Sunday, June 20, 2010

Shelby calls for Haywards resignation...

I'm not saying a word about Hayward on his yacht because you righties are prepared to slam Obama for playing golf now aren't ya?? Someone needs new PR...

Shelby also called Rep. Joe Barton’s (R-TX) assertion that BP was owed an apology “dumb.” He also invited Barton and Rand Paul — who defended Barton — to come down to the Gulf and “see what’s happening.”

Is Shelby calling Barton's apology to BP dumb, or is he saying Barton was dumb for apologizing?

Furthermore, while conservatives have begun attacking the Obama administration for being too tough on big business as a result of the pressure on BP, Shelby pushed back and echoed progressive calls for strengthening regulators:

SHELBY: We need hands-on regulation in this area. Maybe we’ve learned some things — that we can’t take shortcuts. … A lot of it is common sense — and not let the industry run way ahead of the regulators. The regulators have got to be on top of the industry, not the industry on top of the regulators.

Are the GOP'ers getting nervous? There has been a ton of anger down there in the Gulf region. Are they backtracking now because an election month is looming? We'll soon see how dedicated these Gopers are when it comes time to vote on new regulations!
Think Progress has some great commenter's, here's a few I agree with:
Marie says:
Some repugs have seen the writing on the wall insofar as their defense of BP — even Haley Barbour said today that he “misunderstood” how the $20B in escrow was going to be dealt, and now that he knows, he thinks Obama was smart to do it.
Yeah, right — the only thing these guys are trying to change is that their sympathy and defense for BP is NOT shared by their constituents. They can collect $$$ from the industry, but if they still can’t get enough votes to be reelected, they have trouble.
Barton, Paul and others who have come to the aid and comfort of BP and the industry are on the wrong side of this.

New England Indy says:
The Joe Barton episode has sure put the fear in the repugs. I guess they know now that protecting corporations at all cost is too costly. This whole “shakedown” meme was agreed upon by repugs before Barton said it. Imagine having a platform that you cant make public for fear that it will look bad.

Marie says:
Rahm Emanual said today: Obama will make clear to voters the fundamental differences in how each party would govern, focusing on energy policy, Wall Street reform and economic recovery.
Republicans will side with big business, big banks, and big oil — Dems will side with people and our future.


JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

First of all, republicans will say whatever they think voters want to hear. Voters are piised at that idiot corporate whore Barton. When republicans like Shelby figured this out they joined in the chorus against him.

They now call for proper regulation even though anyone with sense knows these lying bastards don't mean it.

As for Rahm's statement, bout time.

One Fly said...

Truth beat me. Hypocrisy level of the right is in the stratosphere maybe higher.

Shaw Kenawe said...

"Rahm Emanual said today: Obama will make clear to voters the fundamental differences in how each party would govern, focusing on energy policy, Wall Street reform and economic recovery.
Republicans will side with big business, big banks, and big oil — Dems will side with people and our future."

Republicans "will" side with big business, big banks, and big oil?

Will? They always have.

Sue said...

they absolutely will Truth. And they have had alot of GOPers putting their foot in their mouths recently. I forget who was on TV and said democrats are really getting their act together and gearing up for November. FINALLY!! I think rethugs are gonna be sorely disappointed in their crumbling party chances this fall.

Onefly that's true. They have no other choice but to distance themselves from their wacky fringe. What little support they have they must keep or die, So they are bringing out the big guns. McConnell was on today too trying to distance himself from Barton. Too late if ya ask me!

Shaw he could have said "As Always, rethugs will be siding with....Big oil, etc...

Frodo, selling condoms in Alabama, said...

Gadfry! Frodo is most apolgetic that he has allowed so much worthwhile comment to pass without comment from the Hobbit. Shelby, who was once sane (he switched parties in order to accept oil company donations), meets the true definition of a father on this date (how else does one explain the term 'mother fucker'?).

Sue said...

Frodo, LMAO!! Shelby was once sane? He's pretending to be again, but we know the truth!

nonnie9999 said...

actions speak louder than words. shelby voted to cap liability for offshore drilling companies at $75 million. he voted no on reducing oil usage by 40% by 2025. he voted yes on chimpy and deadeye dick's energy policy. he voted yes on defunding renewable and solar energy.

richard shelby is an asshole.

TomCat said...

Barton was only echoing the GOP study commission in which the GOP leadership came to the same conclusion. Since even Dems who know Barton said that the statement is out of character for him to make, I think he was following orders to present the GOP party line as a deniable trial balloon. Due to the vehement reaction against it, they did deny it.

Sue said...

thanks nonnie, he absolutely is!

TC, just like the second comment from TP said...

This whole “shakedown” meme was agreed upon by repugs before Barton said it. Imagine having a platform that you cant make public for fear that it will look bad.

Isn't that the truth?? Their platform ideas need public scrutiny before they can call them viable and agreeable by the people! They are so lame!!

Leslie Parsley said...

Sorry I haven't been by but I've been up to my ears.

Shelby is an interesting study. I don't think he's stupid but he's definately the consumate politician out for graft.

I think Frodo and nonnie pretty well called it.

Sue said...

hey Leslie, are ya working on something good?

Leslie Parsley said...

I put up something yesterday comparing Obama's speech to Lincoln, FDR and JFK. A lot of fun research with very interesting results. It's in response to our critical Democratic friends. : )

Have you tried working on reformatting? It really isn't hard. If I can do it . . .