waste of time to write out an elaborate response to every stupid claim somebody makes.

Sue said...

thanks to you too my friend Infidel. I read alot about Joseph Smith but didn't want the post to turn out like a hatefest, so I left him out. But thanks for commenting about him.

Tao Dao Man said...

Just tell them to keep looking for a [flock of sea gulls].LOL
Xtians some times have a problem with me, because I believe more in a Gnostic Jesus. I believe that Jesus was a prophet just as Abraham, Moses, and Muhammad were prophets.
Some Jews have a problem with me when I tell them that I am a devout Anti-Zionist. Of course the ones that have a problem with that are Zionists themselves. LOL.

I always keep a pair of red satin slippers in my closet. Just in case the Pope comes a knockin. LOL

Jerry Critter said...

I think you can say that ALL religions are stupid. They really have nothing to do with the belief in a god. They are created by man and used by man to control man. They use god as a means of control, and as such, they are stupid.

Tao Dao Man said...

JC: AMEN ! ! ! LOL.

Sue said...


Jerry, very insightful. I'm not an organized religion person, it's all too commercial for me. Church goers believe you should congregate in "Gods House", they say the Bible tells them to. But I think it's more personal. Tithing is also a HUGE deal with churches and especially the Mormons. Google it. They have to pay for those Temples ya know!

Annette said...

Mormonism.. the definition of a cult.. You are exactly correct in your statement Sue.... They have always been and always will be... nothing more nothing less.

If you really look at it and read some of the things they believe and live by... they are nothing more than an extremist group looking for overthrowing everything that isn't Mormon...

Sue said...

Annette I read some "interesting" things about the Mormons. They might be "nice" people but they are being scammed just like a cult. The tithing alone is quite an interesting read! Ya know how churches keep getting bigger and bigger, temples keep popping up every where. Who do you think is paying for all this??

Leslie Parsley said...

Good post, Sue. The only bigotry I have is bigots. I detest them with a passion. The difference between them and me is that I won't shoot them.

I think the established Mormon Church is one thing. I also think the more modern Mormons have discarded much of the teachings, specifically racism. Of course there are those who hang on to the old ways.

It wasn't too many years ago that some friends were transferred to SLC. Monica called a landscape company to arrange to have some major yard rearranging done. When the contractor arrived he refused to take instructions from a woman and walked away. Other than that my friends had no problems and thought the people they met were quite nice.

On the other hand one of my religious right cousins, cried hysterically one night, "I didn't know they were 'Christian.'"

So, I guess what I'm trying to say is that there are good people on one end and extremist nuts on the other within any group.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

A religion founded by a dirty old man so he could have sex with many young girls.

Damn! I'm in the wrong church! Thanks for the tip Sue.

I'll tell you about the time I tried to get two Mormans to fight sometime if you're interested. Just without this damn comment moderation. Your enemies are deluded fools but look at the fun you're denying your friends by not letting us insult their ignorance.

Sue said...

yes Leslie, all religions have their extremists. I hope I did a good job leaving out the people who call themselves Mormon and just talked about the religion itself. I don't want to be accused of being a bigot again, :-)

Truth so far NO comments from the dark side. The last go round was so vile I dare not take down moderation. I promise to post some if I get them, if they are reasonable and debatable without being hateful.

JUDI M. said...

I get sooooo sick and tired of all these "religious" people telling me how I should live, when in fact, I would feel like an idiot acting the way they do! Love? Charity? Compassion? Understanding? NOT Bearing false witness? and the Mormons are the worst.

Yeah, everybody needs to be GLEN BECK.

Sue said...

so true Judi! Oh I forgot to talk about Mormom Moron G Beck! Thanks for reminding us. The Mormons LOVE HIM!! lol

Leslie Parsley said...

Judi - These extremists ((are)) idiots.

Remember that when Beck urged people not to go to church web sites that promote social justice the Mormon Church criticized him and said he didn't speak for the rest of the church. Just saying.

Holte Ender said...

Don't worry Sue, you're wearing magic underwear (like the Mormons do), but yours is called the truth.

Teeluck said...

Hell yea, religion on the whole is a farce, and people who are too lazy to find out the truth deserve to be fooled for their laziness, by the likes of Hannity, Rush and Beck. All religions, including Christianity in any form...are all cults which competed with each other for dominance 2000 years ago, in the third century one moron King thought he saw a cross while killing people in a war, and made the whole empire follow his deluded ways and adopt Christianity as it's official religion. It's all you go girl, you are right. In a few weeks when you read my book you will see my in depth research and analysis of this issue. Next time, ask them where the Flaming Chariot is parked...we haven't seen it since Biblical times...

Inifidel753 said...

Truth 101: A religion founded by a dirty old man so he could have sex with many young girls.

Which one are you talking about? Joseph Smith? David Koresh? Muhammad? The various modern FLDS cults? There are many that fit the bill. Something of a pattern, in fact.

Of course, nowadays, if you want to be religious and molest little kids, you don't need to start your own religion -- everybody knows there's a ready-made one available.

Sue, it looks like by saying what you really thought, you've encouraged a lot of other people who think the same to come out in the open with it. It's interesting how often that happens.

Jolly Roger said...

I had a fairly intense series of exchanges with someone studying for the Mormon priesthood because I posted something about the hypocrisy of Mormons and Catholics working together to deny gay American citizens their right to pursue happiness (and they are hypocrites, as anyone who has ever read what they have to say about each other knows.) What he did was try to split hairs basically on every piece of evidence I offered him. You know what I mean;
"well that's what it LOOKS like Smith said, but what he MEANT was..."

The one thing my Mormon detractor could not get around was me being a Lamanite. He also flat-out ignored my observation that my genetic background is Siberian/Mongolian, rather than Jewish, and that it had been borne out with blood tests. He finally quit talking to me.

Sue said...

such great comments everyone, thanks so much. I was really afraid to post this for fear of the name calling but I'm so glad I did. Infidel, it's funny isn't it, the first post even tho it wasn't my words, was about hate but it was about how the Mormons are the haters and nobody understood it. It was twisted and I was accused of being the hater.

I have not had a single conservative comment on this, not even lisa! I guess they can't argue the truth!

Teeluck I'll look for your book!

The CDM said...

Damn Sue, just what did that fat cow say/do to you? You know my thoughts on "organized religion", besides, religion and politics SHOULD NOT mix!

Again, isn't this blog anti-torture? I know you're pissed, but enough of the fat cow AND her...religion(?). Just feel good knowing that when she's dead the cow will be smoking a turd in hell.

By the way, what's with the different forms of "Christianity"? Seems like if Christianity by itself isn't good enough, they have to create a cult version so they can be themselves. Think about it.

I'm just sayin'...

Sue said...

C I really was insulted when I was called a bigot. I feel like if I dropped the whole thing before I cleared my name then they would think they "won" and they damaged me in blogland. No way in Hell was I gonna let those cows do that to me!

I feel good about this post, I can say what I want about cults in religion without bashing the people who believe in the cults. Thats their perogative if they want that kind of life.

The CDM said...

"I feel good about this post, I can say what I want about cults in religion without bashing the people who believe in the cults. Thats their perogative if they want that kind of life"

This brings up a good point. These people were children at some point and most of them were brainwashed as a child in to believing in the way that they do now. There are, however, people who "find" religion and brainwash themselves.

I'm totally against indoctrinating children with political/religious ideas at a young age. They should find it for themselves and preferrably a bit later on. My mother tried to raise me a southern baptist, but I'm cured now.

Sue said...

C if you like the fact you are cured then good for you! LOL!!

I think the people who have a belief in God or just something spiritual, without the cult-like atmosphere, makes for a more relaxed, less uptight person. Some make religion the center of their universe and become so defensive about the whole thing. They act like they are more superior. It doesn't matter what a liberal says about God and faith, conservatives don't believe in their hearts a lefty can be a "Christian" like them. I have had some on the right say that to me. They are very judgemental!

One Fly said...

I just saw this Sue. Do not repeat do not ever give an inch ever! Piss someone off tough shit. Awhile back the Mormonies came after me but I had slapped them real hard. No women but you can bet some of the comments came from "elders".

Sure glad I wasn't on that wagon train from Missouri years ago.

The CDM said...

The mass majority of the "baptists" I've known were hypocrites(they drank, were not of pure morals, had some harsh language and prejudices, etc). To be no longer affiliated with those is indeed a "cure".

The CDM said...

Speaking of wrong things, does anybody find this just fundamentally wrong?:

Sue said...

thanks onefly. I am not one to back down, I knew I had to post this for vindication. I was looking in my trash folder for the comment that said "they" were not destroying me, the damage was done by myself and I would bring myself and my blog down by my hatefulness. LOL!! This is why not one comment from them about this new post. Their hateful words won't hurt me like they want them to.

C, I know and am friends with a few christians who are very racist, and also have that superior attitude. I don't understand it at all.

Anonymous said...

A good post, Sue, and interesting comments. Jerry Critter summed it up succinctly, saying that religions have more to do with control over other people rather than faith, and as such they are not only stupid, but also oppressive.

As to the vile responses you've gotten -- you know what they say: If you're not criticized, you're not doing it right. ;)

It is telling that people who consider themselves deeply religious and God-fearing (one assumes) make an effort to stop at your place and publicly condemn you, using offensive language. I guess this is a testimony to their religious beliefs and practices.

Which only proves you were right in the first place.

Sue said...

E, I really appreciate your kind words. The comments have been great today haven't they?!

I think religion can be oppressive, especially if you let yourself be fanatical about it all. That's when the problems can occur and the self righteous attitudes rear their ugly heads.

jadedj said...

Contrary to what they will tell you, all religions are self-aggrandizing, based on medieval thinking and dogma, and are about control (JC also pointed this out). Regardless of the flavor, religion has done more harm than good, in the name of a deity. The very idea that man knows what God wants, is absurd. God save me from all religions...including Mormons.

As to the deleting comments, screw them. How does that validate their rantings? Seriously. As Infidel says, it becomes burdensome after a while to respond to the same stale points (I use the word points, loosely). I have nada problemo with deleting whatever I feel like deleting on my blog. It's my blog.

You go girl!

Anonymous said...

"All these things are in the Book of Mormon, and Mormons are commanded to believe them literally and to live by these commands in their daily life", but in the next paragraph you said you haven't read the Book of Mormon, so how do you know what's in it??

By the way, this post just makes me laugh, because you have no idea what we believe. You're trying to piss people off, and failing miserably. We aren't offended by you.

(BTW- the comments you said were from Lisa, were not. Try again.)

Anonymous said...

RZ - I'm a conservative, a Mormon, and I own a lot of guns and I wouldn't hesitate to do the exact same thing you did in your first comment about your daughter. In fact, it made me laugh.

Sue - "It's not my religion, I don't bash it, I just don't need to like it, etc" Then why are you bashing it?

Sue said...

I guess church is over cuz here come the comments!!

No Anon, I didn't read your book but I googled it and got the passage from it.
As for the comment from lisa, if you made it then why hide from it, show us who you are.

Sue said...

JJ thanks for coming by!!

anon #2,
"It's not my religion, I don't bash it, I just don't need to like it, etc" Then why are you bashing it?"

You are confused anon, I did not say anything about bashing your religion. I said 'I don't have to like your religion, and believe it or not I don't have to respect Mormonism either.' I wrote some Mormon commands, thats not bashing, just giving info to my fellow bloggers who might not have known what Mormons believe.

Tao Dao Man said...

That's a flock of sea gulls.

Tao Dao Man said...

Ever party with a Jack-Mormon of the opposite sex?

HEE HAW. Now they know how to party.

Sue said...

RZ I had to google jack mormon, funny!!

there's so much good info about mormons out there, I found this stuff while reading about jack mormons...

1) Mormons are absolutely anti-alcohol. They even refuse to eat anything that has been sauteed or flambeau in the nasty stuff, believing that one taste of “demon rum” leads to falling-down alcoholism, and they just “don’t want to go down that road.” However, Mormons run Utah’s government and make all laws for alcohol in the state, so however much they despise the stuff, they love the money that taxing alcohol brings into Utah’s coffers.

2) Which leads to the second most recognized trait of Utah Mormons: they love money. Next to the Church, they love money most of all. Anyone who’s ever done business with a Utah Mormon knows that “CYA” is the name of the game. Not only do Mormons have no compunction about screwing non-Mormons, they have been known to screw their own relatives for a buck. Utah is the “Scam Artist” capital of the world. Mormons prey on each other, using the Church (“The Prophet just bought into this program!”) as a way to take their fellow Mormons to the cleaners. And, they do it with a clear conscience! Utah is also the “Multilevel Marketing” capital of the world. Every Mormon in the state is an Amway distributor. It’s the only state in the U.S. where the “pyramid” scheme looks more like a Pentagram.

I could do 10 more posts about mormons and still not get it all out!

Jolly Roger said...

I'm totally against indoctrinating children with political/religious ideas at a young age. They should find it for themselves and preferrably a bit later on. My mother tried to raise me a southern baptist, but I'm cured now.

No child should be allowed to enter a church until they are legally old enough to drink. That is my take on it. Religion, IMHO, is probably worse than drinking is for teenagers-ESPECIALLY the fundie flavor.

Sue said...

Sue said...

JR welcome in, It's been a great day!

I'm getting visits from Hawaii, I wonder if thats the anon Mormons on vacation just checking in on me. I read from that link that Mormons are afraid of big bodies of water because they think the devil lives within, so maybe the Hawaii person isn't the Mormon.

Hello Hawaii, welcome!!

Anonymous said...

Here's what Mormons really believe, in case you would like to know the truth:

We believe in God, the Eternal Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost.

We believe that men will be punished for their own sins, and not for Adam's transgression.

We believe that through the Atonement of Christ, all mankind may be saved, by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the Gospel.

We believe that the first principles and ordinances of the Gospel are: first, Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ; second, Repentance; third, Baptism by immersion for the remission of sins; fourth, Laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost.

We believe that a man must be called of God, by prophecy, and by the laying on of hands by those who are in authority, to preach the Gospel and administer in the ordinances thereof.

We believe in the same organization that existed in the Primitive Church, namely, apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers, evangelists, and so forth.

We believe in the gift of tongues, prophecy, revelation, visions, healing, interpretation of tongues, and so forth.

We believe the Bible to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly; we also believe the Book of Mormon to be the word of God.

We believe all that God has revealed, all that He does now reveal, and we believe that He will yet reveal many great and important things pertaining to the Kingdom of God.

We claim the privilege of worshiping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience, and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where, or what they may.

We believe in being subject to kings, presidents, rulers, and magistrates, in obeying, honoring, and sustaining the law.

We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men; indeed, we may say that we follow the admonition of Paul—We believe all things, we hope all things, we have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things. If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things.

We believe that families are eternal. That the family you have in this life, will continue after death.

We don't believe in drinking or illegal drugs only because of the health problems and addictions they cause.

There is no truth to the other things you've posted. Just because you find something on the internet, doesn't make it true. Otherwise all those repugs blogs would be true, too.

- from a Mormon Democrat

Jolly Roger said...

And remember, Sue, that the Lamanite tale is still their official position on dark-skinned heathens like me, so I'm sure they aren't terribly surprised at what I have to say about them :)

If you want to get some real enlightenment, check out the offshoots-the RLDS and (especially) the FLDS of Warren Jeffs. Ex-Mormon is also an excellent source of true stories about the Church of Joseph Smith.

Leslie Parsley said...

CDM said, "The mass majority of the "baptists" I've known were hypocrites(they drank, were not of pure morals, had some harsh language and prejudices, etc)."

My southern Baptist cousins used to be Church of Christ. They switched because the Baptists were more liberal! They're even worse now than they were then.

jadedj said...

Sue, another factoid at this site. Scroll down to "religion". Not saying all Morons pursue this path, but...

susan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sue said...

Interesting bit of info JJ.

JR, I read alot about that, thanks for the links. But now we have a Mormon dem who is disputing my post and all the comments. Why be anonymous? I would have to say your list says the same things as a list coming from a Baptist, Methodist, Church of Christ, Catholics(?), Not sure about catholics, anyone know?

So anon dem Mormon, that really doesn't tell me whether or not Mormons are instructed to follow the commands I wrote about.

Sue said...

Susan I'm not mad at the religion OR the people of the religion. I just want the Mormons who laugh at me and attack me for being liberal to know they did not break my spirit. I'm sure their families and church members would frown upon them for the way they treat others, not of their faith, on the internet. But, maybe not, maybe that is their game. We could go on for months and could also include Catholics, and Christian extremists in our conversation,we won't though. I will say this vindication was sweet while it lasted.

Anonymous said...

I'm anonymous because I don't have a blog, or a Google account. Just hopping around the internet tonight.

Sorry, I thought my comment "There is no truth to the other things you've posted" was pretty self-explanatory. I didn't come here to argue with any of you, just wanted to tell you what we really believe. No offense or disrespect intended, I just wanted to dispel some of the rumors mentioned here by telling you our basic beliefs. Also, the FLDS is a completely different group, and have no affiliation with the Mormon church whatsoever.

Have a good night.

- the Mormon Democrat

Teeluck said...

Hmmm, mormon Dem sounds like a pretty nice person...anywhooo read this, I found it on Suzy-Q's blog...quite good stuff.


For heavens sake Anonymous, say what you mean and don't apologize for saying it.
These maggots say whatever they want too.
Get a backbone and just speak your mind.
Fuck what they think!

Jerry Critter said...

It is not the beliefs that are the problem. Beliefs, in themselves, do nothing. It is the behavior where the problems exist.

Sue said...

JMHO, yes it is MY blog and MY friends and I CAN say whatever we want here. You don't NEED to read if it offends you so much. Buh bye

Sue said...

Jerry it is the behavior and Teelucks link to Schaeffer spells it all out. Thanks Tee, what an article, amazing stuff!

Infidel753 said...

Ms. Onymous: Here's what Mormons really believe, in case you would like to know the truth:

Don't forget the stuff about God living on another planet and having multiple wives, the magic underwear, the ancient civilization with horses and chariots in North America, the American Indians being descended from the Hebrews, God being a former human who transformed into a god, and all the nasty stuff Joseph Smith said about black people.....

One Fly said...

Where I work over the years a few young Mormon males have entered the world of a modern day "Caddyshack".

It's interesting to watch and fair to say they grew as a person and will be better off for it.

Also fair to say they'll never be the same-ha ha!

susan said...

The fact that they worship Joe Smith and wear sacred underwear, pay 10% of their incomes for the privilege of eternal life all make them look very strange and odd...but at the bottom of this ant hill you will find a the same un-questioning rank and file mentality that could be likened to those of Jonestown or DAvid Koresh...cultish,clanish, secretive and paranoid...members are constantly reminded to stay true, their indoctination begins at birth. From cradle to grave, they blindly and wholeheartly follow the church leaders..the fact that it has survived into the 21st century is testament to the power of this kind of mind and crowd control.

Sue said...

then what you are saying Susan, it is very much cult-like. But not unlike most organized religion. We have a Baptist church in my neighborhood that I refer to as a cult. The members would be horrified if I ever said it outloud! My brother-in-law was ousted from his position as a youth group leader, a great one BTW, because he was twice married!! These things keep me FAR away from churches!

Sue said...

do they REALLY wear the magic underwear???? That is very telling of their mental state of mind if true.

Jolly Roger said...

Also, the FLDS is a completely different group, and have no affiliation with the Mormon church whatsoever.

Jolly Roger the Lamanite disputes this. In fact, I say the FLDS is much closer to what Joseph Smith envisioned than the "official" LDS church is. The same could be said for the RLDS, or "Community of Christ," as they are now known.

And I see no response to Infidel's 100% CORRECT list of points about the Mormon Church.

If this is what you believe, then be proud; don't try to paper it over or omit it. When you paper over/omit things, your motives become suspect.

susan said...

I don't think they would refer to them as "magic" underwear. They are very "sacred" and symbolize the promises they have made to Pay %10 of income to the church. In return for their devotion (and $$$), the church builds temples which provide a place in which only "underwear- wearers" can go. Same with heaven, only tithe-paying-underwear-wearers are allowed there's a pretty simple business model.

Sue said...

you are shedding some bright light on the Mormons Susan! The part about only certain people can get into heaven is quite shocking! Very interesting indeed...

Jolly Roger said...

there are different levels of heaven, and you have to work your way up through them. If you are a heathen of one of the "untrue" religions though, take heart! You can be converted after death, which will immediately transport you out of the flaming pits of Hell and land you down in Heaven Level 1.

Sue said...

Oh Good to know JR, thanks!! ;-)

susan said...

Sue I don't think they only "let" certain people in, It's more like a game with rules and anyone who wants to play by their rules will be promised everlasting life. Whatever??...for some people, I suppose this is what they are looking for in life...rules, punishment, guilt, authority and regiment... but it's not for me.

Anonymous said...

Socialism, Fascism, Marxism, Communism, Pro-Choice, all of these are leftist ideas. The problem I have with them is that these take away the idea that actions (or inactions) have consequences. When you have sex, they don't want you to take responsibility for the potential pregnancy, instead just let someone else take that problem away. Having the government run your life or parts of your life, your retirement, your healthcare, means that you don't have to plan, or even care how you live your life. Does anyone else see a problem with this line of thinking?

Teeluck said...

So we should not have Socialist programs like Police, Fire and Schools? What about Social Security?

Sue said...

not only that Tee, but what does this guy mean, he is calling intelligent American citizens slaves to their government? We can't think for ourselves, we can't plan for our retirements, we can't take responsibility for our pregnancies?? He must be talking about the uneducated stupid people on the right. That's what the rights leaders want from them, stupidity so they don't question their idiotic ideas about how our country should function. You have it all backwards Mr. Delaware. It's the rightwing in this country that's the problem and hopefully we won't see them in power for decades to come.

Sue said...

Scholars generally consider fascism to be on the far right of the conventional left-right political spectrum,

You need to google fascism, go to wikipedia and read about marxism, fascism, socialism etc, instead of listening to Beck the moron.

Jolly Roger said...

Socialism, Fascism, Marxism, Communism, Pro-Choice, all of these are leftist ideas.

No, you complete fucking moron, they are not. Fascism is as right wing as Pat Robertson-actually, Fascism is what Robertson believes in. Would you please quit repeating what Beck farts into your face and LEARN something?

Jolly Roger said...

Sorry Sue-should have read further down before I went off :)

Sue said...

LOL! That's fine JR, Do ya think it's lisa or someone just like her?? According to feed-jit it's coming from Delaware, I THINK. BUT sure sounds like lisa!

Jolly Roger said...

The comment is verbatim from a comment on another post in here. I think someone copied and pasted it, and "lisa" was also the first thing I thought too.

For the Klanservative Rushpubliscums, commenting is easy; they could ALL copy from one comment verbatim, and we'd never know (or, more accurately, not even think about it.)

KOOK said...

I am pretty much with you on this Sue. I do not begrudge someone believing in Mormonism and I know a lot of decent people who are mormons, but I also do not bash you for not believing in it or any other religion...AS LONG don't harm me with your or because of your beliefs

hence my general feelings toward radical islamics. But as long as what you believe isnt messing with me or mine...go right ahead.

as to it being a cult... most religions pretty much are or were at one time or another. Cult has abad connotation...but it is what it is. I would say Mormonism is on the fringe of the mainstream, are several others that are more on the fringe. I generally avoid discussions re: religion I just wanted to let you know that I basically agree with your general theme on this one.

Anonymous said...

the democrat party and its followers have become a religion/cult. They do what any extreme religion/cult does. If they disagree with any policy they are exonerated/shunned from the cult.

Sue said...

I appreciate you understanding what I was saying here Kook. I just wanted to vent and get some vindication for the way certain people were talking about me, thats all. I know a few mormons on the rightwing blogs and they have relentlessly baited me and made fun of me, I was fed up.

Unknown said...

In 1978, 14 years after the U.S. Government FINALLY made a real step towards racial equality with the Civil Rights Act, the Moron er uhm Mormon Church finally acquiesced to racial reconciliation by allowing blacks to participate in their priesthood (but for the life of me, I can’t imagine why any self-respecting black person would want to).

For years, literally, they’ve done everything they could to keep the color of the church wait, I can’t see the last word I typed. Oh that’s right, you can’t see white on white.

A Mormon Bishop once told me “if Mormons didn’t tithe, God wouldn’t answer their prayers.” NOTE! This is not an accurate statement. Nowhere does the Mormon doctrine state that, nor is it actual doctrine that Mormons disassociate themselves from no-believers, businesswise or socially, but I know for a fact that it’s common practice and it’s commonly supported in the Mormon community.

Oh, BTW. As in many other religions, women STILL cannot advance within the Mormon’s hierarchy and a woman’s place is “to support the man” (and that IS doctrine). But what the hell, at least they’re not required to wear burkas.

@ anonymous – quoting the “Articles of Faith” -- “We believe in God, the Eternal Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost” is half truth, where does the doctrine of your church teach bigotry????

From an unconverted Mormon missionary.

Have a great day Ms. Sue. See you in the Telestial Kingdom with the rest of the non-Mormons :-),_Terrestrial,_and_Telestial_Kingdoms#Telestial_Kingdom

KOOK said...

@ Sue- Thanks,
Like I said, I am not into bashing anyone's religion. not my thing; not my business, unless it messes with my life.

you speak a whole lot of truth. Not saying I agree with every statement, but you are right in many ways. Thing is, a lot of people do not really KNOW what their church doctrine really is. They go there for their own sense of belonging and they like the people. That is sort of the same problem with political ideologies. A lot of times people just assume they understand what the parties are for and against without really studying. As long as you understand what you are for, and are open about it, fine. Just understand what your ideology is about.

Judith said...

liberalism is a sin, read

Jerry Critter said...

Liberal is a sin??? Well, I guess that makes Jesus a sinner because he was certainly a liberal.

Sue said...

oh Judith that is hilarious!! Jerry the religious right doesn't even know Jesus was a liberal, shows how smart and informed they are. They want to change EVERYTHING in this country to support their fanatical way of thinking, school books, Constitution, and even the Bible. Hideous bunch aren't they?!

common sense said...

That 10% we pay is voluntary and helps to feed the needy around the world and it doesn't matter what religion or non-religion you are.

Did you know that whenever there is a natural disaster, the LDS church is usually the first to help? Their welfare system is the best in the world. They even developed a product for the starving people in Ethiopia which can be easily digested and has helped prevent starvation in many.

You can find fault with anything ir you look hard enough. You can find fault with anyONE if you look hard enough.

common sense said...

Also, hating an entire religion and it's people, all because of one or two conservative bloggers who happen to be Mormon, is a little silly isn't it? Why do you even care what they think?

Sue said...

DUH, if you read my post you would see I never say I hate Mormons. I'm just doing my part to expose them for the cult that they are. I pity the people who get taken advantage of by ANY church. They fuckin LIE about the salvation of their people saying it's based on how they tithe or if they have magic underwear. Thats SICK!!

Jerry Critter said...

Even mass murders do some nice things. How many times have you heard, "But he was such a nice young man. We never suspected..."

Sue said...

LOL, I like it Jerry!