Saturday, June 26, 2010

god Reagan said what?? Listen carefully conservative Obama haters.....

and don't say awwww shucks, we don't hate the man we hate his policies! Well, did you hate the Reagan policies??  Of course you didn't!

Thank you Rachel Maddow for highlighting President Obama's first 18 months. The media does NOT talk about these accomplishments enough, all they want to talk about is the negative and that's why liberals like myself get anxious, and impatient, and annoyed by the slow pace of things. We need to remember the past and why we elected Barack Obama. We have a capable man who is giving his damnedest so we can have a better future. The man is not perfect, no man is, but he is our president and we should respect that and stand behind him in good times and bad.  Look at the alternative! Republicans have promised Americans they will repeal everything Obama has done thus far, is that the direction we want to go, backwards?? They have told the voters they will sit on their hands and work hard to destroy the president, but what they are doing is not destroying Obama they are destroying the lives of you and me, can't the righties see that?? NO, because Glenn Beck talks to them about the Constitution and the Founding Fathers, so the sheep follow the lies and the hate and the fear. They want to go back to the comfort of the cowboy rule. They would rather have a warmonger cowboy in the White House then a black democrat. Sad and pathetic....

.Don't give up democrats, NEVER forget what this country was like under republican reign. Fight like hell to move forward, don't believe the lies. Keep reminding your fellow bloggers why the country put a democrat in the White House and why we must keep him there....


Jerry Critter said...

"Look at the alternative!"

That's right! Look at the alternative. The alternative is McCain and Palin. President McCain and Vice President Palin. God help us it that was actually the case.

I would love to see the argument that we would be better off, us, the common Americans, if McCain/Palin had been elected. What would they have done differently that would make things better for all Americans that Obama has refused to do?

Shaw Kenawe said...


I put this up over at my blog before I saw it here.

Mr. Obama has done an amazing amount of work in the short time he's been in office.

I'm going to cross-link to your post.

Lisa G. said...

When Rachael lists it all out like that, it is an impressive list. We liberals are an impatient lot of little kids.

Sue said...

Jerry we tried it their way for much too long, the country was ready for a democrat and we elected a good one but the way we are acting in this country is obscene. And I'm guilty of being one of the impatient ones, look at my post of Ed Schultz. I want an in your face president instead of being grateful for a man who is intelligent, thoughtful in his approach, patient, and wise beyond his years. We do have a great president and we better stop acting like a bunch of cry babies! Our only punishment for acting this way will be a flip in 2012 and we will be SORRY!!

Sue said...

Shaw we all need to post this video, we aren't hearing enough good things from this administration. One comment at Immoral Minority said Obama needs to toot his own horn more often. If he doesn't then we, his people, need to do it and LOUDLY!! The right is doing a much better job of scaring the country into believing Obama is the worst president in our history. They know that's not true, they have to say that to retain power it's the only way they know how. Surely they can't use the previous presidents as proof of their knowledge to govern!

Sue said...

We are Lisa and we should be ashamed. Can you imagine the frustration the president is feeling? He's doing an immense amount of work, one by one he is enacting the policies we asked for, but in a pace that is too slow for us. My one complaint if I may, these big bills like healthcare reform, finance reform, jobs bill,etc.. are all being watered down so some rethugs will vote with the dems, BUT THEY STILL WON'T, so why are the dems so stupid???!!! This Congress is the reason we are so impatient with Obama, they need to be replaced by people who will get the job done for America! Lets start with that damn filibuster rule!!!

Anonymous said...

Reagan did the best he could within the system. This litany says much about the framework within which all politicians (even conservatives) must work.

Progressivism has triumphed! The government we have today is a legacy of Woodrow Wilson and FDR. Damn the constitution! Full speed ahead!

Progressive America is where the New York mayor can regulate salt intake and sugared drinks.

In three years you will only be able to use those spiral enviro-friendly bulbs in your house (you know, the ones that require a hazmat cleanup if they break?)

And we owe China and other countries that hate us trillions.

Reagan also brought down communism and resurrected our moribund economy. Bill Clinton was wise enough to continue Reaganomics, and we saw unprecedented job growth.

We'll see how Obama's record stacks up in a few years. No use arguing over it now, too early...

Sue said...

It's time for you to face the music silverspooninyourmouth, read the TPM link I posted above the story and see what the thugs are doing RIGHT NOW to your beloved country, why don't you rant and rave about their evilness to steal back the power! Pure unadulterated evil I say.....

TomCat said...

Great minds, indeed, Sue. As you know I used it in an editorial this morning. Different words, but samp principle.

Anonymous said...

The TPM rant failed to explain how giving money to state governments would foster economic growth...

And you can cut the silver spoon bullshit. I grew up in a working class family. My dad worked in a factory, his parents were tenant farmers. My mom and her family came over from eastern europe with nothing.

I couldn't get a factory job after high school because unemployment was so high and we couldn't afford college, so I went into the military as an enlisted man and retired as an enlisted man.

So kindly shovel the silver spoon bullshit in the right direction, like the Kennedys, Bloombergs and Feinsteins, etc...

If there is any belief we may share, it is that rich special interests have way too much influence in our government, and it is destructive.

However, anyone naive enough to believe this is confined to one party or ideology deserves the crony capitalist government they get.

Shaw Kenawe said...

"So kindly shovel the silver spoon bullshit in the right direction, like the Kennedys, Bloombergs and Feinsteins, etc..."

Bloomberg was not born into a wealthy silverspoon family. He earned his wealth, and Feinstein's father was a surgeon, but her grandparents were Russian and Polish immigrants, and hardly of the silverspoon pedigree.

Now if we want to talk privileged silverspoon dynasties, we can talk about the Bush family...

TOM said...

All a person has to do is look at the facts and results of Republican leadership, but I guess too many Americans just hear the talking points and believe (without checking) whatever is said. Sad.

Sue said...

I have just a minute to pop in, I'll be back on tonight. I want to say to SF, The silverspooninthemouth is just a fun little game I'm playing with myself and your name changes, nothing more. I have to crack myself up every now and then or I'll go bonkers... It's all in fun SF

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

How would stopping government spending on roads, bridges and highways resulting in the mass layoff of construction workers. Stopping education funding resulting in the mass layoff of teachers, help the economy Silverfish?

Why do you righties hate America so much that you want it's backbone, it's middle class working families, destroyed?

You are no American or God loving Christian Silverfish. You're a big smelly butt intent on helping Cheney and company turn America into a feudal society.

Anonymous said...

Troof: Smelly butt??? I haven't heard that one since grade school.

Of course we need to keep up our infrastructure. But when you're funding current operations on borrowed money, something's gotta give. We're not even having that discussion in this country.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

And within your reply lies the ultimate republican hypocrisy. You claim tyo be against government but you want the goodies that we get from it.

The answer is simply to ask America to pay for what it's government does. Not put a right wing choke hold on it through borrowing our Nation to third world status. That is Reagan's legacy.

Silverfiddle said...

You're almost there, Troof.

Your error is placing it all on Reagan's shoulders.

We must pay for what our government provides, we agree on that.

Where we disagree is that I believe if government confined itself to its constitutionally enumerated duties it would spend much less money.

Sue said...

that's the difference between the right and left, we want to pay our taxes so we can enjoy the things our government provides like roads, bridges and schools. The right wants no taxes and no government, they want public schools to close too. Maybe they want dirt roads and horse and buggys to come back in fashion. They truly are a backwards party!

Sue said...

AND we disagree on the things we think government should spend taxpayer money on. It's never gonna happen SF, from either party...

That's why we get out of bed every morning, go to work(if we're lucky enough to have a job!) so our family has food and shelter, and not stress out about TAXES like the righties do! We will always pay taxes, you guys need to get over it.

BTW, as always, end the wars so our nation can prosper again.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Last I saw the Congress had the power to enact legislation promoting the general welfare of the people Silverfish.

Sue said...

Truth! LMAO, you said silverfish! It just sounds right doesn't it?? Ya know those wiggly little bugs you find in the bathroom sink.. or on the wool sweater..

Anonymous said...

That's why we get out of bed every morning, go to work(if we're lucky enough to have a job!) so our family has food and shelter, and not stress out about TAXES like the righties do! We will always pay taxes, you guys need to get over it.


Jerry Critter said...

See Anon. That's the problem. You just don't give a shit! That's the difference between the left and the right. We give a shit. You don't, but say you do.

Silverfiddle said...

"Last I saw the Congress had the power to enact legislation promoting the general welfare of the people Silverfish."

Congratulations, you've just summed up progressivism: The constitution means whatever those in power say it means, to hell with original intent as contained in the writings of people who wrote the constitution.

Anonymous said...

"Charity is no part of the legislative duty of the government."
--James Madison

"If Congress can do whatever in their discretion can be done by money, and will promote the General Welfare, the Government is no longer a limited one, possessing enumerated powers, but an indefinite one...."
-- James Madison, letter to Edmund Pendleton, January 21, 1792

"I cannot find any authority in the Constitution for public charity. [To approve the measure] would be contrary to the letter and spirit of the Constitution and subversive to the whole theory upon which the Union of these States is founded."
-- President Franklin Pierce's 1854 veto of a measure to help the mentally ill.

"Congress has not unlimited powers to provide for the general welfare, but only those specifically enumerated."
--Thomas Jefferson, Letter to Albert Gallatin, 1817

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

There was more than one view by our Founding Fathers.

Thomas Jefferson supported taxing the wealthier more. Alexander Hamilton supported a strong federal government and national bank.

You can try and cherry pick snippets from what the Founding Fathers said Silverfish and anonymous guy, but that only shows your hatred of the poor at the urging of the Cheneys and other masters of the republican party.

Better check your email Silverfish. I think there's something in your inbox telling you how to respond from either the NRA or some other right wing propaganda tank.

Anonymous said...

Certainly Mr. Truth. But the quotes blow a huge hole in your general welfare theory.

TOM said...

We have built many values and traditions since the days of the founding fathers. That does not make them any less an American value, or tradition.
Given the religious nature of the American people; charity has always been important, and the majority that feel charity is important have seen to it, that it became part of our laws just as other religious motivated opinions have become law.