Wednesday, June 23, 2010

McChrystal is out, Petraeus is in...

President Obama has relieved Gen. Stanley McChrystal of his duties as the top U.S. military commander in Afghanistan, after McChrystal was quoted criticizing top White House officials in a Rolling Stone article, according to a White House official.

President Obama named Gen. David Petraeus to succeed McChrystal as top war commander in Afghanistan.

Will this be a first for the rightwing bloggers to say a positive word about President Obama?? We'll soon see....

Think Progress says...Conservatives are likely to cheer Obama’s decision. Yesterday, The Weekly Standard’s Bill Kristol advised Obama to “ask Gen. David Petraeus to give up his CENTCOM post and take command of the war in Afghanistan.”

But the asshole commenters at say this...

"I just got finished reading the highlights of General McChrystal's career. This man is an American Patriot of the highest order. Since 1976, he has served with distinction and honor. The audacity that an incompetent, America hating loser of a president can terminate him makes my skin crawl. Barack Obama has no clue of how to prosecute a war, nor how to govern a country. America is in great peril as a result of the November, 2008 presidential election."

"How does an illegal alien get to fire a General?"

And I will end with this noble comment from one sick M F'er ....

"It is time for the military to remember to what their first allegiance is to; The Constitution of the United States and not to the President or Vice President. It is time for the military to take matters into their own hands and remove the traitors that occupy the White House, The Blair house, the Halls of Congress, and the Supreme Court of the United States; and Return the Nation to the Federalist Republic that the Founding Fathers created and intended our nation to be. Anyone who promotes SOCIALISM, as a choice for America, is an enemy of the States and Citizens of the United States and needs to be dealt with charges of High Treason and upon conviction executed as appropriate.
May God restore the mightiness of the United States, with His grace!
Pro Deo Et Patria!

These are Americas Fox Patriots!!


Annette said...

Well we know they aren't really patriots.. just saying we support the troops is not enough.. Your actions speak much louder than words.. and that's all they have words. Put a flag on it and call it patriotism... That's the righties idea of supporting the troops.

This was something the President had to do.. to do anything else would be to allow the military to rule.. and no one wants that. At least Petraeus has respect for the President and has stated as much several times. McChrystal never did. He showed his disdain for the president last year when he talked to the last reporters.

I am proud of the CiC for making this move.. It shows he has respect for the military.. McChrystal had no respect for anyone other than himself.

Jerry Critter said...

Your last quote is from one dumb MFer. He/she is advocating the military takeover of the US. That's crazy talk.

TOM said...

Seems the General did not want his position. He knew well, this could get him fired. Maybe he was afraid to take the blame for a failed Afghanistan military outcome. He should have been let go last year when he shot his moth off to reporters.
To many years of RA RA for the military gives them an unconstitutional importance of themselves.
Bush always said he would make military decisions based on what his generals said, instead he fired them. But, of course, the right is blasting Obama for this termination.Typical hypocrites!

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

McChrystal has everything to gain in the mold of Sarah Palin. But as Tom said, he got himself fired instead of quitting.

His meal ticket of FOX News pundisizing and bashing Obama is written. He will double what sarah Palin made in the next six months. Righties hate paying taxes but they will pay any amount to hear bullshit they want to hear.

Jolly Roger said...

What I am extremely disappointed in is the vow to continue on the Soviet path. Mark my words, this is going to end for us the exact same way it ended for them. Our time to change course has run out.

jadedj said...

I guarantee you that last commenter has never been in the military, never been to war, and is an armchair general. Totally full of bullshit. And for his/her information, yes the military IS beholden to the CIC, the authority of the constitution.

The firing needed to be done. The military tail cannot be wagging the executive dog, otherwise we would have juntas galore. Unfortunately, we will continue in Petraeus, the folly of a failed policy in Afghanistan.

This firing does not make me optimistic in any way.

Sue said...

President Obama did the right thing. As for Petraeus and the continuing war, No I'm not happy. Righties should be thrilled to see the war continue, but they wanted a general who disrespected our president to stay on. What McChrystal said in Rolling Stone about the CIC gave the wingnuts PLEASURE, and still they call themselves patriots!

mommapolitico said...

Annette is correct. The RWNJs will never be satisfied, and will always find fault. Last time I checked, if an enlisted person makes a crack about a commanding officer, he can expect a good, swift kick in the ass. So I don't see why a crucial military leader, who answers to the Commander-in-Chief (an arrangement that seems to have worked out for 200+ years, no juntas in place) and makes undermining comments should expect any different. In fact, he's in a leadership role, so he ought to expect some serious blowback.

Petraeus seems palatable to both sides. Will we ever get out? Hoping the draw-down will happen, but we'll see.

Great post, Sue, as always, Girl!

nonnie9999 said...

the imbecile who wrote that last quote obviously has never read the constitution, especially this:

Section 2 - Civilian Power Over Military, Cabinet, Pardon Power, Appointments

we don't have military takeovers in this country.

Sue said...

MP and nonnie thanks for coming by, always love having you, ALL of you as a matter of fact and a warm welcome back to Tom too!!

I don't know what to think about these wars anymore, whether the time-line will stay in place. This is the ONE complaint I have about this administration but I do try and think positive and try hard to trust the president when he says troops will not be over there forever...

nonnie the rightwingers claim to be constitutional scholars but they don't have a friggin clue...

Pamela Zydel said...

Sue: I’m no military expert but I can’t imagine that a General saying derogatory things about the CIC, even in private to his troops, would be a good thing. Dissention in the troops is bad, especially during war. If McChrystal was unhappy or didn’t think he could handle the war or felt it was un-winnable, then he should’ve resigned. WHO talks to Rolling Stone magazine anyway? Or am I just out of the loop?

Lisa G. said...

Obama was right to replace McCrystal - he would just encourage that behavior among his troops and then the whole thing would go to hell. Petraeus though says he's pushing back the timeline for withdrawal past July 2011 to.....some unknown date. That does not make me happy at all. Call it a draw and get the fluck out.

Sue said...

welcome back Pam! I said the same thing about Rolling Stone and why in the world did McChrystal blab like that? It does seem like he did it on purpose to get fired. I don't know if we'll ever get the facts tho. Pam I do have to tell you again, you amaze me with your restraint coming to a right bashing blog like mine and commenting with grace! You are great!

LisaG I wish the president read our little blogs and took our advice on ending the wars, we do know what's best don't we!:-)
Thanks for coming by!

Shaw Kenawe said...


Where've you been? Great to see you here.

And yes, Sue, she's very classy. One of those rare people who can disagree without being disagreeable.

I don't think we will prevail in Afghanistan. No one has. Mr. Obama listened to McChrystal, gave him the troop surge, and nothing is going well.

It's a lose-lose situation.

Sue said...

Shaw I think I ruined my chances of being called classy a looooong time ago LOLOL!, it would be nice tho LMAO! No smart remarks needed from the peanut gallery either!

This war is a lose lose, the righties would massacre Obama if he pulled out now but I see it as being smart enough to know when to say ENOUGH!

All commentary on TV has been very positive on Pres. Obama bringing in Petraeus.

Grung_e_Gene said...

Punkass Bitch conservatives will attack General Petraeus for not refusing orders from 'President' Obama...

Jerry Critter said...

We won the Afgan war long ago just like we won the Iraq war long ago. It is a crime that we are still in both places which proves the reasons given for going there in the first place were not the real reasons at all.

Sue said...

Do us "common folk" know anything about the inner workings of our government? Nope, but you can betcha it's more corrupt then you would ever dream it to be. And that's not a right or left perception, that's an American perception. Sad isn't it?

TomCat said...

McChrystal had been to the woodshed on three previous occasions. The UJMJ defines disrespectful statements as a court martial offence. To preserve the chain of command and protect civilian control, Obama was right to oust McChrystal, the Teabagger of the General set.